It has already been 3 months since I started this blog, and it has been an incredible journey. I made this blog my new year resolution and I am proud to say I am still keeping to it, with no sign of stopping. I made it a point to “launch” this blog on 1 Jan 2007 and I actually asked Jules to remind me to “launch” my blog. She so willingly complied.
I remember I was very excited when Patrick Teoh dropped me a comment, and a lot of people were wondering if it was the real Patrick Teoh. Well, how many Pat Teoh are there anyway? Then I remember the time when comments started rushing in when I blog about a romantic tale and asked readers to guess the ending. 20 comments for that entry and I was feeling rather ecstatic.
Next, I bumped into the first blog that linked to As Zewt As It Gets… it was Huei’s Dead Boredom Seeking Freedom. Thanks Huei, you didn’t know you were the first eh? By then, I also installed my first html code… the hits counter. Thanks everyone for giving me my 10,000+ hits thus far.

Next, I posted the infamous entry on Chinese and it currently holds the highest record for comments with a total of 74. It prompted me to do a few entries on Chinese and Chinese culture which led to some really intellectual comments, which excites me.
Then I attended the Bloggers Gathering organised by Wingz and it was a very enjoyable time indeed. Managed to meet up with some fellow citizens in the blogosphere and I don’t know why… many people think Zewt is a girl.
Next were the 2 entries I did on top scorers in the SPM and again, it managed to attract some really interesting comments. Co-incidentally enough, one of the readers here is actually a friend of one of the top scorer in the country and he gave his insights on the issue, the view from his side of the world.
It was then that arguably the most significant event of my life took place. It was then my mom suddenly collapsed and left me without a word. It was then that I found out mom was hiding something from us. It was then I learnt so much about mom, and how mom has already planned her departure. I pondered on why mom acted in a certain manner and how successful mom was. It was also the time when my blog hit a phenomenal level of readership, with an average of 336 unique readers during that eventful 8 days.
I know it may sound like some oscar speech but all these will never be possible without you guys (and gals)… seriously! And oh... I was featured in this blog and Nuraina was kind enough to mention me in her blog which lead to Zewt being mentioned in Malaysia Today. It has only been 3 months, but where do I go from here? Well, let’s just say I will try to keep those interesting entries going… Meanwhile, Happy 3 months old to As Zewt As It Gets!
P/S: That picture was just for kicks… hehe…
ahaha! happy three months old babyday zewty! hahaha!
mine going to be soon too. i started later a bit than u.
life is full of surprises isn't it? and blogfriends are very supportive, generally. lol.
Hello Zewt, Happy 3 months old to Az Zewt as it gets, and hopefully it will get Zewtier and zewtier.. :)
Yeah, you are the Zewtest!
May you have many more 3 months! Will keep cheering you on ;)
U're one unique blogger, with such special personalities and interesting way in penning social issues that's sure to melt every reader's hearts.
Congrats and keep it up! So Zewt!!!
Hey hey, kudos to you~!! Happy 3 months old... many more to come yeah!! :) It was really nice knowing you and your blog, LOL...
Congrats and keep up the good work! Very impressive as I remember the days I first started and it was dismal with no comments and etc. Sorry abt yr mum.
*clap clap clap* and the award for most popular blogger goes to.......
three months already one review....what happens on the fourth, fifth and one yr anniversary?! kekekeke. bring the clowns, strippers and flame throwers, ok?
i dunno abt the others but i think the greatest charm of zewt is that his comments are personal. not one of those crappy ones just to let ppl know that he visited their blog. n very sincere n genuine. that almost shines through in the things you write. usually, i stop going round to ppl's blog when their readership/comments hit such a high level cos i don't want to be a voice in the crowd...but zewt has his charm.
Sorry Mr. Zewt but pls put your hands behind your back and whatever you say will now be used against you in the court of law...You are under arrest for under Section 13A Kanun Keseksaan for DISTRIBUTING CHILD PORN hahahaha....
Keep the good work going!!!!!
Happy 3 months anniversary, Zewt! May there be many, many more to come! :D
P.S. Child porn? Eh...
HaPPy 3 MONtHS Old!!!
wah! i was first!!! =D
Your blog is really worth visiting, and you gained all your respectable readers =)
Keep up the good work!! hehe
Happy 3 months anniversary, Zewt!
From a humble beginning to a firm loyal-based blog readers (still accumulating), even though it is merely 3 months, but the results are significant and promising.
