Wednesday 19 December 2007

The fear evolution

40 years age…
After that most horrific incident in the nation’s history…
Everyone was in fear.

20 years ago…
After the arrest of many activists under this thing called
Weed Operation
Most were in fear, but some were in anger.

10 years ago…
Some dude held out a weapon and started shouting…
Half were in fear… half were in anger…

The sword of ISA is wielded again…
Some still in fear… most are in anger

10 years down the road…

Related evolution…
The reason evolution


Winn said...

1st !

my first ever chup in AZAIG!

Winn said...

i hate mainstream newspapers! they are trying to cheat us i hate hate hate.....
i wonder what should i read to know more abt msia sometimes . i dont read newspaper for its news now but its advertisements now. sigh!

Anonymous said...

10 years down the road.. I might be migrating to another country.. lol

kyh said...

10 yrs down the road...

*echoes ethel's words*

Anonymous said...

no more fear but all anger ...

For whom the bell tolls, time marches on. Things are not what they used to be and it's about time, hopefully.

Merry Christmas, zewt

Observer said...

It's hard to see from 10 years time, but I do think it might be positive.. but then again, best indicator is the GE result...

myop101 said...

i am not going to do a tea leaf reading like what m'sia govt always like to do.

instead, it is here and now that difference should be made. is ISA much to be feared? of course. are we to be cowed into obedience and compromise all that we cherish? i leave it to you all to answer for yourselves.

anyway, if anyone is interested, there is a solidarity vigil for ISA detainees to be held this coming Sat night at Dataran Merdeka. For more info, check out the website below:

Helen said...

10 years down the road..

I'll probably has bigger problems with my menopause and sex life to care.. :-P

xonar said...

10 yrs down the road...

officially from Malaysia to Malayistan.

Anonymous said...

optimistic chronology, the trend goes as you anaylsed, let's hope, down the lane, it goes from most angered & some happy to all happy & contended.

Horny Ang Moh said...

10 yrs down the road........u will be in ur greener pasture while I might have being 'discovered' by gf as for boleh land the change might cum sooner then expected base on the erection result!
Have a nice day!

frostee said...

10 years down the road... most would be in anger. (if all things remains constant)

We need change... and quick. For the better please!

Plan B: Jump ship because my children deserve a better environment and life.

Huei said...

10 years from now

"Daddy..what is malaysia? Isit like another north korea?"

eh wait..ok provided u have kids now! =P hehehh

missironic said...

10 years down the road....

ppl still living in dissatisfaction...

Unknown said...

10 years down the road....
I'll be the Minister of Education...:))

Azlan Zed said...

everyone in anger, maybe? ;)

bongkersz said...

everyone is dying because of hypertension. amen.

Melyong said...

10 yrs down the road, most of the angered now would have been gone. The remaining might demonstrate their anger without fear. Thats what i think.

zewt said...

winn - no chupp points wan woh hahaha... wow... i have never heard u say such thing... hate it huh... very heavy words... i could feel your anger.

ethel - "might"?

kyh - hehehe... wanna wait 10 years meh?

cibol - well, i wont be around to see it. merry christmas to u too.

freethinker - i think the result is pre-destined.

zewt said...

myop101 - yeah, i heard about that. i hope it will be a peaceful one. i cant make it. will be singing in 1U.

Helen - hahahaha... cant help u there.

penang-kia - very optimistic eh?

william wang - well... remains to be seen.

hor ny ang moh - hahaha... maybe you wont leh... maybe you will be a famous pokeing man by then!

F.O.N @ Frostee - your children would be glad if you... do something... jump ship or otherwise.

zewt said...

Huei - wah... kid doesnt need 10 years to speak wan la.

missironic - remains to be seen. i think the bubble will burse.

Pongsak - yo! welcome to AZAIG. if that happens... make sure u abolish pendidikan moral.

alan zed - definitely!

bongkersz - hahaha... everyone?

bubbly soda - that is the most accurate and honest prediction.

Anonymous said... 10 years very hard to say.

I think the gablement might hire those mat rempits and stone the people who say bad things about the country to death?

Coz i've just finished watching a documentary about executions..

kyh said...

aiya now no money so must wait 10 yrs first loh. :P

missironic said...

if been given too much will burst with a loud BANG!

zewt said...

seok thong - that is really bad news!

kyh - hahaha... start saving!

missironic - bing bang!!! like c4! hahahaha.