The future, no matter how bleak it is, is still fascinating. The thought of knowing what is going to happen, perhaps just a glimmer; is enough to intrigue any wandering soul.
You may not proclaim to be a fortune telling enthusiast but have you ever catch a glimpse of the horoscope in the newspaper and actually keep a lookout to see if things happen as mentioned throughout the day? Or have you ever take a look at those fortune telling forwarded mails and see if it’s true?
I am not a fan of fortune telling in any form. I believe it is a thing where you will fulfil the prophecy yourself. Also, I believe that my future lies not within the stars or books or cards but in the hands of the Almighty. Of course, many would disagree; and I would accept with an open mind.
Following my birth, my Mom took my ‘si san 8 ji’ (date and time of birth) and apparently went to a famous fortune teller to seek counsel; my Mom wanted to know my dos and don’ts. Mom came back with 1 pointer… zewt ‘gei sui’ (avoid water). Thus began my Mom effort is protecting me from water ranging from a small pail to a pond to the ocean.
Needless to say, ‘swimming’ is forbidden. But at the age of 14, I learnt swimming behind my parents’ back. And the result? I am currently the only person in my family who can swim properly. Some may be saying that the fortune teller whom my Mom went to was a fake. But then again, if I got a near-drown experience in my first swimming lesson, wouldn’t all those who believe in fortune telling begin to sing praises and go…”See, it’s true!”
How fickle we can be…
Anyway, the best fortune telling fiasco came when I was about 17……
By then, my Mom is a devotee in this temple near my house where she congregated rather frequently. She was then introduced to a very peculiar way of fortune telling; one which function by way of looking through a series of books in a very special library. You go to the fortune teller with the relevant ‘date and time of birth’ and the medium will obtain a book from the library. The book will depict the life of that person from beginning… till the end. It was said to be very… very … very accurate.
My Mom came back one day feeling rather disturbed. Yes, she went to consult this so called book-reading-fortune-teller. She was not only asking for my fortune, but the fortune of my entire family. She was going on and on about how accurate it is, about how certain significant events in our lives were accurately depicted in the relevant books. Apparently, the book can even tell what year which event happened… and in which year what event will happen in the future. Very impressive… or scary, depending on the way you see it.
One thing though… my Mom seemed ‘disturbed’ about me. She then said the book depicted my life quite accurately too. The injuries I got when I was young, those significant events… all accurately depicted. But she said one thing…
“13 sui ji hao, lei jau chut pin” (Once you reach 13, you’re on the outside)
Apparently the fortune telling panicked because when it was my turn, the supposedly all knowing book turned empty when I reached 13-year-old. The fortune teller couldn’t explain it. My fortune could not be told post-13 year old. And the fortune teller cannot just pick another book because that was my book. The only explanation provided was… I am on the outside.
The million dollar question is… what happened when I was 13? Why can't my they tell my fortune after I reached the age of 13? Well…
13 was the age I became a Christian.
You may not proclaim to be a fortune telling enthusiast but have you ever catch a glimpse of the horoscope in the newspaper and actually keep a lookout to see if things happen as mentioned throughout the day? Or have you ever take a look at those fortune telling forwarded mails and see if it’s true?

Following my birth, my Mom took my ‘si san 8 ji’ (date and time of birth) and apparently went to a famous fortune teller to seek counsel; my Mom wanted to know my dos and don’ts. Mom came back with 1 pointer… zewt ‘gei sui’ (avoid water). Thus began my Mom effort is protecting me from water ranging from a small pail to a pond to the ocean.
Needless to say, ‘swimming’ is forbidden. But at the age of 14, I learnt swimming behind my parents’ back. And the result? I am currently the only person in my family who can swim properly. Some may be saying that the fortune teller whom my Mom went to was a fake. But then again, if I got a near-drown experience in my first swimming lesson, wouldn’t all those who believe in fortune telling begin to sing praises and go…”See, it’s true!”
How fickle we can be…
Anyway, the best fortune telling fiasco came when I was about 17……
By then, my Mom is a devotee in this temple near my house where she congregated rather frequently. She was then introduced to a very peculiar way of fortune telling; one which function by way of looking through a series of books in a very special library. You go to the fortune teller with the relevant ‘date and time of birth’ and the medium will obtain a book from the library. The book will depict the life of that person from beginning… till the end. It was said to be very… very … very accurate.

One thing though… my Mom seemed ‘disturbed’ about me. She then said the book depicted my life quite accurately too. The injuries I got when I was young, those significant events… all accurately depicted. But she said one thing…
“13 sui ji hao, lei jau chut pin” (Once you reach 13, you’re on the outside)
Apparently the fortune telling panicked because when it was my turn, the supposedly all knowing book turned empty when I reached 13-year-old. The fortune teller couldn’t explain it. My fortune could not be told post-13 year old. And the fortune teller cannot just pick another book because that was my book. The only explanation provided was… I am on the outside.
