We all like to know what is going to happen in the future. That probably explains why Nostradamus was so famous. I never really dwell into what he wrote but people have told me that Nostradamus has successfully predicted quite a bit of significant event.
It was 1994, the year where I attended my first Christian camp. It was then I learnt about this thing called “end times”, or more famously known as Armageddon. No, the story is not about an asteroid heading towards earth and some oil drillers went up and blow it up from the sky.
According to the most accepted interpretation based on the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth manual (“BIBLE”), end times will come following a sequence of events. As the end draws near, the bible predicts that there will be chaos in this world. But of course, I understand that this is also prophesied by a few other religions.
Nevertheless, there is one significant event which will trigger it all. Before I continue, I would like to reiterate I am not a bible scholar, nor am I an theologian expert and whatever I have written here is based purely on my understanding.
This single significant event; which many Christians called as “the final piece of the jigsaw” is that someone will bring peace to the middle east. One needs no reminder and one only needs a small dosage of knowledge to know that middle east is the most chaotic region in the world. At any one time, there will be war and conflicts happening there such as America’s war on terrorism in Afghanistan and the never-ending conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Can anyone ever bring peace to middle east? Yasser Arafat continuously tried, and continuously failed. Some people argued that America will never allow peace to be bestowed upon middle east as it means America will lose its grip on the lucrative oil trade there. Many tend to agree.
So coming back to the million dollar question, can middle east ever enjoy peace? Can anyone have the power to bring peace to middle east?
A close friend of mine said that if anyone is to bring peace to middle east, it will not be accomplished using military supremacy. It can only be achieved from an economic perspective. Basically, for someone to bring peace to middle east, that someone must be rich, incredibly ridiculously and obscenely rich. I tend to agree with him.
Many things are happening in the world at the moment in the light of what many seen as the next great depression. Some of these things, you can read in the news. But many of these things which are happening, you and I don’t know. Due to the industry I am working in, I have the privilege to know a little more than you but I am afraid to tell that I can't share them here.
Many people are getting poor and their wealth wiped out. But there are also people out there who are making tonnes of money behind the scene. You just don’t know it.
When peace is bestowed upon middle east, it was interpreted that “rapture” will then occur; follow by “the 7 years tribulation”, the “defeat of the beast”, the “1000 years Christ rule” and then finally “Armageddon”.
Those will be stories for other days.

According to the most accepted interpretation based on the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth manual (“BIBLE”), end times will come following a sequence of events. As the end draws near, the bible predicts that there will be chaos in this world. But of course, I understand that this is also prophesied by a few other religions.
Nevertheless, there is one significant event which will trigger it all. Before I continue, I would like to reiterate I am not a bible scholar, nor am I an theologian expert and whatever I have written here is based purely on my understanding.
This single significant event; which many Christians called as “the final piece of the jigsaw” is that someone will bring peace to the middle east. One needs no reminder and one only needs a small dosage of knowledge to know that middle east is the most chaotic region in the world. At any one time, there will be war and conflicts happening there such as America’s war on terrorism in Afghanistan and the never-ending conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Can anyone ever bring peace to middle east? Yasser Arafat continuously tried, and continuously failed. Some people argued that America will never allow peace to be bestowed upon middle east as it means America will lose its grip on the lucrative oil trade there. Many tend to agree.

A close friend of mine said that if anyone is to bring peace to middle east, it will not be accomplished using military supremacy. It can only be achieved from an economic perspective. Basically, for someone to bring peace to middle east, that someone must be rich, incredibly ridiculously and obscenely rich. I tend to agree with him.
Many things are happening in the world at the moment in the light of what many seen as the next great depression. Some of these things, you can read in the news. But many of these things which are happening, you and I don’t know. Due to the industry I am working in, I have the privilege to know a little more than you but I am afraid to tell that I can't share them here.
Many people are getting poor and their wealth wiped out. But there are also people out there who are making tonnes of money behind the scene. You just don’t know it.
When peace is bestowed upon middle east, it was interpreted that “rapture” will then occur; follow by “the 7 years tribulation”, the “defeat of the beast”, the “1000 years Christ rule” and then finally “Armageddon”.
Those will be stories for other days.
i see... you seem to subscribe to pre-trib, pre-mil school. hehe... you do know it is not a popular eschotology in this parts of the world right?
but no worries la... i am also part of the "minorities"...:)
13 yrs ago I ponder on this question regarding middle east.
based on my research then,there's a part that says : Mat 24:27
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
who is the new guy from the west then? and when?.
Oh you heard the news about Blair + Mid East too?...Hmmmm made me think...Peace eh...
