All the wonderful promises are out. Looks like it’s full speed ahead towards a snap election which could happen in the next month or so. Based on the website Malaysia Today, the election could happen as early as 1st March. If that is true, I will be very sad; simply because I am going to miss it.
Some friends have inquired and found out that it is not possible to
vote from the embassy here. Isn’t it ridiculously stupid amazing that Malaysians abroad are not able to vote through embassies but qualified JPA students will be voting. At least that’s what I understand. Apparently students and military personnel are allowed to vote; but not us. We are not Malaysians if we are abroad, so it seems.
Anyway, the area which I am supposed to vote in is quite an opposition stronghold. My father used to say… “This is a rocket area”. True enough, this area has been a rocket launching site for quite a number of terms now.
However, I have an interesting point to make here……
Through my observation, I noticed that there has a massive influx of foreign workers into my area in the last few years. Once a place dominated by the Chinese, it is now heavily infested with Indons and Banglas. And trust me, when I said it’s huge… it’s HUGE! There are even some stores and a few mini-markets opened by them here.
Now, back to my area being a rocket stronghold… The rocket has always been winning here by a comfortable majority in previous terms. If… and I said ‘IF’… somehow… the rocket can no longer take flight in the coming term… it will seriously puzzle me.
If the rocket suffers a total white-wash… I can’t help but think that the Indons and Banglas here made the difference. What does that mean? It simply means these people who are not Malaysians have been given the right to vote. I am not saying that they have been illegally given MyKad to vote and certainly not making any accusation. But I certainly can’t help but think that way if the unfortunate happens.
Well, it will be interesting to see.
And… it will be such a mockery to Malaysians who refuse to vote.
P/S: Dear God. If possible, put the election to a date where I can make it. Amen.

Anyway, the area which I am supposed to vote in is quite an opposition stronghold. My father used to say… “This is a rocket area”. True enough, this area has been a rocket launching site for quite a number of terms now.
However, I have an interesting point to make here……
Through my observation, I noticed that there has a massive influx of foreign workers into my area in the last few years. Once a place dominated by the Chinese, it is now heavily infested with Indons and Banglas. And trust me, when I said it’s huge… it’s HUGE! There are even some stores and a few mini-markets opened by them here.
Now, back to my area being a rocket stronghold… The rocket has always been winning here by a comfortable majority in previous terms. If… and I said ‘IF’… somehow… the rocket can no longer take flight in the coming term… it will seriously puzzle me.
If the rocket suffers a total white-wash… I can’t help but think that the Indons and Banglas here made the difference. What does that mean? It simply means these people who are not Malaysians have been given the right to vote. I am not saying that they have been illegally given MyKad to vote and certainly not making any accusation. But I certainly can’t help but think that way if the unfortunate happens.

And… it will be such a mockery to Malaysians who refuse to vote.
P/S: Dear God. If possible, put the election to a date where I can make it. Amen.
Every vote counts dude! Hope the elections would be done when you are back.
I'm amaze by all the sudden goodies announced by the government. Like Manna from the sky just that they withheld the manna until it is election time in an attempt to bribe.. ops I mean persuade ppl to vote for them. Sad to say that some are gullible enough to do that but I hope Malaysians would wise up and see through the smokescreen. 99% of my friends have made declarations that their vote would not be to BN.
so true.
indon,banglas and nepalist are EVERYWHERE.its so obvious during the CNY holiday recently.
My area is a 'dacing' forever.Put anything on dacing as candidate,surely win with big majority.
Happy CNY. :)
Of... and the remaining 1% are too chicken cos their parents are sadly politicians for the component parties which work for UMNO.
Well, 3rd world mentality government of cuz won't let other Malaysians vote abroad. They don't have the resolve or resources to do such a service.
Yes, with one vote, you can make a difference..
dear God,
I pray for a fair and clean election for my nation. The incumbents may win, but may it be an election where the people's wish and voice are actually heard.
Prophecy fulfilled at 12.34pm today.
Sadly alot of people are too ignorant to register as a voter..i think my sis haven't register too..
honestly, i wish i could vote too! but i haven register yet....
i like what you wrote...oh well....lately i've just been hearing lots of funny things about the country....funny as in..bad's sad how a place we call home can turn out to be like this!
honestly, i wish i could vote too! but i haven register yet....
i like what you wrote...oh well....lately i've just been hearing lots of funny things about the country....funny as in..bad's sad how a place we call home can turn out to be like this!
I am hoping I get to vote, for the 2nd time, swing the other way! but that's me! LoL....
