It has been a really long time since I did an ARK check. So how is everyone doing with you ARK? Over the last few weeks, I have been very consistent with my morning prayer. And I have been praying for some other people besides me. I guess that’s ARK right?
Anyway, I stumbled upon a story that redefines ARK entirely. It does make one wonders, must good deeds fall within the ambit of ‘appropriateness’?

The name is Maria Carolina. Her game is love… making love; and she does it professionally. Maria is a prostitute plying her trade in Chile, a country where adult prostitution is legal. And in the recent annual fund raising campaign in Chile, Maria auctioned out 27 hours of her ‘professional’ time.
The result is $4,000 raised for charity. Not bad if you asked me… err… the money I mean. And her remark on her charitable feat was… “I’ve already auctioned off 27 hours of love” . Well, like the saying goes… Make love, not war. What more if you can do some charity while at it?
What do you think about that as an ARK?
Just to digress a little… did you read the mainstream newspaper today? Maybe someone there read about my fortune telling experience and decided to turn their paper into a fortune telling book too. Have a look at this…
Can’t see? This is what that is written on the printed version of the paper…
Naturally, the online version showed a different date. Was it fortune telling? Was it a…ya’ know… a regular comics “mainstream’s news”? Or was it really just a mistake?
I dunno… you tell me.
Anyway, I stumbled upon a story that redefines ARK entirely. It does make one wonders, must good deeds fall within the ambit of ‘appropriateness’?

The name is Maria Carolina. Her game is love… making love; and she does it professionally. Maria is a prostitute plying her trade in Chile, a country where adult prostitution is legal. And in the recent annual fund raising campaign in Chile, Maria auctioned out 27 hours of her ‘professional’ time.
The result is $4,000 raised for charity. Not bad if you asked me… err… the money I mean. And her remark on her charitable feat was… “I’ve already auctioned off 27 hours of love” . Well, like the saying goes… Make love, not war. What more if you can do some charity while at it?
What do you think about that as an ARK?
Just to digress a little… did you read the mainstream newspaper today? Maybe someone there read about my fortune telling experience and decided to turn their paper into a fortune telling book too. Have a look at this…