I can't wait to read your stories for other days :)
Yep... That's an interesting thought... :-)
What about the appearance of the anti-Christ?
eh..i didnt realise tat the BIBLE is acronym for Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth ! duhh.. *_^
nyways..don't know if we will ever see peace in the middle east in our lifetime. perhaps!
agree on the economic-vs-war theory though
eh share share laa! ;P
n y suddenly anti-christ? religion has nothing to do with things like these le
as for peace..sigh
*pretend to be competing for Miss whatever pagent*
"I wish for world peace*
Not a Bible scholar too, but the end-time sequence you mentioned has a slight difference to what I believe.
But I agree, it will be "peace" in the Middle East using economic power, and shall I say subtle influence.
Great post!
Let me see.. the richest oil-rich states here are the ones who appear to be peaceful. So I would say money CAN buy peace...
Let me tell you, a lot of ppl here are so.. so.. argumentative and self-centred, even while driving on the road they cannot give way!! You are 2 seconds slow on moving at a green light, you get horned. You want to make sure the road is clear at the roundabout before you come out, you get horned. You wait at a busy junction trying to join onto a main road, you get horned. You try to reverse your car out of your parking lot when there is an oncoming car, you get horned. I am not at all surprised that there is war here.
But of course this is just my day-to-day observation. I am sure there are millions of justifying and strategically important reasons why there is war here. Nothing to do with lack of consideration and selfishness.. :P
The timing of that 'someone' who will bring peace is when the world is full of hypocrite leaders of all sorts, wealth is not distributed, declining birth rates, numbers of females exceed males, airlines in chaos, levelled high areas and forests cleared, famine and diseases becomes pandemic, frequent eclipses, earthquake and natural calamities occurance, and many, many more on the long, long, long list.
Hey zewt, muslims too believe that the Prophet Isa (Jesus) will come down to this world to stay amongst us. Where will we be when the time really comes???
the closest thing i got to a Bible was, enid blyton's 'tales from the bible'(a very long-long-long time ago) so yeh.. havent the slightest clu, but i reckon a very enlightening piece this post!
I have a booklet that is sent to me from a US church entitled "The Mid East in Bible Prophesy". It's an interesting read, and it deals with the historic origins of this persistent conflict and the ultimate peace that will befall Jerusalem and the world.
You can d/l it here.
i like your post today!! well, will need something to expound on it!! hehe...
let's read revelation!! =D
btw, Christmas is coming.. how's everything bro?
*Starts screaming and running around aimlessly with arms flailing*
THE END IS NEAR!!! ARE YOU GOING UP OR DOWN? Sorry, no mezanine floors in this journey...
Heh... I just couldn't help myself
interesting read.
and kyh, thanks for posting the pdf version of "The Mid East in Bible Prophesy". I'm reading it now :)
myop101 - it's the most interesting interpretation i guess hehehe...
-=Sin=- - that's the million dollar question isnt it? if we know, no more fun :P
Jed Yoong - when it comes... that's when things will really be interesting.
Aoki - i understand dumc dont like to debate on this topic. come... feed yourself here :P
Angie Tan - that's during the 7 years tribulation...
lovegoddess - well, the signs are pretty clear that we are nearing end times.... i remember when i was 13, one of my senior in church was very adamant he will live to witness end times.
huei - hahaha... well, according to the bible, it does though.
Melisa - hello there and welcome. maybe you can share yours :)
kat - hahahaha... well, looks like that sandy piece of land currently houses pretty impatient people. but the most important thing is... you dont come back acting like one :)
ummie - looks like the time is right for Him to return eh :) and instead of asking that question... we should be wondering... are we ready for His return?
Thevan - more coming i assure u :)
kyh - gonna really download and read that tonight! hehehe...
andrew - revelation... the most interesting book! hehehe... Christmas is indeed here, let's give Christmas back to Christ! everything is ok... i see you are really enjoying yourself being a blogger already.
pinknpurplelizard - hahahaha... ok ok ok... calm down... not just yet.
jlshyang - i hope to put up the rest as soon as possible :)... it's one of the burning things i would like to blog about for the longest time.
Arabic people are the most hardheaded human being in this world. Only they themselves can rule/change/control or bring peace to their own country.
must be very sad of what MU is achieving eh? hehe.
i was in KK for the weekend and my friend is a Kadazan, it was very heartwarming to hear the prayers in BM (cos orang asli mah), quite devout Christians...
it was my friend's wedding...we went church wedding, traditional wedding and then chinese style dinner wedding --- all also got prayers one... =) but to listen to the gospel/worship songs in BM, it is something new!
j or ji - maybe we will see someone rise from there? and... it does make peace there impossible isnt it?
HC Tan - some of the most beautiful worship songs i have heard are in malays... wanna try? haha!
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