I know it’s Friday but I am sure many, if not all of you would be interested in the subject matter…

A girl is in love with the guy’s money.
A girl is in love with the guy because of his money.
Most girls are of the opinion that there is difference between the two. Their argument is that former is purely because of money while the latter; there are feelings and emotions involved. Of course, they back it up with the girls-have-family-sense-and-the-money-is-for-the-children-and-future argument.
As for my take, there is absolutely no difference. Either way, once the bloke losses his $note, the girl will be gone.
I am sure you have something say… debate away…
No difference lor. Both also not seeking for true love ma. Well, nowadays it seems like man are falling in love with girl's money or is in love with the girl because of her money too! Wahahahhaa!! Tsk tsk tsk!!
$$$ is the root of all evil...
Both are basically the same as the girl is ultimately in love with the $$$.
For Scenario 1, she's at least honest by admitting that she loves the guy's $$$.
For Scenario 2, she's forcing herself to love the guy.
I don't see any difference in the two.
No money no honey. Many girls with looks nowadays feel that its their right to marry a guy with tons of money. Man just got to live with this fact and make a choice.
Hmm..got difference between those two? I see about the same only. Hahaha... but for some girls who chose to love the money first, will somehow cultivate her love towards the guy. I do see such cases. In the end, love him, love $. hahaha...
Hmmm....after giving much thought I have come to a conclusion...
But then the definition might be different to differentiate the level of motivation and anxiety in purported act.
That sound hmmm..
Ok, back to work.
no difference la bro..
its all about the money.
a girl is in love with a guy, a normal guy that is not rich at all, also will have an issue about money, or gaduh BILA TAKDA duit...
i agree with =j or jii= above.
not enuf $$ or no $$ also gaduh.
and also don't forget some rich guys look for pretty girl to be prospective girlfren/wife. yea, its d personality that ultimately counts but beauty is bonus what..So?
some Guys also after beauty, so it is also a form of pursuit/goal -
I'm not a guy-hater. just sitting on the fence and my personal point of view
i agree with =j or jii= above.
not enuf $$ or no $$ also gaduh.
and also don't forget some rich guys look for pretty girl to be prospective girlfren/wife. yea, its d personality that ultimately counts but beauty is bonus what..So?
some Guys also after beauty, so it is also a form of pursuit/goal -
I'm not a guy-hater. just sitting on the fence and my personal point of view
The difference is the latter might still have a chance(reads if they are already married) that the wife might stay to support the guy to get money for the future.
if its before marriage, i would say its too bad for them then.
Hey, no difference is just the sentence. But the meanings are the same.
No difference. Both are the same kind of girls - GOLD DIGGERS.
They are Money Face bitches.
Do you think that girls who have more money (or those with rich parents) are generally less likely to be motivated to look for rich guys ? What are you guy's opinion about this ?
yeah..no difference at all..but I think there are still girls who would go for guys no because of money alone..just a thought..maybe money may be considered but not really the main factor..
Nope. No difference. Same thing as the bottom line is still $$.
only if he lost his $$$, we'll know if the girl is in for the man or the $$$ ;-)
everyone oso say no difference wan!
got la..
a girl is in love with the guy's money is like a prostitute
the 2nd one..she probably fell in love with the guy's dad then! hahahha
as for backing it up with money for the future crap, then she has no rights to ask for equality between men and women, because she thinks men should do everything..no? she should sit home, and be like in those ancient movies, clean, cook, while the men search for paid sex or marry more than one wife
erm...i still think there is NO DIFFERENCE between those 2 scenario..both also after the guys money mah.. its all about MONEY.. NO MONEY NO TALK..
to be honest, i wonder how many of these ppl who commented here, saying all these girls who "want money" or are "gold digging bitches" actually are gold diggers themselves.
i have had family admitting to me that she married the person because he "has the potential to provide her a good life", which is a PC way of saying that he's going to be rich, even though the present circumstances aren't rich yet.
i was sick to my stomach when i hear that... in fact she chastised me for making a stupid choice of going for a "useless" guy...
