KL folks can take pride as we survive living in one of the riskiest offshore places on earth, No. 4 by the way.
Pollution... organised crime... I am sure our beloved administration will think of a reason behind this unfavourable survey. Maybe they will say the risk factors are moderated by the variety choices of wonderful food around. I am sure that will calm us all down and forget about it.
Singapore is in the top 5 safest. Located just a cross of a bridge away, but helluva difference.
1 year ago... Remembering forgotten
2 years ago... Dunwanna blog about it

Singapore is in the top 5 safest. Located just a cross of a bridge away, but helluva difference.
1 year ago... Remembering forgotten
2 years ago... Dunwanna blog about it
Holy guacamole. Who'd have thought. But at the rate my Malaysian colleagues back in PJ have been robbed at knifepoint, it's hardly surprising.
I'm glad I'm relatively safe in the UK. For now. I return to KL in about a month...
i would have to completely agree with the article... looking at the crime rates in kl, its so daunting... and i always feel so safe when i go to singapore, maybe its just me??
Move to Sibu! LOL!!!
Check out the haze!!!!
We beat Baghdad? Are you serious?
Hi Zewt,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. To answer your question, yes I handmade those soaps.
Your blog look familiar, I wonder if I was here before. Can't remember. Ah! You're an accountant too? I hope it's not auditing *LOL.
I don't think only KL is unsafe. My home town, as I was told is also not safe anymore these days. Which is a bit sad. It used to be a safe place. I blame the government! Is he asleep?
In Singapore, one can asphyxiate to death coz of lack of freedom. Everything is too rigid and sterile there.
Being a dangerous city doesnt mean that its nice either. What are the Msian cops doing? Stuffing themselves with mountains of nasi kandar and graft (followed by bigger-sized uniforms to fit their new bulk). They're now so useless that the public don't call them unless they have to coz it don't solve anything. Some decisions and releases are due to race and bribes.
crankster - haha... 1 more month and you will be back to a hell hole.
cindy khor - you are not alone. everyone feels the same, including me.
suituapui - find me a job that pays me the same salary, and i will gladly move.
anon @ 1/6 8.58am - tell me about it.
taxy - good point... well, maybe we did. they dont have rempits and ah longs there, do they?
ai shiang - hello, welcome to AZAIG. nope, me no auditors. and with the way things are going, the whole country will be unsafe. and we only have ourselves to blame.
pinknpurplelizard - hmmm... are u trying to say singapore is better or worse? cant seem to catch your tune there...
Organised crime! LOL! Who organised the criminals? ;)
to be honest, I don't feel safe at all walking alone in KL streets at any time of the day really but I can roam Spore streets till 2 in the morning and still feel safe.
ahh sadness..
To everyone who thinks Singapore or the UK or Timbuktoo is freaking better, pls feel free to move there. Before you condemn this country, think...are you not living a comfortable life here in Malaysia? You work hard you get your rewards. If you are not getting your rewards, it just means that you are not working hard cause you spend too much time bit**ing about everything. This may not be the perfect land (there is not such thing as the perfect land) but this is the best!
Pls dont condemn our police force. There are a few rotten apples but every country has that. Our cops put their lifes on line and they are many hardworking officers there. Why dont you join the force and make a difference, you won't cause it won't pay you enough to enjoy your rich lifestyle that you are so used to. I have worked in many countries, the great Singapore, the old British empire, the land of former convicts, they may pas you more in dollars but the quality of life is not as good as Malaysia!
Well, KL would certainly be great for those who loved adventure.
Imagine, "KL - come to the land of adventure for those who dare to take risks". Sounds good?
Well, as for a few rotten apples in our police force as what Anon-2/6 4:41pm said; those apples happened to be at the very top of the apple tree.
shame on the authority!! but i think bangkok is much better than kl!!!! kl is hopeless unless the government wake up sooner!!!
To the anon reader who left a comment above, please get your facts right. There are definitely more rotten apple than the good ones in the basket unlike what you believe it to be.
I wouldn't say KL is the worst place to live in, but it is definitely not the best. So many things can be improved on. Security, the pollutions, public transportations n etc. One thing for sure, living in KL is definitely more dangerous than say 10 years or more ago
Hahaha Zewt, I wouldn't really call it a hell hole, I'm looking forward to coming back.