Kudos to your achievements and it is always a pleasure to read your blog. Keep it up! Aza Aza fighting!
to hit 10000pls hits in 3 months..shit thats awesome but kudos that you come up with good topics to blog about..now..how m i goin to manipulate my statcounter to gimme an extra 0..
happy 3 months anniversary, dude! keep the momentum going!
pinksterz - wahh... and i tot i am the infant here, looks like i've found a younger sis in the blogosphere!
mistipurple - indeed, i will forever remember those kind words rendered during those difficult times.
Russ - hey bro, how is life in US? more free stuff from BP? gimme some la. Thanks... i shall try to be zewtier.
angel - thanks for the encouragement... haha... zewtest eh, not a bad word. i still remember your cuntfused.
kyh - those words are just too flaterring bro. i shall try to do my best. we are all trying to make a difference, and i am glad i managed to make a lil.
Calvin's wife - thanks... it was nice reading about your friend's encounter with the strange doc too... haha... still brings a chuckle.
boo_licious - thanks for your kind words. yeah, those no reader days... but arent we glad we decided to soldier on nonetheless?
me - i think in anything and everything, that lil bit of human touch is important. we are alraedy living in such a quick paced world where everything is so electronic. top that up with the virtual world... human communication becomes just a joice over a microphone and now... a word on the screen. so i guess a personal reply to each comment is the very least i can do for people who are kind enough to read my giberrish... dont you think?
economist - that one considered child porn meh? hahaha... thanks, i shall keep it going.
kenny mah - thanks kenny... yeah, dunno about that... maybe you should ask economist.
huei - yes you were. it was one of those milestone that i remember. thanks, shall keep up the good work, and you're one of those respectable reader too.
Princess Eileen - thanks thanks... that is again too flaterring. i am just trying to put all my thoughts into words. not too sure about the still accumulating "loyal" readers, i guess people are just kind enough to drop me a note.
someone who is constantly craving - i am sure u will hit 10k in no time as well. i like your blog my friend, and i am going to visit those nice food place when my vege days are over.
bongkerz - thanks... i shall do my best. and hey... you also keep yours going la... dont tell me your computer busted again...
Happy 3 months old zewt! Mine also about that.. 3 months already!!
Wow! It's not bad getting thousands of visitors and hundreds of comments when your blog is only 3 months old! Keep up the fantastic work. Happy 3 months old!
happy 3 months =)
what is zewt btw?
oh adn i linked to u if u dont mind
Wah... Happy 3 Months Old!!! Wow.. reminds me of my own blog... mine is already 2 mths old now. Hahaha!
For some reasons, I love reading your posts. Not sure what issit here that captures my interest. But I believe it's the feeling of being a 'friend' here. Your great responses to all the comments makes everyone feeling welcomed. Keep up the good work!
wow congrats on your blog! 3 months yet so many readers! I can see why though ;) I really enjoy reading it. :)
CONGRATS!! hehe.. u did a great job for your blog.. some ppl could only dream of owning a blog like yours.. hehe.. that's me lor :p~
oh yea, did u get my msg on friendster? :) i need your contact la coz when the car is ready and russ is back then could give u a call for a spin in that 'monster' AND also it has been ages since we last met.. haha.. ~cheers~
Go Go Zewt! Keep it 'up' men.
Go Go Zewt! Keep it 'up' men.
Hey zewt! Happy 3rd mth birthday!
So have you started looking at new templates? Be interesting to see what you finally chose! Let me know if you have any problems with it. I'm no techno expert, but will try to help!
Your NeoCounter is cute. I see I am the only one from my country! Can you tell which reader is from where?
rabbit - oh... really? happy 3 months to you too.
Josette - sure thing, i will definitely try to keep the momentum going. and readers and comments wont happen without all of you.
TTL - zewt morphed from my chinese name. :)... sure, links are always welcomed.
purple mushroom - hey there... ya, yours should be hitting 3 months soon since you started about a month after me. well, you're also doing a good job at your blog cursing "that" bank... if the bank 'chap lap' one day... i will know why.
celestina - hi there. thank you for your support. it's good to know ppl do enjoy what i write.
nicole - oh... the monster is ready? ok, i will check out my friendster. by the way, russ is a safe driver right? haha
hor ny ang moh - sure thing my friend.
kat - i have not got any time to check that out yet. i like dark background, cos i believe it's easier to read. hope i can find one there. as for tracking ppl based on the country, i cant... i can only see an overall picture. maybe in the future i can.. who knows?
keep going! we are all very proud of you here.
