Most of my colleagues are having this headache. The guy who sits in front of me was having a real tough time because he is from UK and filling up the tax return form in BM is certainly a big challenge for him. My company is kind enough to invite some officers from the Inland Revenue Board to help its employees filling up their tax returns. But for this guy who hails from UK, he had some… communication problem with those officers.
Well, I was kind enough to offer my help… it took me… 5 minutes? Hehe…
Oh… someone sent me a link this morning. It’s a blog by a person who talks about how the e-filing system erroneously disclosed your personal information. Well, since all bloggers are liars, he could be lying. But! Check out the first 2 comments to that blog. The entry is here. You may wish to stick back to the good ‘ol manual filing.
By the way… you need any help in filling up the form? I can help… but maybe I will have to charge you… haha!!
On a totally unrelated note, a friend of mine highlighted me a video, it’s on youtube. After viewing it, I was contemplating on whether I should post it up here. Certain part of the video is a bit… err… direct… but it’s just too good not to be shared. It’s produced by the same fellas who put this up.
Decided not to put it up and you can view the video here. By the way, if you don’t understand Mandarin or Cantonese, don’t fret… be patient you will understand the later part of it… Enjoy! Oh, if you wish to comment... wait till after the video ler ;P
P/S: Call it co-incidence, a butterfly appeared from no-where. Certainly a weird feeling after what I posted yesterday.
I did my tax returns before I came here, and I just found out I owe them $$$$... alamak! :(
It's the dreaded month and filing
I guess I'll still stick back to the E way
Can't really tell others I'm tech savvy when I do manual filing can I
Woot! I've just watched that video yesterday. =p
And i do not need to get involved with the tax thingy, yet! =)
I'm still not eligible to be taxed. Wahahahaha! *wink*
It'll be a different story next year though... maybe I'll need your help then!
haha.. i like the videos.. so funny.. but err, the chinese part a bit hard to understand... >.<
ROFL! I didnt understand the mandarin part but the malay part was so fking funny and.. true. Too bad I only understnad cantonese =( have u heard of lmf?
Some tax jokes that should make it pass the administrator's censor:
Tax Joke No. 1
For general viewing.
Worried about an IRB audit? Avoid what is called a red flag. That's something the IRB always looks for. For example, say you have some money left in your bank account after paying taxes. That's a red flag.
Tax Joke No. 2
Ever so slight sexual element depicted. Parental discretion is advised.
People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.
Tax Joke No. 3:
PG: Scenes depicted is of moderate violence. Parental guidance is advised.
It's income tax time again, Malaysians: time to gather up those receipts, get out those tax forms, sharpen up that pencil, and stab yourself in the aorta.
*I'm sure by tomorrow morning, these jokes won't sound funny anymore*
may - you left before you got your tax clearance??????? wow... careful my friend, when you return to malaysia for holiday... u might just have to drink some coffee with the custom officers. i am not joking.
zeroimpact - well... there's a difference between being tech savvy and having faith in something... can you? :)
rabbit - no tax no income woh? :P
rinnah - next year it is then. someone is expecting increment i think :)
acrelaine - so you're a type A chinese eh? look for the definition in one of my entries :) .... dont worry, i cant understand the beginning part too... until some canto started appearing... and of cos... that part.
TTL - yes of cos. how can i now know them!!!! their ham kah ling song... very good when you're angry!! hahahahaha
cirnelle - hah! those not in the industry might not understand you.
That is one great video!! Have to admit I can't understand 100% of it.. But can catch 85% of it and I love it. Its great! Thanks for sharing!
So... how much do you charge??
*serious ok* :p
So what did the butterfly do? Or was it a moth?
i hate doing my tax returns!
but do it i must....
Hahaha =D
Wherever we live we all have the same problem!
oooo, i cant wait for my tax refund !!!
isit good to kena tax or not kena tax?? >.<
hmm?? no 'lor'......
i think 'hor', i'm kinda the type D chinese 'lar'.....
hehe... one who likes all the chinese cultures, proud to be a chinese as well... but dont understand the need to learn something too chinese? hates type B chinese btw... (bad experience, no need to mention 'lar')
ok 'lar'... back to studying anti-TB drugs..