The million dollar question is… what happened when I was 13? Why can't my they tell my fortune after I reached the age of 13? Well…

13 was the age I became a Christian.
ya, still very strong follower of J C ;-)
Good One ZewT!
Dude..bout te Nuffnang thingy...Must i have a HSBC account to get that money?As in making a HSBC ac so they can transfer the money there?
wah... dim gai gam keng geh?
interesting. maybe i shud go and see that fortune teller too. LOL!
Got or not? So keng?
Normally what ppl say is true - Fortune tellers will bluff you 10-20 years before you find out.
Lets go and see the fortune teller. See betulkah so terror :P
Interesting.. So now the million dollar question is are all these fortune teller true?
wah.. is it true or now? if its true, can i know where is this fortune teller guy??? let me know ya.. thanks..
zewt, somehow I would like to think I am strong Catholic, but i won't doubt some truth in Chinese astrology. lol. I am just plain supersitious, i guess.
I have been shaking my head from left to right as I’ve been going through your post. Oh no! all Asians are the same is it? :D
All this is veryyyyyy prevalent in India. The books you mention .. well there are astrology centers here that claim that everyone’s life from birth to death has been predicted.. written in form of verses on palm leaves very many years ago.. past they can predict well .. future not sure.. :)
"You will have riches in heaven." Luke 18:22
A good thing to ponder in the month of advent. Thanks for the sharing zewt. The last sentence, somehow really strucked me deep.
well, well... interesting development. felt encouraged to hear this testimony. i once hear a testimony in the church about this church member's father who is not sure of whether to accept Jesus as a true god since his children have been rather persistent in sharing Christ with him. So he went to a medium in the temple in hope that the gods there would tell him Jesus is not a true god. The medium went into a trance and a god possessed this medium. when the father asked the question, that god actually said he is the true God. the father later accepted Christ. the thing is, hearing these stories can be heart warming but honestly, whether it is true or not, we don't need angels or demons to tell us. we only need to ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to be receptive of His words.
Anyway, just to quote from the bible:
"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry..." 1 Sam 15:23a
I would not even read horoscope or forwarded e-mails telling fortune. To me, it is merely an open invitation to dabble with occults.
my mum took me to a few fortune tellers also.. after i had a few failed r'ships! hahaha.. the ONLY accurate thing they said and which ALL of them said were the same, was.. my future husband would appear in my life when i'm 26 or 27 (chinese age).. so it's true as i got married at 25 (26 according to my chinese age)! hahaha!
This is a good one. lol At least the fortune teller is accurate. I know some real shoddy ones and they're just liars. How I know? Some of them are my mother's ex-mahjong kakis. lol
Before my church days, I do look at the horoscope. At that time I was in a funny relationship with somebody and i kept looking at my fortune of the day to see if he'll call. Pathetic only.. ;-(
i dunno whether to be in sensitive and laugh or not..but this kinda things i tend to just keep it in the back of my mind rather then forget abt it..
something tells me that a booklet my mom got for my car probably might have played a part that i m still alive after all those sleepy long drives..well who knows?
Christians don't believe in fortune telling? I know a few christians who do. I don't think fortune telling is related to religion either.
Personally, I don't believe in fortune telling and I have never been to one. I believe my fate lies in my own hands and only I can change it. No need whatever fortune teller to tell me what to do.
But I do read predictions for the year ahead in general and whatever that is predicted, I just take it as a guide. How to follow blindly?? I just don't believe in it totally.
ok now that's creepy..then again, as we watch from SO many (HK) shows, they find out your background first then tell it back to you..but duno la..i guess there are some level of truth in these
i too believe that our lives do not lie within books and cards, we control our lives.
Like the first fortune teller said, you gei sui, lets say u hadn't insist on learning how to swim, and *touch wood*, if osmething happens, you can't swim to save urself..thus proving the fortune teller is not lying
such irony isnt it?
but i liked those things before, when i was young, at provides some "ease of mind" to have some questions answered =)
k.h. - that's good to hear... :)
Pookyma - think can bank in straight away into your account. no worries.
angel - that's up to you to think lor.
kyh - why not... see if you're on the outside or inside... hehe.
Maxforce - what kinda 'betul' you looking for la?
-Princess Shin- - there is a Christian explanation behind it. of course, not many can accept it.
princessladyjane - hello, welcome to AZAIG. i dont believe in them so i dunno who are they. and my Mom is no longer around. anyway, if you really want to find them, i am sure you will.
rational thinker - well, i am sure you're not alone. dont be too harsh on yourself. but at the same time, do know that God is above everything else.
