Wednesday 24 June 2009

Some Malaysians are brainless morons

Classic example of why some Malaysians are brainless moronic car whores…

“Wah, so hot lah! So hazy too! I wish it will rain. Please God, let it rain!”
And it rained…
“Freaking hell, why must it rain!!?? Stupid rain cause the bad traffic jam!”

Classic example of why some Malaysians are brainless moronic food whores.

“Wah, the haze so bad lah…”
“Yeah, very bad eh? Klang is worse!”
“We must not go out often. Must remain indoor as much as we can. Haze very bad for health lah”

Lunch time…

“Let’s go! Makan time!” (Makan = eat)
“OK, where”
“Let’s have siew-yok today” (siew-yok = roast pork)
“Huh? It’s outdoor lah. Very hazy, go somewhere indoor lah”
“Haze what haze? It’s siew-yok OK!”
“OK let’s go”

1 year ago…
30 things we learned when we turn 30


KGC said...

Hahaha, you made me laugh. But sadly, it is true....Malaysian mentality. *sigh*

Jacy said...

Of the things one would do to get what they want. It's reasonable, maybe. :P

drumsticks said...


a lot of people are sad here, including me.

drumsticks said...

btw, im not referring to me being the classic example..

sad as in, a lot of malaysians aren't happy people.

Wingz said...


day-dreamer said...

First thing first - Happy belated birthday! Haha.

And back to this post. Hmm. But that's not the thing with me and my friends. When it rains we will be like "OMG! Finally it rains!! A rare scene in Kampar!!! Wahlau the air so cold... syiok-nye~~~"


jun said...

Typical malaysian mentality...

Is sad...but what to do??

Cindy Khor said...

but i won't call them conversations morons, i would define them as contradictory and undecisive and un-thankful malaysians

jam said...

That's typical Malaysians, complain, complain and complain... but do nothing against it!

3point8 said...

I prefer the term *flexible*

Malaysians are flexible and act according to the current circumstances

wong said...

these people are displaying their stupidity they are telling stupidity is the trend....sometime dealing with thses fellows i may bring two small plastic is to vomit blood..the other is............PUIT ! my saliva..!

The KL Traveller said...

Unfortunately, I have to agree. But the title should be 'Some Malaysians...." instead.

missironic said...

Hahaha... Spot On! But I do agree with The KL Traveller, it should be "Some Malaysias". hahaha..

Sharon said...

LOL i agree!!!!

A Black Cat said...

I'm annoyed by generalizations like these. Morons exist everywhere, ok.

Kim said...

I'm sure not all Malaysians are like that. I myself don't belong into that category of those examples. :)
Something must have been pissing you off hehe...

pinknpurplelizard said...

Its like those ppl who eat a chillies, u know they're hot and will cause u agony but yet u eat so much of it that u feel that ur stomach burns. =.=

Moronic Irony is so widespread around the world esp Msia.

littlepolaris said...

I agree with u Zewt. Yesterday my FB full of ppl complaining about the rain but isn't it good to have the rain? I love the rain.

SamSeiko said...

lol dun say till so bad la >_< but i dun even mind if there is haze and goes on lar :P wan go out then go lor but dun go near the black listed area haha

Anonymous said...

...and off they went! One person, one car, aircon full blast, ear-blasting stereo booming! Vrooooommmm!!! Tambah teruk the haze!...Sigh!!!

kyh said...

if i stay indoors, i'd love it to rain! the heavier the better! i just love the cool air that comes with the rain.

Anonymous said...

It takes a bigger moron to call another one. I challenge you that a year from today, you will still be here spewing your anger and hatred because Oz will not want you and no white man wants to hire you. Man enough to take up this challenge? Reason is you are a pathetic loser. Go get a life, boy.

KoKo said...

Bro our lunch always end up in air cond places what

Anonymous said...


the title should be changed to
Zewt's friends/acquaintances/colleagues are brainless morons.

Are you a brainless moron Zewt? Are you Malaysian?

the original anonymous.

Lady Gaga said...

Aiya Zewt:

Don't take one sword and kill everybody just because you want to kill a fly. Be careful with your words lah. LOL.

Kith said...

Wah lao eh!!! C'mon, Malaysians love to complain, whine, moan and sulk. Some can even pout. We must recognize us Malaysians' favourite past time - b!tch!ng. That's why we have so many teh sessions.

vegemaster said...


do you think that the statement is true or not? personally, i feel that all malaysians are screwed up and vision 2020 will remain a vision.
Not patriotic? time to see things in a realistic way than fantasizing about it. So mr. anonymous. whatever you're trying to say has strayed from the point i suggest you go buy a bag of potatoes, shove it up your ass and then think about it. Peace out "BRO"!

Yvonne Foong said...

This teaches us to take what these people say with a pinch of salt. Chui Sui!

Anonymous said...


zewt is malaysian...therefore he is a brainless moron. If you are malaysian, your mother and father is also a brainless moron based on his statement.

this is not about being patriotic. its about putting people where they are supposed to be placed. Stupid statements deserve some flak.

Zewt should know since he criticises some of the malaysian politicians at times.

The original anonymous

Anonymous said...


so if you think that statement is ok, then you should be ok with me calling your mother a brainless moron if she is malaysian.

Anonymous said...

btw, i suggest you take your brains out from your ass...whats left of it anyway..

vegemaster said...

im glad u took the time to actually reply ... 3 comments..thanks.

See bro, you're taking the "brainless moron" too seriously.

So are you saying if the title of the post is "all malaysians are silly" then you would be ok with it?

