What? You don’t believe me? It’s true! We only talk about work related stuff… like what to have for lunch in a working

Anyway… in one of my work-related conversation with a colleague, this happened…
Zewt: what are we having for lunch?
Colleague: the one that you mentioned the other day.
Zewt: which one?
Colleague: dick rice
Zewt: what????
Colleague: that one la… oh.. no no no no….!!! hahahaha
Actually, my colleague was referring to ‘duck rice’, but as the letter ‘u’ was located next to the letter ‘i’, a slight typo brought about a whole different lunch plan.
Over the years, I have also made some typos which can give a whole different meaning. One memorable one would be when someone asked me question and I wanted them to hold for a while. I wanted to say “gimme a sec”… but since the letter ‘c’ is located next to the letter ‘x’… yeah, you got it right… I typed…
“gimme a sex”… can be quite an embarrassing moment, particularly when your junior was asking you something. If we are in America, we would have been sued for sexual harassment.
If you think that’s bad, wait till you hear this. One of the all time favourite first line in work-related chat is asking someone “are you busy”… now look at the letters ‘u’ and ‘y’… due to my very quick but not very efficient typing… I ended up asking…
“are you busty?”
Have you ever had suck... i mean such experience?
i can make dick rice for u if u wan? LOL
I've done that "sex" thingy. How embarrassing! Heh
Haha... Now I wonder if the keyboards' key actually to design for this little fun time eh?
Haha! Thank god my dad sent me for typing classes! I'm ever so grateful for that :D
That sex-sec one really got me a few times.
muahhaa..i alwiz typo when chat in msn but my typo aint tht serious :P muahhaa...
Too bad i've never experienced it before. Hehe!
I do not mean to make fun of Chinese school students but this is what happened to my classmate last time. He wasn't a fan of The Pussycat Dolls so he didn't know how to spell the name correctly and he was requesting for "Don't Cha"'s mp3 from me.
Know how this fella ask his damn question?
He: "Eh, you got the pussy what docha docha song?"
Me: "What pussy?"
He: "The one say docha docha, from what pussy one."
I took 5 minutes to reply him as I was laughing my ass off. Damn, he obviously don't know what pussy means.
I used to go to St. Francis Xavier. Initials: SFX.
Unfortunately, predictive text input on my handphone insists on Sundays that I go to sex, rather than church. Esp. when I am texting fellow Catholics in a hurry.
Not a way to give the best impression.
yah.....that 'give me a sex' thgy is too common....each time my boss pressure me for sth he wanted asap....i will reply his mail like give me a....s**.......muahhahahaa but it's ok...cause he's a young boss.....tho married....but it's ok.......
haha. NO. i proof read (like reallllll)
ahnah ah thats soo funny!!!!! gimme me a sex!! damn!!!!!!!! hummm i guess i never made such a big typo...... not that i can remember... maybe the memory was so bad it got erase by my ego!!
all the time but i never bother to rmbr ler. u still rmbr!! tsk tsk.
thank god my typo usually end up not making sense!
dick rice! sounds.....ok i can skip lunch today! =P hehehe
Dick rice i have not heard it served. But there is Sup Torpedo which serves bull's penis or balls i can't remember..
Damn good blog man...i laugh till my tears came out... :)
this is not typo la..
My boss name is Peter Teh..and everytime i type the word TEH -microsoft words will automatically change it to the word THE.
so it change the name to Peter THE.
when everyone in the ofis dah kene that kind of auto spell from microsoft..automatically we calling our own COO PETER THE!
like.." Peter The in ah?"
one common mis-typed word in the bank's offer letter has the borrower wondering what next to do when he reads this:
' ..please signify your acceptance of the above terms and conditions by singing and returning to us the copy of this letter... '
hahaha.. sing well, borrow on better terms ?
dude, you got me at the dick rice. fun stuff. :D
wah ur mistakes very da hamsap ar..thank god i haven got any close shaves..just alot of nonsensical typo errors..
Ya, I had got sucked....in my job
ah nel - you're gonna cut of yours? wahh... such sacrifice...
