Thursday 18 January 2007

Support Bloggers United

Blogger Jeff Ooi and Rocky Bru are being sued by NST. Nowadays, speaking up may land you in court. This logo is a call for all in the blogosphere to support Jeff and Rocky.

Let's blog-on...


Anonymous said...

yeah pls every1 lend their support to the 2 ppl that nasty pee is trying to bring down.......

Weig said...

What if blogosphere boycotts NST just to punch through the message that what they're doing is not cool?

zewt said...

Yes, all blogosphere dwellings should boycott NST and banish it from middle earth.

P/S: How is thy daughter?

Weig said...

She's a bit feverish from d teething. Thanks for asking. said...

Quite worthwhile data, thanks for your post.