Sunday 15 April 2007

KFC or starfish?

It’s been a really long time since I last visited KFC. I am not exactly a fan of fast food and will only go if my colleagues fancy it for lunch. However, when I do go for a meal there, gluttony tends to set in and I can whack quite a lot of chickens. Can't help it, I mean, I know it’s bad as deep fried stuff is fattening but those original recipe crispy skin (which is the most unhealthy part) is just too tempting. Dip that into nice chilly sauce… wow, absolutely yummylicious. So, do you fancy KFC?

Some friends of mine are really health conscious freaks and they will never touch fast food. Well, what they don’t know is that KFC is not any other fast food. KFC is ‘the’ fast food around in town! KFC not only give your taste bud orgasm… it can even make this happen. I am not sure if it’s true though, since you know, all bloggers are liars after all. So that could be a lie. Read with discernment.

Extracted from there:
“A woman told me she and her husband received RM100 each. Another Indian man said he will have KFC tonight.”

For those who are not didn’t go over to that blog to check what happened… basically, someone(dunno who la) was said to have given some money to some people in Machap so that those people in Machap will vote certain people (also dunno who la). And some fellas in Machap, the first thing that comes to their mind when they received money is… KFC!!!

Wow! See how influential KFC is? Next time you wish to get things done, just buy barrels and barrels of KFC, you might just get a lot of things working your way!

So… are you a fan of “KFC”? Are you going to have KFC when the time comes?

You may have heard this story before but it’s good to hear it again….

A man was walking on the beach with his son. As they were walking, they stumbled upon a starfish which has been washed ashore by the strong waves. If let onshore, the starfish will most certainly die. The son, knowing that the starfish will die, picked it up and threw it back into the ocean. Witnessing this, the father said…

“Son, that’s a good deed. But why bother, hundreds or thousands starfish are washed ashore in any day, you can't be picking all of them up everyday”

“Dad, yes, I can't. I may not be able to save all of them. But I saved that starfish that I threw in the ocean today. To that starfish, I made a difference”

You’ve heard of the story before right? But… can you fully grasp what is the true meaning behind it?

Many of us have our own beliefs, our own ways of doing things. But I am sure almost all of us at some point of our lives, wanna make a difference. But after seeing the real world, we all tend to drown in the sea of reality, and it breaks us. Top this up with our infamous “tidak apa” attitude, there’s no more motivation for us to make a difference.

But really, the choice is yours. No one will is going to force a KFC and stuff it up your arse if you don’t like it. Nor will anyone point a gun at your head and ask you to throw starfish back at the ocean. But I have to tell you, if all of us throw a starfish back at the ocean… then it will make a difference.


TingTitLei said...

kinda sick of kfc.. eat that almost everyday in college. if i get 200 ringgit now ill rush to lowyat to get myself a ram upgrade

rainbow angeles said...

I'm not KFC fan... but if I do eat, the skin is the part I won't take haha.. yeah, u can come with me to KFC next time :P Oh wait, a lot of other ppl wanna come too haha!

And, me, yes, I'll throw the starfishys back to where they belong ;) YATTTAAA!!!

Have a good week ahead!

nyonyapenang said...

okie, i'll eat one piece of KFC from your'll sure make a wee bit difference to your waistline.

Cocka Doodle said...

Oh my God! First the fishes turned belly up!
Now the starfish beached themselves!

She IS Hawt!!!! Muahahahahah!!!!

chanraymond said...

... KFC. I just came back from work (KFC, fyi) not too long ago. Sick of eating & cooking it. Ugh.

hcfoo said...

KFC is a form of food for celebration especially for ppl from a small town.

I truly understand that because when I was in a local uni, the only place that we thought was a perfect place to celebrate a birthday or after exam was none other than KFC.

About the starfish, well, it's a new week and perhaps we should start doing something about it now.

Anonymous said...

I am quite a fan of KFC :)

well, in fact, I am a fan of ALL fast foods! But hey, I don't weight 100+kg, I am still considered underweight, even if I eat all the time! WEIRD!!!