well to me, if you wanna go for a rich guy, it's your choice. i have no judgment on that. but it would earn me more respect if you are willing to admit to it, really...
rather than be on the false pretense that you're this angelic girl but your real intentions are something more sinister.
hehe... i think its hard to differentiate if you're in love with the guy's money or because of his money. this is because.. when a guy is rich, the feelings will tend to develop faster than if he's not. so and the feelings will blind you making you feel as if you're in love with him because he smells good, sweet, powerful etc... rich people have more opportunity to dress up, go fine dining, shower gals with beautiful things etc.. and if you're liked by a rich man, subconsciously you'll tend to feel great about yourself too.. thus increased your self-esteem. obviously you'll feel great ma.. haha.. ok i'm generalising but who knows there's some truth in it.
back to answering your question, i think the 2 are the same. just that, you can rationalise for the latter. :) the former, you're obviously a gold-digger.
abso-pucking-lutely no difference...
nop... none... nada...
but i'd like to see what's the explaination they come up wit to explain the difference between the two...
i'm absolutely hopeless wen it comes to this... can't remember the countless times i've had arguments wit my family cos the guy i'm dating has no future... no enuf $$$... etc...
another reason why my family still doesn't know that i'm currently seeing someone new... cos there's no future in his current profession but still love him despite dat...
To me, anyway.
IF a girl is in love with the guy's money, that would mean that she doesn't love him, and hence, like you said, she would leave him once he doesn't have it anymore.
HOWEVER, if she's in love with him BECAUSE of his money, that would mean she IS in love with him, and that his money is just one of the attributes, like how a husband would love his wife's smile, etc etc. The money just makes him more appealing to her.
But it seems like my opinion is not shared by many =)
i dun think thr's a difference. it's all abt the money anyway.
A girl is in love with the guy’s money.
A girl is in love with the guy because of his money.
The first one is a total sucks. She is in love with the money only and willing to do anything for the sake of money. I don't see there is any different between a prostitute and this kind of girl. The rich got money, fuck her and pay. What's the different if you could find one for me.
The latter one, still not a good one. As when you getting poor she will leave you sooner or later seeking for Mr Rich Man to get attached with. Well, there is emotion involve but priority still to the money. I don't think she will stick with you if you are getting poor. What about we put it this way, you fall in love with a prostitute?
Ok both involve with prostitute example and money. What's the different? You tell me :)
P/s: Sorry to money-seeking-women out there. No hard feeling ok?
Siao meh, like this oso can debate??? Where got different??
1 easy
2 hard to get...but sleep together also
both pretty dumb...because money driven
amen to Poseiden above ^_^
Ya, I think there's no difference at all. It's all about the money.. dum dad dum! (I think there's a song that says that) :P
I agree with you, mate! I dun see any difference between the two. It is money, money, yeah yeah...
Thanks lovegoddess =)
No wonder Zewt couldn't reach a conclusion haha! Basically arguments from both sides are logical and acceptable lol!
Some people haven;t got anything else better to do? It's a matter of half empty or half full, or heads I win, tails you lose. Basically, the same.
hmn, no different at first glance, but then the first statement, if tht guy gone bust, then properly the girl will run awya..the second, if the guy no money ady, i guess the girl still be with him...but many blaming tht 'last time i be with u, u give me many things, but now i need to 'work...bla bla bla '...>.<
Ah, but in the latter, the girl may stay after the money's gone if true feelings develop.
I'm a sap for romance, what to do? :p
can anyone tell me how to identify a gold digger?
I dont know how to take part in this debate but my common sense tells me both a lady and a man have a right to choose their ideal partner. Of course every body wants the best for themselves and even the parents want the same for their children.
To be rich is not wrong. When we talk about a girl who loves a guy for his money, what difference is it from a girl who loves a guy for his looks, his charm, his personality etc?
In the end we all settle for what we can get :) But to purposely mislead a person because of greed for his/her money is wrong but to compromise love because of common sense is wisdom :)
hot topic.
me say, no difference!
but the guy should be at least can feed the children.
and girls will start looking for guys that can afford a family, not the handsome rugby captain who earn low income.
aiyo.. why always rugby player be negative one?
