Monday, 13 July 2009

The new look

Do you think you will recognise me if you walk pass me in public?

What do you think?


eyrecognisespeople said...

i think i just might

QMG_Maegen said...

will !!!
or might just think u are justin .. kakakaaaa... XD


Winn said...

okley's new ad? LOL
very cool.....where's the angry eyebrows where???????????:p

Tsu Lin + + said...

Congrats to your blog's new look. :)

iamthewitch said...

Nice shades! :) How come you have two 'Newly' in your blog title? Intentional? :)

Anonymous said...

Nice new look. And to answer your question, I am afraid I might not be able to recognise you. I am very VERY bad with faces. ;)

may said...

I'll keep looking out for those shades!

Jerine said...

I dont think so

Jo said...

you grow a beard ah? or shaved your eyebrows?

sengkor said...

i m sure i will :D

JOEL said...

Let's recognize the Oakley sunglass, the side-burns, the little mole beside your ear...

That'd be enough.


Vivien said...

have to be close enough to see the Oakley and mole

Jorji said...

i dun think so.saya jalan mata tengok ke bawah..jarang2 tengok ke atas.

jemima said...


I've got a mole in the exact same spot. :P

PahNur said...

The hair...the shades....the skin can be anywhere..OMG!!! You're OMNIPOTENT!!! Ametofo.....

Yvonne Foong said...

Aiyah detractors cannot recognize you enough for a public assault, like this.

Charmin said...

Recognize you? I can recall every look you had since i knew you at a blink of an eye. Still prefer the atap hair days with 'kam mou' back then..
You look good anyhow.

zewt said...

eyrecognisespeople - i think i should remind u that... u should not call yourself ey.

De Genz - another one who said i look like justin -faint-.

Winn - hidden under the shde lah...

Tsu Lin - thanks :)

Iamthewitch - fixed! hehehe

zewt said...

siew - dont worry, i will say hi instead when i go makan in ipoh.

may - plenty around...

Jerine - aiyah... try lah haha

JoMel - neither :P

sengkor - you, of cos lah...

Joel - good try... haha

zewt said...

Vivien - precisely... imagine if u get the wrong guy.

j or ji - bawah ada emas kah? :P

jemima - reallllllyyyyy....

PahNur - hahahaha... let's check if i have superpower.

Yvonne Foong - good... i like it.

Charmin - hmmm... that's a very old style... dont think i will ever go back there... :)

Crankster said...

I don't think so. :)

zewt said...

Crankster - good! :P

TRACE said...

pls notify me if u happen to come to KK(kota kinabalu, not kota kemuning...are u staying at peninsular?)
then i will most probably recognize u after a yam cha session...=)

zewt said...

TRACE - yeah, i am in peninsular... sure, if i go KK... will seek u out.