Friday 14 November 2008

An answer in the 400th

I really can't believe this is the 400th entry for AZAIG. Feels as though I just started blogging yesterday. Ok, that’s exaggeration. More like I feel I just started blogging a month ago or something.

Anyway, lately; I have been getting mails asking me things like… “zewt, you don’t write Friday Frolics anymore?”

Honestly, it’s not easy to write genuine real life experiences that are funny and tickle you to your bone. Maybe they are deep down in my memory bank somewhere and I need to do a search but it usually don’t pop out just like that. And of course, I don’t get “pick up” in the gym every week so gym experiences are not a constant thing.

So for this Friday and in conjunction with AZAIG’s 400th post, I shall answer one question readers never fail to ask me… “Actually ah… what does Zewt means?”

I have actually written this before on my first century entry so, allow me to reproduce it here…

Zewt is of course… me… haha! Ok… crap aside, zewt actually evolved from my Chinese name. It was originally yewt. Right… now everyone out there is screaming… what is yewt? Yewt was derived from the following methodology…

Lau Tuck Wah = tuckw
Chow Yuen Fatt = yuenf
Chan Li Lian = lil
Lee Chong Wei = chongw
Tee Bee Ean = beee

Catch the flow? … Yeah, am sure you did. Well done! So yeah, it was derived from my Chinese name.

So how did yewt become zewt? Well, it just evolved that way… thought ‘z’ is more glamour than ‘y’. Besides, someone commented yewt sounds like nude, not very nice.

So now that you know how did zewt come about, and if you’re a Chinese… what is your zewtvolution name?


Thevan said...

and if me is indian?

day-dreamer said...

Happy 400th post!

flaminglambo said...

Lucky your name is not Foo Kok Keong. Kokk or Fook! Can't win either way. Hahaha

Congrats on your 400th!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. My yuiny evolve into yuinie because I think add -ie makes it sounds more 'chan chit gam'

Angie Tan said...

hahaha... i have an english name and so, due to the gwailoh standard of english + middle (chinese) + family name, it became angiecltan lor...

Hilman Nordin said...

I have a Malay name.

oh.. not so komersial la..

U-Jean said...

u-jean is actually spelt as Yu Jean. My friend's mum misspelt it as "u-jean" one day and i thought "cool!" and adopted it :P

CK said...

yew tong? yew tiong?

happy friday

Anonymous said...

I can only thank my parents for not naming me "Shi Teng" or any of the other variations.

sooky said...

My nick was given by a friend years ago. It was derived from my middle name (sook). I would have preferred it being derived from my actual name (fan) but he's right that 'sooky' definitely sounds better than 'fanny' (_|_) heh... :P

missironic said... ur chinese name is Yew T___. ;) mine wud be Peil. Sounds like some english surname. hahaha...

Huei said...

Happy 400th post!

well mine just sounds weird..hueij

or hueis just sounds like there are more than 1 huei..but i use that most of the time!

i still duno ur surname..hmmmm

SamSeiko said...

happy 400th post >_<
if i follow the zewtvolution then it should be Kenw...

Purple~MushRooM said...

Eh.. mine becomes AiG. How ah?

Anonymous said...

Keep churning them up, dude! ;) 400th post... Whoa...

*looks at Zewt's stat counter*

Whoa... 275,444
Lotsa 4s today. Must go buy 4D

Anonymous said...

Z more glamour than Y meh? Glamour lar konon zewt kan? :P You don't want to sound like ah beng ma right? Hahahahaha...

Anonymous said...

Then I'm "Lif".
But I have another name too-Jackie. It evolved from my sister calling me Jie Jie, in which she added Jie-eee, to make it sound cuter. Sometime after calling me Jie-yee, it became it's sorta my english name.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that makes such a whole lot of sense and a really good read on a Friday night - seriously! Congratulations on your 400th post! That's a whole lot of letters to begin with!

Kim said...

Mine should be sokc..jumble/evolve to sock?? Ouch, that's not cool.

taxy said...

Kow Tow to you, see foo.

Anonymous said...

Mine would be "yingf"... Er... that's odd too, I guess. :P

Congrats on your 400th post, by the way! :D

Jerrenn said...

congrats on your 400th entry!

mine would be jerr =.="

Faisal Admar said...

haha. now if i have a chinese name i would put hengf haha! guess what?

Anonymous said...

mine is so yucky that i dun even wanna mention it. I still hate my name... if only my parents gv me a better one. haha.

happy 400th!

TRACE said...

congrats on ur 400th entry!
mine would be leex...not bad oh...

Anonymous said...

