Monday 31 August 2009

What a timely reflection

I made a conscious effort not to touch on anything about this country during our “merdeka” day, because it will not sound good. Having noticed that most bloggers took a break from their respective usual blogging focus and penned their thoughts about the country, I felt I should do the same.

The mainstream media is at their usual best today, showering us with pictures that supposedly amplify harmony and bombarding us with the usual no-action-talk-only headlines. But the missed out on a very interesting piece of news…

For those residing overseas, do you now that merdeka parade started much earlier this year. A group of residents from Section 23, Shah Alam performed a
pre-merdeka parade last Friday. The story is that after performing their Friday prayers, these residents marched to the Selangor State Secretariat Building with a severed cow’s head.

They were
protesting against the relocation of a Hindu temple to their area. No one was arrested. But can you imagine what would happen if the Hindus protest against the building of a mosque?

And… protesting against the Hindu temple with a cow’s head! We all know what cow resembles to the Hindus. How long has it been since 2 supposedly investigative journalist performed espionage in a church and spit out the bread after Holy Communion? Tolerance? Racial harmony?

Next… the county was introduced to RON95 petrol last week. The usual RON97 is only available at selected stations. While some other countries are moving from RON97 to RON99, we moved from RON97 to RON95. What better way to reflect “progress” of this country during this merdeka week.

And, we moved from RON97 to RON95 because --- 1) the govt can no longer afford to subsidise RON97 --- 2) Most rakyat cannot afford to pay for RON97. Increase in income-per-capita? What better way to reflect “economic development” of this country during this merdeka week.

Coincidentally, merdeka period falls within the month where roadblocks tend to happen rather frequently. I happened to go past 2 over the weekend. There they were, the law enforcers doing their usual stuff at roadblocks. What better way to reflect “law enforcement” of this country during merdeka week.

Religious tolerance, racial harmony, progress, economic development, law enforcement… all timely and perfectly reflected in a week where we are supposed to celebrate our “achievements”.

I can go on forever, and I believe you could to. It is also unfortunate that I honestly think, hope for a better country is diminishing at a alarming rate. Some overly positive people will say… “Hey, don’t just complain, offer some solutions”. These people are, like I said, overly positive.

Providing solutions will not work in this country. If solutions and recommendations and all the “should-have-been-done” are indeed carried out, I wont be sitting here writing this. And you won’t be sitting there nodding to everything I just wrote.

1 year ago…
The game

2 years ago… Afraidology

Thursday 27 August 2009

I was spotted

Someone sent me a mail, telling me that she thought she saw me crossing the road at this particular cross junction. After verifying the time, location and my clothing on that day, I confirmed with her that it was indeed me whom she saw.

Of course, she then commented on how I look and relayed to me that particular moment…

She said that she was in a car with her boyfriend and told her boyfriend that she thought she saw me. Naturally, her boyfriend asked how can she be sure since she has never met me before. And her reply to him was…

“…normally guys look exactly like they are from their blogs… not like girls… haha…”

Hmmm… I wonder how many girls give a “haha” reply to that comment…

Have a lovely long weekend ahead…

2 years ago…
Imminent extinction

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Saying “No” to a rock

Following my post on “How big is your rock?”, many has expressed his or her opinion regarding this particular rock issue. I particularly enjoyed a couple of the comments there where they were absolutely hilarious.

Coming back to protracted discussion, I have only heard of one instance where a girl has actually said “No” when a guy presented her with the rock. That is the famous Jen in the
“He asked 5 times” post where she rejected Ben’s proposal not once, but 5 times. But of course, the reason for her rejection has got nothing to do with the rock itself.

And that was it, the only time I heard about a girl giving a “No” to the guy when he went down on his knees and proposed to the girl with a sparkling diamond professionally set on a carefully refined ring. Besides that, I have never heard of any proposal rejection. Have you?

And here lies a painful reality, one that has been taking place after that wonderful “Yes!”.

I personally know of 4 instances within my close circle of friends where the girl, having struck with the euphoria of being presented with that wonderful rock, said “Yes!”… and when the high is over, decided otherwise. Of course, this change of mind happened before the actual marriage. Anyone heard of such stories?

In all of those instances, not a single one of them bears similarity with
Jen’s scenario, where she just thought that the timing was not right. In all of those instances, the girl just happened to come into realisation that the guy was not right. More of often that not, the couple has already been in a relationship for some time.

