Yes! Tell me why!!! Damn it! Of all things, why must they choose rum? Don’t they know that it’s freaking important? Oh man, I don’t have the answer, I can't tell why is the rum gone…
*Zewt opens google talk and msn and asked around* … Why is the rum gone? Here are some of the reasons why the rum is gone when I asked my gchat-mate and msn-mate….
*Zewt opens google talk and msn and asked around* … Why is the rum gone? Here are some of the reasons why the rum is gone when I asked my gchat-mate and msn-mate….
"What rum?" - all time favourite answer
“It’s gone cos Malaysia stopped giving us as much water, so we decided to drink rum instead” – Singaporean sigh.... opps...
“Because rum's mama ask rum to go away?” – rum got mama? Papa still around?
“It’s here la, but damn long never drink till high d, miss party days, ahahahahha” – I think she is still high from it.
“Must be act of god, or samy velly ran out of todi” – hahahahahahahaha!
“Wat's a rum? The alcohol drink? Rum jungle? U always amuse me” – what has rum gotta do with me amusing you?
“Because nuffnang took it for themselves” – someone knows what is going on…
“My dog (row row) drank it. Here’ why.Please find where the “R”, “U” and “M” is “H”idden.
Row-Row ran to ride his ‘bone’,
Hid it well beneath a stone,
But Row-Row’s ‘bone’ doesn’t hot when its cold,
The ‘bone’ grows ‘hore matured when old.” – what kinda answer is this???? And I still dunno why the rum is gone!
“Is it? I didn’t know. Wait, what rum?” – go drink some and you’ll know.
“becos u drank it all la, what else?” – did I? but I am not drunk yet.
“Coz Julia drank it. I’ve been trying to warn you, but do you listen? noooooooooooooo” – Oh shit, she took the rum????
Sigh…no one can give me a good answer. How am I going to answer to these fellas?
Tell… why is the rum gone? Tell me now! And dont tell me you dunno what rum is!
Feel like kena con.... sob sob
The rum is gone becoz I have been so sober thinking of how to write an entry for "Why is the rum gone?", I end up finishing all the rum. THAT IS WHY ALL THE RUM IS GONE. *Period*
P.S. And becoz the fact that someone suddenly send me a msg and ask me "Why is the rum gone?" gets me in a state of blur & shock!!!
Dont mess with my head anymore Zewt. And its bad that you do it when I am in a middle of writing my report. *Head spinning*
Sorry zewt. Tried to spell RUM with "R", "R" and "M". Me high already, methinks.
Change to this:
Row-Row ran to ride his bone,
Hid it well beneath a stone,
Row-Row ran, and hit with bhmp!
Crashed! Bang! Tok! till Row's all nuhb
where's our water?
I want that rum! I hope I can go.
I tried carribean rum before, nice what .. so I think I know what is rum. but still I think tuak is better .. he he he
Ahahaha, wuliow~!! *grins* tomorrow my turn to post up, hehehe
coz i went to blackhole bar yesterday and sapu-ed their malibu
I know these days, it's difficult to find "Rum and Raisin" ice-cream and I miss that.
Because Liucas drank it when Mummy Winn is at home...
Because Liucas drank it when Mummy Winn is at home...
Aww come on guys.. you don't even HAVE to write about RUM!!! or even answer the question!!! or even say anything about Nuffnang.. lol
Jack Sparrow got it?
I'm feeling thirsty now...
KUALA LUMPUR: Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, who will be installed as the 13th Yang di-Pertuan Agong today, is introducing changes in the way Istana Negara deals with the people and Government.
COOLANGATTA, Australia (Reuters) - Australia's tubing Superbank is arguably the best beach break wave in the world, a man-made wave that can run for kilometres, but this surfer's paradise has revealed a dark heart of surfing.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seung-Hui Cho took just nine minutes to fire more than 170 rounds of ammunition as he gunned down dozens of his fellow students and staff at Virginia Tech last week, police said on Wednesday.
see? this happen today while RUM is gone. I think we need to find back that RUM.
articles copied from 'thestar.com. but that is not the issue here, see? i think it is important for us to see that the RUM is gone and how long more can we hide this issue from the world? aren't we answerable? we have to be more responsible because the RUM is not just a RUM but the RUM is the RUM that has gone missing. Imagine our kids ask us what is a RUM and we cannot show them a simple RUM...that is almost as disgraceful as us forgetting our dinner. So I urge the world to find the RUM together. Thank you thank you...
