Monday 3 December 2007

How is this possible?

Some asked me to talk about the second part of the story i shared yesterday. I wanted to do it but my right eye is having a slight infection now so I can't really blog today. Tomorrow perhaps.

Anyway, anyone can explain how is this possible?
Any Einstein here?

Time to sleep for me...


Anonymous said...

The partitions are not the same, if you look carefully. :)

Top row 5 square
Bottom row 2 square

Top row 3 square
Bottom row 5 square

5 (top yellow) + 3 (top green) = 8
2 (bottom yellow) + 5 (bottom green) = 7

that's the missing square you have there.

Anonymous said...

the hypotenuse is not straight.

Anonymous said...

The area of both the triangles is 32.5 unit square if you actually counted using the simple triangular formula we learnt in primary school.

But the area of both triangle is 32unit square if you actually counted the unit one by one.

The missing 0.5 unit of both triangles add up to 1 unit which is the missing one.

Err...I just simply hantam only with my rusty knowledge of triangles. Hehehe!!!

kyh said...

after reading anon@11:45's answer, yeah, the hypotenuse is indeed not straight!

Doreen said...

Get well soon zewt. Sleep well and rest well ya.

Anonymous said...

Rest that eye of yours.
Blog only when the infection is gone.

God Bless!

Huei said...


2 quiz in one day

betahan..too early!! i wan sleep!!! =P

curryegg said...

Something to do with maths and physic.. sad to say that I've lost my basic knowledge in it.
Hope that someone have solve your prob...


missironic said... looks like you need to do some math calculations or some physics tingy to noe why is it like tat.. maths can go n throw in the dustbin already n i dun study physics in skool last i waiting for some einstein to solve the matter then i'll noe the reason! lolz...

neway, take care of ur eye oh..wat happen? see sumting tat u shud not see? lolz..:P

zewt said...

Lays - Am afraid i still cant see the difference. anyone else can put it in a better manner?

anon @ 11.45pm - wow... i really need to re-visit my maths. i shall check out that site in a while.

clare - that is a very cool explanation. honestly, i dont have an answer.

kyh - is hypotenuse the longest side of the triangle? i really need to re-visit my maths.

Doreen - thanks doreen.

Jemima - well, will do.

Huei - hmm.. where is the other one?

curryegg - i think the comments above did. i have yet to understand it though.

missironic - hahaha... if i did see something i shouldnt see... then it's worth it. but this is not worth it.

Azlan Zed said...

man, i'm no einstein. heh.

Anonymous said...

huh? this one got to do do with math? and i thought its...

if thing is in order don't tinker with it

~~~ beer anyone

B@byLor said...

Is your eye all well? :) Take care.

Sunshine said...

not only your eyes are affected with infection, i think mine too! how come got one extra box?

shall come back later to see if there is any einstien out there who could explain :)

Anonymous said...

The triangle problem is the exact way how the country cheat on all government building contracting. A slight few "cm" can make different of few millions ringgit resources disappearance.

ahjohn said...

why not we just color the white space yellow and everyone can go to sleep tonight?

kyh said...

Hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle (one of the angles is 90 degrees), and is the side that's opposite to the right angle.

Let's say a & b = 2 sides of the triangle, while c = hypotenuse,

c^2 = a^2 + b^2
(the above equation already proves that c is indeed longer than a or b)

---> c = sq.root of (a^2 + b^2)

Sunflower said...

*brain explodes*

Kenny Mah said...

I saw stars reading all the answers... too much maths, even for a former engineer here, hehe. But I loved moo_t's response... that's sure thinking out of the box! :D

lynn-w said...

kekeke..i think it's about maths, calculations!

sometimes, even tho everything fits like it supposed to be, but with one mistake in arrangement, there is a hole....

life is empty without God...tho everything is going on perfect well, and etc...without God in it...there is a hole and it wont be complete! way of seeing it...ekeke...

blessed christmas!

zewt said...

alan zed - neither am i... hehe.

beeranyone - hahaha... with a few more beer... u might just make it!

B@byLor - still got a bit of pus but feeling much better :)

Sunshine - someone already did and i think i understand... i think.

moo_t - hahaha... amazing ... amazing... looks like there are a few einstein in the govt.

zewt said...

ahjohn - hahaha... that's cheating!

kyh - thanks for the refresher course. yeah... based on that formula... the hypoteneus is not right. it's not a perfect triangle.

ireneQ - hahahaha... !!

Kenny Mah - yeah, that was quite a comment. means govt has got a few einsteins.

l y n n w e i - blessed christmas to you... and a very nice way to see things indeed.

Miss Gill said...

Fix the eye and write! i'm so waiting for the second part!

Ya know, my friend gave me this game called Mind Reader where number 0-99 are listed, each having a symbol and there's this animated crystal ball on the side. you take a digit, subtract the sum of its digits and locate the symbol of the answer. The crystal ball always gets it. Friend and I were doing all sorts of stunts when another girl passed us the game, like let's think TOGETHER and see if they get it right and so on.

but it was all math. Till u figure it out... i wouldn't wanna be in the room alone with your computer. lol

may said...

ermmm, it's possible because... all things are possible! even extra squares...

missironic said...

awww..u poor ting...somebody dun like u la ..tats y curse u have such an infection! lolz..:P

zewt said...

mandeep gill - well, i was really too tired trying to figure out things... aha... rather blog instead.

may - *pengsan*

missironic - who who who??? hehehe...

missironic said...

i dunno..lately did u step on anybody's tail? lolz...

Anonymous said...

We can't assume things we see. What u led us to believe is, the dark green triangle will fit perfectly the end part of the red end triangle. It does not fit under different vertical height and horizontal length,thus the difference. QED.
William Wang said...

Good one Zewt,

Took me a while to figure it out. The hipotenus is the longest side. Both the longest sides on both the pictures are curved differently.

In the top picture, the hipotenus is curving downwards slightly, and in the bottom pic, the hipotenus is curving upwards (making space for an empty block).

Need proof? Take the orange block in the bottom picture. It starts 5 blocks from the left of the big triangle, and it is exactly 2 blocks high.

Now look at the same spot on the top picture, 5 blocks from the left and it isnt 2 bocks high! So the straight line is definately a curve, and both curves differently!

Anonymous said...

william wang is right

zewt said...

missironic - not that i am aware of.

anon aka williang wang - now that you've mentioned...

russ - yeah... someone pointed out. i guess they dont call u guys engineer for nothing :)

anon @ 12.34am - agreed.