Wednesday 25 April 2007

Ever wondered... ?

I receive tonnes of videos everyday in my inbox and some of them are really cool. But I try not to post any of the video here. If I do, I will be a "thinking blogger" no more, right Kenny?

Anyway, I find this video very interesting and it is something we should all see. Like what the person is saying... wonder what happen to them inside our tummy.... no, it's nothing gross, but informative.

Happy holiday to those who are off tomorrow... like me! hehe....

P/S: I have taken down my comments on the article from Mr. Wong Chun Wai because I read the article again and thought I may have over-reacted.


Sam said...

I just ate McD (AND the fries) yesterday


Jazzi said...

lol. Rest assured the same thing probably doesn't happen in your stomach. Cos most people already have that junk out the backdoor passage by 1 week! =).

Anonymous said...

Huhuhuhuhu...I'm working 2mrw...=(

rainbow angeles said...

Enjoy lor!
*make sour face*

Anonymous said...

i read that article by mr wong chun wai as well.. so plain propaganda.. phfftttt! ops :P

Pumpkin said...

Zewt, your U-Tube is no good la. Happy hols!

Huei said...

yepp..i just ate mcd on monday..thanks..i think the fries are still in my are those that i ate months ago..ahuh..

me said...

if you want your body to be embalmed and preserved in excellent condition for millions of years to come after you know what to feast on *grins*

AL said...

Oh my Gawd! No more mcdonald's fries for me!!!

**************Jz***************** said...

ey.....nowonder i cant find the article laaaa hahahhaa

zewt said...

Sam - check your poo... maybe there're some nice fries there... :P

Jazzi - yeah, that's the only thing we can console ourselves with. but then again, the thought of having such substance passing through our passage is quite... scary.

mar - work in a bank then :P or... in civil service... hehe

angel - dont la you sour face.

bongkersz - yeah.... in a way it is... some say he is trying to get datuk-ship.

pumpkin - why no good?

Huei - no la... i think some come out from your ... you know... already...

me - that's a very good point indeed. free embalmed eh?

AL - same goes to me!

jaezrel - maybe i will put it up again... in a better manner.

TCA Student Council said...

Wow, the McD fries are unbelievable. I used to work there & never knew it had a lasting power this long.

But you guys gotta take such an experiment with a pinch of salt there.. (pun intended) because our stomach environment is different from the jar & we chew our food before it goes in. Don't underestimate the power of gastric juices.

However, having said that, it is true that food gets fermented in our stomach eg red meat. So, the key thing to remember here is too eat less of such things & chew them well so your body can break them down faster leaving no bits for fermentation.

I've seen the stomach contents that are really black from yrs of unhealthy eating. Meat & vege that have been consumed for ages still gets stuck in the stomach.

aiya, so my point is, just eat in moderation...

Anonymous said...

And you tell me it's not gross
I doubt what your gross means
No... don't tell me
Spare me k!

SuLee said...

wowoweewo, thats super gross!

my husband used to work in McD and they dont fry the fries with oil but animal shortening - thats why is so tasty - but they change the shortening only every 5 days! until is filthy filthy black and the fries will be black too if they still use it.

gross man! i'd rather eat char kuey teow on the st.

Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Sorry u got deleted accidentally from my site. Well you're back in again amongst the blogs I read. Keep in touch. If you don't mind get more people to come by my site..ha ha...I want to try to get my nuffnang ads running.

zewt said...

Big Rice - what? red meat? oh no!!! it's one of my fav!!! damn, i think i will have to chew it properly next time. by the way... how come you manage to see those stomach contents?

zeroimpact - where got gross... u really wanna see waht is gross? heh heh...

SuLee - aiyooo.... where got gross... i send you some other things then u know what is gross....

V - hey man... no worries... i will be getting my links up pretty soon once i fine tune this template.

Anonymous said...

datukship? oh.. sucker.. another latuk.. latuk.. should get other title, too many datuk now..

