Thursday, 5 April 2007

Are you aware of its existence?

I am on leave today and woke up to a few sms-es. A few from some liverfools who reiterated Roma’s victory, 2 from my gf fiancé, first one telling me about her ring and the second telling me about the sudden influx of long comments in my GST entry. Woooahhh… as Economist said… since when my blog turned into a mini Malaysia Today?

After reading them, decided to delete a few and still contemplating whether I should delete a few more. What do you all think?

Anyway, had this for breakfast… cheese crackers with “hot and spicy” cheese. Absolutely yummy-licious! That “hot and spicy” cheese was bought by my friend in Amsterdam. Cheese at its best! Thanks KA!

I just got back from a trip to DBKL, Jalan Raja Laut to pay a traffic summon. For those who are not aware, DBKL is the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Council. And you know what? I was quite surprised at the existence of this….

Call me oblivious, but I never know DBKL has a drive through pay-counter. Honestly speaking, I am impressed! The fella at the booth was friendly, but when I wanted to take a picture of him….

“Tangkap gambar boleh?” (May I snap a pic?)
“Untuk apa?” (For what?)
“Masuk blog” (Blog entry)
“Blog! Eh, tak boleh tak boleh…” (Blog! Cannot cannot…)

Well, looks like blog is fearful place to be in.

Basically, there are 2 booths for you to pay, and I think it’s really convenient. How long have this been in operation? Perhaps good law obliging citizen like me who seldom gets summoned will not know about the existence of the drive through pay-counter.

Also, ya’ know when you go to gomen offices to pay bills or renew passport or make MyKad or other things, there will always be a lot of counters, perhaps 20, but probably only 5 or 6 will be operational. The others… they will have the ‘tutup’ aka ‘saya pi minim’ sign. Worse, some are just empty. So that’s like only 25% - 30% counters operational.

But hey… this drive through pay-counter is much more efficient! Out of 2… 1 is operational, that makes 50%! So much higher than the regular gomen offices…. Don’t pway pway! So next time you get a DBKL summon, check them out!


Andrew Ho said...

I am first to get here today,Happy Good Friday tomorrow yeah and in case you don't know, it's Kuan Yin's birthday tomorrow too.....gleeeee

Weig said...

I'm not sure about DBKL but MBPJ (formerly MPPJ) requires written proof that you have an assessment to pay, even if you have not received the assessment because they either didn't send it or sent it to some house of your ancestors' 3 generations ago.

So, you end up, going to a drive-through counter such as that, where they tell you,"Takde assessment, tak boleh bayar la...". You then try to obtain in another building some drive away, that does NOT have any parking for visitors - where you end up parking illegally (because you have to park somewhere, right?) to go up to some 11th floor or something, where they then redirect you to the 9th floor, the 1st floor and then the 11th floor again, where they finally print out your assessment and then, you drive back to the counter (did I say it was in a different location?) to pay.

Yes, Zewt - Malaysian bureaucracy at its best.

King's wife said...

Funny that the guy is kinda fearful when you mentioned 'blog'. LOL!
I remember using that drive thru counter quite a few years back. Luckily, no further visits after that!

Dangerous Variable said...

Gomen agencies are not efficient ler...

Anyways, in your face, LIVERPOOL ROCKS!

I kena more than a few saman d... I got 8 outstation warrants of arrest for speeding out for me!

Someone please help me..?

Horny Ang Moh said...

Woah!!!Drive through payment counter! M'sia boleh!! Have a nice day.

Purple~MushRooM said...

I get those long long political comments on my blog too... they came all at once and i was suspecting spam. I deleted all of them and locked that entry out for comments.

HappySurfer said...

Liverfools, eh?

That cheese sure looks yummy.

TCA Student Council said...

wow, that cheese looks yummy!

TingTitLei said...

need to pay dbkl summons one meh? my dad my brother and EVEN my law lecturer told me that its okay to not pay it haha

Arena Green said...

