“If you do not have an open mind and is easily offended, you may not want to read this.”
Many of you have heard my traumatising encounters in the male changing room of my gym. Indeed, many things happen in the male changing room which can be quite…errr… freaky if you have not lost a sense of ‘direction’.
Well anyway… have you ever wondered what happen in the female changing room then? Do you think it is equally traumatising in the female changing room?
One day, I saw a friend who put up the message ‘Nightmare in the gym’ as her G-Talk message. Feeling curious, I messaged her asking what happened to her in the gym. Her reply was…
“I saw someone naked in the gym!”
Now, many of you would have thought that the sight of a woman in the gym is no big deal to which I would probably agree. But my friend went on to say…
“She was really flabby!” (No offence to anyone here ok, these are not my words).
I told her that I do hear about female walking around totally naked in the female changing room. This is something very rare in the male changing room I must say though many in the male changing room in my gym are … those who have ‘lost a sense of direction’. Maybe that is the reason… maybe walking around naked to them is akin to … “jao gong”.
Anyway, I told my friends that since girls like to roam around naked in the female changing room, good for her since girls like to stare at hot babes. Yes, in case you don’t know, many female friends have told me that they enjoy looking at pretty girls as much as guys.
It was then that my friend made 2 resounding revelations in terms of female baring it all in the female changing room…
That only the ‘not so pretty’ will bare it all…
That those who are pretty and bare it all tends to have a ‘not so pretty’… a really ‘not so pretty body’…
“They flaunt because they have nothing to lose or they don’t have a face to flaunt lah…” My friend said…
So… anyone flaunting yourself lately?
Male changing room series:
A gym sighting
Locker room trauma
Locker tale
Many of you have heard my traumatising encounters in the male changing room of my gym. Indeed, many things happen in the male changing room which can be quite…errr… freaky if you have not lost a sense of ‘direction’.
Well anyway… have you ever wondered what happen in the female changing room then? Do you think it is equally traumatising in the female changing room?
One day, I saw a friend who put up the message ‘Nightmare in the gym’ as her G-Talk message. Feeling curious, I messaged her asking what happened to her in the gym. Her reply was…
“I saw someone naked in the gym!”
Now, many of you would have thought that the sight of a woman in the gym is no big deal to which I would probably agree. But my friend went on to say…
“She was really flabby!” (No offence to anyone here ok, these are not my words).

Anyway, I told my friends that since girls like to roam around naked in the female changing room, good for her since girls like to stare at hot babes. Yes, in case you don’t know, many female friends have told me that they enjoy looking at pretty girls as much as guys.
It was then that my friend made 2 resounding revelations in terms of female baring it all in the female changing room…
That only the ‘not so pretty’ will bare it all…
That those who are pretty and bare it all tends to have a ‘not so pretty’… a really ‘not so pretty body’…
“They flaunt because they have nothing to lose or they don’t have a face to flaunt lah…” My friend said…
So… anyone flaunting yourself lately?
Male changing room series:
A gym sighting
Locker room trauma
Locker tale
how come i nvr get to experience all these geh?
the most traumatising 'experience' i had was when some ar neh neh flashed his blek kkj to me in the public library @.@
i heard my friend told me, he had confronted something really freaky in the male changing room..according to him, he said they are many 'gay lor' are trying to hunt biy friends or jsut fubu (fuck buddy)...haha~ one of the 'gay lou' was making those moan sound...hahaha...
about female version, never heard of it...anyway, just know that people like to be naked at home..private space...hhaahaa~ you should try it..walk around inside out your bedroom to kitchen...lolololololol
Hahaha... Why would they wanna go out naked? It's not that they never wrap themselves at home.
One of my friend said that mostly who go to gym are aunties with rich husbands and who got maids at home to deal with the housework. What you think buddy?