I dunno… you tell me.
I have being preaching all this while! Pokeing for love not hate or war! But then I have not problem about pokeing for money! Afterall money is still money even if earn through pokeing! I still earn it thought sweat & effort!
Newspaper news on 'national interest'??? Long time lost faith already!
Have a nice day!
I was wondering does Maria's paying clients own any bragging rights they contributed to charity too by paying to éngage' her. :-)
Hahha, The Star is the bloody beacon of free speech in this country! I shall demand that you remove this blog post and stop making fun of The Star! I mean come on, do people make fun of toilet paper? :P
Tomorrow's paper will read "Error: Not Dec 17 and 21 as printed. We apologized for the inconvenience caused." Standard fix-up, never change wan! Either that or someone was "misquoted" AGAIN!!!
Lalalala! We shall see... :D
You cannot 100% trust newspaper's news prediction. Every newspaper information used to have different information
hahaha, i think it's nothing as supernatural as fortune telling la. perhaps fiction telling? (mistakenly printed a few days too early)
I wud definitely disagree with her acts. I believe in the sanctity of our bodies. We must learn to love ourselves before giving our love to others. ;)
LOL! The news reporter is dreamin!
salah print kot? er that chile girl still can bid or not? hehe.
nice spotting zewt.
honestly, there are so many mistakes on our newspapers, both print and online versions, that you would be wondering what the hell are the editors doing. grammatical errors, factual errors, poor sentence structures and sometimes, even spelling mistakes.
it's sad..just sad.
That's one 'nasty' woman in Chile, chilling hot! I'd like to see it this way, Is prostitution a sin? Is adultery a sin? If yes, why?
Look at it this way, God's command aside (depend on how you interpret the religious texts), it used to be a 'sin' for perhaps very practical reasons. Social discrimination of women (honour-killing, women as property, emotional abuse) and then STDs. The only way to control then was to approach it as a 'sin'.
But if you look at Jesus, how he treated the adulterer, and compared that attitude with your church's. No offence buddy. I had always view Jesus as a social reformer, more than a dogmatic teacher. The church's stand of sinning the sin and not the sinner, doesn't seem quite right. When he asked the woman to repent, did he mean repent from adultery? Is it merely to forgive than to punish? I think it's larger than that, it entails a new approach, a more liberal, okay I almost digress here, it would be a whole philosophical debate.
But then again, that's one nasty government we got here. I wonder how they did their sampling, I'm not surprised nor offended by the results, considering that you have the media in tight grip, extremely low internet penetration, lack of critical thinking Malaysians, apathy, cosy lifestyles, etc.
Check this out.
well, it is an ARK you asked? my answer to that is yes but it is a tainted ARK. if a businessman who ply his trade in illicit drugs, smuggling prohibited goods and such, will his act of donation to the poor be deemed any less than Ms Maria? I don't think so. It is still an ARK, but it is tainted.
as for dan-yel, i would recommend that you read matthew 5:17, 27-30 in addition to John 8:2-11 you just quoted to understand further about Jesus.
took me awhile until i looked at my watch haha..
Maria sacrificed to raise fund for charity. For me, yes, it is ARK... provided she didn't have a hidden agenda behind it.
I read about the news and I was wondering whether is this really a mistake or was this news scheduled to be published a week later. Hmmm...
hAH! i wonder if her "ARK" brings her any er..disease! lol no offence..but girls hate those kinda girls!! =P
msia..doesn't get any worst than that does it? Eh's not erection yet..THEN we'll see the prices sore sky high..n prolly gona be BEFORE cny..cos chinese have to balik kampung ma..dey wana rip us off!
hmm...can't say its wrong for her to contribute tat way as charity...but neither does it feel so right for charity..kind of contradicting..but considered she helping ppl around also..hmm..i still cant make my decision..lolz...
on the newspaper tingy..i tink is human error..nobody is perfect wat..=)
zewt, I think that is one really glaring mistake that should never have been made on such a widely distributed national paper. Bad bad..But then again, the article may have been written way in advance too. Sly... :p
zewt, I think that is one really glaring mistake that should never have been made on such a widely distributed national paper. Bad bad..But then again, the article may have been written way in advance too. Sly... :p
bro..if i read and trust the paper,i dun read yr blog..hehehe..
nway...Glory glory Man Utd!!
27 hours of love, that's a great sacrifice and charitable acts!!!
Anyway, each person had a right to their own life and passage. They can do what they want to themselves so long as they did not hurt others.
The moral gurus may claim that Carolina is dirty money and dirty charity. But asked those children who were destitute and had received food out of the money from that 27hrs, which had filled their stomach and given them a chance in life. Morality can be upheld if you are rich. Prince Azim gave a GBP$3mil to Jane Goody to help her pay her mortgage and bills; that's charity too.
gee, these guys are great, able to predict the future. may be they can give me the 1st prize of the next magnum draw. promised i donate 75% to charity with the winnings.
please, Merdeka Centre do this small favour for me coz i will only be keeping 25% of the winnings.
Your post is prophetic!
how interesting, a poll result before it is even carried out. how far these dumbass want to make themselves look stupid? enough lah already :P i need to get a pail standy everytime i read or watch mainstream media to contain my puke..
there's a book called HOW TO LIE WITH STATISTIC... well, this is the practical way.
common, we all know that statistic and pol-tics are all fake ones. everything is made up to look nice... otherwise, why is BERSI* having that rally for?
and one thing i want to highlight. we all know how "TAHI" our go-ment is today. Our Pr-Minster quoted that out country has done so well to bring the poverty rate from 50+% to lesser than 5%. For an uneducated person, that would be a WOowwwwW factor - as if they have done lots.
1, that statistic was taken from 1957 to 2007 in which we change so many goment and m*nster. How can they claim someone's credit? if they want, they shd publish the statistic in the last 5 years and show how much he has done. DO NOT CLAIM WHAT OUR BELOVED 4 Pmister has done. We have no doubt they are doing a good job. Show us your work, if not just show us your degrees would do!!!
Give us real stats for whatevr sake.
and for your info, give a easy survey, i can bet that 90% of the bloggers today have higher degrees than all the goment and minster can put together. Most are just SPM but do they actually pass SPM is another question.
Hor Ny Ang Moh - but pokeing and then pay money woh... a lot of money... in USD! hehe...
Helen - i wonder if their wife will allow it.
Klaw - hahahaha... too roug for toilet paper la.
Clare - didnt read it... dunno whether they rectify it... did they? - that's damn right. so why bother right?
sooi2 - certainly fortune telling went hay wired.
kyh - well, like one comment said, not to those hungry stomaches she fed. i am neutral
a good goment is a goment that TIDAK SUSAHKAN RAKYAT
if everyone is satisfy with their life, contempted, earning enough even to survive with the petrol rise, flour price rise, toll rise. I think that goment is good enough.
in the past 50 years, why are the welfare of ppl being "disturbed" now?
quote of the day - "are you good or do we need another"
alan zed - hot eh? check out her site! :P
rational thinker - yeah, sometimes theirs are just pure grammar and spelling mstake. quite silly if u think about it.
Dan-yel - true... Jesus would treat a person with a pure heart well no matter how unclean he or she used to be. who is this hafx noor sham... he is quite cool.
myop101 - tainted ARK... but still an ARK nonetheless. better than those who would rather not do anything.
constant craver joe - hahaha... c'mon!
purple mushroom - well... that is one helluva big boo boo right?
Huei - dont think so soon... ppl are so pissed now, if erection now... sure no ejaculation hahah!
missironic - human error? hmmm... you're very .... merciful.
supergirlfriend - written in advance... i like that haha.
j or ji - then... continue not trusting the papers hahaha....
Maverick SM - that is right... the person receiving the good ends of the charity will not complain. i guess we can never judge. i am neutral.
anon @ 1.38pm - hahaha... i want some too.
Josh Incorrigible - hahaha... indeed.
bongkersz - i would even wanna save my puke for better worthy things.
ahjohn - you know... whenever you comment... you really go all the way... i like it :) ... yeah, in terms of qualification... i think a lot of us are quite qualified to be one.
Our politicians!!!
This type of mentality has recycled since our independence, they have never being imaginative or improved. It makes you want to tear your hair out. What idiots we put in parliment. Perhaps, we ahd been under the same ruling parties for too long but malaysians never changed, they enjoyed the clowns.
hahaha..u dun agree on the account of human error?
Dec17 to 21 Bonus time maaa!!!!
hmmm...prostitution charity, that's something new!
william wang - indeed... what idiots "WE" put in parliament. whose fault?
missironic - certainly not. by the way, i dont see anthraxxxx's comment lately?
pongsak - hahahaha... true.
sharlydia - means u approve? hahahaha
now all clairvoyant mah MSM ;) u dunno meh, that's why can strike 4D lor...;) ha ha ha
jed yoong - i also want leh... hahaha!
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Thanks so much for this post, pretty helpful data.
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