Jazzi said...

lol. I wasn't sure whether to believe the report on vote-buying in that case or not. Even if it were true, the opposition parties certainly didn't do a good job in garnering concrete evidence (perhaps a proper video rather than just pictures of people stuffing money in pockets?) suffice to lodge a police report.

The video interview posted by could very well be opposition parties making a story up...cos it was just one persons statement, without any video evidence, or even any interviews with the recipients of the money...

Good analogy on the starfish btw =).

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

i dont want any kfc stuffed up my arse..but i b glad if you just give it to me nicely for me to savour..haha..i think its too early in the morning..ur ideas seem to be everywhere..too hard for me to digest la..come back later

Anonymous said...

Talking bout the chicken skin, I remmeber the chap fan uncle with the best chicken skin back in school
As for the story, it has been circulating and yes, it makes a difference in everything we do, so believe in what you do and just do it

Anonymous said...

hey worked in kfc during my undergrad yrs in uk.....i know how the chickens are prepared....or at least marinated with... :S once you see it you wont feel like eating k-f-c again....if only u know how to chicky looks like ....before they cook it....

me said...

oooooo, :-o politically related post...*runs for cover* nanti my backside ends up in some lock-up....

*peeks back in*...i really do like kfc. but i like mcd's spicy ayam goreng even better. :-p

starfish?...when u r growing up, u'll find that the most difficult thing is not the challenges u face in's not to get disillusioned, jaded and cynical. keep that enthusiasm about you n u'll BE the difference.

Weig said...

Ayam corn-fiush. What has throwing dying starfish back into the ocean got to do with eating fried chicken again?

Anonymous said...

Zewt i think most readers have misunderstood the topic..Why are they harping on the CHICKEN SKIN?

Anyway better not say much as every1 has freedom to EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS though it maybe totally irrelevant i guess........

baggie said...

I hope you are not a big fan of KFC's breast meat... *horror* after you eat too much of it you will have estrogen and start growing ninis... I have 2 friends who love to attack the breastmeat and they developed a pair of 32 cup A. *grins* I always go and kacau them.. LOL

KFC once a month is okay, too much if it will be too "jelat".. Look at the amount of yellowish Fats!! Yikes!

And as for the starfish thingy, I agree with you, I might never be able to save one and everyone of them, but if everyone does it, it do make a big difference...

Huei said...

oh mann!! now i feel like having KFC..and the nearest one is like...damn far away!! >.<


:: Nicole.F :: said...

uh uh.. i just had KFC yesterday.. hehe.. but normally i'd eat zinger burger instead! :)

SuLee said...

KFC in Canada is like A&W in msia, very run down and is like the cheapest junk coz is unhealthy..

but I eat it almost every tuesday coz they have toonie tuesday - $2 for two pieces of chicken + order of fries!

felt sick after everytime i ate it!

Unknown said...

I can be bought at any polling station anytime. You don't even have to offer me money, no make it 'I don't accept money'. I will give you my votes if you could give me an extra 20 unused ballot papers. What I do with those 20 is my business. Do we have a deal?

Alliedmartster said...

Sorry, but totally no relation to this posting,
for this blog readers or bloggers who are interested in the development of NAB - All Blogs, email to to keep yourself in the loop of things to come. This is early stage yet, but this will act as a reflector email to disseminate info to those who are keen.

Zewt, but to add, they say, you pay peanuts you get monkeys....
So if you pay chicken, you get?

Anonymous said...

I kinda missed KFC actually .. it's been a while though .. he he

Anonymous said...

what's the point of having chicken today but u ended up with roti prata for the rest of ur life.

cibol said...

very thoughtful ..

zewt said...

TTL - so i know how to bribe you... with RAM!

angel - good, we shall all make a difference.

nyonyapenang - thanks... so kind of you. but now, i cant even have a bite.

cooka doodle - i am lost weh...

little Ray - wonder if you get the notion.

hcfoo - i see. didnt know KFC is so highly regarded. I guess it's considered a luxury. but that's not my notion... indeed, we should start making a difference today!

LaSH - you sound like me when i was young-er... trust me, your belly will come soon enough.