Let's see the announcement tomorrow!
zewt!! cepat balik sini!!! parliament dissolved! election will be held around march 1- march 15 :P most probably. cepat balik!!!! :D
sorry, tumpang lalu talk to lynnwei : wish to vote, but not yet register? then register lah (when you have the chance, as you now in oversea), what are you waiting for? even if you cannot vote for this upcoming election, you will be ready to vote for the next election. or you will repeat the same thing again. 'wish to vote, but haven't register.' :)
zewt, pass me your I/C so that i can vote on your behalf ... your choice is the rocket right? consider it done ...
i think the above method is more legal than those bangla/indonesian roaming your area who might be taught the creative way to "vote" ...
I like your P/S...
Contact the Malaysian High Commission. You should be able to cast your postal vote there.
May God answer your prayer.
But, most likely election will be on early march.
Furthermore the parliament got dissolved today after the PM lied to us yesterday that he will not dissolve it today.
In Malaysia it is just LIES SEX & VIDEO TAPE, BRIBERY & CORRUPTION; we have been treated to all these recently.
What is lacking is true democracy, freedom, justice, transparency, honesty and equality.
Dear Zewt,
Don't be too worried. Even if you can't make it in time, I pray that the Lord will move the hearts and free the minds of the people to realise they can make a difference if only they are willing to.
But just in case, I will still pray that you will be able to be back in time for it...:)
I hope you can come home and vote too..
Praying with you. Amen
malaysians abroad are not allowed to vote through embassies...
who and why are these malaysians went abroad?
very obvious,isn't it? why they refrained us from voting overseas.
I wont's be suprised if the Rocket fails to take off. We live in a country where anything is possible! Miracle is a daily affair here..............
Hey man... how are u? Come claim your award yah!
frostee - unfortunately... many will fall for it. yup... every vote counts... i hope i can make mine count...
j or ji - dacing huh... well... as long as they can do their job.
Klaw - i think they know who the malaysians abroad will vote for.
slyn - hello... welcome. i certainly will if i am back on time.
rational thinker - amen to that!
GYW - not yet... not yet...
pookyma - slap her! hahahaha....
lynnwei - everyone is hearing 'funny' things about malaysia.. it's really going to th dogs.
whoalse - cant wait... but really hope i can make it.
bongkersz - hopefully election will happen on 1 mar... badawi's fav number, then i can make it.
stocktube - hahahaha... i dont mind.
svllee - thanks :)
Jemima - i have checked, it's not possible.
puvanan - looking bleak... but i still hope...
mindful mariner - hi, welcome to AZAIG. what we lack is rakyat who truly cares...
myop101 - thanks... i am still believing that i will.
hopefulpessimist - hmmm... you're also away?
anon @ 11.31pm - exactly!!! and students who vote...mainly JPA....
pundit puckle - yeah... just like today...sekejap takde... sekejap ada...
kenny ng - thanks bro... will certainly collect it.
*help zewt pray*
so now that the annoucemt was made, would u be able to vote?
i will certainly do...though i have move to another area!!
... and I have a few friends who doesn't want to register as voters! Said they couldn't be bothered - just go with the flow ... yikes!! And here's zewt praying so that he'll be able to vote...
Can Malaysians abroad given postal votes? Yes, BUT with the conditions as mentioned below.
Merujuk kepada emel tuan/puan berhubung perkara diatas, dimaklumkan bahawa berdasarkan kepada Peraturan-peraturan Piliihanraya (Pengundian Pos)1959 yang berkuatkuasa, hanya mereka yang dikategorikan di (a) atau(b) dibawah sahaja yang layak mengundi secara pos diluar negara iaitu :
a) *Pengundi Tak Hadir*
i. Anggota tentera;
ii. Isteri/Suami anggota tentera;
iii. Pegawai Kerajaan bertugas di luar sempadan Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah atau Sarawak;
iv. Isteri/Suami Pegawai Kerajaan bertugas di luar sempadan Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah atau Sarawak;
v. Pelajar yang menuntut di luar sempadan Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah atau Sarawak;
vi. Isteri/Suami pelajar yang menuntut di luar sempadan Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah atau Sarawak;
(b) *Pemilih Biasa yang diberi undi pos*
i. Pegawai-pegawai Pilihan Raya;
ii. Anggota Polis Biasa;
iii. Pegawai Perkhidmatan Awam yang bertugas di luar Malaysia pada hari mengundi;
iv. Anggota-anggota Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya;
v.Golongan-golongan yang diwartakan oleh SPR sebagai layak untuk mengundi secara pos.
2. Sehubungan itu, mana-mana pemilih yang tidak termasuk dibawah kategori (a) atau (b) adalah tidak layak mengundi secara pos.
Sekian terima kasih.
Saya yang menjalankan tugas,
Setiausaha Ketiga
b.p. TYT Duta Besar
huei - prayer... answer is no... sigh...
jacss - sigh... cant make it.
melbie - go with the flow... ok, i have nothing to say about such ppl.
kean-jin lim - means.... i cant... sigh...
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