After the previous thought provoking post, it’s time to take a break since Friday is on the way. Allow me to share this story as this round of Friday Frolics. This is NOT a joke… this is real…
You are a female.
You are below 30 years old.
You stand at above 1.55m.
You weigh at below 55kg.
Apparently, if you happen to fall within the above… and you happen to join this particular company… you areobliged strongly encouraged to don a bikini and perform on stage for the chairman during annual dinner. Of course, all the other people will be able to see you perform as well since it’s an annual dinner.
And… your bikini is no ordinary bikini… it must be a glittering gold coloured bikini. Apparently the winner stands to win a handsome prize. I wonder if it comes with any… ya’ know… night-time obligations.
The source of this info is someone who fits the above criterion and decided not to flash her flesh. She resigned and joined my company. A colleague of mine has verified this info with his contacts who work in this particular company.
I am sure you are curious which “company” is this. Well, I can only say that it is one of the top players in its industry. Perhaps you should ask around…
Girls – will you go gold bikini?
1 year ago… To RM2.70 and beyond
2 years ago… Ways of life from an idiot’s game
You are a female.
You are below 30 years old.
You stand at above 1.55m.
You weigh at below 55kg.
Apparently, if you happen to fall within the above… and you happen to join this particular company… you are

The source of this info is someone who fits the above criterion and decided not to flash her flesh. She resigned and joined my company. A colleague of mine has verified this info with his contacts who work in this particular company.
I am sure you are curious which “company” is this. Well, I can only say that it is one of the top players in its industry. Perhaps you should ask around…
Girls – will you go gold bikini?
1 year ago… To RM2.70 and beyond
2 years ago… Ways of life from an idiot’s game
gold is not my colour. sorry. ;)
anyway, that lady made a wise decision to quit that certain company. who knows what else they'll ask her to do in the future if she continues to stay. O.o
Hey, I fit in all the criterias. Which company is it? I'm still looking for a job!
btw, you've been awarded for being amazing. :)
I am of hobbit-porportions and i have a belly so big i'm constantly asked if i'm carrying twins.....can still qualify ah? :p
hmmm is it public bank?
although i fall within the conditions, but i don't think i can make it into the cut as i have flabby tummy and thunder thighs. can i guess playboy company?
Sexist company and it's wise she left. Maybe it's more of sexist management/organisers.
Unfortunately, these are considered as sexual harassment in some countries with matured mentality.
zewt, you must be overjoyed that she has moved to your workplace! LOL
Why don't the chairman himself don that gold bikini and act like a clown instead of harassing women into this kind of ridiculous acts?
A perposterous suggestion indeed! What sort of company is? The characters behind this suggestion don't have my respect.
If I wear any bikini, I will be shot coz I will cause mass blindness to those who see me in it. Hahahahahaaha!!!
To answer your question, I will not do 'miscellaneous' work for the company which is not contractual. I'm not the kind to wanna sleep my way to the top. I feel ppl who do have little self-worth.
Verify these additional clues so I know we're talking about the same ba... company:
... is like a cult
... has anthems written, performed and played over the speakers in the glory of the chairman
... burns these performances into DVDs for the chairman to watch whenever he's free or stuck in a traffic jam
... gets their accounts out in 14 days flat
... has the most concentration of girls going by the name of Amber
... is not in North Korea
pattirmina - it's a tradition apparently... strange but true. thanks for the award. will definitely collect it.
Jerine - hahaha... someone commented on the answer already.
sabrina - haha... cant be that bad right?
drumsticks - hmmm... very good market intelligence you have.
Cindy Khor - sure? you dont look like one though. oh, again, you look like one of my buddy's gf.
whoalse - hahaha... not in malaysia, i am sure that company has been getting away with it. no lah, not exactly overjoyed hahaha...
Mei Teng - the chairman don bikini... hahahaha... that was funny :P
pinknpurplelizard - haha...i am sure it will not be blindness right?
taxy - hahahahahaha... you might just be right. i didnt know about the amber part...
wow... i gotta suck my nose if i have the chance to attend those meeting... i will bleed definitely rotflmao!!
Do they give out viagra as their doorgift? LOL!
oh, overseas company
hmmm if i have a body toned enough to be in a gold bikini i wouldn't mind at all!
Yikes! She should have sued them for sexual harassment! Egads...
Initially i thought that the gov move to force him out was very bad. Now, I think it might be good after all (just for this one man)
If none of his child is there to send him a clock when his time is up, he really deserved it.
taxy's comment has confirmed the answer ;) and now that's very surprising they actually 'encourage' their staffs to do it. maybe they use threats or blackmail to get those girls to do it? or offering them some 'rewards'..
