Anyway, I am chef again yesterday… and the menu is….

Pan fried bean curd with soya sauce. Very oily… must use less oil next time.

Fried yam and sliced black mushroom with ‘lam yu’. Almost over-cooked… if over-cooked, will look like a pile of sh**.

Fried potato leaves with cili-padi and ‘fu yu’.

And Zewt’s all time favourite…. Fried oyster mushroom with cili-padi.
I am really getting the hang of it. And the desire to be a chef, the feeling I had when I was still studying in UK is fast re-appearing. For new comers... perhaps you wanna check out the first time I was chef.
P/S: For those who are not aware, Zewt is on 49 days of vege in remembrance of mom.
Zewtie, mau tanya laa...this vege thingy, is it like a berkabung ritual in respect of the dearly departed one , i.e. ur mama?
U do like them vegies served cili padi hot eh? Good thing my greek friend taught me to consume a glass of milk (the best remedy), or otherwise, any milk-added drink will do to soothe any extremely pedas attack on me tongue.
The thing is, i like pedas food but even if it still considered medium hot, i still had to "weep" and sweat over my food while enjoying them. Funny though, even if the wasabi's hotness goes straight to my head, nose and both ears in a nick of time, soon after that i'm ok?
Good try! The thing I can cook is maggi mee. :P
Glad to hear that u're staying abstinence from meat during this period of remembrance. U'll get peace of mind too when taking vege meals.
FYI, I began my journey as a vegetarian since Nov'06. So it's nearly 5 months now. So far so good. Everything's been gr8 for me. :)
Apa itu 'lam yu' wor?
I'm gonna try your all time favourite sometime next week... already bought a packet of cili padi yesterday LOL! But I'm thinking of substituting it with enorki mushroom... bolehkah, Tuan Zewt? Haha!
And yeah, tell us about your teeth... are really keat la zewt~
Can even cook so many dishes..
Really salute you d~ lolzx
of these 4 dishes, I think I'll have the mushroom one :) thank you!
[ am not too friendly with veggies! ]
btw, why 49 days? Is it a sort of ritual? or is it something you decided to do by yourself? Hope it's not a too private question.
woh - cheng cheng tei, good for cheong wai.
looks yummy! can share recipe for the fried oyster mushroom with chili-padi? =)
if you ever move Down Under here, zewt... I'm gonna invite you to my home and ask you to cook up a storm! never mind that you'll be in Melbourne... heck I'll come up for a visit then, heheh!
*must must must try that oyster mushroom chili padi dish*
Nice, zewt. Have you ever thought of going into cooking as a sideline...maybe be the next Bobby Chinn?
hmmm....yummmm...looks good. how about some exotic foreign dishes? unless you want to be the boss of the corner Ah Zewt have to do some foreign stuffs. *grins*
what i learnt from my one mth of vege-eating is it does clean your oily like yours, i dunno lah. maybe clean even better because lubricated. kakakaka.
Can you eat all that food immediately after the dentist did his 'dark' thing in your mouth that bombed your pocket? (Ok, eww... that didn't come out right)
MIA for a while, cuz changing jobs. :-)
Take care.
the oyster mushroom looks deliciouss!!
somehow the yam looks like the vegetarian ham..and now i'm drooling!!! hehe
special *anonymous* guest; ur pile of food not appetizing one....layout horrible la i dont think i will have lunch today....scary.....heheheh
manal - mom is a strong buddhist and buddhists believe that the 49 days after the passing of someone, if the family members does not eat meat (i.e. go vege), it will help the deceased path to nirvana. though i am not a buddhist, i still do it, in respect and remembrance of my mom.
ya, i love spicy food.... makan until when berak... the sh*t also pedas... hahahaha!
kyh - 5 months? are you doing it for good? why the vege decision?
angel - 'lam yu' is that reddish paste that ppl use to cook ribs, ya' know... lam yu pai guat. it has got a sweet saltish taste. must use oyster mushroom la :P...
vegemaster - and i am going to cook pasta tomorrow. :)
Lash - not too private. like what i told is a strong buddhist and buddhists believe that the 49 days after the passing of someone, if the family members does not eat meat (i.e. go vege), it will help the deceased path to nirvana. though i am not a buddhist, i still do it, in respect and remembrance of my mom.
