Most of you would remember that I went on secondment to London for more than a month last year. And it didn’t snow then, darn it!
Anyway, my London office appointed a consultant to help me with my temporary work permit. And so this consultant mailed me one day asking for my details in order for her to process my work permit. Details required by her were the usual name, address, gender, etc. Amongst all that, she also asked for my annual salary in £. And so, I converted my salary to £ and mailed it to her together with other information that she required.
Ya’ know what? A few days later, she replied my e-mail…
Dear Mr. Zewt,
Thank you for your prompt response. The details that you sent are in order except for 1 item. Please send me your annual salary.
And she actually bold the word annual.
It really felt like shite when I replied to her that the number I gave her was indeed… my annual salary.
Ever felt shite before?
1 year ago… Thoughts from govt talk
Anyway, my London office appointed a consultant to help me with my temporary work permit. And so this consultant mailed me one day asking for my details in order for her to process my work permit. Details required by her were the usual name, address, gender, etc. Amongst all that, she also asked for my annual salary in £. And so, I converted my salary to £ and mailed it to her together with other information that she required.

Dear Mr. Zewt,
Thank you for your prompt response. The details that you sent are in order except for 1 item. Please send me your annual salary.
And she actually bold the word annual.
It really felt like shite when I replied to her that the number I gave her was indeed… my annual salary.
Ever felt shite before?
1 year ago… Thoughts from govt talk
RM --> Sterling Pound...
What does she expect? =/
wakakaka..batchmates in uk are earning my monthly salary on daily
that is a huge "ouch" in the ass!!!! well she probably forgotten that wantan mee over is 6vpounds, which is = 6X6=36 ringgit, 9 times the price in malaysia~~~britians~
Yeah, meagre eh? But if we compare dollar to dollar, I think we should not be that worse off. Or are we?
i tell u what's shite. it's the MYR!!!
p/s: that anon yesterday wasn't me la :p
maaan this brings back memories!! they don't even mean to be insulting but what should we do when it's really true!
i bet when she gets the e-mail she'll feel reaaaally guilty lol
Erm,how come we're not born in england. Darn!!!! Third world country, what u expect? Compare ur salary with a waitor in england, u will even feel more like shit.
THe only consolation is that we have nice yummilicious food! :) that also i rather sacrifice than to see so much drama in the political arena. Grrrrrrrrr!!!
tats y u shud neva calculate itu macam lar!
if u 1 2 b honest, then put like this mah:
my salary: RM30k (1 bowl noodle RM3)
oh sooi2 i talak impersonate lu har!
~foeva anon~
Hahahha... I remembered a friend told me that when he went to US and uses his maybank credit card at a supermarket, the cashier announced on the PA system : "George... there is may bank card here.. can you please check..." Hahahah... so memalukan!
i guess the standard of living at London should be higher too? like the rental in MS is like RM700/month for the whole unit and in S'pore you have to pay like S$500/month for a tiny little room. and food wise, the last time i went back to KL was quite shocked to learn that a bowl of soup noodle is actually selling for RM4.50 now.
itu awek lupa pasal currency la.
It sure feels like shite, doesn't it? Hehe. Your one year's salary is like their one month's. LOL!
At first I thought you want to complain she is stupid because she could have used your number x 12.
Then after reading all, I get to understand that it is the other way round. She thought you forgot to times 12.
Hehe... yah, this is quite "shite".
lol.... ^.^
Well, the starting pay in the UK and Singapore is not much of a difference at the moment though. (thanks to the diarrhoea of the not so great british pounds)
she might be thinking, it could be missing a ZERO
£-RM... the £ has lost a lot of its value recently.
The govt of Brown is not entirely prudent right now.
With Najib at the helm soon, Malaysia will go down the drain like some 3rd world country.
Ouch.. That stings, ya?
wut was her reaction after that? =P
That is really shitty!!!!
Bet she must be feeling pretty guilty after you clarified with her......
Ouchies. I feel for you, bro, I really do. :(
Haha! Shite big time that is!
Hi Zwet! I had the similar SHITE experience when i was seconded to one of Japs Megabank in SG for a year. The guy who handled my work permit asked me whether i have add in my salary thinking i was only putting in my allowances in the column required. When i met him in person, he had this look as if saying "im sorry you are being paid that low'...shish!
Hi Zwet! I had the similar SHITE experience when i was seconded to one of Japs Megabank in SG for a year. The guy who handled my work permit asked me whether i have add in my salary thinking i was only putting in my allowances in the column required. When i met him in person, he had this look as if saying "im sorry you are being paid that low'...shish!
Hi Zwet! I had the similar SHITE experience when i was seconded to one of Japs Megabank in SG for a year. The guy who handled my work permit asked me whether i have add in my salary thinking i was only putting in my allowances in the column required. When i met him in person, he had this look as if saying "im sorry you are being paid that low'...shish!
big "ouch!" there.
i think she never thought that malaysians would earn so little. when malaysia is so "popular" :)
That is funny but it is a truth too that we Malaysians earn much lesser than other citizens in the world!
day-dreamer - but still... felt like shite.
neno - why did u come back!?:)
Binn - regardless... dollar to dollar, it's still better there. and even better when u wanna go travelling.
KGC - we are... i have the stats. did u read the HK version?
sooi2 - sounds so like you :)
Spinzer - she did apologise haha!
Aoki - yummilicious food? aiyah... i rather not have them at all.
Anon aka foeva anon - hahahahaha.... yeah, i shuld have told her that. make her jealous eh?
purple mushroom - may bank? hahahahahahahaha.... what a joke.
Fang Fang - negative, you can actually buy things with pence in UK.
j or ji - kena ajar tu...
foongpc - yeah, i dunno if she felt sorry for me or not.
Elizebeth DL - very shite lah... sigh. but you're not in malaysia so you wont feel so shite.
little jennifer - :)
ven - sure boh?
lisalicious - and i am thinking, how i wish it has an additional zero.
flaminglambo - painful !
Dangerous Variable - surprisingly, RM still holding on. but with the recent decrease in interest rate... sure jatuh.
missironic - very badly.
huei - she said sorry haha.
Aniston - apology lor. what can she do sigh...
Life for beginners - sigh... thanks...
kyh - imagine if i am a fresh grad. i will be giving her 4 digits in pounds.
Fi-sha - hahahaha... well, at least he said sorry to u in person....
zthon - popular?? for the wrong reasons...
jam - very very little. even the indians are earning oscars now...
ahh.. don't forget they pay very high taxes and NI here in uk.
£ has come down but prices have gone up.
wakakakaka..cos i was forced
foongmei - with the taxes... u get good transport system... here? none...
neno - ahh... parents' pressure! haha!
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