I will never know how it feels to have a guy whom you love (or you thought you love) going down on his knees and propose to me with a beautiful big rock, and I don’t think I ever want to know how it feels. I only know how it feels to be so nervous going down on my knees to present the rock. And hence, I do not know what goes in the mind of a girl when a so-called romantic proposal takes place.

But the question remains, can a girl fully engrossed in the high of the moment capable of saying “No” to the rock?

I know some are thinking that there will always be hint from the guy or the girls already hinted she wants to get married or perhaps the proposal is a planned one. But what if it was really a surprise? What if your boyfriend turns out at your doorstep right now with 100 bouquets of roses and a 1 carat ring and proposes… right now… are you going to say “No?”

History seems to suggest that the probability of a rejection is relatively low.

But that does not change the fact that there is a growing trend out there where a girl said “Yes” to the rock and “No” to the cock… I mean “No” to the man. And this can result in a lost of grieve, for both the girl the guy which can be a whole post altogether.

But for now, should a girl learn to say “No”, will a girl say it? I don’t know… you tell me…

2 years ago…
FaultologyOne night on a wrong stand

Friday 21 August 2009

Health, H1N1 and 15Malaysia

Health front…

Many thanks for all your well wishes. Kidney check up went well. The readings have actually improved, though still considered abnormal. Well, just have to keep it that way for now. Continue to maintain a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are the instructions from the nephrologist.

H1N1 front…

Finally (because I believe it’s just a matter of time), the company I work in recorded the first H1N1 case yesterday. As expected, the first instruction sent out was for everyone sharing floor with the subject to remain in office and continue working. I just feel this pandemic is revealing a lot of things about life to us, if we could open our eyes and see.

By the way, Malaysia has moved up the ranking from 9th place (as at 2 days ago) to 8th place in the
pandemic chart. Malaysia boleh!

Humour front…

Have you guys heard of this project called 15Malaysia? Quoting from
the site:

“15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with social-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some of the best known faces in the country…”

The short films will be released in stages where 3 clips have been released thus far. The first clip features the infamous Namawee with the clip titled
“Potong Saga”.

Check it out!

Have a wonderful weekend and once again, thank you all for your well wishes!

1 year ago…
10 vs 1The way of the child

Wednesday 19 August 2009

A step back to reality

It is times like these that I am once again reminded, that life is indeed very fragile. 6 months have passed and after a weekend of urine collection, I am due to see the nephro again tomorrow for my next check up.

I have not been overly healthy in the last 6 months. I guess complacency sets in and for a while, I put on a foolish sense of invincibility.

But anyway, I am hoping and putting faith that tomorrow, the nephro will once again tell me that my kidneys are holding up well...

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Of anus and penetration

I am not bothered about TBH’s death inquest because I think it’s a waste of time and resources. At the end of the day, we all know it will be concluded as a suicide. So why waste time? Might as well concentrate our energy in looking for the next best nasi lemak store.

But an element of the inquest today made me felt sick. By the way, I didn’t read the news myself, my friend sent it to me.

Quoting from

“Teoh had severe multiple injuries which included a perforated anus, broken ribs, fractured ribs………….”

WTF!!! You get called in for questioning and you can end up with a per-fo-ra-ted anus??!!!?!?? And some of us will remember that his pants was torn.

Wait… it gets better…

The doctor… I mean… the senior consultant pathologist said this when asked whether there could be any… ahem… “penetration”:-

Quoting (again) from

“He added that the trousers would have had a hole instead of a tear if it was indeed a penetration wound”

Remember, if you want to make a… ahem… penetration, remember to just poke a hole, don’t tear the whole garment off. But of course, when the penetration is done willingly, the entire garments can be removed.

P/S: I just received a mail from a friend saying that the H1N1 death rate in Malaysia is 4 times the world’s average. And this was based on a death toll of 51. By today, the death toll is… what? 69?

Monday 17 August 2009

How big is your rock?

A friend of mine just bought a big diamond ring. Obviously, it was not for himself but for the usual purpose of a diamond ring… marriage proposal. This friend (who reads this blog) told me he spent more than RM20,000 for that ring. I suppose the diamond is more than 1 carat. I personally estimate the whole thing to be about RM23,000.

I noticed a worrying trend amongst guys lately, although I shouldn’t be worrying anymore. There appears to be a genuine fear that their loving girlfriend will actually say “No” if that piece of rock that they present on the ring is not big enough.