Thanks for leaving a comment at my blog. I like your cheese on crackers - wonder what hot cheese tastes like? Cheers Zewt! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Zewt, ya ..was quite quiet in Ben's blog over stock:) as concentrate to monitor what I can release, those i've bought b4 CNY..:)
P/s My observation Zewt/all - Is not 'blog is fearful place to be in'. Is bcoz fear of what is truth and what not..
E.g - my "G" got a summon fr. MPPJ in Feb. and reason written - was
" parking terkeluar dari kotak parking" which what my "G" own is a wonderful, powerful but SMALL litle size Kancil..can u/all, what do you/all think and have in mind ? :)
- On duty or to prove he was "on duty " - emm..

zewt said...

Andrew Ho - Oh... should i give you a prize for that? :P.... Happy Good Friday to you too. Oh, I am getting baptised this Sunday yay!

Cirnelle - wahh... well, when my condo is ready, perhaps I will have a chance to experience such thing. That's malaysian indeed!

King's wife - get a summon and go there and try to snap a pic.. maybe you will succeed... cos you're a woman mah kakakakaka

Dangerous Variable - wait till the season is over, we'll see who rocks! anyway... better get those summons settled... would be a problem when you renew your licence.

Hor Ny Ang Moh - sometimes malaysia boleh wan...

zewt said...

Purple mushroom - yeah, i think so too. someone is runnign around posting such comments i think...

Happysurfer / Big Rice - it is!!!!!... totaly yummy... hope my friend will get me more from amsterdam next time.

TTL - bloody hell... bad example... lecturer summore!! be a good example la...

anak merdeka - it's ... spicy! it's just different from a regular cheese and it's absolutely yummy.

MM - Hey! no time to go into ben's chat today. ya, i am also monitoring those mentioned by Max. well... sometimes, we just have to bear with those morons... no choice right? by the way... who is G?

Huei said...

i think i'm as oblivious as u, i have no idea of such thing!! hehe

har? for blog cannot cannot? hmm.. so kiasi!! >.<

dun scold mee!! hehe =P

when's the big day for u n ur fiance?

baggie said...

Hahahaha Zewt, u scared the shit out that fler.. poor soul... don't you know that gambo masuk blog is an offence liao? LOL LOL... funnynyer...

Ah also, perhaps you might want to delete a few comments.. it would be a bit dangerous, for you and the fellow commentors... jeopardize your blog's "3 months of birthday" kaang.. LOL

Wickedsa said...

drive tru!!!
good good..
penang should build one too...

TingTitLei said...

im just a poor kid being brainwashed by my elders =(

Anonymous said... come i didnt get any hot cheese from amsterdam?? hmph....

Anonymous said...

LoL !!

They fear bloggers that much eh?
The politics of fear seems to be the latest card they play these day.

'demonize what we can't control'

Anyway informative and nice post, now I know where I can pay that darn saman without all the hassle.

rainbow angeles said...

Hey, you can check your Stat Counter to see where the 'ghosts' come from... :)

Pssstt! I didn't pay one DBKL summon for my last car... dunno where to go maa... :p

But seriously, drive thru's are really convenient! Why can't Post Offices have drive thru's??? Arghh!

Winn said...

hahaha.....jus tangkap the gambar with ya hp la no need to ask one la.

i cant recall i pay summons at counter b4 la........usualy, i tumpang my sis to pay when shes there/...i usually ignore when got such summons..hahah..not until they mention 'mahkamah' , then i tension!! i m a bad citizen. but i pay tax. blek!!

zewt said...

Huei - of cos la... blog now is a sensitive word. did you read the news today about having us to register? i am surprise how come you didnt blog about it.

Calvin's wife - haha... yeah... all those words in the comments... some are very insulting la. gambo masuk blog an offence? then you have a lot of offences in your blog eh?

baby sa - penang dont have ah? nevermind la... ask koh tsu koon to build one lor :P

TTL - hahahahaha... your elders eh... very bad influence indeed.

eyhastakenyoursoulbutyoumaystillfollowyourheart - hahaha... go and burn her house tonight.

sinergystarfall - bloggers are a threat to national security they say... :P as for paying, when i went, it was empty, i am not sure how convenient it will be if there are many people waiting to pay.

angel - they are from malaysia lor. yeah, i wish you will have more summon so that you can enjoy that kinda convenient :P

Winn - hahahahaha... you abuse your sis la like that. no la, i wanted to take a good pic, thus i ask him.

