Heck… why should I change my style and my way? I would rather you hate me for who I am, than to love me for who I am not… ain’t that right?
Anyway, I went to Hillsong again today and the pastor made 2 remarks which made quite an impact on me. Simple but yet so true, I think a lot of Christians in Malaysia (or anywhere around the world), should take notice.
Most Christians call it ‘the wisest thing you can do’. I call it “the Christians’ great escape”. It is when Christians say… “I will pray about it”. It’s a time when Christians are confused as to whether they should do what is right or do what they want. Ya’ see, rather than admitting that they want to do what they want; or refuse to do what is right… Christians carve their own escape route by saying… “I will pray about it”.
The pastor was talking about sponsoring a child in Uganda today and asked the congregation to think about it and serious consider it as it has immense impact but whatever they do… Don’t pray about it. Why? Because he already knows what God’s answer is. And he knows if Christians are to pray about it, chances are nothing will be done.

So next time you’re thinking of praying about something… think again…
The second remark is something I believe a lot of Christians in the Klang valley should listen to. He said Christians should exalt the message, and not the deliverer of the message. I think it is so true for though I hate to judge, I strongly believe that a lot of Christians in the Klang valley exalt not the church, not the message, but the deliverer of the message. Yes, I am referring to Christians being “follower of pastors”.
If you are a Christians, ask yourself. Who are the speakers that you really like and you have really enjoyed listening to? And then ask yourself… what is the message that he/she spoke of that you remember?
I will remember these 2 points for a long time, I think you should too.
Anyway, 2 weeks from now; on the 24th of February, Hillsong London will be doing “live album recording” during church service. No wonder I’ve never heard of the songs sung during service before. Wonder if my face will be captured in the DVD… gonna be so cool!