Anonymous said...

I can't remember when i went to McD..but the french fries is really unbelieveable!

You're right. It's not that gross actually..i've seen something more gross..

TCA Student Council said...

zewt: cos i did some searching on the benefits for fasting. i can't remember the site add - it was several yrs ago. The guy did fasting a significant period of time & did the enema. Somehow he was able to... er... expel a lot of stuff & photographed it. I don't think he doctored the pics & it was really gross...

In any case, many researches have shown that eating too much red meat does your body no good, because it produces uric (if I recall correctly, if not, it's still some kind of acid..) acid & might wear out your cartilage (lubricant in joints) & therefore causes joint problems. Also not to mention raises your cholesterol. so yes, do chew properly & try to refrain from them as much as you can.

For all you carnivores out there, sorry to dampen your gastric juices. *toothy grins*

TCA Student Council said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TCA Student Council said...

Well, I have a nagging thought to verify what I had researched so many yrs ago, so I did some fact finding today since my research was done about a decade ago. Being young & stupid, I actually believed those pics. Turns out, those are really nonsense.

There are no findings to back up what I had mentioned although some products claim to work wonders & even have the said pics I mentioned. Gross you out totally but it seems they are exaggerated. If you want to have a look, search for DrNatura products.

I thought I should clarify.

zewt said...

bongkersz - yeah la... like what Tun M said... nowadays, u throw a stone out there... very likely it will hit a latuk.

seok thong - sigh.. but got ppl complain that it's gross. one day i really post a gross video... then only they will know what is gross...

Big Rice - you are right... the substance that eats into the tendon fluid is called uric acid. i have got a friend whose uric acid is so high... once he eat red meat... his ankle will ache.

well, that's the thing about eating meat. if possible, stick to fish then... haha... but fish is expensive. anyway, i dont think you're a herbivore right?

dont really understand your second comment though...

TCA Student Council said...

zewt: hahaha... I am turning herbivore because of health problems...

anyway, the second comment was in continuation to the previous comment i made reg the stomach contents...

I found one more site:

you can go take a look at be the judge for yourself & see if it's true... apparently, some say there's no logic but some really had the pics to say colon cleansing products work..

it's baffling how those things come out of our gut...

Kenny Mah said...

Oh don't worry, you're a Thinking Blogger so long as you make your readers think, and I don't think you'll ever have a problem with that, right? ;)

As for the vid, you should try watching the entire documentary by Morgan Spurlock --- "SUPERSIZE ME" --- McD's really come off badly in it, but it's really about us and our eating habits.

However, in recent years, subsequent studies have shown obesity is not caused so much by what we eat as how much calories we consume.

They had people eat McD's for a month or two but with a max. calorie count/day, and these people actually lost weight!

So we really have to look at both sides of the story. But I still love the documentary anyway; usually I watch it while eating a Big Mac, hahaha... Malaysian lah, we never learn one...

zewt said...

Big Rice - i once saw a documentary that says there are actually well... leftover... somewhere up your arse... if you dont clean it... it can lead to anal cancer... to clean it... u need to stick a thing up your arse... well... how about that??? hahaha! i think i will not view it... i am leaving for lunch soon.

Kenny Mah - yup... gluttony is one of the deadliest sin. now that i am in my 49 days of vege diet... i am trying very very very very hard not to go on a feast as soon as it is over. do u think i can do it? hahaha.... McD is bad that's for sure... so i go for burger king :P

well, as long as we do things in moderation.. it's fine...

bongkersz said...

yeah, watched supersize me before. but still go for mcd when the cravings come bwahahahahahaha! stick a thing up your arse, to clean it? i doubt many of us did that, so we are all anal cancer probable? :P lol lol lol lol lol

zewt said...

bujangsigat - hey man... no kidding... the kinda thing that they managed to extract... ok... let's just say it aint... nice.

TCA Student Council said...
