I am not bothered about TBH’s death inquest because I think it’s a waste of time and resources. At the end of the day, we all know it will be concluded as a suicide. So why waste time? Might as well concentrate our energy in looking for the next best nasi lemak store.
But an element of the inquest today made me felt sick. By the way, I didn’t read the news myself, my friend sent it to me.
Quoting from TheStar:
“Teoh had severe multiple injuries which included a perforated anus, broken ribs, fractured ribs………….”
WTF!!! You get called in for questioning and you can end up with a per-fo-ra-ted anus??!!!?!?? And some of us will remember that his pants was torn.
Wait… it gets better…
The doctor… I mean… the senior consultant pathologist said this when asked whether there could be any… ahem… “penetration”:-
Quoting (again) from TheStar:
“He added that the trousers would have had a hole instead of a tear if it was indeed a penetration wound”
Remember, if you want to make a… ahem… penetration, remember to just poke a hole, don’t tear the whole garment off. But of course, when the penetration is done willingly, the entire garments can be removed.
P/S: I just received a mail from a friend saying that the H1N1 death rate in Malaysia is 4 times the world’s average. And this was based on a death toll of 51. By today, the death toll is… what? 69?
But an element of the inquest today made me felt sick. By the way, I didn’t read the news myself, my friend sent it to me.
Quoting from TheStar:
“Teoh had severe multiple injuries which included a perforated anus, broken ribs, fractured ribs………….”
WTF!!! You get called in for questioning and you can end up with a per-fo-ra-ted anus??!!!?!?? And some of us will remember that his pants was torn.
Wait… it gets better…

Quoting (again) from TheStar:
“He added that the trousers would have had a hole instead of a tear if it was indeed a penetration wound”
Remember, if you want to make a… ahem… penetration, remember to just poke a hole, don’t tear the whole garment off. But of course, when the penetration is done willingly, the entire garments can be removed.
P/S: I just received a mail from a friend saying that the H1N1 death rate in Malaysia is 4 times the world’s average. And this was based on a death toll of 51. By today, the death toll is… what? 69?
This is sickening. I hope that sodomite gets ass-raped by all the demons in Hell...
Siapakah dia laki misteri itu yea zewt? NOt only did he force TBH to jump out of the window, he managed to "release his tension" on poor fella.
But dont u just love reading those questions by gobind and malik imtiaz?
Some copy and paste from Mkini, so draw your own conclusions:
Prashant, who has conducted more than 3,000 post-mortems in his career, clarified that the injury on the anal orifice showed a "continuous similar pattern".
Tan: What do you mean by one pattern?
Prashant: This is (pointing the post-mortem photograph of the buttock area) one injury but it had occurred because of the impact to the edge and the border of the gutter on level 5.
Tan: Could the injury on the anal region result from assault by an object, before the deceased hit the ground, as one theory suggested?
Prashant: It is unlikely in this present case because such trauma to the anal orifice with multiple tear will be very painful and with that pain for a person to walk to the window and ultimately fall from that window it is unlikely. Apart from that this amount and this kind of injury will only lead to a lot of bleeding which is not present when we went to the scene on July 16 and 17.
If that's all true, Zewt, then people who did this are seriously disturbed... That photo u put up, boy, makes the story even creepier :(
Malaysia boleh, breaking all sorts of records. haha 1Malaysia.
Guinness Book of Records again.
Celebrate 250 years with 250 people drinking at the same time in Malaysia? haha
hahahahha...poke and hole and do it? what kind of .... is that?
I think we should investigate the investigators....the investigation methods are getting so low, its depicable.
Must be that there are lots of government ppl (in positions of power) who have kinky perversions. Think about it... We have the neverending Anwar saga, the altantuya case which involved her being a mistress, Najib's many girly escapades (this is from the rumour file) and now we have MACC ppl sodomising suspects. WTF?!?!
Oh the poor guy! Ok... maybe he wasn't sodomized, but impaled? I will need to read more on this now...
What, are you disputing the fact that anal dildos are fun?
i read from dont know where malaysia is in Top 9 now.
the percentage of H1N1 death ranking!
Yes it is disturbing indeed, no, disgusting.
buddenah... isn't a "tear" inevitable a "hole"???
i dunno... imma stewpik... pls enlighten me...
Hmm... penetration huh. Seriously disturbing. I can't imagine how TBH's family is doing now. Knowing how he was treated before his death.
the mortality rate is 4 times higher because the previous policy restricted h1n1 swabs for those classified as not being in the high risk group. Alot of people did not get tested for H1N1....so if everyone was given a swab, then the rate would be that of the world average...more or less....
statistics can sometimes mask the truth.
The original anonymous
We all know in our hearts the inquest will turn out to be a farce. But still i had hopes at first, but it's getting fainter each day with all these nonsense coming out from it. You're right, they're trying very hard to make it seemed like suicide.
This country is going to hell and no one seems to bother. And some of the comments here do seem to confirm this!
No one should suffer such fate as him. He will not rest in peace, i'm afraid.
Oh, this is disturbing! I really don't know what to say!
As for the H1N1, I think it's hard to put a stop to it if public gatherings are allowed, and schools are not closed when there are reported cases.
Not only that, I heard the masks sold at pharmacies cannot stop the virus from entering so it's quite useless wearing those masks!
why issit our government like to play backside wan. haih....
Jerine - :]
Jools - hmmm... your blog address is not valid? and yes, they should all burn in hell!
Manal - malik imtiaz, that guy is just so cool!
Klaw - very sick isnt it?
MKL - haha... i found more disturbing photos but... this will suffice for now.
Shaun - hey there, welcome! 1Malaysia, rekod didahulukan... :P
Zuraida - i am just getting numb... dont care anymore, unless the stupidity is worth more humour.
pinknpurplelizard - as always, sex sells... and sex... will always be sex...
Terra Shield - whatever it is... it's just sick for a guy to go in and come out with a punctured anus.
marcus - whatever makes you happy man :)
~dolly~ - number 8 now i think.
Yvonne Foong - more like disgusting.
aSstHa - exactly!!!
missironic - ppl are just super sick.
the original anon - a chat with the doc over the weekend provided me with more info and it indicates otherwise.
joshua wong - i guess we can only hope... but like you said, this country is indeed going to hell and no one seems to bother, at least not enough people.
foongpc - i have said it before, h1n1 can only be stopped if everyone places lives ahead of money.
littlepolaris - haha... nowhere else to play.
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