You were on your way to work, just like any other day. As you were about to reach your office, you stopped and your car came to a halt as the traffic light turned red.
The music from the radio entertained you as you waited for the lights to turn green. Looking around, you saw the familiar faces crossing roads; probably making their way to the respective workplace.
Suddenly, you heard a loud “smashing” sound coming from the back of your car, followed closely by a scream. Before you could turn around to check out the source of the commotion…”bang!”… something smashed into your car!!!
You got out of your car in hastily only to find that a motorcyclist was pinned between your car and the other vehicle next to you… your car, was *gasp!* badly damaged!
It was not an accident. What happened was…
The motorcyclist pinned to your car is a snatch thief who just smashed the window of a car which stopped a few vehicles behind you to get the driver’s handbag. After getting his loot, the thief sped of only to be stopped by a good Samaritan who sacrificed damages his car by crashing into the thief.
Unfortunately for you though, your car was also involuntarily sacrificed…
What would be your reaction?
What would be a typical Malaysian reaction?
Would you react like a typical Malaysian?
Such a dilemma to be honest with oneself… isn’t it?
1 year ago… An answer in the 400th
2 years ago… Can we really not be a part of it?

Suddenly, you heard a loud “smashing” sound coming from the back of your car, followed closely by a scream. Before you could turn around to check out the source of the commotion…”bang!”… something smashed into your car!!!
You got out of your car in hastily only to find that a motorcyclist was pinned between your car and the other vehicle next to you… your car, was *gasp!* badly damaged!
It was not an accident. What happened was…
The motorcyclist pinned to your car is a snatch thief who just smashed the window of a car which stopped a few vehicles behind you to get the driver’s handbag. After getting his loot, the thief sped of only to be stopped by a good Samaritan who sacrificed damages his car by crashing into the thief.
Unfortunately for you though, your car was also involuntarily sacrificed…

What would be a typical Malaysian reaction?
Would you react like a typical Malaysian?
Such a dilemma to be honest with oneself… isn’t it?
1 year ago… An answer in the 400th
2 years ago… Can we really not be a part of it?
I would be utterly pissed off!!
That "good" Samaritan is one heck of an idiot.
His action could cause severe injury to other people besides the snatch thief.
So reckless!!!!
In the moment, I'd be pissed.
Now, reading about, would give me a satisfaction on the 'rewards' the thief got (although guiltily)
It's the morbid human preoccupation with retribution.
I'm not Malaysian and hence my reaction would be just nothing. Honestly, I would be baffled and shocked. I doubt that I could utter anything meaningful in that moment.
But I wonder what would be the typical Malaysian reaction. Maybe I can learn from you guys :P
arer you the involuntary person?
hmmm.... i dunno... maybe pissed and also baffled?
i don't think this happened to zewt, maybe someone he knows?
let us know your reaction.....i think you would be magnanimous by sending the theif to the hospital and then footing the repairs yourself.
am not rly sure, but knowing me, i'd first be stumped and shocked for a few minutes and probably hope against all hope that someone can tell me what to do (pathetic huh..) >.<
and, i tink.. i tink lar.. i'll end up footing the bill for my car repairs myself lor if it's up to me to decide albeit with a bleeding heart, while wondering "why me? *wail*", ouch.
dunno how a typical malaysian would react =P
that happened to your VW...? so the reaction would be... WTF!!!
I can't seem to see the picture here. If the snatch thief was couple of cars behind, how did that good Samaritan manage to crash into the thief? Besides, it was red light, there should be more than 1 car getting smashed if there wasn't too much room to move.
Haha! As if I'm your insurance company hahaha!
There is no need to swear or anything. Copy down the plate number (the car that smashed into you), ask if he/she has insurance. Then call the police, get a report. Go home, call up your insurance company. Get it repair and your insurance company pays for it! Isn't it the case in Malaysia? Third party insurance is compulsory here. No 3rd party insurance, you cannot renew your license. You'll know when you move here. You'll be spending a lot on insurances :o)
By the way, I've heard about thieves snatching people bags whenever vehicles stop. What's the police doing there? Not yet habis minum kopi is it?
Seems like most people here do not understand the Malaysian insurance scene.
Agree with Shaun.
As the person whose bag had been snatched, to think that the snatch thief had been crashed into and hopefully badly injured, that's something to "cheer about".
But to be the person whose car had been damaged, I'd be hopping mad.
This is a typical Catch-22 situation here. Rather, how would a typical Malaysian policeman react to such a situation? Who should be charged?
What would by your reaction?
I think, at 1st I would be in shock. Then secretly deep inside feel a little happy about what happens to the thief but at the end i would sympathize at the snatch thief because as far as i concern no one deserve to die for any kind of their action.
Typical malaysian reaction?
I think they will curse/angry at the good Samaritan for being such a busybody/kepo. and scold him to mind his own biz. then ask him to pay for the damages.
what would i react as a typical malaysian?