What flabby? Wait till u see me!!! Humph!!! (Btw, did I email u the video about guys wanting to impress girls? Gee! It went round and round and then someone emailed it to me!!! LOL!!!)
as a malaysian guy working overseas, i had my fair share of nightmare when i first started going to gym, seeing naked guys walking around freely in the changing room was traumatising!...
i am still in shock at the part women likes to stare at hot babes....
women do look at hot babes alright..we do do that "woh she's damn pretty wei"..but in a "correct direction" type of way. we're not as ego as men la =P
only been to the gym twice..um..thank god the experience was ok! as for naked women walking around..dun look la!
but i do flaunt myself~ wohoho
massage ma..no choice! ;P
I'll say, "Bravo" to the naked lady..very very confident to bare it all...but i dun tink i want to have a look at a naked lady..seriously..i dun..lolz...
and u're right gals like to check out pretty gals too..it's normal..but naked gals..is totally different story! lolz...
Oh I know how your friend feels. It's not a nice sight. Trust me. Imagine you seeing a guy with a huge tummy and a teeny "ahem" and a huge flat ass walking around in the changing room of your gym. I'm sure you'd want to skip your next meal.
sigh....it is hard to look at those naked ladies.Trust me, its not a very good experience...
Its so traumatising I constantly remind myself that I don't want to ever be seen in public naked...
Plus it makes me go to gym more (so I would lose my flabs).
Back in my days at the gym over here, I've seen many shapes and sizes. I reckon those who dare to bare it all are mostly those who're at ease with their body, who love themselves, who're comfortable in their own skins. I applaud that.
hahaha its very normal la.
whenever i hit the gym, i saw too many naked woman who just walks out from the shower to her locker or naked woman in the sauna, steam room, or just buka like that changing at the lockers.
The first time i feel weird la. after a while its nothing already. i do that sometimes when i am changing at my locker, when no one is looking la.. i shy. but i do walk around in my underwears only to comb my hair. even the makcik tudung that jaga us also dah biasa la.
so its nothing but some of them got really nice boobs. i once saw a 50 year old aunty sit with her legs spread in front of me at the sauna, or coz i blinded myself with the towel and went to sleep.
This is very normal in SH. I was shocked the first time I went to a gym's changing room... all naked!! And some of them has really hot body!!!
sui zewt sure think "how nice if i am there"
why i say so? cos you are hamsap all the time
Eh I am not offended at all with this entry. I dont do what those flabby ladies do but I am not ashamed to admit that I do have some wobbly part too especially around the waist area...
Speaking of barenaked ladies, I too have my own personal experience, but I tried not to avoid looking at it twice pasal apa tau: thick pubes....eyuuurghhh!!!!!!
But i do flaunt meself anyway especially if i feel really good about meself and wearing clothes that fit me like a goddess (ok, thats a little bit off the hook)
At the gym that I used to go to, some women tend to go topless, but it is only a handful, like just one or two, but NEVER naked! Gosh...not even in the sauna or steam room la!!!
I think if women do that in the gym room, they are just plain exhibitionists.
80% of guys who goes to gym are GAYS. Zewt, you're the 20% :)
I have my fair share of watching naked ladies walking around in gym. I totally agree with your friend.
The first time was traumatizing because it was my first time to the gym and when i was about to close my locker, i saw two huge boobs facing me. It was ah neh neh and her boobs droops on her stomach.. *Faint*
Another type of people who flaunt their bodies in gym are those lesbians who want to turn on other lesbians. That's the truth!!!
As far as I know, women getting naked in gym changing room is pretty common in China. I think this is because people in communist country don't value privacy.
We are conservative!
hahaha! you wouldn't believe the number of ladies who likes to roam naked in my gym's changing room.
i think they kinda feel liberated to be able to get naked in public or maybe your friend is right, that they have nothing to lose if they flaunt themselves.
i, on the other hand, can never be naked in public. as much as i want to blend in with those naked bodies on the nude beach, i could never bring myself to bare it all.
insecurity? maybe.
There is this very China-babe looking girl in my gym. I find she always like to bare herself in front of me, whenever I went to the changing room. It happened almost every week.
She would purposely drop her towel in front of me, then dry her hair and kangkang her legs in my full view.
And I find it rather erotic. Hhmph...
Actually, your friend may not be right. Those who flaunt are those who have the courage to do so and are not afraid of being critisized; of course there are those who had beautiful body who would also flaunt to show to others their quality.