I don't think there's a big difference, even though they're not the same. At least, for the second scenario, the girl is in love with the guy, not with the money. Hopefully the love for the guy would overcome the shortage of money should the case occur. :)
maybe got the smallest diff ler? 1st scenario seems to suggest theres some sort of love involved..whilst the others is just eyeing the big fat wallet..?
i'd say basically it's the same thing...but is it wrong...?
it is the same.
no money, no talk right?
most guys with money can be quite blind anyway. pretty gals come along, they will fall flat for them oso.
Can only speak from personal experience. All the women I've ever connected with were drawn to me because they (1) thought I was cute; (2) found me sexy; (3) were bedazzled by my brilliance. On my part I was attracted to them because they (1) were beautiful; (2) happened to be there & available; (3) didn't play any silly games. What's been missing so far is having women chase me for my money, because I've never had any to speak of. Now I'm looking for a sponsor like George Soros or the Sultan of Brunei to deposit a few million in my account so I can do some deep research on women who love for money and then write an incisive & humorous book on the subject. Potential funders of my research program may contact me via my blog :-)
y is it always about the girl & guy's money.
u know there is plenty of cases where guy's in love with the girl's money too! :P
looks like yr statistic is wrong. most girls DO NOT seem to think that there is any diff between the 2. perhaps the specific one u were arguing with has certain weaknesses for men with money?
To me also, there is no difference in both statements.. it's like hokkien would usually say, LPPL! HAHAHHA!
Aoki - woooaah... who ah? tell me :P
Angie Tan - but ppl argue that scenario 2... at least she is in love with the guy instead of the money.
Theodwyn - good on ya...
apap - *high five*! haha!
leyaw - on yeah, i certainly get what you mean. and they're never afraid to flaunt it.
missironic - hahaha... so you're saying... got difference lah.
Zuraida - wooaah.... very chim lah... haha.
j or ji - hahahaha... there are exceptional ones but yeah... that's common.
lovegoddess - so i guess it's level playing ground and man for his own world eh?
Kellaw - hahaha... there... finally, someone sees a difference.
Kimmy - haha... that's right.
The Man - i think that can be true. they might be looking for thigns other than money. but there are also who wants to 'maintain' their lifestyle.
casino - yeah, i know... but between the 2 sentence above... it appears that money is everything, no?
Acute Critique - no bottom line... say bye bye eh? haha!
angeles - that can be too late already.
huei - hahahahah... the guy's dad hahahaha! and i like your argument.
amanda - that's exactly the point.
pavlova - your first sentence... wow... heh heh... well, trying to be diplomatic here... there are some who are not gold diggers. but i have seen for myself that even if the guy is rich, there is someone richer. i heard a story of a rich girl, dumping a very rich financial analyst for a the CFO of another company, purely for money.
drumsticks - so you blame the rich dudes lah... making the girls fall for him hahahaha...
aSstHa - good on ya... but did it work in the end?
poseidon - so what happen when the second guy loses his money?
Jun - glad you agree.
faisal admar - hahahaha... i think you've put it in such a way... hard feelings are inevitable :P
sooi2 - anything also can debate wan... hah!
erm - at least one is hard to get eh? hahaha...
Ethel - it's dum dum dada dum dum... nice song.
jam - let's all sing the song together.
suituapui - the wise one speaks.
sugarbaby - the chance of staying with the second guy is there... but slim i think.
life for beginners - well, we all have our ideal world :)
anon @ 22/11 10.49pm - rent an old kancil and take her out on a first date... see how she react.
bengbeng - to be rich is certainly not wrong but there is a difference with a girl who likes a guy becos of his looks and charm or personality, the subject matter is different hehe...
mohamad hilman nin nordin - you play rugby eh? haha!
iamthewitch - well, that needs a lot of time.
constant craver joe - you mean the second scenario has got a bit of love... :)
HC Tan - is it wrong? you tell me...
myop101 - that's right!
mistipurple - hahaha... level playing ground. so it's a willing buyer willing seller market.
antares - hahahahaha... that is the best advertisement i have ever seen... that's brilliance indeed.
cbenc12 - i wouldnt disagree with that.
me - i guess so... but what's your take?
gina - lam papa lang hahahahahahahah....