'sei mou....'
I never wanted to file my tax returns online. Why pay so much tax and do the work ourselves? Let them key in the data lar!! Else they just goyang kaki nothing to do.
ya.. i never trusted their online system. They need some time to fine-tune. why want to be guinea pig now?
bersabar.. tunggu few mroe years lah.
how come they dont hav an english translation for me poor soul here..?? stupid buggers..and where m i goin to find all my receipts for all the kinokuniya shopping i did??
im not taxable just yet .. he he he ..
Tax? I'm forever submitting late, and let me share a secret: they don't actually penalise you lah! But better submit on time --- don't be procrastinate so much like me; really bad habit! :P
I had fun listening to the video...u made my day!!!! these rappers have potentials... they should rap something about semi value!!!
Yikes... And I was just planning to start e-filing this year!
*dumps files on zewt's desk*.... here! you can do mine! *rolls eyes* i can do without the headache.
i think butterflies r always around, we just notice them more during the period of mourning. i remember frequently spotting moths back then. whenever i see one now, i still think it's them. it's nice comfort, don't you think? n another way of being reminded about them...n their love.
Theodwyn - 85% is more than enough. i like the cakap lagi la part haha!
angel - depends on complexity. those simple ones can be filled in 5 minutes really. it was a butterfly... and it flew to the flowers near my mom's alter. it's the first butterly in the house appearing at night in a very long time... very very long time.
the witch's broo - dont we all hate it... sigh
angele - like i said... it's the other certainty besides death... hehe...
SuLee - how come you have tax refund? i thought you're overseas?
Huei - if you kena tax means your salary has hit certain band... if not... then you're underpaid.. screw your boss.
Acrelaine - another self proclaimed type D eh? hah! i wonder what bad experience with type B... i wonder and wonder... anti-TB drugs... i thought TB... vaccinated already? .... i thought wrong? sei lo...
purple mushroom - for your info... they claim they dont type it in. those nice boxes and specially formulated bars in your form... they are to fit into a scanner and your forms are to be scanned directly into the computer system. i thought the public know it. hmmm....
deisy - haha... very smart move. but slowly... they are going to phase out manual filing.
someone who is constantly craving - you dont understand BM meh? aiyah... why you go dump all your receipts? anyway... i dont think it help much. by the way... is there a short form for your nick?
Bujang Skrang Ulu - good and bad for you... refer to reply to huei...
Kenny Mah - friend, i even have one more trick up my sleeve... but not to be shared hahahaha
MissSHopaHolic - something tells me you have got some personal score to settle against the value.
Terra Shield - perhaps you can try... maybe it's really good?
me - well, the butterfly flew to my mom's altar and stopped at the flowers there. it was the first butterfly appearing at night in a very long time... a very very long time.
That blardy form is so fucking mafan!! And I just got married, things are getting complicated now.
May need some help understanding tax in the future...How much did u charge again? =P.
Loved the video, thought it was getting a bit out of hand with the racist comments at first, but liked the ending where it said we should all be friends..haha =).
Scanning is still work for them to do. Better than letting them just sit there and let us hit the Submit button... right?
Me still no tax, YET. :P
Butterflies.. Hmmm... It's been ages since I last see them in my home.
yea tax refund from the canada government, I was an intern for few months and paid too much tax, so im kinda expecting a cheque back...
hmph,.. it 'notifies' me by making me feel the pain... its painful even before it starts...
for the TB part, yea u're vaccinated.. but in certain areas in the world, it doesnt mean u're protected.. so dont venture too far... and fyi: current anti-TB drugs are getting more resistance..
actually i dunno if i should share this. THERE IS ACTUALLY A WAY NOT TO BE TAX....
tiuniasing - hahahahahaha...now you know. need help or not? :P
Jazzi - depends on what you want me to do :P
purple mushroom - i know what you're trying to get at hehehe...
kyh - lucky you... or maybe unlucky.
SuLee - wahhhh... damn syiok eh. and rich la... canadian dollar.
Acrelaine - hope my BCG jab is still effective.
ahjohn - i dont think we want it that way bro...
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