Someone sent me a mail asking me if I am going to blog about the most talked about sex scandal in the world at the moment. I am sure you all know what I am talking about. Otherwise, all I can say is that you’re missing out on one of the juiciest stories of the decade. Seriously, this news is big. It’s reported not only in the Asian region, but it’s also in the papers in Australia, America and here in the UK.
First and foremost, I think Gillian Chung is such a hypocrite. It was only months ago when she was photographed while changing her clothes in Genting and she reacted by crying and acting like a pure innocent girl next door and now… her woo-lala is paraded proudly for the world to see.
She made a statement 2 days ago saying that she “was naïve in the past and she is grown up now”. Oh yeah, I certainly agree… looking at her woo-lala… errr… I mean looking her, there has been much growing going on.
As for Edison, he also made a press statement saying he was “filled with pain, hurt and frustration”… hmmm… I wonder if those girls bit him when they were blowing him. That probably explains the pain and hurt. Frustration? Hmmm….
Anyway; for those who have had a very good look at the series of juicy pics released, did you notice something? No, I am not saying about the authenticity of those pics, we’ve established that already. Well, if you look closely at those pics, which I am sure all of you would have done… closely… you will notice that those pics are actually still caption from a video. And it’s not just one video… a series of videos…
At the time of writing, videos have not been released yet. They are still in the hands of the currently most wanted man on earth after Osama; someone going with the name of ‘Kira’. Apparently (and this is only a rumour), one very famous and important male figure in the HK entertainment world was heard talking in one of the video. If this is true, it explains why the entire HK is going after this Kira dude.
Me and my colleagues had a long interesting chat about this issue today. One of my colleagues here is a native Hong Kong-ian but has since taken up Australian citizenship. Being a native from HK, she certainly had fair share of knowledge of the HK entertainment world.
Many of us will know that the HK entertainment industry is heavily controlled by the triads. We certainly do not need to be reminded of what happened to Carina Lau. My colleague said that it was rumoured (note = rumour) that if you’re well connected enough to the triads, you can actually ‘order’ a celebrity for a night.
Interesting huh… so who would you want if you can order? 2 nights enough for you?
And… I am sure those who have seen the pics will agree with me… if at any time in your life you want to do a sex-video… for goodness sake…trim your bush.
Off to Paris for the weekend… You guys have a good one!
P/S: Those who heard about this news for the first time can begin to scramble for the pics now.
First and foremost, I think Gillian Chung is such a hypocrite. It was only months ago when she was photographed while changing her clothes in Genting and she reacted by crying and acting like a pure innocent girl next door and now… her woo-lala is paraded proudly for the world to see.
She made a statement 2 days ago saying that she “was naïve in the past and she is grown up now”. Oh yeah, I certainly agree… looking at her woo-lala… errr… I mean looking her, there has been much growing going on.
As for Edison, he also made a press statement saying he was “filled with pain, hurt and frustration”… hmmm… I wonder if those girls bit him when they were blowing him. That probably explains the pain and hurt. Frustration? Hmmm….

At the time of writing, videos have not been released yet. They are still in the hands of the currently most wanted man on earth after Osama; someone going with the name of ‘Kira’. Apparently (and this is only a rumour), one very famous and important male figure in the HK entertainment world was heard talking in one of the video. If this is true, it explains why the entire HK is going after this Kira dude.
Me and my colleagues had a long interesting chat about this issue today. One of my colleagues here is a native Hong Kong-ian but has since taken up Australian citizenship. Being a native from HK, she certainly had fair share of knowledge of the HK entertainment world.
Many of us will know that the HK entertainment industry is heavily controlled by the triads. We certainly do not need to be reminded of what happened to Carina Lau. My colleague said that it was rumoured (note = rumour) that if you’re well connected enough to the triads, you can actually ‘order’ a celebrity for a night.

And… I am sure those who have seen the pics will agree with me… if at any time in your life you want to do a sex-video… for goodness sake…trim your bush.
Off to Paris for the weekend… You guys have a good one!
P/S: Those who heard about this news for the first time can begin to scramble for the pics now.
Jackie Chan right? I saw the pics.. horrible... shocking!
Serves them right! If they wanna take those pics, should be prepared for this to happen someday.
Go! Go! Kira!
wipe that drool off your face, zewt.
sammy cheng ada tak? my fave!
me dun like edison.
me like tony leung and wong kar wai muvie only.
Happy together.
"off to paris for the weekend"
That means a different thing from a different perspective, judging from the genre of this post. Muahahahahaha!!!
Oh come one zewt, given the nature of your blogging, this will be the least that i will xpect from you. Although I am no fan of either actor/actress purported in this scandal, it's just best that we give these fellows a break will ya?
why people want to film themselves having sex? very fun? and then cry over spilt milk... stupid right? haih... when will they learn?
