And so, I have reached the half a millennium landmark. It has taken me 2 years 5 months and 18 days of blogging to reach here. Along the way, I have amassed a total of 349,688 hits (at the point of writing). Of course, I have also made quite a number of friends during the journey. You know who you are…
I think I have gone through a typical blogging life… which is…
You start a blog
You only want to pen your thoughts
Then you install a hits clock
As hits grow, you begin to love your hits log
Desire to get more hits commence
Next come desire for more comments
Hence you read others like days got no end
Before you know it, you’re part of the trend
Next is the craze for technorati ranking
To get up the ladder, you strive for more links
Crank up some jokes to get people laughing
Attention leads to links, that’s what you’re hoping
Then you might touch a bit on politic
For the happenings around make you sick
But we only scream and complain behind a nick
While many refuse to go the ballot to put a tick
Technorati ranking, hits and plentiful links
Will make you think you have achieved fame
But in reality, it means close to nothing
It’s merely a blogging world type of masturbating
As you pull your thoughts back together
You realised you are nothing but just another blogger
Hits and comments grow lesser and lesser
But you’ll feel it doesn’t really matter
You just know it in your bone
That only a small fraction in the virtual world you own
As you count this 500th milestone
It matters to no one but you alone
Ya’ know, there is really one thing that I really want to know. How did you first stumble upon As Zewt As It Gets? Friend’s link? PPS? I visited your blog? How? Tell me…
I think I have gone through a typical blogging life… which is…

You only want to pen your thoughts
Then you install a hits clock
As hits grow, you begin to love your hits log
Desire to get more hits commence
Next come desire for more comments
Hence you read others like days got no end
Before you know it, you’re part of the trend
Next is the craze for technorati ranking
To get up the ladder, you strive for more links
Crank up some jokes to get people laughing
Attention leads to links, that’s what you’re hoping
Then you might touch a bit on politic
For the happenings around make you sick
But we only scream and complain behind a nick
While many refuse to go the ballot to put a tick
Technorati ranking, hits and plentiful links
Will make you think you have achieved fame
But in reality, it means close to nothing
It’s merely a blogging world type of masturbating
As you pull your thoughts back together
You realised you are nothing but just another blogger
Hits and comments grow lesser and lesser
But you’ll feel it doesn’t really matter
You just know it in your bone
That only a small fraction in the virtual world you own
As you count this 500th milestone
It matters to no one but you alone
Ya’ know, there is really one thing that I really want to know. How did you first stumble upon As Zewt As It Gets? Friend’s link? PPS? I visited your blog? How? Tell me…
Congratulations! That is one hell of time you've put in. Keep up the good work. You write some good stuff in here!
hmm forgot how I came across your blog. but i think it doesn't matter eh? I'm still here :)
good going zewt! congrats n fire away.
pinknpurplelizard's link, that's where i came from ;p
nice rhyme!
and congratulations on your 500th post. btw, i dont rmmbr how i found your blog must be from blog-hopping. =)
Congratulations on the milestone!
If my memory didn't serve me wrongly, I've heard another blogger mentioning your blog but I didn't visit until you turn up at mine one day. Haha. :P
I saw ur one page ad in the star advertising ur blog. :P
... ok, it was actually from (wonder what happened to him) He had this blog mention thing that he was doing and he mentioned ur blog.
Yippe Yey!
Dear Zewt,
Congratulation Bro and i wonder how do you celebrate this half-millenium coming of age on blogosphere? :)
I must thank Uncle Zorro for i found your link in his blogroll and my life on blogosphere has never been the same since then. What got me reading almost of your posts was your posts on your beloved mother. I cried a lot reading through them and i am glad i stumbled upon your blog because you make me realised how much my mom means to me and i know i would do anything to spend more time with her and see things through her eyes...
Thanks Zewt for i learn a lot from you!
p.s. I think i have to award with this - a sure tear-jerker blog
Kongxi to know your blog through 5xmom's blog post. :)
hey congrats! Hahaha...Cindi recommended your blog to me...that's y i've been here since then =P
Hi Zewt,
I stumbled upon your blog from a friend's link. I browsed your zewtegory and enjoyed many of the postings.