I don't think I'm a typical malaysian. :)
Claim insurance for the damages as usual and just wait for the police to come for that ass of a snatch-thief who should have one leg and one arm chopped of as penance for his crime.
I salute anyone who takes action against snatch thieves. This epidemic is getting out of hand.
Very mind-boggling. I wouldn't know what to do at that moment, coz I would have been shocked to silence. But I guess ultimately, the driver who banged the motorcyclist had to pay for the damages since he was indeed putting other ppl's lives to danger.
I will definitely asking for compensation. But from whom? It is a bad day on the road!
I will vent my anger towards the thief. Maybe I will break break his arms and legs. He would be lucky if he were to escape from this alive
I think i've been watching too many violent movies! hahahah.....
jackson tan - what if you are the good samaritan?
pervertism101 - kudos!
MKL - you can see some typical reaction in the comments already.
bosscat - purely hypothetical...
Swee Ping - :) ... precisely... just wanna make ppl think... wait for episode 2.
anon @ 16/11 12.30am - if you must know... i will ask the samaritan if he is claiming insurance (not sure if this can be claimed)... if he said he is not, i will fot it myself. but nope, not sending the thief to hospital.
autumn - well, you didnt react like a typical malaysian so... think opposite :P
k.h. - how is dubai! nope... hypothetical lah.
Ai Shiang - wooaah... u forensics ah? if you understand the snatching part.. u will then realised that good samaritans are always found wanting.
Shaun - actually, can one claim under this situation?
Clare - hmmm...
Good on ya, mate! I think I would spend the first minute swearing (not such an angelic girl after all) and the next five minutes laughing. What goes round comes round. Perhaps someone will help you in your time of need one day.
j_yenn - good that you are able to see things from a different perspective... dont bring the police into the picture ler... complicate reactions ha!
jun - i will ask the samaritan if he is claiming insurance (not sure if this can be claimed)... if he said he is not, i will foot it myself. you are truly a very compassionate person.
pinknpurplelizard - the best comment ever!
iamthewitch - fair enough. but what if are the good would you want the damaged car owner to react?
jam - haha... insurance company lah... apa lagi.
leyaw - hahahahahahahaha.... now, that's what i called a man reaction!
crankster - kudos to you... kudos to you! :)
I would kill the thief and make it look like an accident. hahaha. by the way read my latest post.
I will kill both the thief and the good samaritan for spoiling my day! Just kidding : )
it's cooler now..
in Dubai, your car kena hit and you kena fine.
I'll be shocked! if that thief was dying and all bloody i would most probably fall down because i get all weak at the knees when i see blood! hahahah probably end up having nightmares too. though i dun mind if he dies..he probably killed ALOT of people before..old men until they're too weak to fight back
if the guy was just hurt and alive n definitely cannot escape..i'll be damn happy wei! the car can be fixed by insurance ma..can claim the guy who bang me! hahahah
a typical malaysian might whack 9 the thief while the rest will be pulling out their handphone to record video! hahahah
Totally stunned and speechless ...... not sure if it's shock or anger...........
Kellaw - read... i want that job.
foongpc - very powerful lah u...
k.h. - sounds like it's no good idea to buy a car there.
Huei - well done... really :)
Unicorn Girl - gotta make a decision nonetheless...
Since I'm still a noob driver, I'd obviously call my dad.
My alter ego though, would record the whole process. Whatever I can get la after I regain myself from the shock. Typical Malaysian what right. Bugger, hit my car some more. If the thief is still fine, I'd bloody make him pay for my damages. -____- Take bloody good look at his face and get his number plate down.
Oh yea, when everything's slowly going back to normal, give my car plate number to my dad/ his workers or something. 4D heh.
Oh shoot, I just realised I completely forgot about the Good Samaritan. I guess it's human nature. Too bad for the guy. I'm selfish. ROAR.
you are part of the sacrifice. salute!
SWei - hahahahaha... by the time you do all that, I wonder whether the good Samaritan would still be there.
Faisal Admar - nope... hypothetical only lah.
no one wants an accident to happen. so can't really get angry since it's an accident
no one wants an accident to happen. so can't really get angry since it's an accident
no one wants an accident to happen. so can't really get angry since it's an accident
no one wants an accident to happen. so can't really get angry since it's an accident
eiling lim - fair enough... eh... comments spam! :)
well my colleague just told me that his neighbor follow the snatch thief till a dead end road... then bang the snatch thief till die...
for me, i think i will be like "what da @#$5!" go and check my car and finally check on the snatch thief. if the snatch thief is alive then make sure his not-so-alive. then just leave. i dont mind sacrificing my car for the "greater good" (1 less snatch thief on the road).
hmm..glad that the snatch thief was stopped..and glad tat i m damage nvm la..cos most prob bfore this i ad dented the car alot shud b not much diff..wakakaka
not sure bout typical msian reaction though..curse the good samaritan??
anon @ 23/11 - hahaha... the hero in you!! i am sure many would agree.
neno - hahaha... so the new dent is a good reason for a repair eh?
interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you guys hear that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.
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