Happy 3rd mth birthday! Zewt here for you :
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too. -unknown author-
happy 3rd month bday!! =D
Looks like you are on a roll here. Keep it up! :)
Walau, 3 months already, so fast huh ?
Got cake to eat ?
No ? never mind lah, just play play only.
Keep on blogging, don't stop blogging, you are gonna be a star someday.....
You're gonna make a lot of people happy
When they come to read your blog.
You don't get 10K in 3 months by being bad. Congrats and keep on blogging, as if I need to say that.
Happy 3rd mths anniversary!
Many wld agreed - the most difficult step is always the 1st step..in which U have done it and you've stepped thru for the 3rd mths now...Keep Going Zewt and keep up the good work thus far!
In order to show proud of yourself,
to those you love,those love you,
to your readers and esp. to
your beloved mum.....
happy 3rd month YOUNG!!!
oh well...as everyone said, your blog is worth reading:)
that's why we're still reading and giving comments here...
may you have dozens of 3months in the future:)
GG. My comment is gonna get lost in the sea of visitors here, but here goes:
Happy 3rd Month Anniversary! =).
Keep it up dude. One day you may just use this influence of yours for the betterment of Malaysia.
Will definitely support you then. *wink =)
Wow... 10,000+ visitors in 3 months? *applause, applause*
Happy 3rd month anniversary to As Zewt At It Gets!
p.s. My blog is just one day younger than yours! *wink*
april - thanks!
Anon. Fm Miri - that was meaningful... shall keep that between my shoulders :)
grace - thanks!
King's wife - let's hope i won't roll down the mountain :)
Linken Lim - thanks for your kind words, you should keep blogging too... let none of us stop.
Kata Tak Nak - you need to... everyone needs encouragement... me included.
MM - hey! welcome here. no more talking stocks on ben's blog eh? yeah, my mom would probably be proud of me re this blog.
baby sa - thanks... cheers to many dozens of 3 months in the future.
Jazzi - haha... no way bro... i will surely be able to see your comments. for the betterment of this country... wow... that's quite far fetched, but i would be glad if i can make that happen.
rinnah - oh... i guess you started on 31 dec 2006 then?
eh popular la u ....patrick teoh also come and comment. he never comment in my blog ...although we're sil/bil hahahhahah
I am new here, halooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Now that's a good first greeting.
You are welcome =D
wow. impressive. only 3 months, and u've achieved that much. mind giving me autograph?? u're my new idol, after some pornstar~ lol. =P
zewt,it's not my font, ur browser haven uploaded properly,my font and my background r suppose to b in a total contrast,one's dark brown,one's light brown. Refresh your browser instead...hehhehe......
sasha - you're his sil ah? aiyah... then maybe he is sick of you already hahahahaha....
andrew ho - yes, welcome to As Zewt As It Gets. a very good first greeting it is. ok, i shall check if it's my browser or your font colour.
faichai - i must work my way to be more famous than pornstar then.
*nodding nodding* ya ya ya. eh..am i agreeing to the gibberish part or the personal reply part? :-p
Yea..yea..will always be your blog's avid reader..whether you write interesting stuff, boring stuff, shitty stuff, watever stuff, still will read it... =)
ala.. the 'monster' isn't ready yet but when russ is back we can still meet up right? am sure russ would want to as he have never met u before.. hehe..
btw, russ is a safe driver :) trust me
me - both right?
jessica - thank you thank you... so supportive you are.
nicole - sure. let me know when russ is back.
Fuwah...3 mths anni and you already have 49 comments! I 3 years oso not so many. Jeles.....Hahaha.
Happy blogging Zewt. Hope it motivates you to keep going. You are now a new up and coming blogging superstar.
5Xmom - what is there to be jeles about ler... your blog also do hot mah....
maverick sm - thanks maverick, for your compliment. I will definitely keep going.
thanks for droppin by my blog...No Black Tie is worth checking out if you really do live that near... :)let me know when you do...
WAH U MANYAK LANCI AH! SAMO COME AND BLOW TRUMPET IN MY BLOG!!!! hahaha but keep up the good work. I bet its hard work blog hopping and leaving comments in other ppl blog pays off well. Haha
charmayne - yeah, will definitely make a trip there one day.
sasha - hahahaha... gimme some face la... still feeling excited mah. i know for all the pioneers like you all... sure no more feeling already... cos you all already so famous...
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