You have an amazing mind and a sensitive soul. The combination is explosive.
This 500th posting is so close to how I began as a blogger. Not entirely so but very close. hahaha
I'm glad I got the chance to meet you and shake your hand!! It was a real pleasure.
Congrats and God bless!
I think I found your blog via Princess Shin's
hahahah Zewt, while reading the it at first didn't realise ur post is poem like until the 3rd verse ;)
Congratulations in reaching 500th! Don't stop please.. coz the other day u hinted something.. that u were planning to.. :(
and how i got to know AZAIG? hmmmmm... its been quite long ago.. so.. ahhh i know!! cibol and bongkersz mentioned u before, and so i checked out ur site.. and the first post i read was modern slavery... thats how it all started.
Congratulations on reaching this landmark, mate! Can't really remember how I first found you, perhaps is the scent in the air, haha!
i pun talak remember edi...1 thing sure is thru link lar
while many have oni skin..urs have meat, n meat tat i like!
so crap crap crap..oops shud b
clap clap clap
Congrats! ;)
Got to your site thru' THB's blog...
Bosscat showed me ur blog long b4 i started to blog. Also found u thru Jemima's blogroll...
Keep up the good work, Zewt! :)
Congratulations! 500th post is not easy!
The poem is completely true!
I found your blog through PPS.
Hey.. congrates! I think I started to read your blog when I saw you commented in one of my friend's blog or something like that.. well, after that, I added your link to my blog liao.
a reader in my blog introduced yours :D
Congrats man! I haven't reach the 500 mark (hey I think I actually did if I count the posts on my old blogs).
I think I came to your blog after you visited mine. I was among the first few to visit, I think.
Keep it going bro! Hits, comments, fame - all these don't matter :)
can't remember. It's been ages since I read zewt.
hey zewt. nice rythming there. :)
i think i came to your blog from PPS. certainly after your touching posts about your parents.
You & I have a common friend. He introduced me to your blog. :)
Congrats, zewt! I can't remember what brought me here...but I do remember it was your wedding post and how you sang for the grand entrance...AND UP TILL TODAY, I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO POST THE VIDEO CLIP! Hahahahahaha!!!!
Congratulations! I came here from PPS and have been a loyal reader ever since!
Congrats Zewt! Your post did speak my mind ;)
Found your blog through another blog.
Keep blogging for you know we all are here waiting eagerly for your next post and the next, and the next.....
Congrats! I knew of your blog from purple~mushroom blog. You mentioned that you are looking for a place. I am going to sell my condo unit soon. It is within walking distance to Sri Petaling LRT station. If you are interest please let me know here. Thanks!
now i rmmbr!
i found you through bongkerzs.
I absolutely love this post. I think I stumbled upon your blog through someone's blog.
I don't remember how i stumble upon your blog, but really enjoy this blog, creative topics etc...
CONGRATULATIONS!soon it'll reach the state of..the traffic doesnt matter anymore...a blog is a blog =P
i think i found ur blog through a link!
i'm searching for eco enzyme and suddenly stumbled on ur blog..
didn't do any work today..just fill in inside myself a good thought by u.
Congratulation! I am sure many of ur readers get zweetted! Ready respect u that u can keep on posting up so many entries.
Me nowaday posting less & less.....must be getting old so no longer so horny so less horny post!
Wish u all the best & many many more 500th to cum!
i was clicking most of my friend's links when i got to yours. and have been reading since then :)
i was watching porn, then a pop up window appeared. I clicked on it and there was your blog. Filled with cum.
the original anonymous.
Ai Shiang - thanks... hope to keep the energy going.
Jacquelyn Ho - and i have dropped by your blog several times too :) thanks for the support.
beezee~bee - thanks... liz sure brought a lot of ppl here.
pattirmina - hop more :)
day-dreamer - those were the days when i read like days got no end :P
adrianlee - hahaha... your blog also quite hot during those "hot" topics :P
Fi-sha - :)... u know... everytime i read those posts again, i will still cry.