Anonymous said...

hi there!

wow, it's the first time that I hear about 'HOT N SPICY' cheese! o.O

is it really good? Am almost wondering how it would taste like!

ManaL said...

Have a Good Friday to u and may everything goes fine on getting baptised this sunday. Is it because u r a reborn xtian or that u just converted as one? or u r just renewing ur vows?

Thank God my parking fine by MPSJ was cancelled but i had to wait for like 2 months before that case was settled. It all started when the parking slot machine broke down. It swallowed all my coins but did not print out the parking ticket. Good thing i got reimbursed on the spot though, after like 30 mins waiting for the maintenance guy but had to write a report to MPSJ on such incident. That parking lot officer showed no mercy at all even though i told him "mesen rosak la encik!". Imagine the slot machine was positioned at the end of the parking row and i was there waiting for the maintenance guy at the other end when that parking officer just slipped the fine ticket right through my wiper. As if something that was done can never be undone at all, he just said to me in his best poker face: "puan report la pada pihak MPSJ". All that resulted in me missing the 1st one hour of an important seminar.

The moral of the story: better sit in your car if u had to wait for any parking reimbursement. If u leave the spot, it's gonna be another hell of a time going around and hoping u'd find another nearby empty space. But then, better spare some extra money and get our car parked inside the hotel where the seminar/meeting is held. Some of them allows a flat rate parking through stamp authorization of the meeting/seminar organizer.

zewt said...

LaSh - hey! hahaha... when i first ate it... it was my first time too. trust me.. it's good!

manal - Thanks Manal... I hope everything goes well. my pastor told me to bring my heart and my commitment... heavy stuff.

2 months? i would rather just pay the fine and save me the hassle. i know i know... it's such attitude that ticks some ppl off but i guess... no point waiting, and be frustrated at the level of their efficiency. dont u think?

Jazzi said...


Hopefully I will never have to vist DBKL for fines payment. I like being a good boi.

And yeah, i think comment moderation will be good for your blog, it's starting to turn big! =).

Wasn't sure if you attended the National Alliance of Bloggers meeting. How was it?

me said...

so, zewt's answer to government to have less counters?!?!?!?! 5 counters, 4 open, 80% efficiency!! wahhhhh! must go recommend in parliament meeting first.

me said...

better still, i go privatise these counters. can make money one, you knowwwwww....

Huei said...

i wanted to blog about it!! heheh strength lar yesterday..didnt have mood.

i might today! =D

BaitiBadarudin said...

Syiok only, relax at home!

Anonymous said...

Liverpool is CURRENTLY the 3rd best club in England (EPL Table doesnt lie)

Anonymous said...

Hey!G? means Girl - my god daughter :)
Hey - Congrat on yr baptism..
Let's have a peaceful "Good Friday"
And upcoming wld be Easter,
so - Happy Easter ya and May God blessed you and all you love


zewt said...

Jazzi - cannot be good boi all the time, once in a while... try getting some saman... haha! i didnt make it, was totally unaware and if was only after the meeting, a fellow blogger asked how come i was not there... duh... cos i didnt know la!

me - yeah... that's the secret in manipulating numbers... like our gomen... go and declare loud loud our trade hit one trillion... mana tau... it's export PLUS import... which means... the more you spend... the better our trade is la...

huei - and you did already...

QueenB - once in a while only...

economist - eh, who you attacking la?

MM - ohhhh... ada God daugher summore ... i see. well, ask her park her kancil in a much better place perhaps? happy easter to you too! and may you make some good cash...

Anonymous said...

*crosses fingers* I hope I never need to use the drive-thru service but it's good to know that such service exists!

HappySurfer said...

Happy Easter, Zewt, and congrats on your Baptism.

zewt said...

rinnah - well.... let's see how long you can go without having to use it... heh heh

happysurfer - thanks. looking forward to it really. it's about time. happy easter to you.