Anyway, it was a good feeling. For such an old timer Christian, I thought it will just be another occasion where I will get my head wet… but as I kneel down for my baptism, my heart was actually pumping quite fast… like meeting a girl for the first time! I guess it does mean something. And it was also nice to be able to get baptised together with Jules.
Oh… my pastor told me that I am not the most famous blogger in my church. Someone who got baptised together with me is the most famous blogger in church. I suspected her to be a blogger… she is none other than minishorts! I bet she doesn’t even know me.
Ok… it’s getting really late and I just want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Belated Easter. May we remember His resurrection today!
P/S: I know you all wanna know the solution to the riddle… but let’s just keep that open a little longer…
Congratulations and Happy Easter to you! =)
many Congratulations on your babtism! and Happy Easter to you too. :)
eh why u always sleep so late !
congratulations to you... :P and Jules...
Happy belated EASTER! heheh =D
Congrats my fren..
Congratulations! Belanja minum! :-)
Hi Zewt! Congratulation! Yah tell ue the answer.
Congrats! Didn't know u r christian..
Well, the bible says that the angels in the heaven rejoices each time a soul gets save.
I know that you are a christian long ago, but you need to be born again, as simple as that. Anyway, i wun be pastoring here but it's nice to hear that...
Sometimes we really need to go to the basics of Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Have a nice year ahead.
from a friend,
zewt, yipee on your baptism!
Congrats Zewt.
Peace and loves.
Tai kor cai already... be a good boy, ok? :P
Happy Easter!
congrats on ur baptism. I think i should get my confirmation done. God bless
hop over to her blog and introduce yourself lah...you're pretty good at it.
Congratulations to you!
And Happy Easter too!
Cool, you got baptised on Easter! I was baptised on Christmas. Anyway, congratz and God bless!
can i busybody a little? do you know scb personally?
I also baptized many years ago. But, shame to say that I am not a church goer since some years ago.. :|
So....now that you're baptized, when are you signing up with the Ku Klux Klan?
Ok, ok...bad joke.
congratulations zewt and jules! what a lovely day to get baptised! Happy Easter!
Congratulations Zewt!
Congratulations man !!
Your baptism sure makes you feel a whole lot zewter doesn't it?
btw, playing a 7 string is actually not as hard as it sounds :)
happy easter zewt. rockin' good blog u've got here. (of course u r more famous than minishorts)
congrats Zewt! Happy belated easter to u too..;o)
No easter eggs yet? I missed those easter bunny chocolates...
No easter eggs yet? I missed those easter bunny chocolates...
hey zewt, best of congrats 2u - god bless :)
woi....i'm dying to know about 'find the buck' solution. eventhough i hate figures but i'm still dying to know....
c'mon man.... i'm getting a migrane
Congratulations!!!! Now you are back to a baby.. So baby zewt, don't cry so much k? Haha!!
Wahlau-eh - Thank you. May the good Lord bless and keep you too.
Little Ray / may / Calvin's wife / Huei / renee / someone who is constantly craving / what a lulu / linken Lim / king's wife / celestina / mistipurple / anak merdeka / grace - thanks, hope you all had a good easter.
Winn - becos i need to read your doggie blog la, what else... haha!
Gallivanter - eh... you should belanja minum... you are the number 1 hottest male blogger eh! hah!
Hor Ny - Eh, i already disclose it in the comments of the post la.
Big Rice - now you know, i reckon you are one too.
Ahjohn - hey bro. good point you have there. very important for us to go back to basic... Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
angel - eh, i have always been a good boy! haha!
Bujang Skrang Ulu - hey there, welcome to as zewt as it gets. yeah... might as well right... it's the next right thing to do.
me - i did already la. wah... what do you mean by i am pretty good at it. anyway, who is scb? are u refering to minishorts?
deisy - well... go back lor. but i know, a lot of ppl just drift away after some time. i hope i will not fall into that trap.
coocka doodle - you be the head i sure join wan.
sinergy.starfall - zewter? hmmm... perhaps :) well, you gotta tell me how to play a 7 string guitar... what's the additional effect by the way.
