Happy one month to “As Zewt as it gets”!!!!
Ok ok ok ok …I know you all are asking me what are the endings of the 2 tales. Hey, gimme a break, it’s been a month and this blog is the only new year resolution I’ve been able to keep in my entire life. And you know what? I am really enjoying this blogging thing!
Wanna take this opportunity to say thanks to blog readers (cheh… sound like some big time blogger… hehe)… particularly jules, economist, jessica, cirnelle, ahjohn, cosmic abyss, nicole, princess eileen, aput83, juvw, eyhastakenmysoul and junex whom I know drop by quite regularly. Thank you so much! Love you all!
As for those whom I dunno but still drop by… many thanks too! And I love you all too!! (do I sound like a celebrity-wannabe?... nah, who cares…)
Right… some are asking me when is Modern Slavery Part 2 coming out… trust me, it’s on the way. Eyhastakenmysoul, your brainchild, the independent evaluator thingy, it’s definitely in the pipeline.
Right everybody… next entry... the tail to the tales… with a twist….
Ok ok ok ok …I know you all are asking me what are the endings of the 2 tales. Hey, gimme a break, it’s been a month and this blog is the only new year resolution I’ve been able to keep in my entire life. And you know what? I am really enjoying this blogging thing!
Wanna take this opportunity to say thanks to blog readers (cheh… sound like some big time blogger… hehe)… particularly jules, economist, jessica, cirnelle, ahjohn, cosmic abyss, nicole, princess eileen, aput83, juvw, eyhastakenmysoul and junex whom I know drop by quite regularly. Thank you so much! Love you all!
As for those whom I dunno but still drop by… many thanks too! And I love you all too!! (do I sound like a celebrity-wannabe?... nah, who cares…)
Right… some are asking me when is Modern Slavery Part 2 coming out… trust me, it’s on the way. Eyhastakenmysoul, your brainchild, the independent evaluator thingy, it’s definitely in the pipeline.
Right everybody… next entry... the tail to the tales… with a twist….
Hmm..I am jealous! Your blog gets a cake for its 1st month?
nice dig "eyhastakenmysoul"...
hi zewt,
thanks for dropping by...
hey, your blog's really cool, man.
see u around.
adoi buat suspense jer ur crita....
LOL 1 month old blog also got cake... terrernyer. Happy 1 month old, zewt.blogspot.com . May you grow older with more words and pictures and great stuff ahead! *wink*
Yo Alvernho. Heard from the star that you've set up camp in the blogosphere. Congrats and I must say that it's been an interesting read.
fui yoh...1st time my nick get mention in some blog...i am so the PROUD :).....anyway pls keep up the good work.....its just surprising it took you so long to set this thing up.......
HapPY 1 month old "As Zewt as it gets"!!!!! =D
Happy 1 month old...so do we get to eat the cake? =P
Happy Anniversary..!
oh no.. am i late? :p~ but i hope it's not too late to wish your blog "HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY"
oh oh.. thanks for mentioning MY name on your blog.. hehe.. feels like a "celeb blogger" :p~ cheh~
Hey everyone... thanks thanks thanks.... never too late to wish "as zewt as it gets" a one monthliversary...
The name's June la, my blog is June x 2...
Don't mention it, it's a good read anyhow. Keep up the good work! (And am glad you're enjoying the ride!)
One month old babies can wake about 4-6 hours a day and track coloured objects held in front of their faces. Their sense of hearing is also fully developed.
All together now...
"Happy googoo gaa gaa choo choo,
Happy booboo baa baa toot toot,
Happy weegee waa gaa too zewt,
Zewtee dideet doo a boo boo"
(Motivational song in baby-talk)
hapeeee bday ~~ zewtie
one month old one month old!! happy belated birthday :P
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