It’s different, at least from my point.
What I think is looking a life partner, likes gamble, whether you are gal or guy, we may found wrong people, lost money, get hurt, etc, likes losing money at the table game.
It’s is not wrong that ladies want to find a “good future” husband, she just want to “secure” her life, let the “coming” children a good future. They no need to everyday “rush” for money and ignore the children love the children.
贫贱夫妻百日哀 [most poor couple is pity] is I’m not wrong, don’t forget when once we open the eyes every morning, we need to use money, even you dint close your eyes, day, time still go on.
When I’m small, my mum her children, she said because that time no money, very poor, so all the “gas” kena her children loh….
Now the situation is good, all 3 ATMs come out already(3 also working), my mom tell my aunty who children still small, said “ children is born to saying(love), no to scold. You think they will listen? Nope, still scolding, every time I meet them, most of the time is crying, it’s made me felt so kesian them. Why? No good environment.
A girl is in love with the guy’s money.
( A guy is in love with the gal’s beauty)
A girl is in love with the guy because of his money.
(A guy is in love with the gal because of her beauty)
1. No chemistry effect also can go with together, because of she just love the “money”.
She will go if she found he is not rich anymore.
2. The example is same to “guy, you like gal inside beauty or outside beauty?” yap, inside beauty will be more important, but if her first impression is ugly, may be scare you, do you think you will give yourself a chance to understand the “inside” beauty”?
Guy choose beauty
Gal choose money
If one day you found your “beauty”(wife) not beauty anymore, do you break off??
Means that you found your “money” (husband) not rich anymore, would you leave him??
In 2, money is just an instrument for gal to understand guy and fall in love with him.
After understanding, she will leave because of the “money” or it may be other factor?
Is the husband still as same as he’s rich, or turn to be easy angry, or the characteristic of his wife like is already gone, we would not know.
Do you(as a guy) will go tackle girl who is not pretty, or you rather choose pretty?
Money can change a “angle” to “devil”
Cannot conclude that “she left me because I’m not rich anymore”!!!
This is unfair to ladies.
Not really. both also look at money first. Just saying some girls managed to look beyond the money too. but still, money first, others later count. hahaha...
Mathematical description of "A girl is in love with the guy’s money".
First the truth:
A girl who's in love with a guy's money is a girl who loves power. Simply said, she needs to have the power to control the guy who has the money, otherwise he can just go find another girl anytime.
So, to put it in an equation:
a) "A girl who's in love with the guy's money" = Power x Money
b) "Money IS Power" and vice versa, so:
Money = Power or Power = Money
c) Therefore: "A Girl who's in love with the guy's money" = (Money)2 [that is, 'money' raised to the power of 2]
d) And because "money is the root of all evil", so we have:
Money = √Evil [square root of 'Evil']
e) Therefore: "A girl who's in love with the guy's money" = (√Evil)2
f) Solving the equation:
"A girl who's in love with the guy's money" = (√Evil)2 [square root cancel out the exponent 2]
Conclusion: "A girl who's in love with the guy's money" = Evil
As for "A girl is in love with the guy because of his money"; it's the same thing. Mathematically. Emotions only complicates things.
Erm, can defined as this too. But the very important different is, one will leave when the guy is not rich any more, but another one will stay and go through with him.
Based from my personal thinking and opinion lah…
anon @ 27/11 7.34am - good explanation and i will not deny that the comparison is unfair to ladies. the analogy u raised is also then, unfair to men. but then again, the vast difference between the 2 is that... men will always admit to it, while women will not, or they will have plenty of justifications.
missironic - hmmm... actually yeah ler... it's the same.
LightsInTheDistance - speechless hahahahaha....
anon @ 29/11 11.45pm - any personal experience? :)
Whatever it is, all I can say is I'm glad I'm a human female. Things are very different in the animal kingdom.
crankster - hmmm... totall opposite... isn it?
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