There was a young man who hailed from Germany. He had a big passion in doing God’s work and thus, he enrolled himself in a missionary school. It is a place where he hoped to be groomed to be a powerful servant of God.

Years past and his church never seemed to grow. Naturally, he began to feel dejected and began to question God why he has been sent in a remote land. He wanted to do something incredible but he just couldn’t do so. He asked God to give him a big chance.
One day, when he almost calls it quit, he decided to organise a big rally in the big city in the country he was in. But then again, he was not a very famous preacher and surely, he will not be able to attract a good crowd. Further, even if there was a big crowd, he has never preached to a congregation of such before. He thought he could never do it. Hence, he tried to invite a famous speaker to preach at the rally; and he managed to do so.
The day came when the rally was to be held and this pastor was feeling really excited. Though he was not going to preach, he was happy to have organised such an event. Just as the rally was about to start, he got a phone call from the famous speaker who was supposed to preach that day. It was bad news, the speaker was not well and will not be able to make it.
“Why don’t you speak instead?” the famous speaker said.
“I don’t think you can do it”
“Just pray and ask God for his guidance”
And so, he was left with no choice but to take centre stage that day. As he walked up the stairs to the stage, he could felt his knees almost buckled under him. But he dug deep into his courage reserve and managed to drag himself to face the crowd. As he looked at the crowed… he saw thousands and thousands of people, looking at him; expecting something.
For a while, he stood there not knowing what to do; he could not even begin. Since he did not know what to say, he decided to just pray hoping that God will speak and not him. And thus, he bowed down his head, closed his eyes and began to pray. He tried to pro-long his prayer so that he does not need to face the crowd.
A few minutes into the prayer… it began to rain.
“This must be the worst day of my life”… He thought to himself as he could hear people began to leave due to the rain. But he didn’t give up; he continued to pray and asked God to stop the rain. What happened?

When the finally finished his prayer… he opened his eyes… all he could see was an empty space in front of him. Those who came were all gone; he was the only person left there…
It was then when he looked to the heaven and a big smile came upon his face. He know he has done something amazing that night… he has finally been able to deliver God’s powerful message…
Well… 9 lorries were deployed to collect all the walking sticks and wheelchairs and mattresses that were left behind. The thousands who came were those who were limps, those who were sick and bedridden, those who were wheelchair bound… and when the rain came, the thousands who came just got up and started running.
The name of the pastor is Reinhard Bonnke (hope the spelling is accurate). Since that fateful day, he became a very powerful missionary who performed many wonders in the land of Africa.
Another outrageous story? Well, only if you choose not to believe it. And hey… isn’t this world filled with outrageous stories?

The man you are talking, is Reinhard Bonnke.
His tale of raising the dead is as good as this.
He's one of the preachers for Planet Shakers Conference '08. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
chuppp ah!
Now where have I heard/read this story from...??? I guess I read it from one of the Christian books in my dad's collection. *runs off to search for the book*
Nice story! So overwhelming! :)
This is surely a good miracle...a miracle that pushes the mind over matter. The mind do become stronger through difficulties or emergencies. Difficulties boost up the mind to give the body an overwhelming push in doing the unexpected.
Nice writeup here...
You are rite that miracles happen but mirales we hope isnt th miracle we receive...i have one to tell too...
every religion has its own miracles
miracle? of course i'm a big time sucker as a believer for miracle...
no matter how many time those a**holes waved their kris...
its a miracle i'm are still around to pissed them off... & i'm begining to love it
oops wrong take on the subject.
miracle? learn from this long ago...
"The true miracle is not walking on water or walking in air, but simply walking on this earth."
Zewt, u have a Merry X'mas.
amen! i believe in miracle...even today, in this time....why not? we have the living God in us and jsut before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He said, to those that believe, signs and miracles will follow - lay hands on the sick and get healed.....and greaters things that I do, you can do, another verse says.
why not! even u and i can...just got to be in the same freq as God!
Wow! What a moving story.
i have one of his books...:)
to be fair, miracles, signs and wonders are not unique to Christianity. yet, we know that the most powerful miracle has nothing to do with putting up a spectacular show but rather, to let us know that only He can bring about peace that we truly needed. not just any peace but peace and reconciliation to our Maker whom we fondly call Abba Father. yes, that person is Jesus Christ.
which is why, Jesus only offered the sign of Jonah as a miracle for this generation. the one miracle that can bring true reconciliation and peace if we choose to believe. we see strive, we see sin yet we know the Father looks at us through Jesus tainted glasses.
M-I-B - hello and welcome to AZAIG. thanks for the spelling, i have updated the entry. i am jealous la... i wish i can listen to him speak. it will be very enlightening i am sure.
kyh - indeed... and it's a true story u know!
Clare - i already changed it to tha actual name. maybe u will have better luck.
CRIZ LAI - very philosophical my friend :) - do tell...
beeranyone - merry christmas to you too my friend. and... yeah, it's a miracle we are still in this country.
l y n n w e i - yup... very well said. with the power of God, i am sure we can do wonders, according to God's timing of cos.
Seaqueen - good leh...
myop101 - i think i wanna borrow that book. bring it during the dinner, so that i can read it in the flight.
so, miracle do happens.. =D
a truly englightening post that reminds me that we just need to have faith in God and sometimes the miracle that we hope for is not always the miracle we receive. and i do believe in miracles. many has happened in my life. :) including God's protection in the dangerous world of political reporting :)
It's done
eh??? what happened to my comment? yerrrr... i remember i saw my comment posted last nite geh.. -_-'''
Nice story. Life and the possibilities it opens up for us everyday is in itself a miracle, nah? :)
wow...i'm speechless.
Merry Christmas!!
May the Love, Peace, and Joy of Christmas be yours always.
At the risk of sounding stupid, I don't understand the story. Care to explain a little bit more? =)
Btw, Merry Christmas, Zewt! God bless.
pop by sometimes, and enjoy your tales. But the last 2 times i've been here, you've spelt 'outrageous' as 'outrages'. While the former can mean highly unusual or unconventional (which is likely the meaning in your context), the latter merely means violence or anger.
missironic - yes they do.
Jef Yoong - hahaha... as long as you stay in the light, i am sure God will protect you no matter what. - read...
angel - maybe its a miracle leh?
rashikaps - indeed... everyday is a miracle if you think about it.
Sharon - :)... good huh.
j or ji - thanks bro... :)
gracieq - hmm... those who came have all been healed...
pist in my ear - right... i shall amend that hahaha... thanks. :)
Ooooooo...hehe...I re-read the story after your explanation and it makes sense now. LoL. Think I was in blur mode earlier. =D
Have a good weekend! And thanks for not rubbing it in! ;)
gracieq - hahaha... i thought i was bad at describing it...
even human is a miracle itself. ;)
alan zed - you have a point there...
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