First and foremost, many thanks to all who prayed for baby Z. The surgery took slightly more than 4 hours with a shunt inserted into the brain though I don’t really know what exactly that means. He is currently in ICU under observation. The dad told me baby Z is awake and feeding has begun. Do continue to uphold him in prayer.
Coming back to the economic scene, The Edge had a very interesting article last week about the fate of white-collar workers ahead of the imminent recession. It did a few analyses on increment rate and salary rate of Malaysians and I must say, it’s quite saddening. It also supports my argument that we Malaysians are the ‘cheap labour’ in this region.
One very peculiar part of that article states that the shopping complexes around town are actually rather empty these days, something I find very hard to believe. It also said that it is easier finding car parks nowadays compared to before.
With this in mind, I went to 1 Utama new wing and you know what? That article is… wrong! Parking is still horrendous. I don’t know what made that journalist thinks that the shopping malls are empty these days.
Walking around the shops, I saw that the shopping culture is still very much alive. But then, I can't help but noticed one thing. I would say 90% of those who are shopping and happily stocking up on clothes and accessories are… not salary earners, at least not yet.
Did anyone read this letter written by a student to TheStar earlier this week? A friend was mine was absolutely furious about what the student wrote. For someone who has yet to earn her own money and telling us adults that we should appreciate the level of prices now are really quite… ridiculous.
I guess that is why most of them are still happily shopping, holidaying and sipping coffee at coffee bean. No offence to students out there but until and unless one comes out from the ‘pocket money’ phase, one will never appreciate how hard it is to make one’s own money.
Coming back to the economic scene, The Edge had a very interesting article last week about the fate of white-collar workers ahead of the imminent recession. It did a few analyses on increment rate and salary rate of Malaysians and I must say, it’s quite saddening. It also supports my argument that we Malaysians are the ‘cheap labour’ in this region.
One very peculiar part of that article states that the shopping complexes around town are actually rather empty these days, something I find very hard to believe. It also said that it is easier finding car parks nowadays compared to before.

Walking around the shops, I saw that the shopping culture is still very much alive. But then, I can't help but noticed one thing. I would say 90% of those who are shopping and happily stocking up on clothes and accessories are… not salary earners, at least not yet.
Did anyone read this letter written by a student to TheStar earlier this week? A friend was mine was absolutely furious about what the student wrote. For someone who has yet to earn her own money and telling us adults that we should appreciate the level of prices now are really quite… ridiculous.
I guess that is why most of them are still happily shopping, holidaying and sipping coffee at coffee bean. No offence to students out there but until and unless one comes out from the ‘pocket money’ phase, one will never appreciate how hard it is to make one’s own money.
I read it and I was quite furious too.
No need for fury, my friend. Wait till the student has to wake up, smell the roses and earn her own money. Retribution, divine or otherwise, is, like revenge, a dish best served cold. Tee hee.
They must not have realised how the recent price increase is since its not their own hard earned money they are spending...
Even I am cutting down eating out...
haha,I agree that the student is stupid. The govt raised the price and then lower it down to the level before it was raised, what kind of cut is that. Money is hard earned.
Damage has been done, some said. Fuel price goes up so does food price. But food price remains the same even the fuel price is at RM2 now.
And as you said, wait till the student starts to earn and pay from his/her pocket, then only she/he feels the pinch (hard one).
still praying for Baby Z.
As for the letter. Disgusting! Childish! but this just shows his intellect, not mature enough maybe even for his own age! about shopping, i haven't been doing that for the LONGEST time. the other day when going to giant to buy dog food for my dogs, i realized that it's been almost forever since i've stepped into a mall..gosh..
ceh..for them..mother and father got ma...
ohh now i know why that student complained! his parents probably cut his allowance saying that economy is not good, thats y he's furious! HAHAHAHAHHA
Hope that Baby Z gets better soon.
LOL!!! That student has been brainwashed by U-know-who. Besides, the student didn't do his proper research as to how the price mechanism for fuel doesn't quite jive with the current global fuel price.
Budak baru belajar.. Nanti-la, when they come into the real world.