Rashikaps - i think such practices are rooted deep withing taoism, certain level of buddhism and hinduism. you are right, it's an asian thing. and like i said, we just like to know what the future looks like.
Jemima - i am sure yours too.
cibol - all glory be to God.
I have a story like that too. And I've heard many stories like that which shows God's protection and provedence ... maybe I can share it on my blog one day :)
wah..i din noe it's related. din noe religion and fortune telling are inter-connected..lolz..i tot anybody can go n check out their future regardless of wat religion..hahahaaa...
my mum also went n did some fortune telling for me and my bro...but when she got bck frm the fortune teller, she din reveal wat the fortune teller said to her. she juz kept quiet abt it..all she said was my future is better than my bro. well, tat one i also noe la wifout consulting the fortune teller..actually, everybody also can decipher tat! lolz...but i also din went n bug her abt it..i feel, my future is in my hands after can change frm time to time...
let me share a schoolmate's mother went n see the fortune teller n the fortune teller predicted that my fren (then was 19/20yrs old, cant remember) will die that yr. the mother pretty freak out n TOLD HER the frens and i also dun understand why the mum will go n tell her...if my mum, she will keep it quiet..imagine telling ur daughter tat she's going to die freak out, dun u tink so? but anyway, her mother banned her frm doing anyting dangerous or eating anyting that i tink may caused her to 'go easily'. so, can u guess wat happen nex?
she's alive n kicking the last i heard...n its already 2-3yrs had passed...lolz...
myop101 - i guess whatever spirits possessing that medium during that time would not dare to speak against God. yeah, me too, would just delete all those mails. a waste of time really. after all... i am on the 'outside' :)
::Nicole:: - isnt 26/27 the most usual age to get married. so... only 1 thing which is true and you believe? what about those many things which didnt come true?
Helen - hahahah... looking into horoscope for relaltionship... macam itu sure fail la.
constant craver joe - well, i have a theory... when one believ in something... it's true, when one doesnt, it's not true. very cliche and sounds stupid, but the power behind it is unimaginable.
purple mushroom - there is a different between Christians believing in fortune telling and Christianity believing in fortune telling. i am talking about Christianity does not believe in fortune telling. our future lies in the hands of God, not in the stars or our palm or whatever not.
Huei - like that also creepy ah? :P yup... the gei sui part is definitely true. if i havent learn it myself... i would still be unable to swim today and 'gei sui' would be the reason i give all my friends.... thus rendering it ... true.
Messy - you should!! share share!!
missironic - religion and fortune telling are spirits related, not of this world ler. as for your friend... did the mother said the fortune teller is true? or said she saved her daughter... this is what i called... when you believe, it's true, when you dont, it's not.
Now I am curious how you became a Christian at age 13.
WOW...I love the ending. It's like a punchline or sth. You're really good at all these aren't you, zewt? Hehe... :)
I praise the Lord for you, bro!
Are those books for buddhist only??? If so, then if i go to have my fortune told (just for the fun of it), my book will be empty from page one loh. =P
That post is a good testimony to others. :D
btq, Pookyma, you don't need to have a HSBC account. Nuffnang will send the cheque to your address and you can bank it into any of your current bank.
do u mean palm reading / fortune telling = buddhism/taoism?
You're giving me goosebumps, zude (dude + zewt).
I haven't got my fortune read before, though I think it would be interesting to go through the experience - especially if I can find a good one, i.e. accurate readings.
I'm a free I guess my fortunes can still be read from one of those books? ;p
Amen, brother!
I really enjoyed this post, btw. God bless :)
i kinda guessed before i read the end that it was because you turned christian at 13. strange eh?
anyway here's wishing you a merry christmas if i don't hop in before then! all the best to you zewt!
Interesting....does that mean as soon as you became a Christian, your fortune which (supposingly) was written in the book suddenly disappeared? So, all Christian do not have a fortune to be told? Emmm......I can't quite comprehend leh, too deep lah. hehehe
Praise the Lord! Brilliant post...
outside of the book kot? heh.
see? you put a firewall around yourself at age 13
KGC - because i believe? but the real reason? cos i dont want those fellas to pester me... haha... but i did pray the sinners prayer.
Supergirlfriend - good? hmmm... ok ler...
pablopabla - glory to Him alone.
Clare - well...the morale is dont test the Lord...
Winn - huh? i think it has no barrier.
narrowband - huh? even this post?
Ivan - well, you can try. i am sure there are plenty of such libraries around. hehe.
liyiesther.C - yeah... all glory be unto Him!
Tine - God bless you too.
mistipurple - Merry Christmasto you too... hope to see ya around.