I am not saying that this friend of mine who just spent more than RM20,000 on his rock is afraid that his sweetheart will say no. But really, there is a genuine fear out there.

Funny enough, such fear also present in guys who claim that their girlfriend loves them not because of their money. Perhaps a matter of ego then?

To me, if I propose and the girl rejects because the rock is not big enough, I will most definitely bid her farewell and find a girl who will appreciates whatever size of the rock that I propose with.

I am sure many of your will come out with your own reasoning such as “sincerity” or “symbolic of the guy’s love” etc. etc. If that is the case, are you saying that you judge your boyfriend’s sincerity based on the size of the rock? What about the size of his cock? Okay… I am sure you know that size his cock is and is satisfied with that already…

But anyway…

I certainly agree that if a guy can afford a big rock, then perhaps he shouldn’t get a sesame seed size one for his darling. But really, to all the girls out there… if you are being surprised by your long-loving boyfriend with a romantic proposal and he present to you a rock that is not up to your expectation… will you say no?

P/S: Do you remember
the millionaire? He proposed… without even a ring. He is now married.

Sunday 16 August 2009


For all the measures being taken (so they claimed) or wonderful promises announced based on the comics newspaper, one only needs to hear it from the ground to see if it is true. Just as how one will have a better picture on the education system listening to parents of students rather than reading news, one will know what is happening regarding this H1N1 issue if you know someone who has been diagnosed as positive.

Having confirmed as H1N1 positive after a throat swap, Joe was turned away as that hospital was not an authorised institution to treat H1N1 patients. Having arrived at a designated hospital, Joe waited for 5 hours before he received attention.

And the attention that he received was being told to go home and rest as the hospital had ran out of bed. Diagnosed as positive!!!!... and being told to go home and rest!!! Is it a surprise that we now have 200+ new cases a day?

Thank God, Joe is not a doctor-say-go-home-rest-so-I-go-home-lor type of person. He made some calls, leveraged on his connections and got himself warded in another hospital.

But how many out there are as wise as Joe? How many will “go home as rest” as instructed AFTER being diagnosed as H1N1 positive?


Joe’s office was alerted of this and the decision of the management was to quarantine the whole dept…… in the office! Because the company did not have a “Business Continuity Plan”, work needs to be done so the entire dept, together with people who deals directly with Joe, continue to report to work.

Yes, people may die. Yes, people in the dept who may not have been infected may now be infected. But that is not important. Work is more important. I told a colleague of Joe that if he is infected during the quarantine period, sue the fucking company.

And you know what? The head of that department took leave…

I am sure some of you have read about how a journalist of TheSun wrote rubbish in his H1N1 declaration form upon returning from overseas and it was never detected. Do these forms serve any purpose?

I have 2 friends who told me that they saw the guy behind the so-called thermal camera at the airport soundly asleep while travellers walked past the checkpoint.

A brief conversation with a doctor doing her housemen-ship locally told me that it’s absolutely chaos in the local hospitals.

I don’t know about you, but I have absolutely no faith in this country’s ability in handling this pandemic. Months ago,
I blogged about how this pandemic will put this country’s bolehness to the test. And now, what I hear from a colleague is that Malaysia has one of the highest death rates per 100,000 population compared to other countries.

After years of throwing a blind eye on deterioration in public administration in the name of self-protection, fear and “good food”, I think we will now be made to pay, perhaps even with our own lives.

I hope I am wrong.

1 year ago…
The ultimate gym conversation

2 years ago…
And you thought you’ve heard the worstNot to learn a learnt trait?Types of accidentsA world of idiotsKeywords splendour

Thursday 13 August 2009

Hmmm… who rang the door bell?

This is a true story…

Ben and Jerry were sent for an outstation assignment. Having arrived at their destination late in the evening after a long drive, they immediately checked into their designated hotel. Due to cost consideration, Ben and Jerry were made to share room. Since the room was pretty big and they have separate single beds, there were no issues.

(Note: Just in case you’re wondering, no, this is not some homosexual related story…)

And so they went for dinner, explored the town a little and headed back to their hotel since it was getting late, and they have to commence work rather early the next day.

Upon returning to their room, Ben went to shower while Jerry started unpacking his stuff. While Ben was showering, Jerry heard… “Ding… Dong…”… someone rang the doorbell. Naturally, Jerry went to check who it was…

……… there was…… no one.

Trying not to think too deep into the matter, Jerry closed the door and continued to unpack his stuff.