Jazzi - good point. i wonder why there was no video of ppl taking money, instead of just people stuffing money into their pocket. the starfish story... taken from somewhere else, but thought it would link well with the KFC thing. too bad, i feel some ppl here didnt catch the idea.

someone who is constantly craving - have to admit i struggled to put up that piece. i await your return.

zeroimpact - oh yeah man!!! i remember that too. remember that old chap fan place that has very good fried potatos too, cooked with black sauce... right? as for believing in what we do... let us all make a difference today...

zewt said...

anonymous 1 - ignorance is bliss. dont tell me you dont eat kfc after that.

me - McD better meh? KFC much better la... very phylosophical eh? well, i think most ppl are jaded now... and i am certainly very cynical about things. it's a great challenge to keep the enthusiasm going. all your encouragement would help.

cirnelle - of all people, i tot you will be able to tell...

economist - yeah, i think most ppl didnt finish reading the whole entry.

calvin's wife - hahahaha, you and your ninis!! your friends are guy i presume? A cup still ok la. as for starfish, i am glad you get the flow. but i am not not everyone is willing to get their hands dirty. which is why it's so difficult to be united.

huei - woooah... u know what am i trying to say or not? summore wanna brog about gomen u said...

nicole - another blur one.

SuLee - and yet, you eat it every tuesday?

kata tak nak - if that is the case, i can also be bought... haha!

alliedmaster - thanks for the info. but turkeys?

cibol - errr... another one who is blur perhaps? :P

Anonymous 2 - ahhh... someone who understand what i am trying to get at.

Bujang Skrang Ulu - thanks.. :)

Anonymous said...

Dearest Zewt,

I love KFC. Its my fave fast food and I will eat it without regret any time my friend.

In so far as making a difference, I agree with you Zewt, sometimes it breaks us up with the tidak apa attitude.

Terra Shield said...

I haven't had KFC in ages... Now I feel hungry...

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

im back!..i think i know where ur article is getting at..haha..oh yeah in return for fillin up ur advertlet its ur turn to do mine..ok? if u haven done so..oh yeah got more delicious food reviews comin ur way over at my blog..

Weig said...

Cirnelle's brain failed to reboot over the weekend - this is a better riddle than the previous one. Let me try twisting my logic abit:-

IF KFC = bribe, THEN [[Query("Are you a fan of "KFC"?) or Query(Are you going to have KFC when the time comes?) = Query(YES to bribe?)]

IF KFC = Yes, THEN RUNLOOP( Starfish-Beached-Don't-Bother.exe AND Point-Gun-On-Bastard's-Head-And-Blow.exe)CLOSELOOP, ELSE Run Save-One-Starfish.exe)

IF Starfish.exe = ON, THEN RUNLOOP(More-Starfish-Wash-Shore.exe)

Purple~MushRooM said...

I still don't get it. Whats KFC gotta do with Starfish?

Anonymous said...

kfc=bribe tool=short term gain=long run=people who 'love the k-f-c' offered in the end suffer??

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hallo Zewt!!I am going to eat lots & lots of KFC, McChick, Pizza & whatsoever & at the sametime I am not only throwing starfish back to the sea by myself I also encourage a lot of other people to throw starfish back to the sea.So am I a good boy???

gRaCe said...

hey Zewt..i hardly eat KFC..very muak after eating..but like u said, the original recipe's skin is the best! hahaha...

as for the starfish..i do agree with the lil boy, tht altho we can't help all of helping one, we're already making a difference. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Go to Eric Woon's blog at maybe it will lighten u up.
Every Malaysian Do It Now-There's No Better Time.

Anonymous said...

I love KFC! and their cheesy wedges too! But too bad, my area here don't have KFC! You say i'm pity or not??? I didn't have KFC for so long!

ManaL said...

Starfish? poor patrick's mates...(spongebob squarepants best chum).

KFC? I had my 1st date after SPM at one of its outlets. NOt a great fan of it except if there's nothing else nearby en route to somewhere unfamiliar places. Secret recipes, fingerlickin's good and not craving it. UNless it was an impulse buying...

Kenny Mah said...