Doreen - hahaha... i think it means by future can no longer be read by mortals but is well in the hands of God.
sharlydia - Thanks :)
alan zed - mesti kot... hehe...
Wuching - the best in the whole universe.
Address of the fortune teller please.
Let kyh and myself go and test test this fella tengok betul ke tak.
So far, semua yang I jumpa tarak satu betui betui punya :P
woaaaHHHHHH sure or not??? if yes, then the book telling guy is very accurate leh... where is it located ahhh?
I got goosebumps when I read that last line...eventhough I actually figured that was what you were going to reveal...Praise the Lord! :)
Oh yea Zewt...your posts have been rather creepy lately...not this one but the ones before...*runs and hides* it safe to come out dy? :)
yea.. it's a norm age to get married BUT the fortune teller said i'd meet my future husband at that certain age and would get married VERY fast.. so, it's true.. the rest, haha.. i'd just forget about it
there're more things within this universe which are still unexplainable ... enjoy all the intangible studies out there ...
cheers ...
wahhhh, it is actually very good revelation at the end.
Although personally, my ending would be:
"..because he made his own fate.."
maxforce - have to ask my Mom... who is no longer around :)
"maemee" - aiyooo... completely failed to get the morale la u.
mar - Praise the Lord indeed. no more creepy la... maybe just 1 more hehe.
::Nicole:: - hahahaha... that is the fortune i told all my single friends... cos that is the trend.
stocktube - cheers... and some things should just remain unanswered.
Jason Phoon - i would prefer my revelation though...
Dear Zewt,
A word of encouragement. I was reading the book of Jeremiah just now and found this gem. I think I am meant to share it with you.
Thus says the Lord:
"Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them."
(Jeremiah 10:2)
I guess this is a confirmation of sort we can take comfort in Him alone and none other. Perhaps you can encourage the rest of your family if they ever dabble with horoscopes and other sign seeking...:)
Personally, I do not believe in fortune telling although my mum thinks otherwise. One good thing though, I forbade my mum from ever going to a fortune teller to get her fortune (or misfortune to some) told and explained to her my reasoning for it. I never expected my mum to listen to me but she did!
The only one time I allow my mum to do such a thing was the time when my grandma was lying in the hospital with a stroke and all of us do not know the condition she was in - whether she's gonna recover or she's gonna deteriorate further because the doctor that was attending to her was just plain irresponsible and an arrogant fella to boot. My mum went and consult some nuns from a Chinese temple nearby who pulled out the book of life (as you had described in this post) and told my mum about my grandma's condition at that time. The book's predictions were accurate about my grandma's life leading to her collapse and stay in the hospital but it cannot tell my mum exactly the time my grandma has left in our world.
Despite the accuracy of the book, I'm still wary on the subject of consulting one's fortune. I choose to believe that my fate lies within my own hands. =)
Wish my faith would be as strong as yours.
myop101 - thanks bro. i never doubt the Lord.. He is faithful... definitely.
gracieq - looks like this book thing is quie aparent. well, my future lies in the hands of God.
gina - what makes you think mine is strong? hehe...
well..according to her mum..the fortune teller quite accurate lor...
its juz i tink..u can blieve la..but until a certain extend..not to say i dun completely blieve..i do..but not till u forsake ur whole life n everyting juz bcoz of a fortune teller tells u tat u going to die soon...if let's say ask u to dun go in water for a yr or wat..i try to follow la...but when i tend to forget..then..cant do anyting..lolz..*shrugged*
missironic - well, some use it as a guide. but then again, i choose not to be involved at all.
siew - aha!
does that mean the fortune teller was right? :S
tulipspeaks - that would mean that God is more powerful right?
ahahahah nice post, I'm becoming a Catholic soon, but I'd still like to "test" their accuracy :D
pendekarwanitabermatapanda - wow.. that is a very long nick! :)... anyway, welcome to AZAIG. well... testing their accuratcy would also mean testing God... good luck... :)
hi zewt! someone posted your comments on your "business class" trip to London in a forum that i frequent and i fell upon this testimony.
I was merely speed reading throught it cos you were talking about fortune telling etc ....and i could only utter a "Woooowwwwwww" at the end. I am constantly in awe with the works that God has for our lifes...
two thumbs up on not being able to read your future from age 13 on.....cos your life was in His hands ;)
jo - hello... welcome to AZAIG. may i know what forum is that? yeah, our lives are not determined by stars but the one who made those stars... right?
heregoes :
jo - hey... thanks. gee... ppl use it to talk about NEP! wow!
One word-Wow!
Just Jasmine - :)
Hahaha. Dude, that was a kickass story if I've ever read one. Praise the Lord! :D
Joshua - hey there! yes, Praise the Lord indeed...
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