Perhaps she is a JPA scholar writing for the government :P Must be she flung her exams and needing the gov to support her back! Hahahhahaa.. It happens ;) So give her the benefit of doubt :P
On a serious note, praying for baby Z!
Obviously this 'child' has not been out and abt in this world. i may not be the most experienced person, but i took 3 years of hard work, meaning a day job and and night job to save enough to support the first few semester of my own degree before i get a loan. heck! this person is OBVIOUSLY, wait, have i emphasized on it? allow me to do it again, OBVIOUSLY still weaning from her parents.
not to forget, i support myself too. not a cent from my parents after form 5.
this girl needs to grow up.
That's not fair, is it?
Firstly, how did you know the student doesn't work?
Secondly, even if the person is a student and doesn't work, that doesn't mean he is wrong.
Thirdly, I am working and I agree with him. So how leh?
Glad to hear that baby Z is doing well, wish him a speedy recovery!
though i'm not a christian but i'll still pray for baby Z..
i guess sales still manage to catch consumers' attention... many still spending money on clothes, accessories,basg and shoes... i see many consumers charge it to their card...'buy 1st, pay later' policy...
Just to give you an idea of what's the actual reflection of current oil price: petrol price has dropped from $3.00 per gallon to $1.75 per gallon ($0.39 per liter or RM1.40 per liter)in the past two months here in the US.
It was hitting $4.50 per gallon in many areas in July/August this year.
Exactly my sentiment, Zewt. When I read the letter by the student, I had the same reaction. I don't know how to say this, but really, if she had a little bit of sense in her, she would think otherwise. She is obviously still in her la la land.
That being said, let us pray that FOMCA's idea of a rediculous floor price on fuel will not come true!
shunt in a brain is like having a pipe placed to drain any excess fluids out of the brain, fyi.
what?! should appreciate the current fuel price drop?!
either the writer is some upper rich class fella or hasn't even started working.
in fact, i'm appalled Star publishes such childish writings...
i dun blame the student..i blame the education.
maybe student ni dah kene brainwashed kat BTN? muahaha
New to your blog but enjoyed the articles so far, especially your thoughts on current issues affecting this country.
From the letter, it goes to show how ignorant the younger generations are in this land. I suspect most of them are really ignorant of the ways of the world.
Then i asked myself, "was i like this when i'm their age?". The answer is sadly in the affirmative.
Would i want to be like this for the rest of my life-living in ignorance? That is a question for all the younger generations out there. Get your blog to be read by more people and educate them. As you know, our education system is crap.
Lastly, good to hear that baby Z is recovering well. And when he grows up, the world would certainly be his oyster.
I'm not surprised the Star published this comment because it's just plain biased. Education...normal lah. It has always been crappy and it's amusing that parents still follow and depend on it. Maybe should encourage home schooling.
Will keep baby Z in my prayers.
I think it's great the student, inexperience though she is, wrote the letter. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to discuss it, right? :)
how very true. :P
Somehow I feel, students are always so opinionated. Is it because they got so much time on their hands ah? let me recall if i'm tat opinionated when I was a student. Hmm...nah, i prefer to shut my mouth instead. lolz... she said show appreciation. hmm, wonder her parents show appreciation or not.hahaha...anyhow, like others said, wait till she earn her own money then. ;)
I was furious too when I first read the letter. But perhaps we should read this too, the original version before being edited by The Star here...
mind over matters
i would always settle for i'm always with extra money to save
sigh what to do work hard lor
Why everyone targeting the student saja? Why didn't anyone ask: WHY DID THE STAR PUBLISHED THE LETTER?
2nd, I DISAGREE with the student as well, BUT I think everyone is entitled to their OWN opinion. Even if we disagree with someone, there's no need to attack that person's character/personality by calling them stupid, little sense etc.
When will we learn to AGREE TO DISAGREE? And some of us are shouting for DEMOCRACY + FREEDOM OF SPEECH when we can't even respect others' freedom of expression, ESPECIALLY those who are expressing opinions that are 180 degrees different from our own? Ha. Ha. Very funny. We are such a matured bunch
Ah, the intellectual working class has speaketh.
