I was spotted
Someone sent me a mail, telling me that she thought she saw me crossing the road at this particular cross junction. After verifying the time, location and my clothing on that day, I confirmed with her that it was indeed me whom she saw.
Of course, she then commented on how I look and relayed to me that particular moment…
She said that she was in a car with her boyfriend and told her boyfriend that she thought she saw me. Naturally, her boyfriend asked how can she be sure since she has never met me before. And her reply to him was…
“…normally guys look exactly like they are from their blogs… not like girls… haha…”
Hmmm… I wonder how many girls give a “haha” reply to that comment…
Have a lovely long weekend ahead…
2 years ago… Imminent extinction
i have a haha comment!!
how on earth can she recognise u based on the pic in ur blog??
ok lah, or maybe it just means that you are lengjai, so you stand out from the crowd ;-)
I wonder if I can just recognize you like that... haha.
lol..dun think i can recognise u even if u stand in front of me..
people, the banner is not the only zewt picture around. there are some very rare occasions where zewt decides to reveal his face, hidden somewhere in the achieves.
right zewt?
Let's just say that girls looked different at different times. It's called beauty enhancements! Lol...
Hahaha! I totally agree with eiling. Very very true. Women's looks varies.
hahah its called photoshop..guys tend to be clueless at this kinda things.. well for me at least.
i tot i always look the same in my blog or in real life... dunno... guess i hv 2 ask kenny dat... :P
I don look like a lizard...
Forgot to add that I'm not pink nor purple either.
Huiyoo, you got stalker now! LOL!
~ visited from IMCurtain | Free Blog Advertising
great blog! haha at pinknpurplelizard's comment above! but seriously, that can't be true! now i'm wondering if i look like what i blog....
my first reaction was 'huh?'.. coz somehow (god knows why) i was under the impression guys look exactly like they are from their blogs… not like girls… refers to the writing... instead of pic.. haha doink.. :P
so immediately after reading that i was actually wondering, how can a person identify you based on your writing...? will my readers be able to recognise me then? :D must the the hungry feeling doing its tricks on me..
anyway now that i've understood, yeah, i went "haha..."..
I also haha the c0omment.
But it could mean that there is nothing much to be done to enhance a guy's looks. Sorry.
An interesting remark but quite true. Anyway, nobody will be able to spot me walking on the street, haha!
hahaha yeah... men dont change that much =p
What does that mean? Women put on more makeup on photos or vice versa?
we guys, honest in everything LOL
Does that mean I'm a guy? *perplexed + worried*
That is why I NEVER put my pics in my blog.. too tedious to photoshop! LOL!
Maybe she memorized your pic here, the way you look and all, and had probably attached the whole persona of your blog to it--and sow as able to identify you in person. =)
I think guys would be easier to recognize based on their photo, unlike girls. We girls can look different, depending on the way we do our hairstyles and wear clothes.
Zewt, post more pics of you, so that it will be easier for people to spot you. You can even give autographs. And soon it won't be a big deal like now when the girls faint and say: OMG I saw Zewt! ;-)
lol but you rarely post pictures of yourself right?? i never had that experience before.. =P
goingkookies - well, that's because i do post pictures occasionally :P
rainbow angeles - perhaps... perhaps :P
day-dreamer - maybe u just need to experience it.
neno - i think it's good that one can remain anonymous in this age and time.
blackjack - shhhhhhhh.....
-eiling- - ahhh... makes perfect sense now hah!
Seaqueen - i am sure you do.
constantly craving joe - yeah, i still dunno how to do that thing... haha!
~aSstha~ - hmm... who's kenny?
pinknpurplelizard - pic liz... not nick lol!
Jimi - so happen only lah. what is this IMCurtain anyway?
brie - hey, welcome to AZAIG. i think the person who spotted me was referring to my rare photos...
j or ji - :P
ms. lili@ - well, you have quite some pics... i am sure you are pretty recogniseable :)
Yvonne Foong - or perhaps, no enhancement needed? :P
jam - too many holiday pics in your blog lah.
fufu - amen to that :P
Ai Shiang - whatever it means to you :P
Faisal Admar - hahahaha... yeah!!!
nikki - many ppl have been spotting you eh?
gina - hahahahahaha... no need lah. be natural.
melisa - and also depending on which time it is on the day and month eh? :P ...
MKL - hahahahahahahaha.... far from that...
kenwooi - i do... occassionally. so no one spotted you before? can be a good thing.
ouhhh what i meant was, recognisable based on writing...
I think I can recognise you if i see you somewhere, Zewt.. hahaha..
Regarding the gal's comment.. probably she refers to those girls who photoshop alot until it's unrecognisable in real life! hahaaha..
Don't know...but I'd rather not risk it. Hence why I'm in hiding. Haha!
oooh ok.. sorry..new follower of ur blog recently.. so, haven't seen a full pic of u just yet
ms. lili@ - if anyone can recognise me based on my writing... wow... i will salute that person on the spot.
missironic - hahahaha... guess guys are less prone to doing photoshopping.
nikki - thus you have been taking pics of things and not much of yourself...
goingkookies - one look at my labels and one should get which posts are those :P
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