Sometimes, being naked in front of others got to do more with mental behaviors rather than physical properties.
thats double standard la...anyway if u dun like seeing whats in front of u...look away la :)
rainbow angeles - that one is not in changing room lah... :P
sugarbaby - moan sound? i think i will kick the shit out of him if anyone does that to me!
Dan-yel - those are aunties who goes in the afternoon. having said that, not all those are aunties.
suituapui - haha... but you dont go around flauting yourself right?
anon @ 11/7 8.03am - hahaha... reminds me of the time when i was in uni.
myop101 - they do... just read some of the comments and u will know.
huei - massage is different lah. not flaunting lah.
missironic - there... myop101 should read your comment.
seaqueen - okay... i have not seen such sight before so i dunno.
Zuraida - hello there. hahaha... well, looks like not everyone thinks like u :)
cc - in gwai lo countries yes... but in malaysia... not very well received yet.
huntressmoon - i do that too... when i need to change and really no choice, i will also remove my underwear but that is at my locker area lah... and of cos, make sure no one is behind me... just in case.
purple mushroom - you didnt join the fun meh? so... took pictures? haha..!
Kel - where got lah.
Manal - well, it does show that you've got confidence... doesnt it?
giddy tigress - maybe they trimmed the bush already eh?
Princess Aoki - 2 boobs facing you.... hahahaha... that was classic. maybe she was using her boobs to impress u.
khengsiong - hahahaha... i tot chinese are just conversative. apparently not.
hopefulpessimist - liberated.... a lot of things to release eh? hahaha... as for you, well, i am sure one day you will find the confidence to do it.
gina - hmmmmm.... changing your preference already?
Maverick SM - definitely, one has to overcome oneself before one can do it.
szu - hahahahaha.... trust me... i ALWAYS look away.
THe gym is a zoo... That's my last say. Hehe... Its too long to explain.
In russia, the changing room in our uni's gym is unisex. I saw russian guy's penis before, those guys just take off their pants n underwear in front of us. =_= And the malaysian guys happily looking at russian boobies. Russian girls do have a really nice body and big bouncy boobs. I feel like want to touch them sometimes. ahahha. Ooops but i'm not 'lost'.
i've always seen naked women walking around in gym's changing room and kinda got used to it now. i've even seen a women half naked lying on the bench in the steamroom in fitness first KLCC some time ago when i came back to kl. gah, i din know tat msia women nowadays are tat open.
True - I, myself love to see beautiful, drop dead gorgeous lady. But, mmmm..not the naked one. That part, i leave it to you.
haha....i think thts funny...haha...a 'gay lou' was trying to seduce **vomit** someone...hahahahhaaaa.....
sure anot dont have? lol
worse come to worse will end up with a divorce which cost half the properties you have only ma
ever tried that to your wife?
if you did tell me the outcome
Well... I do. I enjoy being naked whenever I can. It's liberation. Including gym bathrooms *wink* They say "If you have it, flaunt it" so why not *wink wink*
And yes, I do enjoy watching women too. Fat or thin. Somehow...
i've not been to the gym due to laziness *blushes* but i definitely will get a culture shock if a naked lady walks near me. not ready for that yet
I used to go to Fitness First in Damansara Heights, and on my first day in the shower room, I saw a 'hong mou poh' walking around, totally naked!!!! It freaked me out and got me really uncomfortable.
So I went into the steam room and I saw TWO 'hong mou poh' there, naked, and sprawled on the seats!
What did I do?
Ran out of the steam room and cancelled my gym membership lar, what else?!
I mean, I am ok with women walking around in bras and panties, but not totally naked wei! After that incident, I swore off the shower room. I don't want to have a second nightmare, so I totally understand how your friend feels.
Well, this is my very personal experience at the female gym locker room. Well, this happens every time my instructor (she's super famous in this industry) is in the changing. I'll be talking to her one minute and the next thing i knew, she's removing her bra and changing into something else for class.
Well, she's literally almost flat in the chest region, but the first few times, i couldn't help but looked elsewhere uneasily.
She's a hot babe with a nice body, therefore i guess she can afford to flaunt.