Thank God i m short..wakakaka..
ok... do u secretly wish that u're working in that particular company? :P
anyway, here's a vid that i'm sure u wud love to watch:
Any zewtpinions on that? ;)
Pubic Bank? :P
I just heard some interesting stories abt them, not about this but about the way they conduct themselves in the share market. it Public Bank? OMG... I can't believe it. I have an account there. Who knows they'll ask me to wear gold bikini and perform on stage so that I can get higher interest rate.
haha interesting ;)
still can't figure out which co is that.
nama co itu bermula dengan huruf apa?
is the chairman orang jepun, cina, melayu, indian atau kwailo???
FYI guys, there is a department in there which comprises of few people specifically in charge of finding songs to GLORIFY him every year during his bday. For the past 2 yrs, they have been taking christian worship songs to replace Jesus with the word Tan Sri. How rude is that??????
Not only that, every single branch manager got to sing the song (hundreds of them) standing in front of the stage welcoming Tan Sri together with his ever famous msian supermodel, miss amber!
Neway i never knew about the gold colour bikini till u blog about it!
He is such a freaking gross old man!!
fufu - hahaha... the criteria never mentioned anything about looks though...
blackjack - hahaha... maybe that's senior management's BIK.
vivien - nope... local.
Sharon - hmmm... would you like to teman the chairman too? you might just made it :)
Life for beginners - nah, the company is "connected"... know what i mean? it's a malaysian thing.
leyaw - hmmmm... i am lost, care to enlighten?
drumsticks - well, did u read about the amber factor? heard the most famous amber in malaysia is the chairman's errr... protege... and staff in the company are donning that name, just to try to make it.
neno - hahahahahahahahaha...
kyh - nope... i dont think i wanna work there. anyway, about the video, i dont think i wanna comment about religion. let us all unite against one common enemy... global warming.
adrianlee - talk to u during dinner tonight... heh heh heh...
Jerine - hehehe... well, maybe u can... who knows? - indeed it is.
clueless - have a read of some of the comments...
Aoki - i have just confirmed with the person who resigned... she said she saw the supermodel in the premises, in the evening... hmmmm....
Ew? Hmm... glorifying him using Christians song eh? A 'Tan Sri' somemore (why am I not surprise?).
My first thought is the bank institution. But aren't you in accountancy line, Zewt? now curious to noe which company. hahaha.. any hint any hint? Best to b aware of. ;)
Eh... wait, so it is the bank eh? I've seen the birthday bash thingy DVD.
I know which company this is.. cos' I am associated with it in some way (though thankfully I am not an employee and even if I am, I do not meet criteria 2 to 4! HAHA!) The chairman has been known for his "humsapness" in the industry.
and to add further on this. The performance is not limited to the annual dinner. In their private dinner parties, the performances are far racier.
im above 55kg :(
erm..a dream company for all guys? =P
i will wear a the beach with my boo/friends having a great holiday.....not for hamsup bosses n colleagues to get their cheap thrill! blegh!
Swee Ping - yeah, that's quite.... the ultimate. well, i have since left the acccounting industry :) and you have seen the bday bash wow!
missironic - read the comments :P
JoMel - wow... more juicier coming into the light!
H.C. Tan - i am sure if u volunteer, they will accept wan...
huei - hahahaha... sure boh!
Yeah, for 2 years already? Think the gold bikini was during last year event? The winner is just so-so only. Was basically criticizing the part cos seriously.. nothing to be :-D~ also :-P
hmmmmmmmm wonder which company is this.... i'm taking a guess....
servant rene
"dit po an gen" (jatuh pecah cermin mata) =='''
=P seems like selling virginity at ebay more worth it. bcos only 1 person will look at u. the company annual dinner is like... the whole 1000++++... god knows how many hamsap lou in the company including lesbians will be gawking at u.
But no... =D not my kind of thing. I won't do it, dun need to do it. lol.
No way I am going to do that. To that girl, way to go! You did the right thing :)
swee ping - truly a heaven for guys that company.
Dec3rd - hello servant, where art thou? :P read the comments and you shall be enlightened.
autumnmusic - why?
littlepolaris - hahaha... yes, i know you would wanna go down that route.
petite lass - yeap... she deserves respect.
Lucky I'm at 56kg! Lol..
this is funny.
gold bikini doesn't compliment everyone. They should've asked for red bikini!
-eiling- - ahh... just missed the golden opportunity by a whisker.
jessbabe - or just pure black right?
black, not too complimenting too. perhaps a bit slimming effects!
jessbabe - hahaha... slimming effect!
This cannot succeed in reality, that is exactly what I suppose.
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