So what's the RUM or a RUM, Zewt?
Heheheheh I drank it all thinking it was wine... Aiya rum ah??? tak ape stil drink..
the rum went into my tum!
and also into the fudge I was eating... *grin*
Ok...i know what RUM is...but I have no idea what all this missing rum all about...;p
Aiyah!! This wan easy wan. All drank by Ang Moh lah! Now he is busy pokeing all the hole he can find!!! & I do meant any hole he can find!!! Have a nice day.
p/s I do perfer wine to beer as drinking wine u got 'powerfull' easily whereas u drank a lot of beer first before u got high but by the u got a big turmmy which got in the way when u go pokeing.
Cheh!! I thought zewt has lost his marbles by talking about rum!!
Come they told me, pa RUM pum pum pum
A new born King to see, pa RUM pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring, pa RUM pum pum pum
To lay before the King, pa RUM pum pum pum,
RUM pum pum pum, RUM pum pum pum,
Me and my drum...
princess eileen - maybe u need some rum... heard it will help your report writing... oh wait... no more rum... all gone!
cirnelle - still doesnt make sense... nvm...
lynette - you mean you dont want rum? u sure?
5xmon - have decided i wont be going unless i have 2 tickets.
cibol - tuak? apa tu?
calvin's wife - and i await... hehe...
TTL - what has malibu gotta do with rum? it's rum la... are you drink?
Happysurfer - you know why? cos all the rum is gone... :P... damn, i am really writing crap here.
angel - eh... tiba tiba winn pulak keluar? winn.. show yourself!
boss stewie - that's what i did right? u want some rum?
Sam - sam, you're too young for rum...
ahjohn - ahhhhh.... the significance of rum!!! it's shaping the world i am telling you!!! no joke!!! yup... the rum is not just any other rum, but the rum that went missing and the rum that is needed so that rum will still be around. err.... i think i dunno what i am writing already.... *burp* .... opps... not me, i didnt take the rum.
wennn - oh... so it's you la... when you finish wine tasting.. u sapu the rum la...
mar - ok, i guess it's not you who took the rum...
hor ny ang moh - hahahahah.... i guess you're not the one who took the rum... i will know if the wine is gone. have a nice day too!
kat - ohhhhhh.... so that's where the rum is.... the rum is before 3 pums.... (today is crap day)... *burp*.... oppps... no no, i didnt take the rum...
malibu IS a kind of rum
you used it all in your cooking lar...
How can the rum be gone
when it was never there?
No delivery done
So don't ask "why or where?"
i know i shudn't ask but WHAT IS RUM?
just kidding, alcohol drink i see.........rum is gone becuz donald trump wanted to buy it, remake and rebrand it as TRUMP!
Umm...prolly ran away with a raisin (in the rum and raisin icecream tub).
Hiding in some chocolate bars?
Those bartenders and wine sellers locked them up to serve the mardi gras and woteva boozy party around the world and malaysia is not part of this frenzy?
Too much GM crops has decreased the authenticity and the original effect of the rum, hence it's no longer produced?
Budweiser and Carlsberg have set a war against rum?
Boris Yeltsin had died and taken rum with him? Ye la so he can have some social life with the late George Best, among the regular drinkers.
Rum is gaining less and less popularity as Coke prefers JD?
Hey zewt...sorry aa lama tak leave some "territorial marks" in the comment box but i do read this blog almost everyday. You cuti ke tomorrow and next monday too? I am one of those who's still gonna be around in the office coz by May, it's gonna be my long break, yeay!!!
Coz the crew ran out of gun powder and they loaded up the rum instead to fight the giant octopus.
plus Captain Jack Sparrow gotto stop drinking to stay sober and focus!
i tak paham! wat's going on? dun hv rum? go jamaica and find!
winn is currently busy chasing after Liucas for finishing her rum...
ps: I must say this again, your header font memang is different!! When I use IE in the office, it gives me a boring font but on Firefox, it's a nice cursive font!
pps: And I love rum! ;)
Bakeries that makes Christmas fruit puddings have stocked them all up. :p
good luck then, n hope u get yr free tickets..ok, i'm not particularly vocal or witty today...:-p
rum = havoc......
