A lot of people have been asking me why I have not touched on politics for such a long time. They are of the opinion that I should utilise my “influence” to spread more awareness amongst Malaysians.
Firstly, I don’t think I command such great influence. Secondly, I have not blogged on the social and political front because I have given up. Honestly, I am truly fed up.
Initially, I still keep a very close eye on the happenings in the country but as time goes by, I realise I have grown more and more numb towards those developments. Perhaps it’s because I know I have an escape route underneath my sleeve. Maybe… maybe not.
But seriously, don’t you think events in the past 2 weeks indicate that this nation is beyond the point of salvation? We not only have a govt that is… well, you know what I mean. And then we have a police force which… well, you know what I mean. And if you get into some legal trouble, our judiciary is… well, you also know what I mean, right?
Ya’ see, that is exactly the point. The whole freaking country know what the hell is wrong this country but they only freaking thing that the people in this freaking nation want to do is to get some so called “influential” bloggers to continue to do the dirty work.
But ya’ know what? These No-Action-Talk-Only souls do not annoy me that much. Those who really get to my nerve are those who still live in fantasy land, like one of my friend whom I talked to today where the conversation went something like this…
Friend: Zewt, this is a beautiful country. Life is good here.
Zewt: How so?
Friend: Things are cheap.
Zewt: A country should not be judged based on cheap stuff.
Friend: Just don’t think too much.
Zewt: What about the govt, education, the police and the judiciary.
Friend: Just stay out of trouble. Education… still have twinning programme. I have never met any corrupt police. If you stay out of trouble, you don’t have to deal with the judiciary.
Zewt: And what is cheap? Our economy sucks.
Friend: Roti canai is cheap. Teh tarik is cheap.
Some of you must be thinking… Zewt, you should educate her. Well, I am a person who happened to blog… not a saint.

Initially, I still keep a very close eye on the happenings in the country but as time goes by, I realise I have grown more and more numb towards those developments. Perhaps it’s because I know I have an escape route underneath my sleeve. Maybe… maybe not.
But seriously, don’t you think events in the past 2 weeks indicate that this nation is beyond the point of salvation? We not only have a govt that is… well, you know what I mean. And then we have a police force which… well, you know what I mean. And if you get into some legal trouble, our judiciary is… well, you also know what I mean, right?
Ya’ see, that is exactly the point. The whole freaking country know what the hell is wrong this country but they only freaking thing that the people in this freaking nation want to do is to get some so called “influential” bloggers to continue to do the dirty work.
But ya’ know what? These No-Action-Talk-Only souls do not annoy me that much. Those who really get to my nerve are those who still live in fantasy land, like one of my friend whom I talked to today where the conversation went something like this…
Friend: Zewt, this is a beautiful country. Life is good here.
Zewt: How so?
Friend: Things are cheap.
Zewt: A country should not be judged based on cheap stuff.
Friend: Just don’t think too much.
Zewt: What about the govt, education, the police and the judiciary.
Friend: Just stay out of trouble. Education… still have twinning programme. I have never met any corrupt police. If you stay out of trouble, you don’t have to deal with the judiciary.
Zewt: And what is cheap? Our economy sucks.
Friend: Roti canai is cheap. Teh tarik is cheap.
Some of you must be thinking… Zewt, you should educate her. Well, I am a person who happened to blog… not a saint.
I know it's bad to lose hope but then, when politics in this country are just going down the drain...
Anyway, it's a big drama now, better than any AOD can provide.
i age overnight just thinking about the events happening over the past 2 wks. feel very angry just thinking about it.. already given up on this country many months ago..
it's hard to change the politician in one country..
that is why so many decided to migrate "-_-
I got a question from a friend the other day,
"Is RPK still in jail?"
Zewt, such people are everywhere..
We're paying good money (read: tax) to watch the freak shows, so buckle down and enjoy them.
Things cannot be changed overnight and it cannot change with one person. I guess it'll take time to change the way things are run around here. I'm sure the new generation know what to do to bring change.
