Thursday 28 May 2009

A cookoo Swine Flu video

I have actually drafted something for today but after viewing one video forwarded to me by my friend, I can't help but put that draft on hold.

I think this video is quite hilarious, very witty lyrics and in line with the current phase 5 alert.

In case you want to see the original music video, it's
here. Otherwise... enjoy...

1 year ago... Some things don't evolve

Have a lovely weekend.


blackjack said...

this is unusual. no comments?

Jorji said...


day-dreamer said...


If the guy's singing can be as energetic as the Wonder Girls then it'd be even better. Haha.

I've always enjoyed Mr Brown's podcast though. :D

modernlifeisrubbish said...


Damn cheesy video and lyrics.

"scratch your backside, play your below, take ice from my Milo"...Man, that's so hilarious!

And the ironic thing is men really do this kind of things.

You have a good weekend too, hahaha.

Cindy Khor said...

haha, cute video with loads of advices... but would it be better if it was sung a some gal?

pei ling said...

Hey zewt, couldn't locate your email so I'm replying here. I understand there are two things here: Lawsuit and Press. Not sure how you wanted me to help but I presume you would like to know how she could bring the lawsuit to the press' attention?

There're two ways to go about it. First, she could contact her MP/Adun, and the elected rep would know how to invite the media to a press conference and publicize it. 2nd, she could email/fax a media invitation personally to the press (and state a brief summary of why & when she's suing the city council).

I cannot guarantee the press would be interested to cover this though as I don't have the details to judge. However, if her story is strong enough, what the press would do is to publish a news story after the suit is filed.

If you have any other queries, just email me at =)

pei ling said...
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pei ling said...
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pei ling said...
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sinergy.starfall said...

rofl, nice to know you are still blogging zewt ;)

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

eiling lim said...

Haha.. this is funny. The Wonder Girls have very catchy tunes but this parody was really funny!

Jun said...

hahahahaa this is truly funny! thx for sharing zewt! u think i can convince my patients already? ;p

SuLee said...

lol love the video!

zewt said...

blackjack - gone are those days mate.

j or ji - hehe...

day-dreamer - actually... i have never heard of wonder girls :P

joshua wong - yeah... and something something down there... hahahaha!!!

cindy khor - then girls have to do a parady lor...

zewt said...

Rin - i shall tell my friend about it.

sinergy-starfall - always will be :)

Hapi - hello, welcome. thanks...

File - ?

-eiling- - the time ppl have...

Keyword - shall have a look.

Jun - no harm trying... :P

SuLee - hehe... though i have never heard of the original song... it's pretty well done.

missironic said...

Hey..I like the original song ler! hahaha..

zewt said...

missironic - original where got fun? haha...