Oh.... I know, I know:
She'll be running round d mountain when she rums,
She'll be running round d mountain when she rums,
She'll be rumming round d rountain,
She'll be rounding rum d rounden,
She'll be rumming rum rum rumtain when she rums....
Hahahah...aiyor..so funny. i still don't know how to answer you la, Zewt. Hahaha... and the 1st answer's mine btw..so blur.. suddenly u ask me wher's the rum right after i came back from lunch. LoLzz..
label under "Use your juice" ? HAHHAHAHHA
it's around on everybody's blog!!!! =P
ohhh WHY ar..er
because all the bloggers took it!!! =P
zewt : Tuak is rice wine. very popular here .. he he he
Where's the rum gone?
Someone convinced everyone that voting for PAS was a good idea, I guess.
I told you not to listen to anyone when you're on hash!
The rum went for a long holiday in Jamaica.
San Mig rum? Naw....I go for Captain Morgan anytime.
TTL - hmmm... i think i need to learn a thing or 2 from you eh...
nyonyapenang - i clearly remember vege diet also means no alcohol woh....
J.T. - are you sure? i remember it was hidden under the sand. maybe you dunno where to look...
andrew ho - if you're in my msn list, i would have added your reply in my entry...
manal - boris yeltsin answer seems the best... hehe... oh, going on long leave? you're resigning from london and pulang ke tanahair ke?
SuLee - they can use rum to fight the octopos? no wonder jack sparrow will come back in episode 3.
kyh - hahahahaha... in the beginning, saya pun tak beberapa faham. jamaica.... too far la...
angel - my main font for the header is called 'chiller'... it appears like haunted movie kinda font. but i understand not many PC has such font. my second choice is the one i believe you're seeing. go install chiller... then you can see the how As Zewt As It Likes should look like... so you are the one who took all the rum away la...
jemima - i am going to storm there... i want my rum back...
me - and i wonder why...
jaezrel - = ?
cirnelle - you are gifted with the ability to make me pengsan....
grace - it meant to be random ma... that's why hehe...
freethinker - it should be 'use your rum'?
huei - ohhhh... so you are also one of the culprit la....give me my rum back!
cibol - better than rum? ok, i guess you are not the one who took the rum away.
aput - pas destroyed all the rum? hehe....
terra shield - you brought them there? i think rum cant go up the plane no more with the recent no liquid on board policy... so... cant be true...
cooka doodle - but they are all gone... where can u get this captain morgan rum?
i just realised your label, geez "use your juice"?
zewt... alcohol IS veggie..
beer/whisky = malt
wine/brandy = grape
RUM = sugarcane... (i tink)
gin = berries
vodka = grain/potatoes
tequila = agave (a plant)
thus, all alcoholic crink is veggie, veggie, veggie
buahahahaa... crap.. now you make me feel like going out for drinks tonite but can't as modern slavery requires me to work full day tmw
oops... spelt drink as crink... overexcited... hehehe *blush*
Age discrimination >.>
SuLee - u know what it means or not?
aSstHa - well done... i shall go for vege fluid diet soon then eh? hahahaha.... u need a drink la... dont slave too hard... it's not worth it... u will soon know why in my next entry...
Sam - ok ok... as long as your parents dont come running after me... you can have some ok?
I have a few bottles back at my lovepad...but since you don't wear a skirt, you're not invited. Muahahahaha!!!
already read ur entry... unfortunately am still slaving away at work right now as i type this and to make matters worse i didn't wanna let the holiday go to waste i went out 4 drinks with some frens right after work (8.30pm) and only left the place at 2.45am and back to work from 1pm til now... (kenot tahan... need to sleep)...
Cocka Doodle - hahaha... but those with skirts willing to go to your lovepad or not?
aSstHa - well, being able to squeeze some life into your slavery world means there's light... you just have to reach towards it...
haiyo... rum is gone because my pig stole it. Happy? No wonder it tasted extra delicious... hmm..
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