I stumbled unto a very interesting blog, and I happened to know the author of it as well. Read 6 of her entries and I encountered … 1) a beautifully written poem and … 2) Two very interesting stories. With the permission of the author, allow me to share with you the 2 very interesting stories:

There was this girl (ahh… interesting right?)… she has got the hots for this dude and it appeared that this dude was perfect for her. The author referred to him as ROFH (Mr-Right-One-For-Her)… you know, stable career, has all the charm, strong chemistry… perfect … almost. But there’s a slight problem, this dude just doesn’t prioritise her. He will only call her out when he has nothing else to do. Knowing that she has got the hots for him, the dude maximise his advantage to the fullest and took her for granted. If you guys are asking whether she slept with him… well, I dunno la, you pervert!
Then… hmmm… along came another dude, this is OTRFH (Mr-One-that’s-right-for-her)… you know, the one who prioritise her, the one who would bow down at her skirt, the one who know what she wants and fulfil her wishes.
Now, who do you think the girl chose?

There is this really hot looking babe with guys always on her trail. But you guessed it right, she is obviously not interested in them. At least not in the way that they wanted her to.
To make thing things more interesting, she is current dating someone who is dating. Sounds confusing? Well, she is semi-dating someone who is fully-dating another person. Yeah, basically she is the 3rd party in someone else’s relationship. And hear this, she knows it’s wrong and once sworn never to do such thing for her previous relationship was wrecked by another 3rd party… talk about irony.
So what do you think is the conclusion? Will she snap out of it and move on to fully-date someone else instead of being a pseudo-lover? Or will she just continue with the dark side?
Tell me what you think... Thereafter, I will reveal the real tail to you...
story 1: It depends on how old the girl is. For a 25 below, she should still go for the chemistry (not the physic-al hehee..) in boy ROFH. Knowing you can be with someone you really love is more a blessing than being with someone who loves you...Reason? We are human and we love troubles don't we?
As for 25 above, they will probably understand that love isn't so blind after all. OTRFH matches ladies with TSDTOTSPP (the super desperate time of twenty six plus plus). Haha...
Now story 2: I reckon story is becoming a reality in today's world. It doesn't surprise me cause many of my friends are in such situation. Now, since I have such friends, don't you want to know the outcome? Answer: The guy soon found a 4th party and girl who is the 3rd party is having alternate day off with one of the 1st and 2nd guys. Confuse with numbers now? hehee..
Anyway, The guy's 4th party is now pregnant and she just went for abortion. Life goes on, but they actually blame the
DuR*x more than anything. Those morons... In the end, I don't see a happy relationship but I do see a big family circle going on...
hahaha... I like ahjohn's point of views. I agree with ahjohn's choice for Story 1, it depends on age to a certain extent. However, if she is wise, she should chose OTRFH. It is better to be loved than to love someone who treat you like shit. It is better treating ppl like shit, than being treat like shit right? keke
For story 2, hot looking babe is in it for the money or the thrill of it or perhaps just wanna take revenge of being betrayed before. But in the end she will know that she herself will be the one hurt & involved innocent others. She will probably continue with the dark side, unless another much better guy comes along.
Age does play a factor in the decisions...Coz when u r young u will be tempted to crazy stuff...
But isnt it better to be with some1 who loves you more since you will be havin the upperhand? Girls are normally more irrational than guys i think..so for story 1 my advice would be to plump for the OTRFH
Story 2 seems common though i only witness it and not LUCKY enough to have few girls after me...hahah isnt time consuming to run so rships at the same time? unless some are outstation/overseas....
Basically if you put urself in situation 2 then u r askin to be burnt...so if u can take the heat then by all means pursue whatever ur BRAIN/HEART (depending on guy or girl) tells u to...
Story 1:
This is such a classic! I say that the girl will still go for ROFH cos the playing hard to get is what attracts. Until something happens, only then will she realise the true goodness of OTRFH. But maybe it'll be too late then...
Story 2:
I think she'll continue semi-dating cos a part of her wants to take revenge for what happened to her.
story1: i will go for OTRFH for sure. i want to be appreciated more thn anything, rather than to be treated at unimportant-sampah. however, is the financial status of OTRFH on par with ROFH? teehee...need $ to survive leh. anyway, $matters aside, which girl (regardless if she's below 26 or above 26) does not like to be pampered by her man? even if i m 55, i still like to be pampered by my lougong. OTRFH sounds like a dream guy to me. anyone out there who fits the bill?
Story2: I agree with economist. she's waiting to be burnt. she has suffered this kinda betrayal before and she knows very well it hurt. i can tell u, what she's doing now is gonna hurt her more in the end.
**ahJohn, ur explaination really best in the world lah!! "In the end, I don't see a happy relationship but I do see a big family circle going on..." HAHA! so rite!!
Story 1:
I think she'll wake up and realise that OTRFH is the ROFH. But then again, some gals are so stubborn when it comes to matters of the heart. We will see..... right Zewt??
Story 2:
Once you have joined the dark side, there is no turning back. Darth Vader can never be Anakin Skywalker again. My guess is, she will not snap out of it.
p/s: watched too much star wars eh??
either is possible for both stories, too many possible hypothesis but basing the character on myself, the following would be:-
One: Will most likely hang around hoping that MR.ROFH will eventually "love" her, but in reality dreams don't come through most of the time, so she would probably give up once she knows that MR.ROFH has found someone "stable" and she has no more chance. She will then end up with the other fella (MR.OTRFH) but deep inside still thinks of MR.ROFH all the time wondering where she actually stands in his heart/mind.