We bow to your humble advise that we should stay away from coffee houses and shopping malls, refrained ourselves from joyfully enjoying what would be our last chances of freedom before we joined your class of intellectualism that specifies in complaining.
Please, do guide us! In our path to probably enjoy as less as we could for the next few weeks of holidays, because we forgot how it is that it was our universities and colleges who grant us the holidays. Not to mention, the government too!
And not to forget that the newspapers have their hands in snipping parts of the articles out so that you shall be permitted throw rotten eggs at that poor girl.
On another note, I'm thankful that Baby Z is doing fine. I would pray for her recovery because babies are one of the most precious lives on Earth.
Oops, It's a baby boy. Sorry.
In a way...yes many students do know how to enjoy life today...
In a way...please try not to judge us from how we are outside?
What you see is not what you get...
How many students you know that actually is working part-time and studying at the same time?
How many do you know that actually works harder than you because of the harsh environment they face?
Do you even know everybody's story? How can you judge?
As a Christian I remember "Thou Shall Not Judge" very clearly stated in the Bible.
"Let Thee who has no sin be the first to stone the sinner"
How many actually stoned the woman who committed adultery? You know best.
The modern youngsters today works in harsher, more demanding environment than you think. Thanks to the standards set by the ppl before us, we are forced to produce more and be better.
FYI, as youngsters in the 21st century, we are trying so hard to bring back the term "QUALITY OF LIFE" to the society.
Life is not just about earning money, eating, marrying then die. There are so many more things to do, hence the creation of humans by God.
He wants us humans to enjoy with him the wonderful earth He has created. Yet today, what do we do? We fret more about living costs and how youngsters behave than thinking why am I on earth.
Purpose driven life. Have you known your purpose yet? If you have, great, go lead more people finding out! If you haven't, then please do not say youngsters today don't know how to think.
Please accept the fact that there are 2 sides of story in every story.
Why can't I say an empty bottle is actually full of air? Have you thought of that?
Please stop the one-sidedness of your criticisms against us. Please catch up with this earth that is moving way faster than you think!
To round it all up, this is just what I think. I still respect your opinions but I'm speaking out as a youngster myself.
Congratz on a new baby boy. Wouldn't you give the best for him too? You know it yourself.
try not to read the star too often.
I have stopped long ago because of it's gatekeepers.
They control every single thing! Hence, the readers.
EC: read properly la, since when did zewt say he got a new baby boy????
Zewt, we need these people to spend on our behalf la. So, encourage rather than discourage them to spend. They're the ones that're gonna' get us out of the current economic conditions.
Students! Lend me your ears...also, lend me $100. Pay you back on payday can ah? I accept Paypal.
Kids these days are spoilt rotten! I hang my head in shame when they take out their handphones...compared to my miserable ancient one. Should go back to my teenage days when I got 20 cents pocket money a day, nothing on weekends! Then they'll learn the value of money!
Oh I agree with you. Shopping scene is still very much alive! And probably dominated by non-earners too. Sigh, I guess we've all been through that stage. Until they have to earn their own money only they will know the value of it.
That's why we call her a Student lor... learning requires lack of knowledge and experience as a prerequisite.
hahaha so students are standing up for themselves...
ok in a way it's true..there are humble students who have to work to support themselves, but if u look properly..majority of these who can still afford to shop are students!
anyway zewt DID mention
"that is why most of them are still happily shopping"
"No offence to students out there but until and unless one comes out from the ‘pocket money’ phase, one will never appreciate how hard it is to make one’s own money."
if you have been working for your own money..then you don't fall into the category so there's no reason to get so fired up
anyway ofcourse kids who work and earn their own money still receives "pocket money" from their parents still exists so...oh well..
EC: Cool down boy cool down! Your comments are defensive! Anyway i know is the raging hormones :P Nevertheless, come out to the working world and you will know how hard is it like. Of course now you have yet to experience the hardship, so you stand where you stand now!
anthraxxxx - many are... and from the comments below, looks like the students are furious too.
life for beginners - you are evil... hahahahaha...
zuraida - everyone seems to be more careful with their spending. but seriously, the shopping complexes are still crowded with madness.