400? Gee! Sounds old, doesn't it? Congrats!...I'm catching up with u though! My Chinese name is wyn...that's why I'm a wynner!!! I think you posted an explanation on ur name once somewhere. I remember reading that before. Zewt brings to mind some kind of exotic animal... Must be the animal in you, eh? Grrrr!!! Hahahahaha!!!

lovegoddess said...

happy 4ooth post zewt! times flies eh.. so fast already yr 400 entry :)

my mid name is Sui, my third name begins with S too - so become SuiS. In Bahasa sounds kinda funny i become a switch but in English i'm a Swiss ! :)

whoalse said...

mine doesn't jive well or even sound good! Saye! LoL

Anonymous said...

hehe.. i read ur first century post last time.

my zewtvolution is 'chengs' haha.. still sound ok eh? still 'call-able'. btw, congrats.. on your 400th post.

Anonymous said...

g00d s3x sweeet.... not zwet!!

Anonymous said...

aha..ok, understand!!! hhm...well, congratulations on your 400th post!!! ^^

tulipspeaks said...

i'm trying the same concept with my name.. quite unsuccessful! :P


zewt said...

Thevan - can still be done. maybe skip the a/l and take the last 3 letters from your first name and the first letter from your family name.

day-dreamer - thanks :)!

flaminglambo - hahahahahaha.... well, like someone pointed, what if your name is shi teng?

littlepolaris - think yours tak jalan lah...

angie tan - that's really quite a british way of calling yourself hehe.

mohamad hilman bin nordin - Zann... sounds cool!

zewt said...

u-jean - so it should be yuj... then zuj... cool what...

CK - nah... wrong haha!

Klaw - hahahahahaha... that would have been something. anyway, can always change it to zhit.

sooky - fanny... sounds like some HK name... hehe.

missironic - Peil... i guess i can guess your name already.

huei - hueij? how is that ah?

zewt said...

EliteVillain - so your name is ken weng?

pinknpurplelizard - hahaha... guess the 4 is sticking closely to u.

Aoki - yewt more ah beng than zewt... not really lah, just prefer z.

Lifong - wahhh... so tiba tiba become jackie... given by your sis... quite unique too!

giddy tigress - well, i guess it's a start towards half the 1000 mark.

Kimmy - sok cheng? or ching? :)

zewt said...

Taxy Driver - i tot you were going to call yourself zongw!

life for beginners - thanks... can always use a z to glamourise it.

poseidon - jerr... err... need more zewtvolution on that.

Faisal Admar - hengf? what is that mate?

kyh - hey... we should all be proud of it.

TRACE - so a change would be zeex... not bad at all, lee xing?

suituapui - hahahaha... we all have an animal in us somewhere... it's a matter of how well we control it.

zewt said...

lovegoddess - zuis or xuis... can make it. or absolute evoltion... xiuz!

whoalse - zaye....zave?...zaze!!!

drumsticks - zhengs... or zhengz... glamour mah.

Edi - what what?? :)

lynnwei - thanks... so what's yours?

tulipspeaks - ohhh... can... modify it and adapt :)

Azlan Zed said...

happy 400th post, man... :)

missironic said... sure you can. very common chinese name.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah... 4 does click pretty close to me. M child number 4. Born in month of 4. Got a family member who's DOB is all 4s and 0s only. O_O Eerie....

Acute Critique said...

yew tuck?

yew thong?

yew ting?

yew turn? (u-turn) >_<

long time din leave comments here. Howdy zewt! =)

Crankster said...

Zewt does rhyme with 'good'. :)

~aSstHa~ said...

ces... i tot ppl shud know ur last name by now?? *tsk tsk*...

well.. if i'd follow d zewtvolution... den my name wud b... gecks??? @_@

but my nickname was also incorporated from my original english name, Esther... but a few of my close buds liked to call me Est-tha-che... den slowly they changed d spelling altogether to spell ass-tha-che... so decided i kinda like d new spelling (since Esther is such a common name)... but den again... get a lot of name-calling cos of d "aSS" in front... hmmm... mayb i shud jz change it to s-tha... or stha... kuakuakua.. den ppl will b scratching their heads tryin 2 figure out how 2 pronounce me name... ;)

Faisal Admar said...

haha heng fatt :P

dy said...

yer... then mine would be "chiah". ish.. not glamour also... :P better stick to "dy".. you know what "dy" means? hehehe...

btw.. *wave* hi! lol! so long never leave comment here. hehe.

zewt said...

alan zed - thanks bro.

missironic - hehehe... common chinese names are getting very uncommon nowadays.

pinknpurplelizard - ok ok... let's not get too superstitious :P

Acute Critique - hi mabel :) i am good... good to see you here too.

Crankster - i try to be too :)

aSstHa - gecks? how is that? hmmm... est-that-che... that's very HK lah.

faisal admar - wooah... chinese feel! :)

dy - i have a feeling i know :)...

me said...

ic, that means your name is XXX yew tXXX ? let me take a guess, tee yew ti (t.u.t.)? ken yew tok (can u talk) ? ah yew tin (are u thin) ? *runs and hides*

zewt said...

me - you didnt take medication today eh?

baggie said...

yew thien?
yew tham?
yew thong?
yew tung

wukakakaka.. ok ok ... happy 400th hundred.. :P

zewt said...

evelynholic - all wrong! hahahaha....