“Ding… dong…” …the doorbell rang … once again… and again, Jerry went and check to see who it is at the door and again………there was no one.

A wave of uneasy feeling began to fill Jerry but he tried to dismiss the peculiar situation. As soon as he got back to his unpacking duty, it happened… once again… “Ding…dong”……At this point, Jerry was really feeling the chill down his spine.

Just then, Ben stepped out from his shower and could immediately recognise the disturbed look on Jerry’s face. Ben inquired and Jerry told him what happened. Initially, Ben thought Jerry was trying to pull a fast one on him but after observing Jerry’s reaction, he knew Jerry wasn’t joking.

“By the way, the doorbell just rang. Maybe you can go and see if it’s a joke” Jerry said.

Ben plucked his courage and went to see if anyone was playing a trick on them. He opened the room door, went out for a while and returned to Jerry… with an absolutely pale face.

“Errr… what happened? See anything?” Jerry asked.
“Nothing. But you know what?”
Jerry asked again.

Stuttering while answering Jerry, Ben replied…

“This room has got no doorbell…”

No no no no no… this is not the end of this “true” story yet… because it was then that it happened once again… “Ding… dong”.

Immediately, Ben turned to his right and there it was… he saw it…

It was Ben’s phone’s ringing tone…

P/S: Many thanks to PetiteLass for
these 2 lovely awards.

2 years ago…
An outdated zewtpinion

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Down a worsening path

Being part of the church’s musician team, we have to meet on Thursday for rehearsal if we are on duty for that particular week. On those Thursdays, I will have to go through one of the most chaotic traffic in town to get to my rehearsal venue. It is always, a horrifying experience.

On those Thursdays, during what is commonly known as “peak hours”, traffic rules are blatantly broken. Law and order as it should be, cease to exist.

Cutting queue, 3 lines of vehicles in a 2 lanes road, red-light deliberately ignored, multiple vehicles entering the yellow box as though they are all trying to form a jigsaw puzzle, making turns at prohibited junction just to beat the other car… when you see the level of efficiency on how these are done, you might just think that these people actually deserve a medal.

On a few occasions, I was honked at because I refused to drive into the yellow box. There was once, I was honked at because I stopped when the light turned red.

And the beauty of it all is that, while all these are happening, not a single police officer can be seen. In that few hours, those who disobey the law rule the roads.

Just to put you on the right page. I am not talking about poor transportation system which led to us needing to own a car to live thus jamming up the roads, though that is also a sad truth.

The page that I am writing on here is that the state of lawlessness in this country should be a cause for our concern. And this should not just be confined to the lawlessness on the roads, but we shall just focus on that at the moment.

5 years ago, those who cut queue and run red lights are probably those driving highly modified cars blasting some rock music with their tattooed arms resting outside the driver door holding a cigarette. Now, those who perform such stunts are innocent looking or some sweet young thing who scream at the sight of a cockroach. But yet, they are monsters on the road.

But of course, we solve these problems with our special ways. We solve this problem by buying bigger and more powerful cars. That’s our aspiration. And that is why, the whole country will be accelerating down the worsening lane.

1 year ago…
Take your pick

2 years ago…
A picture paints a thousand words?

Sunday 9 August 2009

Story from Jane

Jane works in the private equity industry. Generally, they are the people who go “shopping” for profit making business. They also look into buying distressed business with the intention of turning it around and then sell it. Anyway, that’s not the notion today.

One day, Jane was sent to a cockle farm (si-ham), one said to be making tonnes of money and thus, attracted attention from the private equity industry. She was sent there to evaluate the farm and the company managing it to see if it is a viable business to buy. Naturally, she was given a tour of the farm…

It was then that she saw, much to her disbelief, that that the cockle breeding area was located in a lake right next to a factory. Toxic waste can be seen disposed into the lake and one can tell from the look of the water that it is highly polluted.

“Dit si ham mai yau tuk lor?” Jane asked the owner.
(Does this mean the cockles are poisonous?)
Leaning closely to Jane, the ownder whispered…
“Mo kam tai seng. Hai ah, yau tuk kah” (Not so loud. Yeah, it’s poisonous)
“Hah! Mo yam lei yim kah?” (What? No one comes to check?)
“Aiyah, yi tit ngo dei ho yi gau tim geh” (Aiyah, things like these can be settled)

It was then that Jane realised, that this heartless entrepreneur has made a conscious decision to sell polluted cockles in the name of profit. Well, since the authorities can be easily “gau tim”, I guess there is no stopping him.