Andrew Ho - yo!! welcome back to the blogosphere. i wonder if the student left any nasty remarks in your blog... they seemed pissed too. :)
Chong - hello and welcome to AZAIG. yeah, the main damage is not the fuel price but everything other things which come with it. malaysian businessmen are too money minded.
huei - hahahahaha... parents got hit by recession mah, that's why.... hahaha... eh, i saw you spending a lot in singapore leh... compensate the lack of spending in malaysia lah :P ... yeah, my emphasis on "MOST" and not all, some ppl fail to catch that. good point... some ppl... work still got pocket money... that's reality.
Angie Tan - not all students are like that. i happened to bump into a good one last week who was really careful with his spendings.
Aoki - hahahaha... now that is a very good conspiracy... hah! thanks for the prayer. EC... i like him... he will be able to make a change.
Acute Critique - kudos to you... i still needed money from my dad to do my a-levels and part of my degree, no more after that... you da lady!!!
vincent - aiyah... you always seem to agree with the other side lah... how? like that lor...
day-dreamer - thanks... hope so too.
kyliemc - true... the wonderful malaysian culture. pay with that piece of plastic. it's going to hurt in a few months time...
leah - our wonderful govt actually openly admitted that we are paying a premium. we are paying "petrol tax". sigh.... but as for the current price, i am quite happy with it. any lower... and the cars will just flood the streets.
@IViN - hello and welcome to AZAIG. based on the current climate, i think should just let the price float... save the govt subsidy and save us from paying a premium. right?
pavlova - the Star will be glad to publish such article, dont u think? thanks for the shunt enlightenment.
j or ji - that's right... blame the system. we are a product of our manufacturing line...
LightsInTheDistance - i think you have highlighted a very good point... we were all quite naive when we were young. having said that, it's naivity at a different level. there were rich spoilt brats during my time but the population was small. now... the it's quite different. while we can blame the system, parents should also shoulder some responsibility.
Kimmy - home schooling, dont think it will work. not in malaysia i think. thanks for the prayer.
Tunku Halim - hahahaha... now, that is a very different perspective. i should thank her for the letter then.
Medie007 - hello, welcome to AZAIG. which part? :)
missironic - i think it's good for students to be opinionated... we shouldnt be so timid. opinionated ones will drive the society forward. whether the opinion is a good one or not, that will be subjected to debate.
sooky - yeah, i heard about an original version. looks like thestar did some twisting there. having said that, the student was more concern about the environment (which is good of cos) but at the same time, she should be more tactful towards ppl who are trying to make end meets.
erm - hahaha... we all also work hard ler. tough life.
Rin - oooOooo... sarcasm... :) having read the original version... theStar did some magic there...
CiNDi - ahhh... i sense discontent. i have to say that theStar magic there has changed the context of the letter quite a bit. having said that, and while i admit there are many economy vigilent students out there, there are many who have overly indulge themselves. well, if you all can really afford it, then spend away, good for the economy actually.
EC - hi and welcome. first of all, baby z is not mine, he's my friend's. while i agree that many know how harsh the working world is, there are many more who don't. it's good that you are trying to bring back "quality of life" into the harsh working world and honestly, i hope you succeed as i am also passionate about that. but while you think we have pass a judgement of you, isnt ms.lim who passed a judgement on us in the first place? or at least, theStar made it sound as such. and kudos, dont read the star... but that article was supposedly not from the star.
sooi2 - yeah, i tot i am a sudden father haha!
flaminglambo - hahahaha... marc... u never ceases to surprise me.
suituapui - well, did you read the comments above.. they say... dont judge them cos they need to enjoy before the work.
iamthewitch - well, i think we all behave better when we were young... and our parents will say the same... and our parents' parents...
taxy - hahaha... some dont think so.
agree with you 100%
I came across your blog and realized it was a familiar name. It didn't take me long to realize that we did keep in touch briefly some time back through my old blog. You may recall if you were to read the oldest posting on my current blog.
anyway, good to see you again pal. will link you up. cheers.