But we need to do some serious clean-up on our overall security. The bloody government spends too much time trying to put political activists than criminals behind bars.
How could we be top 5 most dangerous place to live?
But then to come to think of it...crime is going rampant these days.And it is true that people get mugged and beaten in front of their homes.
Makes me wonder whats happening to the world?
Well... I'm not the kind to like to live in a place like Sg for too long. Msia is still a place I'd like to be still. Ironic, I know... My thoughts on your post are too many to put into this little comment box. :)
pablopabla - sam jiu lah hahahahha
Sharon - what about penang? you feel safe there?
anon 2/6 4.41pm - hate to say it mate but it is ppl like you who will drive this country into abyss. what? if we dont get paid enough means we dont work hard enough? sounds like you the boss up there hoping your employees will slave harder for you mate.
joshua wong - haha... good twist... certainly, risky adventurous place it is. but what are u risking? your lives? i disagree with anon on a few bad apples. a few? really a few?
fufu - absolutely. of all ppl, with your experience you should be able to tell.
leyaw - indeed, that piece of info is really baseless. anyway, just becos KL is not the worst doesnt mean we must sit and pretend everything is hunky dory. and we all know things are turning for the worst in time to come.
crankster - one article on MT revealed a disturbing point... about the 4th branch...
zuraida - the world is trying to change. may not be changed but certainly trying hard. while we... are going the other way.
pinknpurplelizard - put it in yours... i will go read.
Hi, just a quick question for u.
Being a Christian, has God ever impressed upon your heart on where he wants you to stay? If it's in Malaysia,KL, don't you trust that he will provide for u and keep u safe?
If God has called u to maybe, move down under, then yeah, good for u. A lot of people i know have actually done the opposite and returned to our home land just because we believe in the potential this country has.
I understand it's your right to rant about this country, it's human nature. just like at the current city i'm living in, many people in msia would kill to live here but the residents here never stop complaining.
And I find it extremely discouraging to read about stuff like that because i'm about to return our homeland but again, it's ur blog!
FLy on the wall - i try not to bring God into the picture. I have heard ppl who wants to go openly claming "God has been speaking to me and He said we should make a move" while those who wants to stay will openly claim "God told me to have faith and stay in this country as He will provide".
if i truly want to relate things back to God... then i will say... why would God allowed my PR to be approved despite me having so much difficulties? I actually prayed and said if it's not His will for me to go, reject my PR, but I got it in the most peculiar manner ever. I can openly tell ppl that it is a sign from God... but I rather not say that. I will close my door and give thanks.
but since you want to know... yeah, that's my answer.
I was robbed in KL last month. How about that? lol
Anony:- Good apples are more than the bad ones? Are you serious? Were you living in the alternate dimension of Malaysia?
Ulquiorra - wow!!! broad daylight? that anon is confused...
these are...apa nama....lies....malaysia is very safe.... the government is working overtime to make sure that criminals are apprehended... they do not waste time arresting politicians from the opposition party, going all out to get the opposition thrown out of state governments into which they have been legitimately elected, etc. this is slander perpetrated by the opposition. this survey is biased. no, wait, they must have counted wrongly, actually malaysia is in the top 5 SAFEST countries. yes, that's it, safest.
EYthinksthisisallslander - you are right, this country is the best in the world. our govt is working overtime to make this country from better to best, not from bad to worse...
I guess that's why I never like KL after all these years!
jam - but legions are flocking here...
we still got good food ok! GOOD FOOD!
huei - sigh...
The survey must be inaccurate because it was done by a Western Zionist entity. They are jealous of Kuala Lumpur and its world-class reputation.
Keep in mind that God has put corruption, pollution and crime in place as His master plan. These things are good, because they force us to rely on God.
Look at the godless and sinful developed countries. Their systems are so clean and efficient that youngsters don't even go to church.
So if you get robbed a few times because the police aren't around, you will surely trust in God more.
Similarly, if you breathe in bad air, you will surely pray daily to keep disease at bay.
anon @ 10/6 4.43am - hahahhaa.... i really dunno what to say when u wanna mention God in that manner.
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