Thursday 9 April 2009

Maundy Thursday

It was my first time celebrating Maundy Thursday. I have never heard of it, and it was also a maiden celebration for my church. I was told that Maundy Thursday is the celebration of The Last Supper; bearing in mind tomorrow is Good Friday.

We had a proper meal though, with rice, potatoes, salad and roast lamb. Of course, it was not exactly a dinner fellowship. The meal went through a full liturgy with reading of the The Word. And yes, I enjoyed the meal very much. I didn’t bring my camera and that was the best shot I got with my phone. The lamb was yummy!

But you know what is the best part?

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples before he went on to be arrested and crucified, and we had the “feet washing” ceremony too. To symbolise a master washing the feet of a servant, we had…

An employer (a boss) washing the feet of an employee…
A person who has a library at home washing the feet of a student…
A husband washing the feet of his wife…
A professional working in KLCC washing the feet of a refugee social worker…
The pastor washing the feet of church council…
And a few more…

We then had holy communion (with real wine) and ended with a blessing toast.

Jesus – we partake the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Your body broken for us and Your blood shed for us. We remember your death on the cross tomorrow, and will celebrate your resurrection this Sunday.

1 year ago…
“Dutch” in a different way

2 years go…


drumsticks said...

sounds like a fruitful and blessed Maundy Thursday you had.. mine was really normal, though had wished it to be better and more memerable. coz it was as simple as attending mass after a very long tired day..

anyway, Blessed Good Friday, and Happy Easter in advance!

minishorts said...

not maiden lah ... we did it in 2007! This is my second maundy thursday!

24yomummy said...


Jun said...

be good, zewt! ;) enjoy ur easter celebrations-- don't overdose on the easter eggs! ;p

Terra Shield said...

Thanks for sharing this... Have a Good Friday and Happy Easter

Anonymous said...

WTF, all those "examples" of a "master" washing the feet of a "servant" are pure bullshit!

Angie Tan said...

For God so loved the world that He gave us His only son...

Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed and joyful Easter!

Bengbeng said...

Never imagined i would get my Christian education thru yr blog. Happy Easter. :)

wuching said...

happy easter

imp said...

have a blessed easter, zewt!

zewt said...

drumsticks - include lamb the next time round, definitely more memorable then hehe...

chooki - oppps...

Pauline Yap - :)

Jun - yes doc :)

Terra Shield - you're welcome :)

zewt said...

anon @ 11/4 4.19am - how so?

angie tan - amen to that!

beng beng - hahaha... perhaps it is HIM who wanna teach something...

wuching - same to you...

imp - blessed easter too.

jacss said...

i never heard of these leh... these must be another humourous side of you??? kenot be true wan...

Anonymous said...

It's not easy for a master to wash a servant's feet.

zewt said...

jacss - it's as real as it gets...

Mei Teng - hello there, welcome. well, that's what Jesus did.