Mr Incognito - hello, welcome to As Zewt As It Gets... wah, you sure or not? i am still a baby in the blogosphere... i shall drop by your almost anonymous later.
manal - no easter eggs cos i am in vege... remember? :)
lovegoddess - hmmm... i disclose some solutions in the comments page of that post already :) hope that will solve your migrane a lil.
april - huh? i always cry meh?
It's a milestone achieved in your walk with the Lord! What a fitting day to get baptized on.
Blessed belated Easter, Zewt.
all babies cry leh!!
Congrats bro. I am sure it makes you feel happy and complete.
Congratulations Zewt. You commented in my blog that it has only been less than 2 yrs and yet it's incredible how fast I moved on. Now that you have been baptised or even before this, you should understand where I gather my strength from. Faith is what gives me hope and hope is what keeps me afloat. No other way man. God Bless. Happy belated Easter to you and yours. :)
congrats congrats! i want to be baptised too! but got no guts to do so. family's objection. =(
And Happy belated Easter!
congratz congratz:)
should be vey happy about that:)
Happy Baptism zewt ! :D
can we actually say that?! o.O anyway :)
cheers :D
hmmph.. congrats??
rinnah - yeah, well planned by my pastor.
april - i am a baby!!?!??
Kata Tak Nak - indeed i am. thanks.
Jomel - sorry for being too quick to judge there, i apologise. yeah, with God, all things are possible and i am happy that you are moving along with life well...
faichai - that's one of the reason why i delayed it till now. wait till you're 21 then :)
rabbit / jermayne - thanks!
LaSh - hah! i guess you can. cheers.
Acrelaine - thanks?
LoL, its actually very similar to playign a 6 string, the only difference being the fact that there is a extra low B string. You can still play it like a conventional 6 string by ignoring the low b but you can take advantage of the low b like say make very bassy counding chords, make fuller sounder power chords, make very agressing sounding chuggy riffs and all that. It is easier to show than to talk about it really. Anyway once again congratulations on being closer to god :)
Congrats Zewt! So u are officially Catholic now? Probably better than me, born Christian, but never go to church for ages!! :(
i thought baptism is like u r born as a baby again? something like that. kekeke.. like u are god's child and is his baby..
Where did you got baptized..? Coz I was supposed to go to a friend's baptism but then I have to travel for work and went back to Penang!
My guess from your use of the term "pastor" hints at your church being that of non-Catholic, non-Orthodox and non-Anglican origin, i.e. you are a Protestant Christian.
sinergy.starfall - i think i get what you mean. but you're right, the best way to say it is to demonstrate it to me :)
russ - i am not a catholic, a lutheran now actually. well, dont worry, you're not alone. haha!
april - that's a good point... but my baptism is overdue... i am so 'old' in the religion already. having said that, i think i am still a baby in God's eyes.
dangerous variable - it was BLC my friend. and i hope liverfools dont screw up tonight. let's meet in the finals.
cirnelle - yup... protestant, lutheran to be more specific.
happy easter & congratulations. may God bless you till eternity. now with your renewed faith, may you also live by example so others can follow you. ya easier said than done, but with Christ as your pillar of strength, it is possible. have faith! 'cia yiu'!
congrats! a mission accomplished, ya?
stay strong!
Angel - Live by example huh... that's really a tough call, but i will try. thanks for visiting.
kyh - yes boss :)
wow so many comments!! thanks for reading my blog, and
i feel so happy for you. It's one step closer to a relationship with God now (no pun intended ok... haha)
may you continue to grow in Christ!! :)
God loves u very much :)
goodshithappens - thanks for your well wishes...
Jace - hey, welcome here. Thanks! Yeah, He never gave up on me... despite me giving up on Him many many times.
Zewt... U are rite!
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