Little Ray - guess i am not the only one eh...
wong - hello and welcome! well... i guess we must say the keyboard has been brilliantly designed then, dont u think? thanks for visitin...
angel - maybe you typed too fast leh... the busty one was due to my overly fast typing.
narrowband - haha... was it to a guy or a girl?
kyliemc - what typos are those?
Seok Thong - really? you're missing the fun :P
Cedric - hahaha!!!! then i guess your friend didnt catch the puss in boots joke from shrek eh? and what docha docha? aiyoooo... send him the hitz.fm version and see what he says.
Sheena - hi and welcome to AZAIG. such boo boo while sms-ing? now... that's something new. but then again, i think i have had some typos in sms-ing too. thanks for droppin by and hope to see ya again.
jaezrel - so what did your boss say?
me - you proof read your chat lines? crazy ah u...
confessing7girl - hahaha... imagine if you said that to a guy... wonder what he will say.
ehon - i remember cos i make them quite often. those days la. but the gimme a sex... i mean sec is still often repeated.
Huei - there were actually pictures being cirulated in the net about this shop that sells rice with stuff which resembles dick... damn gross.
Hikazew - it's a typo ler... but yeah, i know of such erotic... i mean exotic soup.
Jessica - and did you roll on the floor too?
jorji - oh yeah, this teh vs the is truly a pain. sometimes, we wish the auto-correct isnt so smart eh? peter the in... hmmm... sounds funny.
feliz - hmmmm... which bank you work in... i try to sing if i will get better terms... haha!
alan zed - and not at busty? haha!
constant craver joe - like what ah? those nonsensical also got la... but not funny.
Maverick SM - very interesting job you have there... hah!
That's hilarious! I only have one question: Is Big Brother watching these online conversations???
Hahaaaa.. i had a good laugh just now dude.
Typo error, yes i had my fair share too.
I was on YM the other day. This was the sentence that i typed.
It was supposed to be, "Do you think i'm stupid?"
And i typed ...
I think i do think i'm stupid?
:):) A project manager who's project documents I was auditing had once written - Sorry about the delay .. blah .. Please 'bare' with me.
Don't remember I've such an experience coz' I don't chat much I suppose. Dick rice is a real classic. hahahaha
Funny posting. Give me a sex... hmmm.. familiar. :D
Dick rice? hahaha
And what Rashikaps just shared. That is funny too - "bare with me".
I cannot remember my typos but it does occur when I am chatting online. I am more inclined to do verbal typos e.g. "since I did yours, will you do me?"
I ended a letter with "Please do hesitate to contact me if you have any queries." And I was wondering why after two months, there was no response from the client.
Oh!! I kena the sex thing..-_- heh.. another problem with all this chat messenger is the short forms.. I was talking to my friend and he asked me what i was doing..and i sorta replied saying " I'm reading testis " when i actually meant "I'm reading testimonials "
Huhuhu...@_@ I think i shud really check what i type before i send. haha..
By the way zewt, can u go to freethinker's website to vote for him to camwhore at the cbox?!? Pleaseee Pretty pretty plsss..XD
LOL!! I totally understand, because most of the times we just hit "Enter" even before reading what we typed. Hahaha!
Dick rice... or another typo and it will become fuck rice. :D
I made this sort of mistake all the time.Oh now I understand why I am sooooooo tired & all wet with sweat after my 'intense pokeing' session from ur previous entries.BTW no wander I cannot acess ur sites using office's 'holy' computer as ur entries got so many 4-D word! Have a nice day.
what a great post and im sure everyone had done this kinda mistake before.
no matter it's sex related or not.
but sometimes it can make people laugh isn't it haha
lol!! I used to think FCUK was the ultimate typo to wear across your breast!
ColourMeCrazy - Big Brother? u mean the boss? well.. the whole firm is doing it... is he going to fire everyone?
Angel Eyes - Hey! welcome to AZAIG. as for your ... err.. i try and try and try again to see how can one make such typo... i just cant see how.... i think i do think you're stupid... ok.. joking :)
Rashikap - and did you bare with him? LOL!