I have also read 'rumours' that Kira has been 'settled'... with lotsa $$$...
Can 'order' male celebrities also ah? Not bad woh becum hak seh wui... :P
haha .. maybe "wild, long bushes" are a fetish for Edison?
Look at the images (Edison & Bobo). The one Edison wearing a boxer with his dick sticking out.
I have 2 images-
One showed Bobo’s head on Edison tummy and looking at Edison’s dick sticking out from his blue boxer.
The second one showing Bobo touching Edison’s dick sticking out from his blue boxer with her index finger.
1. Look and you will notice it was shot in different angle- one is a frontal eyes level shot and the other one is top angle shot.
2. Both images are shot within minutes judging from the action and sequel.
3. From both of their position- no way this shot can be accomplished. It will need a tripod with the camera to shoot from the top. Not to mentioned the tripod will be on the bed.
In order to achieve both the images mentioned:
1. It was shot with 2 cameras- one station on the bed frontal facing or Bobo can hold the camera in the right hand, the other camera got to be on top of them. NO WAY CAN BOBO BE HOLDING IT. IF EDISON IS THE ONE HOLDING IT, HE NEEDS A LONG ARM TO DO IT.
2. Both images were shot separate time.
"Kira" is the name used in a similar character in the Japanese anime series "Death Note" (no I don't watch animes, but I've watched the movie-version of Death Note). Very interesting behind-the-screens kind of game being played here... The victims are being attacked by an unknown person somewhere in cyberspace.
Anyway I've seen the photos and I don't know what to say. Something in me says "Thanks, Edison", another side of me wonders "Where got people so stupid wan?". Hahaha... ANyway looks like Edison's luck has run out. Interesting scandal. Very wild industry indeed. Esp now in HK!
Yes Gillian is such a hypocrite. Every one in my company talks about her and her previous experience in Genting Highlands too.
Jay Chou made a funny comment about the scandal :p
Wah! Off to Paris to enjoy kar??? Do post up french ladies pic ok! Have a nice day!
*waiting for video*
some dude actually made an animation it looks like a video! hahah
when u said off to paris for the weekend..i got the wrong paris..i mean..meaning! i mean..given this topic and all!! =P
aiyo... you also stoop to blog this ah...:P
purple mushroom - yup... the big kung fu fella is in there...
me - no drool...
j or ji - sammy cheng... takde... but like they said.. if you're connected... boleh order konon...
Clare - hahahahaha... me aint bringing any recording device.
anon @ 11.28am - well, i only decide to blog on this when i heard about the big VIP fella being involved... i look up to him so it's a disappointment for me. besides, it's friday... time for frolics.
boss cat - hello there... welcome to AZAIG. i think it's the guys who like it... i think.
angeles - which one u wanna order la?
melbie - hmmm... now that you've mentioned.
anon @ 2.00pm - wow... wow... this is certainly a very very deep analysis... good on ya mate.
narrowband - hahahaha... yeah, i read about jay chou's comment... i think he is laughing inside. well, at least all the Hk celebrity will be more discreet now.
hor ny - hahaha.. u want my wife to kill me?
huei - hahahahahahahahaha... that paris... very difficult to go leh.
myop101 - well, till i heard that some big shot is involbed...
Zewt..u mean there's pics with Jackie Chan in it?haha
Edison has a fetish for bushy bushes!!hahaha
Do trim ur bush befor u make a sex vid...haha're enjoying it don't you?? Paris!
this proves how outdated i am....
ok...what pictures? where to see them?
Even during my big finals, I still hear about it. But I never follow the story though.. hmm.. interesting. I just saw the pics last night. I think the career I am about to embark in makes cause me to feel rather nothing. Kinda neutral.
I'm getting sick of this bushy bushy tales .. maybe I had too much of it! LOL .. enjoy your sexcapade in Paris lover boy!
Kidding, jangan marah ye ..
Thanks for the sex-partners-detail-map. I was guess the female celebrities name list after my friend told me that is 14 sex-partners in total. Wao ! such the amazing buzz to me.Think 'kira' wrote the 'death-note' to decided who to who will 'die' 1st ;p .
This is really hot news compare to our Health Minister last time; replaced the 1st Title in newspaper everyday.
Why not he just answer :'yea, the guy has a face like me, sound like me , but I'm not sure he is me !'