KGC - xie xie... and xie xie to her too.
Rin - thanks to Cindi then... speaking of which, need to drop by her blog.
Lita - your words are too flattering :) The pleasure was all mine. stay bless.
Terra Shield - since she is back in town... i guess you're hanging out with her :)
drumsticks - ahhh... you're from sabah too right?
jam - hahaha... i hope it's not a bad scent.
anon @ 17/6 9.36am - haha... glad it's not fat.
aShLeY - thanks to her then :)
pinknpurplelizard - thanks... and thanks for showing ppl to my blog too.
Fassus - wow... PPS... you're the second person to say that.
gina - haha... glad you stumbled upon my comment.
Lisalicious - wow.. wonder who he/she is.
bongkersz - yes! i remember that... i think you are one of the earlier blogs that got me inspired. then i remembered u went on a long leave and never blog.
ven - good to have you here. your photos are phenomenal really.
tomatoinc - you changed nick a lot eh?
jemima - hmmm. who?
suituapui - shhhh.... hahaha... i have that video with me right now.
Petite Lass - hahaha... love the poem eh? i love it too. :)
eeee - ohh... not looking in that area. if it's mont kiara area then ok :)
-eiling- - good to know that new ppl are still coming to this place.
Grace - i remember there's a grace who send my feeds somewhere... wonder if it's you :)
vivien - :)... thanks... hope to keep it up.
huei - i guess if you continue to write... some form of traffic will be there...
anon @ 18/6 5.02pm - well, hope you will get the enzyme thing going :)
hor ny ang moh - hahaha... i am sure u can horn up some anytime. and i will always remember u as being who who will throw starfish back to the see :P
zthon - it's really encouraging to know that... :)
the original anon - ahh... guess that ad payment i made at that porn site worked.
i sincerely hope that u'll hit 1000th...and 1500th...2000th...
erm...i visited fren's blog
So when are you posting the video?...Btw, we're all from SARAWAK, not Sabah - me, Bongkersz, Cibol....but not Drumsticks - KL born and bred, or PJ, I be exact.
hmmm, me was through my friend, Sonia :)
TRACE - you meant u came here via your friend's blog...
suituapui - oppss... never good in geography anyway... hahaha.....
Swee Ping - ohhh.... missironic... :)
I came across your blog from 5xmom, when she blogged about meeting you. And the rest, as they say, is history. Even though I have yet to meet you, I'm glad I had the pleasure of meeting Jules :)
i forgot how did i get u. kennysia? coz he's the first blog i read.
but,one thg i really damn sure is u got everythg i like especially the sophisticated thoughts and the way u present it.
Well done, Zewtness! :D
I thougt I would stumble into another mediocre blog when I first saw it, but I stand corrected. The reads are really inspiring and makes people think!
Got your link through my cousin's blog. Viva viva communique! :))
Tine - i am sure we will meet up one day in the oz land
Charlemagne - from kennysia? wow, that's a first :) thanks for the compliment...
Jacy - i guess content is indeed king eh? :)...
i clicked and clicked and found ur blog, i dont remember from whose blog..
I guess im late but still.. Congrats!hahaha..
How i stumbled is... anthraxxxx intro to me. I tink i told u before. hahaha..
Keep blogging, zewt! :D
TRACE - it's ok... good enough answer :)
missironic - hahaha... and u still dunno that one of your colleague is my friend?
My answer - From Friends, and you dropped by mine.
Happy Belated 500th!
I just got back from "MIA" status. hehe.
You were reading my blog when I raised funds for the ABI in 2006, but I only knew of your new blog much later and remembered you as the fella who used to visit my blog.I mean, no one else has ever come close to getting a nickname like yours, so it was memorable.
marg - what's with the MIA? :)
Yvonne Foong - haha... good to know my nick is unique...
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