Wednesday 29 July 2009


Yes, that’s the word of the day. I have never been so been so busy for the longest time. Loads of e-mails… calls from as early as 8.30am and before I can even finish my first mug of water, it’s already lunch time.

After a quick lunch, a couple of meetings… conference calls… this and that and before I knew it… it’s already 5.40pm! What the… !!!

The main reason for this incredibly busy-ness is that I am currently involved in a highly confidential project. Information kept changing and my comments and advice had to be constantly revised, it’s really driving me crazy. But, it’s good experience. This is going to give a big boost for my CV.

Plenty to share about this project but since it is highly confidential; I can’t talk about it here… not yet. But like I said, plenty to talk about it after it is completed.

As for now, I just have to comply with the hectic game.

I need to catch up on my lack of fluid now…

1 year ago…
Who thou seeketh in thy sadness?


Jerine said...

OMG... That drawing looks like mine. I love hectic life. And I miss being busy.

Fi-sha said...

Dear Zewt

I can feel the adrenaline rushs :) Take care ok?

Jerrenn said...

Take good care of yourself! Wouldn't want to be falling ill!

TG said...

Totally as zewt as it gets! :-)

day-dreamer said...

All the best, zewt!

Ice said...

When do you expect to complete the "project"? Is it weeks or months normally?

taxy said...

5.40pm? Now, that's what I call quality of life.

tulipspeaks said...

take care. all the best! :)


jacss said...

faster finish yr project & share with us.....sounds interesting :)P

littlepolaris said...

Zewt... msn =P

Purple~MushRooM said...

And you still have time to blog. Geng!!

zewt said...

Jerine - un-be-lie-va-ble...

Fi-sha - thanks... hope it will end soon.

Fassus - yup, certainly not now.

MKL - cheers!

day-dreamer - thanks...

zewt said...

Ai Shiang - supposed to end by this week. hope it goes according to schedule.

taxy - i didnt say i get to go home eh?

tulipspeaks - cheers...

jacss - definitely interesting i assure u.

littlepolaris - that also cannot la.

purple mushroom - a no-need-much-thinking-to-blog type lah.