The daily blog means, u hav to come n read my blog daily, not for me to update daily mahhhhhh, comedy central, 'the daily show with jon stewart' plays on monday to thursday, rest on friday to sunday, 20 years that show's on Amelica, still like that bahhhhhhh...
Yalah, I can make fun of a lot of things. My fault, but I'm not repenting....
As zewt as it gets~~~~~
"Lam Yu" is beancurd that soaked in a bottle of reddish water or paste.. :P
Zewt, so proud of you... Can cook such nice food despite your second try... :P
I think i wanna try your mushroom with chili padi dish. The problem is where to get cili padi in shanghai. They sell, but only in certain places.
SuLee - ahhhh.... very obvious you didnt read my "a quick threesome"... the recipe with some tips are already there.
may - when i go down under, i think i can cook meat already... even more interesting, no?
v - hah... i dont mind, it is something i enjoy doing... besides writing.
me - i am doing it in remembrance and respect, so system clearing is not part of the priority lor. my specialty is 'kong po' chicken, but i dont think that's exotic enough. perhaps i should expand my oyster mushroom.
cirnelle - fortunately... yes. my visit yesterday was to 'complete the job'. now, i feel brand new... haha!
lame basket - welcome back bro.
huei - hah... it's yam. if you're not vegetarian, you can put some lap cheong... even nicer.
anonymous buti know who you are - you are that pile of shit la.
andrew ho - ahhh.... now i get it. but if you want ppl to read everyday, perhaps must update everyday too. no need to repent... ppl with surname Ho no need to repent... like us ;)
s - yup, that's right, perhaps you can inform miss may about that. and since both of you in aussie, you can show it to her even.
purple mushroom - have to make sure they are spicy enough... when you do the initial frying of cili padi... it must sting your nose :)
Hi Zewt, thanks for leaving all those kind words in my blog. So, since I am no longer a person in passing, I thought I'd do the same. :)
You are a good cook, a filial son, and I'm sure a good husband-to-be. You'll be fine! :)
Looks like you are improving..but anywayz i m sure despite vegetarian theres alot of vegetables you can use in your dishes ..bittergourd..eggplant..pumpkin..
potatoes..maybe salads perhaps? You can do it 1 la..whats 49 days rite?
ps..its bean curd..not bean curb
Nice one Zewt. I've been abstaining from meat, alcohol, chocolates and sex for the last 10 years, during LENT. Am looking forward to Easter Sunday so I can start to sin again! Brouhahahaha!
cook us mc donalds next time.
all this pics har!! can see canot eat! sumore now lunch time ! grrrr
49 days of onions no garlic right?
Waah!! Ur GF so lucky, hubby can cook.The vege look very tasty expecially yam my fav veg dish.
hey where were you in uk? :)
Wah! great vege ideas, what with purple yam n all
Jomel - welll, i know how it feels to have a passing in the family and certainly know how it feels to struggle between holding on to faith vs fulfilling one's responsibility and thus, i shared. good husband to be... jules, you heard that? :)
someone who is constantly craving - dont like bittergourd so much, eggplant absord a lot of oil.... pumpkin... dunno how to cook. the rest i will try. thanks for the highlight, typo rectified.
Gallivanter - my friend, the word is repentance. but then again... hehe...
winn - i dont care la, i will always use garlic. already limited choice, summore wanna limit this limit that meh?
hor ny ang moh - yeah, the yam is good, but it's not easy to cook... else all become soft and looks like shi*.
charmayne - london, why? cant say i look familiar... cos my face aint here... hah!
QueenB - will certainly try more in the future :)
You know that yam dish you cooked, I tell you my hubby actually loves it cooked & mashed to a pulp with shallots and dried prawns and yeah, it does look unappetising. Much like what you'd feed to a toothless babe.