Zewt is trying to beat "Rush Hour 4" ;)
Oh my goodness, M. Yeung is also involved? you got some inspiration for Parisescapade! ;)
Hahahahahahaha... bushy talk cibol? LOL
i didn't know it's from video stills! they look blardy high resolution to me. video stills won't be that clear innit? or maybe i've seen too few of them 400 pieces of photos. bushy talk, can't stand 'em. eeewkh... pardon my innocent mind, spare me!!!
haha...nevermind la... i know it is quite irresistable to post...:P
was contemplating to write something too when i found about it during 1-2 day of CNY...hahaha
err, I have not opinion on the sex photo scandal thingy.. I am here just to promote this event 昆明慈善高尔夫球大赛 Kunming Charity Golf Outing organised by SIL which is serving the minority group in Yunnan for HIM. Please visit SIL url for more details. God Bless You All. Jesus didn't judge us, we have better don't judge others..
haha i wanted to blog about this, but then i pity the girls in the video... erm i mean picture :P
you saw the Edison Lap Cheong and Gillian Abalone ads??
these people who made them are really creative!
zewt! someone copy & paste ur post!
I don't know, Zewt. To me this is a personal issue. Someone violated their privacy and are they to blame for it? I don't think so. Everyday Joes and Janes sometimes take naked pictures of themselves, it's their right.
Though I due agree that the way they handled the issue wasn't the best, though. Hm... Especially of Gillian's hypocrisy.
Another thing, this issue will probably blow off in a couple of months. And this incident will give them more publicity than you and I can imagine.
Remember the case of 'Paris in one night in Paris?' It made her an overnight sensation. Imagine what would these series of pictures do to them?
Not surprising that the scandal came out. Yep, it was from a series of stills from a video.
Oh well, if you're going to keep a video of your exploits, please don't keep it on your PC........... ;-)
I must be living in one of the caves in US. I do not know this is a hot news :).
I got my thoughts but too lazy to blog about it. My thought is, all the peeps in the scandal are consenting adults. There's nothing to apologize for. The only person who should apologize are those peeps who stole those pics.
wah! I din expect u to blog about this dude! haha...
wow.. paris!!! so nice!! have fun and take pics ya!
edison, i feel sorry for de victims actually.. lives are destroyed..
This issue was and is still a hot discussion topic amongst my friends, especially during boring lectures! LOL!
And they said, Edison's little brother... is really small. >.<
Dude, totally off topic.
I know you're rather knowledgeable on taxes.
I need to know how I can deduct my MAKNA, WWF and Budimas charities from my taxes.
Do I need to fill a form? If so, which one?
The charities gave me receipts to attach.
I'll admit it, I'm a tax virgin.
pookyma - yeah... bushes and BJ haha!
jessbabe - love it...but hate it that i will miss the election.
lynnwei - hahahaha... just do a search... you will find plenty.
lynnx01 - well, it is big can say... anyway, i am sure it will be forgotten in due course.
cibol - hehehe... thanks.
Kitty - hi there... welcome to AZAIG. hahahahahahaha... that shows lingam is much smarter than former minister chua right?
susu kacang - everyone is involved la... hehe.
pablopabla - hmmmmm....
ah-bong - pardon your innocence? are u sure? ahaha...
Junie - hahaa... yup... is it a co-incidence that all of them are bushy?
myop101 - it's a good flavour amidst political overdose.
KcL - right.... will drop by...
Sunshine - i wanna see i wanna see!
sooi2 - heck!!! i am pissed!
Aleckii - that's true.... i think it's private, just that the world sensationalise these. anywy, they are celebrity... their life will attract these attention.
Angie Tan - hahaha... i dont think it will be released.
kayatan - hi.... well, dont think it's something that would interest you though.
Helen - i think there is no one to be blamed... everything is just.... the way of the world.
sharlydia - friday mah....
fluffy - hi there and welcome. nope... i think it will pass. i think edison's life is screwed though.
day-dreamer - hahahaha... so small? wow... you analyse it?
aput - drop me a mail... at the side bar dude...
I don't think that ah-neh had any intention on crediting u with the article. He just added a lousy ",His Latest Interview" to ur ori title and ta-dah! the article is now his.
More niamah news for u, that post actually came out #1 in google (yesterday) for key words "edison scandal"!
Rilek ok? we curse him and his 9 future generations together-gether. LOL
hey..hows paris??
yea..manage to find some pics...thru some friends here...everyone was so into it once they heard abt it!
the world isnt that 'peaceful' afterall...people do really funny things...
are u blogging about this just to increase ur traffic? sigh.
it's definitely big news, but -- just as I am with politics -- I didn't quite have the interest enough to check those juicy pics out... lol! oh well. I'm sure she'll trim her bush next time.
Not for those with heart attack,seriously!!
sooi2 - nvm... he is a bastard really.
lynnwei - hahaha... peaceful? only if you choose to live only with yourself...
anon @ 10.50am - to voice my opinion.
may - hahahhaha.... indeed... bush needs to be trimmed... double time!
anon @ 3.23am - well, i think i have seen enough already.
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