Two: Likely she will stick on to her current squeez as she already knew he was attach from the start. Women like these are not after men who desires her for she has had that pleasure before (which unfortunately turned sour). Instead, she desires things (and of course men!) which she can't obtain fully as only such relationship will assure her that she is still desirable due to her past experience of losing out.
story 2:
where got these kinda ger wan. the thing that happen to her, obviously she dun like it right but she do it to other ppl. So is it part of her Vengence? If so .. then really stupid!
Thanks for dropping by ~
Story 1: Well I don't know who she'll choose, but i guess it's better to choose someone that'll proiritize her, at least, she can be sure that that guy loves her, unlike the one who'll only call her out once in a while. Heck he could be having an affair! >.<
Story 2: It won't last!! I've been through that, and it won't last, it just ruins the friendship between (if they are friends), and it'll just make her sound like a biatch...She should snap out of it!!
Case 1: The gal will still fall for the loser as she loves him more than he loves her unless she wakes from this nightmare herself.
Case 2: The gal will still be a 3rd party n find out one day that all she's left is a shell of herself cos the guy will definitely move on to someone else new.
Human beings are never mean to that extent..they're just plain greedy..wanting everything..
Tall tales, ya zewt? But truth is stranger than fiction and romance more complicated than rocket science!
Here's my two sen's worth:
Case 1: For some mature women with fulfilling careers and dependents (aka live-in kiddults) who simply love their space and freedom don't really mind this 'arrangement'. In fact, they would feel stifled and overwhelmed to have a full-time lover or partner.
Case 2: Should a woman settle for someone who 'prioritize' her even if he's an annoying moron?
We all have our choices, and boy, do we bear the consequences of acting, or not acting, on them for that matter.
Story 1: She chooses OTRFH (on probation basis) while she has an occassional-when-i'm-free-fling with ROFH. ROFH, finally realising that he's no longer her priority starts to feel left out and begins his chase - which ends up solving her initial problem. Mr. Happy to be of service would be happy that she's happy. End of story.
Story 2: Usually, the "i know its wrong but..." excuse mean nothing in the real world. Its just her nice way of saying "socially, its immoral but who cares about a worthless SPM subject anyway?" She's the female ROFH. Proposed ending as outlined in Story 1.
Interesting indeed..
Story 1: As we grow up we wake up and realise that there is no such thing as a perfect love or the perfect man. If there was, the search for someone 'better' would be endless. Love isn't just a feeling but also an action. It takes two to make a relationship work. At the moment with Mr.ROFH, it really looks like it is only the girl putting in the effort. Seems quite pointless being in such a relationship. Perhaps she still has hope or believe that things may change if she gives him a chance. If things don't change hopefully she will know when to stop believing and move on.
With Mr.OTRFH, although the guy priorities her, does she do the same back? Or is it one way once again, except this time it is the guy putting in all the effort and not her? I guess at the end of it, the question is does she really love Mr.OTRFH or is she just settling for the next best option? If she is settling then Mr.OTRFH is also not her guy and she should just stay single until she meets someone else!
Story 2: I reckon it is a phase she is going through. Although she knows its wrong and no matter how many times she is being told by friends to get out of it, it wont' work! It is something she needs to go through and figure out for herself. She is probably still hurting from the last relationship and is afraid to fully love again but yet wants to feel loved. So for now she is just settling for this. She is one confused person trying to figure things out for herself and need support from friends!!!
Thats my 5 cents worth!
1) Mr ROFH would be perfect if it's purely out of attraction/lust and she is just looking for some fun and excitement. If love / longterm commitment is involved, hmmm, Mr ROFH if she follows her heart as she is willing to be used and taken for granted, probably hoping that he will have a change of heart and attitude one day. There is no guaranteed happiness and security in this relationship. If she follows her head, Mr OTRFH would be the rational choice because this is someone who prioritises her and offers more stability (not necessary happiness). While she can't force mr ROFH to love her or change his attitude, she might at least be able to learn to love Mr OTRFH in return.
At the end of the day, is there is a point pursuing a relationship just for the sake of it if the feelings are not mutual (unless play-play la)? It takes two hands to clap. I think the basic foundation of a fulfilling relationship is love and trust, and then other factors coming into play to make it work out.
2) Love is blind and the forbidden fruit is always more enticing. COuld she be so consumed in love that she might be hoping that he will someday leave his "full-time" lover for her, secretly knowing that this may not eventuate and risks hurting herself in the end? Even if he did, there is no guarantee that this love-rat would not cheat on her in future and get himself another "part-time" lover. He is not the only fish in the ocean.
I begin to see reasons for blogging since Malaysian typical interest is to take care of people's side cloth (jaga tepi kain orang).
ask yourself how many times are we acting worse than ROFT and OTRFH? Still we end up with a good gf/wife... So, whatever happens, everything ends in a nice way...
And they live happily ever after...
everybody has to answer their existential question on their own. we obviously have no clue what's best for us, let alone embark on the journey of searching for it. damned from the start.
Story 1: Girls like bad guys... she will choose the bad guy
Stiry 2: Girls like bad guys... she will stay with the bad guy
End of story...
Story 1+2: girls like bad guys, and guys like to think they are bad so that they can like the good girl but these good girls who has evil thoughts are bad girls.
complicated! :p~
This will not truly have success, I consider so.
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