I like the starfish story lots. I believe it makes a difference too, a real one. The thing is to start making people believe that they can make a difference, and then take action. Multiply this number, and then WHAM! You have a tidal wave... ;)

P.S. Finally can see the advertlets and answered the poll. Depressing lah question 2.

HappySurfer said...

Point noted. **Sigh**

TingTitLei said...

yeha buy me 2 gigabytes of ddr2 duo core ram and ill plug to you in my blog.. heehee

King's wife said...

KFC really tastes good only when I'm very hungry. Sometimes hor, really not sedap one. Bland and tasteless...

Anonymous said...

Down with KFC, and long live RAMLY BURGER!

bongkersz said...

.... why so many harping on KFC? The main issue here is.. you can buy Machap voters, with a price of KFC Value Meal :P bwahahahahahaha! Farking cheapskate!

p/s: i'm so sad.. it's so obvious we are surrounded by dumbass..

Melyong said...

That is the whole problem with most of the Malaysian. They do not think deeper than the surface. To them whatever that benefit them is good enough not knowing that they've been exploited and the bigger benefits are all sacrifised for the little tiny ones. sad case.

may said...

I'm not a total fan of KFC, but I won't cringe from it either. sometimes the skin is the best part, especially when it's crunchy! and since you're eating chicken, and chicken is a source of protein, it's still healthy, right? *grin*

*tosses starfish into sea*
*and another*

ahjohn said...

talk about differnces, we Malaysian top the list. Of coz, you'd ask me, where are the star fish then if we have been that good to the sea?

Well, look at the Port Dickson sea, look at Selat Melaka that we can almost walk across on legs. Because we throw back, but not starfish. Instead we threw all the rubbish, saliva (pui-pui), babies (oh we are famous for that!), and then we make that differences...

talk about throwing back to the sea... once i had a friend call Ruben. Ruben has a dog and bitch. They gave birth to 4 puppies. 1 brown and 3 black. Ruben realize that the black puppies does not look cute, so he tie the pupies into a plastic bag and yes... he threw them to the sea.

OUCH.... true, but we are Malaysian right? like they often say....MACAM MACAM ADA

MissSHopaHolic said...

By der way... KFC's oil is used for 7 days (minimum) ...!!! which is really really bad.. this is why the rate 4 cancer is going higher day by day.. i'm not saying eat KFC means get cancer.. i'm saying dont eat alot la.. remember the proverb.. one man's meat is another man's poison in this case i doubt KFC does any good.. therefore.. take fast food in average consumption or else it will turn out 2 be ur worst nightmare!!!

By der way.. people bribing you with KFC??Snort... how cheap la dei?? If i'm given a voucher for 5k to shop in GUEss i'll think about it.. sooooo corrupted... Bodohland memang bodoh!!!!!!

Rabbit said...

Er.. police will tangkap or not ah if rabbit eats kfc? *gulp*

Name: Ken Ai Tok said...

People, go ahead and enjoy the KFC, but dont feel that you are oblidged to anyone. About that starfish, trow it back into the sea.

Melyong said...

zewt, I only have 2 blogs! and the one you went is the main. you'll definately see me around.

Anonymous said...

Err... KFC Boleh??

Hmmm...have you noticed that in the past couple of years there have been quite a few by-elections due to deaths of the current assemblymen? And whenever there's a campaign, all the big guns will show up and loads of attention showered on the once sleepy hollow. Isn't it any wonder these simple folks are simply bedazzled by the show of 'power'? And then they claim they still have strong support because they won...

It'll be interesting to see what happens if say the assemblyman for PJ North passes away..

Everyday I do my little bit, and everyday I'm a little disheartened when my little bit is just a tiny drop in the ocean... But sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit, right?

kyh said...

I'm a big real KFC fan. Their fried chickens are the best I've ever tasted. And yeah... The skin part is the best of the best!!!

But since I've become a vegetarian, I havent patronized it, not even once.

And yeah... Each of us do want to strive a difference. The thing that matters is when would we be able to make it.

*toss a starfish back to sea*

zewt said...

elviza - yeah, it breaks us, but we must first pick up ourselves before we can pick up some starfish.