Thats not the point right?
Ok, i might have been blunt about the potatoes and stuffing..
but if your argument is because zewt used the word "brainless moron" and not some other less offensive word.. Then you're just being a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...


you brainless, dont take it too seriously...

you are really an airhead. my contention is not with the term "brainless moron". Its the use of "Malaysians" which actually classifies you and your parents as brainless morons.

Well, if you are ok with it then good for you.

And the fact that you refer to me as "bro" goes to show that you use your intuition more than anything else. You aint much of a thinker.

Anonymous said...

now, accept the fact that your mother is a brainless moron. dont be a hypocrite and these all too seriously...

vegemaster said...

LOL! you're definitely a funny person.
so its not "brainless moron" but "malaysian" now?

Back to my conclusion. Do YOU accept that everything in this post is true? accept that these are the typical things a Malaysian would do? Complain about something but then do it as if they never complained about it in the first place?

Malaysians are hypocrites thats a fact. i am one as well if you say so too.

Brainless moron or not, you're just debating on the usage of words again. Which comes back to my point earlier, Had the title been "Malaysians are Silly" or "silly people", would u be less offended?

Anonymous said...

I think you refer to KL-ites more than Malaysians Zewt

-alexis kimora

zewt said...

KGC - well, to be fair, i have changed the title.

Jacy - hahaha... to each its own :P

drumsticks - i am not spared.

Wingz - hahahaha... ok ok, i get the idea. when it comes to siew yok... fire also nvm :P

day-dreamer - good... i love the rain too. though the jam is bad, i prefer the cool temperature.

jun - sigh... yeah, we can just rant.

Cindy Khor - they just cant focus...

zewt said...

jam - we just prioritise car and food above everything else.

3point8 - hahaha... very positive u r.

wong - dont waste plastic bag... bad for environment :P

The KL Traveller - hello and welcome. fair enough, title amended.

missironic - thus, i amended the title.

Sharon - sigh...

Jun-E - but the car and food type... mostly are located here.

zewt said...

Kimmy - well, i have to change the title... did just that :P

pinknpurplelizard - for a while, i tot u were trying to say... siapa makan cili, dialah yang rasa pedas.

littlepolaris - we cant just love the rain... we NEED the rain!

EliteVillain - hmmm... what is black listed area ah?

suituapui - yeah... and better dont kacau them when they are behind the wheels.

kyh - and turn off the air cond :P

anon @ 26/6 10.34pm - Oz has already said they want me, just that the economy does not permit me to be there. i took up this challenge the day i start applying to go grassy land, big boy.

zewt said...

KoKo - eh... bila u wanna start your blog... very scientific title u have there.

the original anon - ... including zewt! hahaha... i admit to that.

Lady Gaga - my bad... changed the title.

Kith - haha... sad isnt it?

vegemaster - some people are just so picky on words and implications on things isnt it? there are quite a number of internationally recognised reports done with extensive research that say... malaysians are rude... i guess a lot of ppl will take offence in that.

Yvonne Foong - hahaha... plenty of such ppl here eh?

alexis kimora - good point... but.. malaysians nonetheless.

Anonymous said...


point out where i stated that my contention was with the term brainless moron...

i think zewt was stupid to say malaysians are brainless morons because he himself is a malaysian. so my contention was always with the term malaysian as i have corrected him in my first comment.

well vegemaster...its a point of perception. if you want to think that you are included as a brainless be it. my point is that meeting a few people like zewt's friends does not make malaysians brainless morons....

one thing i have to say....some malaysian are stupid...thats for sure. you insult them and their parents for cheap laughter and they laugh with you...even defend your insults...bravo...

Observer said...

What a joke. Most didn't even know the difference between Malaysians are brainless morons and SOME Malaysians are brainless morons, didn't even know they were insulted except a few smarter ones.

Zewt became "smarter" and realised a few days later.

The Original Master is the smartest. Why bother to explain to Vegemaster, a clueless airhead trying to act like an adult and trying so hard not to be a Malaysian.

vegemaster said...

@anon: LMAO

@observer: so im a clueless airhead trying to act like and adult and tring "so hard not to be a malaysian"?

what does that even mean? just because i feel that malaysians are indeed brainless morons makes me not one?

do you even have any idea what you are saying ?

So if you feel that being ignorant and accepting the fact that malaysians love to complain and do nothing about is ok. Them maybe you are right, i'm "trying so hard NOT to be a malaysian".

zewt said...

anon @ 1/7 2.29am - aiyah... i am a brainless moron, now only u know meh?

Observer - thanks... i am glad i am smarter now.

vegemaster - this argument is getting interesting...

TG said...

Hey zewt, don't amend your title!

First of all, they don't get the irony. You are Malaysian, so you can write that post title and you don't need to defend yourself. I'm always ackowledging a factual mistake, a typo, wrong meaning... But don't let them destroy your irony with their political correctness. Where are we here, in the parliament?

Don't you think a joke stops being funny when people start tearing it apart? Get a life, people. Let zewt be zewt, or must we bloggers now constantly self-censor ourselves, just to not offend someone?

Kinda see these things a lot lately.

On topic: Yea, Malaysians can be like that :) Been there, seen it :)

zewt said...

MKL - well, i do feel that the title should be 'some' instead of stereotyping everyone. though this is my blog, have to practise a tad bit of responsible blogging. i am sure there are some non-morons out there...

TG said...

Yes, you can say 'some' to be PC, but for me you're a Malaysian yoursel, so it's not as bad as if I, a Caucasian, say what u said... That's my point. You have every right to do amends, I just felt they were too hard on you. I like your blog and I know you try to be funny, not mean.

zewt said...

MKL - hahaha... try to be funny and being misunderstood as mean... that's quite disappointing isnt it?

TG said...

Exactly :)