I read that letter and was annoyed. Typical ignorant students who only see one tiny facet. Needs a good talking to.
Good to hear things are well for the baby. :)
where got spend in sg?? =P can't afford
day 1 i had no had to swipe card for a cup of starbucks n stay away from shops (not that i fancy branded clothes since sg is full of them)..the only other spending was 2 currypuffs from old chang kee n 2 jco donuts (because dinner wasn't!!)! =P oh and i did spend..but that's cos their absolut vodka limited edition was so awesome!
I doubt the one who wrote that spend time with friends in Coffee Bean :)
Not all students wasting their money at shopping malls and coffee shops. Some of them I saw spending time and money at bookstore.
I know a few who even invest some money out of their pocket money saving :)
Agree with you that you won't know the price of money until one day you earn your own money. I have experienced that :)
true..but sometimes, over opinionated also not tat pretty gud.however, it does give some topic to debate on! hahaha...
Hi,I'm new here and just happened to come upon this blog. ^^
The discussion is really interesting,but as a teenager,I want to ask the adults much do you know about us? How we spend our money,out time and so forth? Could it be that the time you see students spend is the ONLY time they do it? I'm not saying you working class people don't do it too but don't simply judge us as we don't simply judge you. I came across one blog which showed the full letter and boy,it was really really different from the one written in The Star. I guess their proof reading it must have been quite a chore. I always looked up to you older generation as you have experience but just because of that,don't look down upon my generation. There are children who knows how to splurge and waste their parents money(also known as spoilt brats) and there are those who are just trying to make do with what they have and splurge once awhile to enjoy themselves. No one is right or wrong here but I hope the older generation will see things in a much better light rather than think that they are the only ones who know how to save and not others.
^^ Cheers people.
Sheesh, it's a subsidy that shouldn't even exist in the first place, not a tax reduction. The recent drop in oil prices should be used to wean Malaysians off the subsidy, not to encourage Malaysians to use even more fuel.
siew - :)... not all do though.
Argus Eye - i went there and had a look... hmmm... i need to dig deep down into my memory bank first.
pinknpurplelizard - apparently, it was overly edited... read the original version. the link is provided in one of the comments.
huei - limited edition... ok lah, maybe that's worth the money.
faisal admar - now that you are earning, it's a whole new world isnt it? :)
missironic - hahaha... exactly... but then again, i realise that, different generation will have different opinion.
Ian BloodSuns - hello, welcome to AZAIG. firstly... you're 20 right? no more teengager lor :P like i said in the entry after this, the generation condemnation is a trend that will forever continue. i dare bet to my last dollar that in 5 years time, you will be looking at the younglings and utter the same kinda word as i did. some are already at it. cheers...
wankongyew - hello there. malaysians use less fuel? no way... no freaking way... we are all car whores.
You know, I think that the controversial thing of what that student wrote and the thing people took exception to (people in this list included) was that he/she had the temerity and audacity to tell people who are supposedly her seniors what to think! That's what you guys are annoyed about. More than the fact that she said to appreciate the fact that prices have dropped. In Christianity, we are supposed to be aware of our blessings. And this was a blessing that it fell. More than that, we have been on the receiving end of subsidies for so long that we feel ENTITLED to lower fuel prices because we can't make ends meet. The thing is folks, in a free market economy prices of fuel go up and down based on market prices. Even our approximation of a free economy, there is that. People have to learn to be judicious in their choices and learn to adapt, whether you like it or not. I don't think that being told to appreciate it was waht you guys were pissed off about. I think you just didn't like it coming from her. By the way, I agree with her and I think she's right. Appreciate the fact that prices are down. If you can't make ends meet, do something about it. Don't come down so hard on a person expressing an opinion. And here's something else. If you don't like it. Rebut him/her instead of shutting her down. How's that?
allan yap & nigel skelchy - hey there... yeah, i think you are pretty spot on there. anyway, i am a supporter of high fuel price, less jam i believe. but like u said, for her to tell the adults on how to be appreciative on financial stuff, that's a big no no.
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