But he's the one eating it and it makes the cooking process fail-proof. I can't complain, can I? :-)
And oh, so you like cili-padi too? **Shake hands**
spiritual reasons i guess. but then again, it'll benefit my health too. :)
hurm.. Zewt ah, your yam hor.. look abit the geli.. hahahaha sowwy to say that... :P
To me, you've done much better than those never or dare not try to cook at all ..hence, keep "cooking" as saying goes
Pratice makes permanant even is not perfect..
And, for sure this is more 'relaxing' than trading daily, i guess u know what i mean :)
P/S: For those who are not aware, Zewt is on 49 days of vege in remembrance of mom.
I was just about to ask if you were a vegan or!
Glad you're not resorting to those'make-believe' vegetarian meat... :-)
Mmm you made me hungry.
anak merdeka - hahaha... actually it does taste much nicer when it's all mashed up. yeah... **shake hands**
kyh - oh... i wish you well in your journey then :)
Calvin's wife - did you read anak merdeka's comment or not? :P
MM - hahaha... well, trading ends at 5 everyday...that's when cooking begins.
Aput - hahaha... never a vegan... but i may go vegan once a month in remembrance of my mom once this 49 days are over.
Helen - well... first, i think those are not sincere if i am doing it for my mom... secondly, i dunno how to cook such :) ... make-believe vege meat actually give some ppl the chance to taste char siew :)
YungJie - dont lick the screen ya?
wah.. all "gah seong bin fan soong". I likee
lets go eat at kfc after 49 days
ahh...yam is one of my favourites. Long time no eat liao. Eh, sometimes if dunno how to buy, will end up with a 'setengah masak' one!
Second time seeing your oyster mushroom with cili padi it really is interesting! Must ask my mum if she can prepare this dish for my family to try too... I usually like my oyster mushroom in oyster sauce. Yum!
Not bad you can cook! The vege looks nice and green, better than my dad's. Haha!
Wow, you know how to cook! those food looks really good.. by the way, what does zewt mean?
(=_=)" ... i didn't honestly.. LOL
Ok, Ok!! Ugly looking food is delicious, aight?! Reminds me of my bro the time when I was 19, I cooked him yellow beans with egg... he said "Jie, why your food look like jail food waaan?"
ZZzzzZZZzz TNS...
owh,, also, u wanna see some of my cooking? ... LOL but din update for quite a long time liao.. malas to layan 2 blog.. LOL
pumpkin?? easy to cook can cut them up into pieces..pre steam them..then just stir fry wif garlic and some olive oil..if not you can make pumpkin mash..just like potato mash..add milk butter..and mayo if you wan..ta da.!
TTL - have to take it slow after the 49 days ler. maybe start with fish first. got one friend went 2 weeks strict vege... then he ate meat... vomit blood!!!
king's wife - haha... sounds like very long you didnt cook already lor...
josette - haha... maybe you can get a cook book for your dad.
big rice - you're second one who asked me this here. well, it morphed from my chinese name. perhaps one day i will blog about it.
Calvin's wife - hahahahahahaha... jail food???? hahahaha... i shall have a look there.
someone who is constantly craving - not exactly a fan of pumpkin, but i like pumpkin soup. perhaps i will try your recipe one day.
All that food looks really great. You can certainly cook, Zewt.
wah wtf?! i want to try eat meat 2 weeks then eat vege. see vomit what
I'm really admired caused you can eat vegetarian for 49 day because of you mom! anyway do u know "Kau yuk" in english or malay? u know the meat in a canned food..
Theodwyn - sounds like you can taste it huh :)
Marie - hi there. well, i certainly tried my best.
TTL - hahahaha... the other way... i think ok la.
Fiona - Kau Yuk in a can? I dont really know what is that. In a can, i think it's '5 chan yuk'. yeah, it's quite a torture when i go eat with other people and they order meat while i can only eat tofu.
i didn't do it for body cleansing either....was making a pact for exchange of someone's good health...didn't work.
me - try it again then.
if i believe that there is any single iota of possibility it will help, i would have. unfortunately, life's so damn unfair. by choosing the path of vegan for one month, i had many ppl worrying about my health....a fact that i failed take into consideration.
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