I went and play badminton with some uncles today. I don’t usually join this group due to my work commitment but since today is a public holiday, I was able to make it.
As I was resting after a game, I managed to catch up with Daniel (not his real name), a 59-year-old man who is still; as far as I am concern, very fit. Our conversation somehow travelled to the notion I mentioned in my previous entry… people dropping dead.
Daniel has got… not 1, not 2… but 3 friends who dropped dead while playing badminton. As far as Daniel is concern, these people are quite fit souls; and certainly not overworked of sleep deprived because they were all retirees.
What happened then?
Apparently, these retirees pushed their body over the limit playing badminton against younger opponents. Daniel, being a senior citizen himself said that many “old” people out there still carry a very big ego and since they can play very well when they were young, they think they can still triumph when having a game against the youngsters.
Lost the first game; push and push to win the second game and challenge the youngsters for a rubber set. The rubber set happened to be the last game they will ever play. They pushed their not-so-young body so hard, the heart just stopped. That’s it.
What can we draw from all these stories?
I know the human body is an incredible creation by God where out body allows us to push it to the limit. But I also think that God does not intend to have us push it so hard till the stage where we are abusing it. When you are not so young anymore, your body should not be running around the court at high speed like a young soul. It cost the lives of 3 friends of Daniel.
The same principle applies to we young people (if we can still consider myself young). I know the older generation always tells us…
“Work hard when you are young, that’s when you have all the energy to carry on”
But have you ever pause and think about the definition of “work hard”? During the time of the older generation, no matter how hard they work… they never work till 3 – 4 am, they never work till they skip lunch and dinner… they certainly don’t have a computer at home which some to work round the clock. It’s never like that.
Unfortunately, the demand of work has evolved so much, the term ‘work hard’ has been amplified multiple folds. I think we must realise that though our body is an incredible anatomy that seems limitless at times, it is still not designed to only sleep 3 hours a day… not designed to take in food once every 10 hours… and certainly not designed to work 12 – 16 hours, 7 days a week.
How hard are you pushing your body today?
1 year ago… An enlightening beer-less encounter… Some blogging thoughts
2 years ago… The Sculpture… Respect for Malaysian drivers
As I was resting after a game, I managed to catch up with Daniel (not his real name), a 59-year-old man who is still; as far as I am concern, very fit. Our conversation somehow travelled to the notion I mentioned in my previous entry… people dropping dead.
Daniel has got… not 1, not 2… but 3 friends who dropped dead while playing badminton. As far as Daniel is concern, these people are quite fit souls; and certainly not overworked of sleep deprived because they were all retirees.
What happened then?

Lost the first game; push and push to win the second game and challenge the youngsters for a rubber set. The rubber set happened to be the last game they will ever play. They pushed their not-so-young body so hard, the heart just stopped. That’s it.
What can we draw from all these stories?
I know the human body is an incredible creation by God where out body allows us to push it to the limit. But I also think that God does not intend to have us push it so hard till the stage where we are abusing it. When you are not so young anymore, your body should not be running around the court at high speed like a young soul. It cost the lives of 3 friends of Daniel.
The same principle applies to we young people (if we can still consider myself young). I know the older generation always tells us…
“Work hard when you are young, that’s when you have all the energy to carry on”

Unfortunately, the demand of work has evolved so much, the term ‘work hard’ has been amplified multiple folds. I think we must realise that though our body is an incredible anatomy that seems limitless at times, it is still not designed to only sleep 3 hours a day… not designed to take in food once every 10 hours… and certainly not designed to work 12 – 16 hours, 7 days a week.
How hard are you pushing your body today?
1 year ago… An enlightening beer-less encounter… Some blogging thoughts
2 years ago… The Sculpture… Respect for Malaysian drivers
hey, i hv also heard of ppl in their 30's who dropped dead while playing badminton..
i suppose some things are "jing teng"? *shrugs*
This seems to be getting more and more common nowadays. *sigh*
I am worried because I am sleeping around 4 - 5 hours during working days and trying to catch up on weekends. My workday is 12 - 14 hours on average, and I eat only 2 meals a day.
Recently at my office a colleague from a different department passed away from cancer. A senior manager had a mild stroke.
It seems that all of this is work-related? And I am still awake at this hour... haih.
"How hard are you pushing your body today?"
Not very, if at all. Need to mark up in fact.
Certainly not the type who would push myself for work. It's funny how I was willing to push myself during study times but not during work. Hmm...
*Clap clap* I so need to send this to my workaholic friends!
I don't suppose eating food cooked in clarified butter, fried and deep fried fast food, frequenting mamak stalls right after that game or just before one begins one's OT has got anything to do with it? I thought heart attacks has got to do with clogged arteries?
see..sleep is goooooood!
I'm going to go home by 7pm today.
As one grows old, one has to learn to slowly let one's ego go too...
interesting topic, but unfortunately no one really knows the answer. think some ppl are more genetically inclined to drop dead. the body just needs a little push. what this little push is, who knows.
but i have to say sudden cardiac arrest is a daily occurence, and i havent seen anyone drop dead because of overworking per se. but on the flip side, maybe these guys just dont make it to the hospital on time.
I lost my neighbour whom passed away at the badminton court due to heart attack. I think it's not the sport for people with high blood pressure and people with heart attack syndroms.
i agree with the statement “Work hard when you are young, that’s when you have all the energy to carry on”
considering i'm only in college, i don't think i'm pushing my body hard... yet
but,zewt~~~i m in need of money,how can i not work hard. while i was reading ur blog,i was like in a cross-road,duno where to go. i know health is so important coz there r so much to explore in the future. i m the eldest among sibling,my frens judge me thru my lifestyles,my car i drive (that's why few of my frens dont join my biznes) n carry great responsibilities in family. *siGh* HELP~~~!!! i love ur attitude,bro!!!
rainbow angeles - guess so... or ppl just push themselves too hard.
rinnah - well, the only person who can help you is yourself.. :)
ven - hahahaha... for u... time to push it then.
Rin - yes... please do... :)
taxy - have to ask the doc. it's not like heart attack, the heart just stopped. over fatique.
huei - pig... haha!
terra shield - well done...
horizon - hello there... that is one very good saying...
xabi - and i thought who is this xabi :)... well, since you're a doc, gotta listen to u.
-eiling- - hmmm... i think i should not be jumping aroun anymore :P
Fassus - well, just know your limits...
charlemagne - well, you seem to have no choice now because you have not been in a position to choose yet. your crossroad is not that clear yet. once you have something wrong with your health (which i hope you dont), then u will really have to choose. that's the position i am in...
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