Terra Shield - you can go have some perhaps.

someone who is constantly cracing - right, i have already done it. glad you finally get the flow.

cirnelle - now, that's more like it. but... a bit lost after a while.. as always.

purple mushroom - read again lor.

anonymous 1 - precisely!

hor ny ang moh - good boy!!! that's the way to go. we must all start throwing!

grace - if every time we go to the beach we throw one... we will make a big difference.

anonymous 2 - i think i need to visit there too.

seok thong - hmmm, you also miss the point perhaps.

zewt said...

manal - do you get the whole idea of the article?

kenny mah - yup! looking forward to a tidal wave! hahaha... depressing for all of us lor!

Happysurfer - well done my friend!

TTL - then you will have another 5 years of slow internet acess due to poor planning... know what i mean?

king's wife - hmmm, another one...

bujangsigat - well done! you get it!

bubbly soda - yeah, we only see what is right in front of us, we lack foresight. it's up to us who can make a difference to do something.

may - keep tossing! :P

ahjohn - like i said, very good point... where are the starfish then if we have been good to the sea... metaphorically speaking or otherwise. your friend ruben is really sick!!!!!!!

MissSHopaholic - hahahahaha... so for you, it's a 5k guess voucher, i guess everyone does have price eh? heh heh...

rabbit - police no tangkap... but i tangkap.

tan - hi there, welcome to my blog. so it's both KFC and starfish for you eh?

kat - hi kat, thanks for your tips on the template thingy. yup, lama lama jadi bukit... let us all start building that bukit today. indeed, ppl in small towns when big shots show their faces just once a year. have to say they fail to see the big picture. anyway, what's with PJ North?

kyh - vegetarian! well done... means KFC wont work on you! hahaha... yup my friend... keep tossing!

Anonymous said...

PJ North is just an example of a more developed place. Perhaps I should mention a place where more bloggers stay?? :D Do you think their big words and big promises will work as well? ;)

ManaL said...


Cant be arsed to think about it...of course la i know the head n the tail of the story but saje nak menyimpang jauh buat2 tak the real topic gitewww.....

Love is in the air bakes said...

if i were to be a could i be eating KFC? *ponder* oh i think rather eat KFC than being a starfish :P

Anonymous said...

I've read about the starfish story a couple of times now but I'm always "amazed" at the boy's reply to his father
"...I may not be able to save all of them. But I saved that starfish that I threw in the ocean today. To that starfish, I made a difference"

I wish more people would think like this lil boy =)

As for KFC...I'm not the type to eat this everyday but sometimes I do have a kfc craving!
And then I definitely need to have a bite of kfc!Hahaha

Cocka Doodle said...

I was drawing reference to your recent comment in my previous post lah duh.....

Anonymous said...

I laugh iut when i read your comment that my friend Ruben is really sick.

Maybe he is. cause everyday he is in the clinic. Reason: he's a doctor today.

zewt said...

kat - ahhh... urbanites eh... yeah, they will have a tough time. but then again... who is the MP there now?

Manal - hahahaha... tergelak saya. bila tahu, janganla buat tak tahu... segan saya bagi komen yang lama tu.

charmayne - errr... i think you're lost eh? :P :P

angele - want to make a difference and making a difference is 2 very different things... :) ahh... suddenly i feel like kfc too.. oh i cant, i am on vege!

cooka doodle - ohhhh... ok ok, sorry master.

Anonymous aka ahjohn - what? i aint gonna see him man. i hope he is not a gynea... he might just pack all the babies and throw them away.

Name: Ken Ai Tok said...

People may accept the KFC if they wish but they dont have to vote for the bribe giver.

Love is in the air bakes said...

i'm always lost :P anyways went to No Black Tie yesterday and somehow thought of you... :)

zewt said...

tan - good point!!! :)i dont mind KFC if that's the case.

charmayne - ohhh... very thoughtful of you. i wonder if the place is open for dinner... wonder if the good is good. once my vege days are over, plan to go there.

Love is in the air bakes said...'s open for is quite yummy too, they do japanese and fusion(if i'm not mistaken) stuff :) oh yea...go vote for me yeah!

#12 ;)

zewt said...

charmayne - done