Doreen - i tot the busty one was classic.
JT - ah yes... who can forget your verbal boo boo... but with verbal... u can immediately make amends. but imagine me sending a message like "are you busty" to a girl and then i didnt know i made such mistake and leave the window there...
Cirnelle - how come i feel i did that before too...
AngryYoungChild - ahhh... i did that before too... the short forms... someone asked me "write me a testis la"... haha! voted already.
day dreamer - woooaaahhhh... yeah woh!!! the 'd' is very near the 'f'!!!!
hor ny ang moh - 4D? which 4D? f*ck?
baby sa - yeah... check out rashikaps' comment...
Bee - yeah... it certainly does...
anak merdeka - that one... i think that's pretty creative though...
no worr...as alot of dogs,pig,cow all so healthy...LOL
Yes, itu bcomes tiu!
lol that was funny :D
i usually have a hard time trying to understand direct chinese -> english translated text.. haha
Yes, definitely!
Hahahaha...funny funny...too funny for me to comment...lol...the comments got me laughing too...esp the pussy and SFX=SEX one...hahhaha...
Mar: Glad you enjoyed that :P
Zewt: I said it already on a comment on my blog, but here goes:
Tengkiu, tengkiu, for swinging by my humble spot.
(Seriously. It made my day :)
ah nel - woooahhh... then no need la. anyway, dont think i want any kinda dick haha...
king's wife - hahaha... imagine u wanna say... itu la... tiu la! hahaha
=SIN= - hello and welcome here! well, i understand your predicament. when a direct translation is performed, it can be very confusing.
KEF - give la some example.
mar - i guess the 'bare with me' didnt hit u that hard eh? haha!
Sheena - well, i am glad it made your day. if you have more interesting entry like that one on lina joy... i will most probably be there again.
who mistyped as hwo,haha becomes gaga n much later on most of my frens tease me by typing gaga instead of haha.., n some minor mistakes...gee,chatting wif me alwiz makes ppl laugh like mad.. *blush*
hehehe..made those typo mistakes all the time..
The 'hold one sec' reminds me on my supervisor 14 years ago. When on phone, instead of saying, "Hold on" she always say "HOLD DOWN"... and my imagination runs wild.. hahaha
This is a good one! Dick rice...errr dun wan la. Chow bee wan...
LOL! Dick rice! So the meat all looks like lap cheong lah? Keke!
I have never experience this wor. Cos my typing damn perfect. So this is very eye opening for me. Maybe I should try it one day, "I am busty"
one too many typos for me, but these days I've learnt to hold off hitting "enter" before I spell-check! *I kiasu mah...*
neno - i guess i am not alone.
deOughtred - hi there. well... it depends on who is doing the "HOLD DOWN"... right? haha!
Sasha - haha... well, how u know... u have tasted before?
Rabbit - lap cheong looks very dry... think dick looks more.. err... stiff? haha...
5xmom - hahahahaha.... well, i guess you are...
may - wahhh... that's very troublesome... so stressful even to chat!
er.. are you busty zewt? :D
Hahaha... I've done a number of these typo thingys on IMing but most of the time even my comments and SMSes are in proper English. And I spell check a lot! *grin*
eww.. dick rice.. uurrrgghhhhh....
i use to go for typing class..so sometimes when i typed too fast even when typed with the correct fingers, SPEED IS IMPORTANT as your fingers might slip and pressed another button.
like in my experience lagi worse:
fren: how are u? u ok?
me: im dick..
fren: huh?
me: sick* (!!!)
fren: rotfl
me: damn.. -_-:
bongkersz - i really hope i am... not... haha
rinnah - spell check? wahhh... isnt that a bit troublesome? i wonder how would it be when u work...
koffee - hahahahahahahaha... didnt know you're a dick... hahaha... we all have such days.
can I have your sametime contactso that we can talk bout 'dick rice' and 'busty' issue during work?
albert yap - hahahaha... i am no longer there... so no cant do...
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