LOL...no wonder you sounded so dark and glummy in your comment the other day...it's sad to hear that you've given up (temporarily)...Hopefully you'll come back soon...After all, it's a long struggle to fix, or should we say fine tune?, a country (who said it was easy?)...And to be fair, it's not only the "influential" bloggers that are doing the dirty work...Just because they're more "visible", doesn't mean they're the only ones working their ass off to make this country a better place =)
hahahhaa i'm so numb too..even animal cruelty cases..what's the point? the more agitated we are..the more joy they get doing what they do!
the past 2 weeks have been quite an entertainment though..again nothing wrong with the country..everything's peaceful..all the newspaper says r..traitor news!
i menyampah juga....sad tired angry helpless
does all dis -ve emotion justify enuf 4 us average joe to switch back to tidak-apa-ignorant-fool mode?
y not? its might b a good thing 2 get a piece of earth cease undergoing all those human-crazy-so-call-development...
hell of a loser though if v average joe r to give up juz like tat...well think of the frontliner
anyway, to say thing r cheap here, tat fren of urs r deadly ignorant beyond salvation, so save gas la zewt
put a fatwa on Sultan Asshole Shah head!
Sultan are like leeches for the country...
sack them!
Cheap? My ass...
I too feel so menyampah looking at the condition of our country. At least we know for now that we have to be extra careful on who to trust. But we shouldn't allow ourselves to feel victimized because of it.
Most ppl have 3 choices.
1. Leave the country
2. Fight for the country(don't care if masuk ISA)
3. Stay low and die cursing the country.
nothing is truly beyond salvation. If its there, it can be saved. At least that is what every patriot should believe in. Sadly we are running out of patriots.
every where you see that their politician sucks.. its normal.. the grass may look greener on the other side... but comparing other politicians to ours... seems harmless and child play;
Zewt, this country is fast descending into a failed state if more of the new generation do not say or do anything.
Sadly, most of the younger people who are the country's future are ignorant or just do not care, at least from what i observed. We, the older generation would not be able to fight against the hegemony if people do not want change. The future belongs to them, if we think about it.
Also, not everyone can migrate to a better place (if there is one). Those that can't will have to stay put and accept all the shit? Well, if all of us don't make a stand, then shit is what we all deserve, i guess.
And to think that we have this Vision 2020 thing not so long ago. It's all rhetoric and so passe now to even mention it.
this fren of u is may be the type you-don't-waste-saliva coz she's in the satisfaction and comfort zone n live in her own "box".
Angie Tan - hahaha... and why dont we just enjoy it right?
drumsticks - wow, at least you know you're not numb yet.
lisalicious - including me...
ven - why dont you reply... u know who is RPK?
taxy - share your popcorn with me.
-eiling - new generation? i think they more interested in looking cool and what is the new gadget more than anything else. well, most of them at least.
Rin - i know you are one of those who is doing something. kudos... but dont burn yourself up so fast, k?
huei - entertainment at its best i tell u!
anon @ 11/2 12.13pm - yeah, this friend of mine is truly one of a kind. switch back to tidak-apa-attitude. well, i think it's more like becoming tidak apa. i was never at such stage.
Edi - seditious bro...
Kimmy - and the ratio of population for that 3 level is 5:1:100
3POINT8 - indeed. will you be one? :)
Irene - hi there. which politicians??
joshua wong - indeed, if ppl do not stand up and make a stand, shit is what we deserve. how apt is that...
charlemagne - yeah, i think i wasted quite a bit of saliva there... too much!!
I have long time gave up and felt numb about this country politics. Let's spice up your blogsphere life by joining this tag, Zewt! You have been tagged!
yup.such people are everywhere.
mmg annoying! ada yg tak sedar.. ada yg tau tapi memilih utk bersikap denial.
jam - hmmm... let me check out the tag.
j or ji - maybe you are in a comfortable position, u dont need to sedar.
i have the same feeling. got very fed up though still reading abt it. writing abt it? dunno....
CK - hahahaha... soon... all will go down the drain.
notice my missing presence...
same here... too numb and too busy with work...
seriously, too much work....
myop101 - take it easy. by the way, since the hated one is gone, you can consider coming back haha!
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