But of course, Jane was traumatised. She stopped eating cockles and told her family and friends about her experience, advising them not to eat cockles as well.

But there is a problem…

Ya’ see, in the land where Jane lives, cockle is an important ingredient in what is seen as a food of national importance, known as char-kuey-teow. Taste bud stimulation from this food supersedes all other concerns. Further, some of Jane’s friends adopt the little-bit-of-poison-won’t-kill-you mentality. Besides, it’s not any other food… it’s char… kuey… teow.

And hence, Jane’s story shall just remain… as a story.

1 year ago…
It was just an ordinary day

2 years ago…
The identity inquiryWhat’s with the name?

Thursday 6 August 2009

Of coincidence and irony

What is co-incidence…?

The govt announced a private equity investment institution called
Ekuiti Nasional (“Ekuinas”) which will manage an initial sum of RM500m and will subsequently increase to RM10b.

And then…

Permodalan Nasional Berhad (“PNB”) offered for subscription
Amanah Saham 1Malaysia worth…… RM10b.

What is irony…?

Amanah Saham “1Malaysia” (“AS1M”) … is one which is offered
based on quota --- 50% for Bumiputera, 30% for Chinese, 15% for Indians and 5% for others, albeit for the first 30 days. 1 Malaysia… but there is a quota.

2 years ago…
Henry Suckers and the 4 schools of magic

Wednesday 5 August 2009


2 weeks ago, I went and played football in an open field and fell sick on Tuesday. Since then, I have been hearing stories about friends who are falling sick after jogging or any other physical activities in open air.

I believe it’s the haze.

It’s very bad today. While on my way to work, I could not even see the Twin Tower and on the way home, I could not see the greeneries behind my house. When I wind down my window to pay toll, there is a stale smell of smoke. It is bad!!!!!

And hence, I check out the Air Pollutant Index (“API”) based on our very own Malaysian Department of Environment. Ya’ know, it’s the department who said “…
hazy but it doesn’t mean the haze is back…” Yes, “that” department.

According to them, the
API is moderate! The second column indicates index taken at 5pm and it showed mo-de-rate.

Only mo-de-rate?

I don’t know about you but I can't bring myself to believe that the API disclosed there is true. While there may not be much that we can do, I think to the very least, we deserve the truth.

I still remember in the late 90s when the haze was really bad and there was a time where the API was “very unhealthy” and we were told that we should only worry when API hits “hazardous”. Lo and behold, it did hit hazardous and I clearly remember that a statement was issued saying something like… “hazardous doesn’t mean it’s dangerous”… something like that.

I guess that is why things are best maintained as mo-de-rate.

Fucked up country. But of course, it doesn’t matter because you can still enjoy the best nasi-lemak, bak-kut-teh and char-kuey-teow. Yay!

1 year ago…
Between myth and truthIt’s not about blogs or blogging

Monday 3 August 2009

Can you interpret The Sculpture?

When I was doing English Literature in school, I remember my teacher once said that a good poem is one that means different thing to different reader but yet, have a special meaning in the eyes of the poet. Do you agree?

I have put this up before I think it’s worthy for a second appearance. Till today, I still think this is my best piece yet. And in trying to be a poet, I am wondering… how would you all interpret this…


From the ground
That’s where it was first picked up
Clay, made from dust
Something so dirty, most times unwanted
Unaware of its worth

With water, clay was softened
First step towards transformation
The hands provided the effort
From the heart… love and patience
Clay and hands, oh what passion

From mere dust to a masterpiece
Greatness, many perceived
So stood the sculpture for the complete years
That’s when the legacy ended
If only it was avoided

The hands that made it all
Same hands that made it fall
From once placed so high
It was thrown right to the ground
Some parts lost… and never found

A year after, for what was ever after … (supposedly)
The sculpture, the hands miss
Thus they were picked up piece by piece
But some were lost
It was a lost cause

Tried he did with what’s left
The hands did their best
But the clay was no longer the same
Some pieces were missing
Sigh… certainly pointless in pursuing

Passion not faded, but hands were tired
Hurt… from the cuts, those sharp pieces made
Fiasco it is, finally came to term
It was after all, the right judgement
What’s left… only reminiscence

14 Oct 2004

So what is “The Sculpture” to you?

1 year ago…
Remembering Valentine

2 years ago…
Ecologically yoursThe spoon and the cat