What i cant really stand is seeing those 'big' girls with cellulite strutting around naked. it really turns me off.
Most of my spanish instructors, walk around in their g-strings and sometimes bare their chests when they remove their clothes. So, it's pretty common in our gals changing room. Which many will envy :)
As for the male changing room, i've heard from some friends that most of our straight brazilian instructors walk around proudly showing off their package. Well, you're right about the gay ones doing it. But i guess lots of straight men do it too. Maybe it's a case of 'have it, flaunt it'.
imho a toilet/locker/dress room whether public or not is one’s area of serene, tranquil, zen area…as of what one does within these concealed wall is of course their way of self expression. Don’t have to go all inferior complexity yunno.. :x
pinknpurplelizard - huh? zoo???
littlepolaris - what??? now i think why guys wanna go there to study.
nikz - things have evolved ler.
sipuri - to me? hahaha... okies.
sugarbaby - not funny to me at all..! hah!
Kel - wah... curse me ah! haha!
Shanice - hello, welcome to AZAIG. hmmm... i suppose you have it huh... :)
kyliemc - just turn away... and pretend tak nampak... buat tak tahu...
Lil' Ms Pinky - and i tot only guys pantang such thing. hahaha... you're still the conservative type eh?
Carrie - hello... welcome to AZAIG. spanish... brazillian... wow, you're travelling around the world eh? i guess your instructor is really very comfortable with her body. and sometimes, i think it's a matter of getting used to it.
-=Sin=- - hahahaha... well, it's called public toilet and public changing room... i guess that made it public.
where i dare curse you wo
i asked if you tried before anot ma
hahaha..din noe its hard to blieve...i tot EVERYONE noes abt tis fact..lolz...
Yes zoo coz u got crabs (guys who concentrate on building arm muscles), cheetahs, ostriches & giraffes (regular treadmill ppl), peacocks & lala (fashionista gym goers), crocs & sotongs (ppl who go to gym to pick up or check out ppl), etc...
I got more but it'll be too much. Was actually thinking of making it into a post but never completed. Hehehe...
I think its quite normal for girls to be completely naked in the female changing room.. Coz my wife also told me that last time when we're still a gym member..
But for me, in male locker room, usually will put in towel lah.. Nothing to flaunt also.. If guys locker room all naked, then everyone is showing his "kak yeh yau cha kuey" (Read in cantonese) hehe...
LADIES: My friend was complaining of a female gym instructor who kept showing off her boobies. And she was hot. So maybe this theory not 100% accurate. Always have exceptions ma. Some flaunt it COS they got it. Lol.
GENTS: Er, let's just say I'm glad not everyone is showing their "kak yeh yau cha kuey" (as Mcmercedez puts it), no offense. :P
grew up seeing the older generation (not old ppl) flaunting themselves in shower room in swimming clubs! it was common sight back then but it's totally a difference "scene" these days with the younger generations.
in fact, hairdryer was used to dry different parts of hair! LOL......
wondering what's your domain name would be...
Kel - hahaha... no no no.. :P
missironic - hahaha... it is... public news.
sugarbaby - :P
pinknpurplelizard - hahahaha... you ah... actually, i have to agree... taht is true. blog about it!
mcmercedez - hahahaha... imagine one fella with his thing up... not kak yeh... that would be really obscene.
life for beginners - hahahaha.... kak yeh... sometimes not kak yeh lah...
whoalse - shite... taht's nasty... u might just blow dry the nuts!
Hahaha... you friend just couldn't stand looking at that naked but yet flabby body. Awful..
Don't know which gym your friend goes to but in some of the nice changing rooms I've been in, *pretty girls* bare it all.
Fatties like me are more decent...
Few days ago an ang moh (blonde) with ok-ok built bared his all in the changing room. But erm... considering I've seen much worse, I didn't care much about it already.
Still, I am uncomfortable to bare my all in Malaysia. haha. Considering the narrowmindedness of some Msians.
akira - i think not many can stand that hehe.
kittycat - you're in SH... we're in malaysia ler.
narrowband - one must conquer one's mind... :)
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