Thursday 12 February 2009

An original pick-up line

Was talking to a good friend of mine and one thing led to another, he told me that he once met this girl with quite a peculiar name. We have heard of girls with names such as April, May and June. But this one is different, her name was July.

Well, if you ever met someone with such a name and you intend to pick her up, let me give you a good pick-up line. And this pick-up line is zewt-original.

July: Hi, my name is July.
You: Hi, my name is August.
July: Oohh?
You: Yes, I always make sure you cum first before I do.

Have a nice weekend. Maybe you’ll meet a July… who knows?

P/S: I am up for my next kidney check up and will be doing my urinalysis again. Do pray for me!

1 year ago…
A London Chinese New Year discovery

2 years ago…
No time?


day-dreamer said...


Happy Valentines to Mr & Mrs Zewt.

Fi-sha said...

Dear Zewt, hope your urinalysis result will come out clean. Take care bro!

3POINT8 said...

that is very original!

foongpc said...

Haha! That's funny! : )

Anonymous said...

You're in my prayers.

May God bless you & Jules always.

iamthewitch said...

OMG, my friend's cousin is called July! I hope she didn't picked up using your line. :P And good luck to your kidney check!

k u k u j i o a m a n said...

Hahhahaa.. good one!!!! Happy Valentine's Day, Mr and Mrs Zewt!!!

Huei said...


very good one!!!

will be praying for u over here =)

enjoy ur Valentines day with ur wife!! =D

Unknown said...

so ham sap............. that will definitely earn you a big big slap across the face

SamSeiko said...

haha got comment saying u hamsap XD need not me to say more. Happy Valentine's Day...

Anonymous said...

Good luck, here's wishing you all's well.

Andrew said...

LOl... sorry ar!! no time for badminton recently... been busy shooting... hahaha

missironic said...

I know there used to be a contestant from the Chinese reality show whose name is MayJune. So, if following along your pick up line, the person have to answer he's JulyAugust? Hahahaha... :P

Anyway, hope ur urinalysis result turns out good.

Happy Valentine's Day to u and wifey. :D

Ninja said...

God bless dear

lovegoddess said...

haha... a nice one zewt

pray for your good results on your health check.

and Happy Valentines to you !

TRACE said...

i just prayed for u.
Happy Valentine's Day to u and Mrs. Zewt!

Hilman Nordin said...

that was hilarious! =)

good to know you did not lose that sense of humor even though you are up for your kidney check up.


Horny Ang Moh said...

Oh dear! I pray 4 u kaw kaw to all the gods that I know. I heard that people with kidney problem don't poke too well! So if u can still poke strong strong I am sure ur kidney is fine!
Wish u & ur lovely wife a very happy Valentine Night!

Anonymous said...

haha..funny pick up conversation!
well, will put u in my prayer list...God bless you!

Anonymous said...

cum first before i do? i do wonder how girls do that till noW! happy belated valentines~

zewt said...

day-dreamer - thanks :)

fi-sha - hope it does... but then again, hope i will also keep my discipline.

3POINT8 - came out naturally! haha...

foongpc - try it one day ok?

jemima - many thanks, for all the other prayers too.

iamthewitch - hahahahaha.... if you want any of your friend to pick her up... u know what to do.

zewt said...

k u k u j i o a m a n - you can always use it ok? but i am sure you have your very own pick up line with your nick.

huei - thanks... :)

Irene - how u know? cant confirm wan.

Elitevillain - for laugh lah... friday mah.

siew - thanks... i really need loads of blessings.

Andrew - shooting what? come face the fury of my net shots hahahha...

missironic - hahahha... i am glad you get the drift.

zewt said...

sabrina - many thanks :)

lovegoddess - hehe... but i am not a player ok? :)

TRACE - thanks trace, i know you would.

mohamad hilam bin nordin - hahaha... yeah, i need to cheer up myself.

hor ny ang moh - thanks dude. long time no see.

dream - hi there. welcome. thanks for your prayer.

Binn - hello there. you just have not tried hard enough :)

Anonymous said...

tried hard enough??? try what exactly???? thanks for you drop by~ its my pleasure to have your footsteps around~

doc said...

hope your tests turn out well. have faith - God loves even you!

zewt said...

Binn - you're welcome :)

doc - Amen to that! :)