How much can you buy with RM50 nowadays?
Half a tank of petrol?
A fun-filled lunch outing with your friends?
A decent dinner in a mid-range restaurant?
A blouse?
A quick and instant escape route for running the lights?
Do you know why the 50 bucks you spent in whatever ways possible is worth… 50 bucks?
From a non-monetary point of view, the 50 bucks you have in your wallet right now is worth 50 bucks simply because there are a lot of people out there who don’t have 50 bucks and quite a majority of them is willing to do just about anything to get that 50 bucks from you.
Imagine if there are only 10 people in this world and everyone is a billionaire with a net worth of 1 billion, do you think 1 billion will worth… 1 billion? The answer is actually … yes, it’s still worth 1 billion.
But this same 1 billion will worth even more if out of the 10 people, 2 or 3 of them only have of half a billion. And… if out of the 10 people, 2 people have 4.5 billion each and the remainder 1 billion is shared among the rest of the 8. In such case, 1 billion will really worth… a lot!

Accordingly, you believe that a specific amount of money is worth that specific amount because you don’t have it, be it a million or 10 million. And you are probably willing to do quite a number of things to get it.
We say the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer. Similary… the rich are rich simply because there are those who are poor. If everyone is equally rich, would they consider themselves rich?
If you are able to understand all of the above, then think about this…
If you are rich and want to remain rich, would you want to make everyone else rich?… Or you would you want at least a sizeable number of people out there to remain poor? What do you see in this world today?

In Dubai, RM50 is nothing, sometimes not enough for 3 meals a day. Here got too many of rich buggers, but attitude is bloody poor.
I agree with you, now days rich become more richer, poor become more poorer, all I can say is money make money, no money no talk.
Well I wouldn't say that if I'm rich, I want to make everyone else rich, but can help out those who need it more.
The Msian system is just too imbalance and doesn't help out the DESERVING poor (no proper welfare system) therefore the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
I think it's also important that while one is rich, one must also look at the character of the person. Is he/she a person of integrity? Is he a respectable person? ( Not in title wise, but from the way he carries out his life)
No point envying those who have tonnes of money but obtained it from illegitimate and unscrupulous ways.
But I think if one has lots of money, one should think about helping those deserving group-be it monetary, time, energy wise- in the local community or at the national level.
At least you're giving something back to society...
Hey! Why u post my photo? Hahahahahahaha!!!!.....If everyone's a billionaire, then there's no use being one! The prices of everything will be so high, the money won;t be worth much...like e.g. Indonesia!
i guess your point here is that its all relativity at the end of the day
good one..if i were rich, why would i help some to be just as rich as me while i slogged to get my money?
NOTE: All reference to rich and poor here are dealing with material wealth unless otherwise expressly stated.
Value and price are two different things. A seller may set a price but the buyer may not agree with the price because the perceived value is not worth the price.
Money exists because it is a commonly accepted instrument to trade. The alternative is bartering, something which is relatively severely limited by space and time. Take for instance, I want to buy bread today. What I have is meat. Within 5 km radius, there are no bread seller who wants meat. I have to travel further, uncertain of where the meat eater will be and at the end of the day, the meat I have may just turn bad and I still don't have bread. Because of that, I just decide to eat my meat rather than wasting time looking for a meat eater who sells bread...:P With money, I just need to walk into 7-Eleven and get myself a loaf. Or the nearby bakery. Et cetera...
The perceived value we place in money define the worth of that instrument. And yes, the worth of money is also affected by scarcity. The more we have, the more likely we will neglect it. Good example is the free 20 cubic metre water given monthly by Selangor Govt. I am very certain it is a waste since people will appreciate it. Compound with that, we have the unending rainy season.
As for what I see, this world is screwed up one way or other. And it is not just because of money. There are just not enough sharing going round to help others meet their basic needs. This requires team effort. Alone, the impact is little. Will the rich be poorer if they ensure the poor have basic necessity? I seriously doubt it. In fact, the rich is rich not just because of inheritance. Rich people are being created on daily basis because they are ingenious, quick to seize opportunities, identify unsatisfied needs and just plain lucky.
Is it then a sin to be rich? No. But it is sin when we are greedy and start hoarding. So people, if you can spare RM50 monthly, why don't you consider doing charity? I am sure some kid somewhere will have a good opportunity to wear decent cloths, eat decent food and stay under a decent roof while study in a decent school. So please consider World Vision, in support of the poor who can help themselves if we only extend a little help from our pockets.
"A quick and instant escape route for running the lights?"
Ha. That got me chuckling. ;)
On a more serious note: A recent United Nations development report [actually circa 2005, but still valid methinks] found Malaysia to have one of the worst income disparities in Asia, with the richest 10% of Malaysians earning 22 times more than the poorest 10%.
As they say, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer..
*scratch head frantically*
*reads again*
damn..hahahahhha very hard to understand! but i get it slightly.
so r u saying that rm50 to us is worth rm50 because there are those who need that rm50 from us..so we ar kinda "richER"?
haih..rm50 is worth ALOT to me..not cos ppl want it from me..cos i have no money liao! =P i'm rich! in debt that is! heheh
I believe the message is our government is already rich, and yet they still wanna make more out from normal citizens like us. Correct me if I was wrong.
Sometimes ppl are poor due to their own circumstances. They refuse to work coz of numerous lame excuses: its too tiring, too hard, too far, inconvenient, etc. Or they get paid and MIA from work to spend all their earned income. OR they think they should get stuff for free. It all comes down to LAZINESS and them having mental blocks/allergies to working for an income.
Look at the privileged race in this country! They can all be millionaires if they pick up their act but they just refuse to.
Ever ask yourself if you deserve what money your get (free or earned)? True that things are getting more and more expensive but just gotta learn to compromise. Which means eating, living, shopping and working smarter. Gotta also learn to differentiate between a NEED and WANT and LUXURY.
There are many who feel its important to spend on how you look than the your well-being... I call those ppl idiots. Coz if you are not well then how can you look good?
50rm..last time a lot..can buy many things..now...@@"
lets say i go alexis...aiks...i order 1 meals and my friend tak mau makan...2 drinks...1 strawbery, 1 ginger tea..--> the bill is 100 plus plus plus... @@" sigh...
oh well, RM50 really can't get you much in KL. And the pay in Msia is kinda sad. I bet I still hafta live off my parents even if I were to start working in KL.
btw zewt, I've already emailed u bout the banner thing.
Great pic to end the post with! :)
RM 50 to me these days won't last very long. RM 50 fills only 1/4 of my tank, and so I've walked more. RM 50 is good for a decent meal for two.
I have cut down on shopping and going out, and I buy only what's necessary.
If I have a billion ringgit, I would love to distribute some of my wealth with various charitable organisations.
But that RM 50 for that quick and instant escape route for running the lights? Nah...I'll pass. Give me the saman anytime. :)
This morning I pumped petrol for my miserable Kancil costed RM45++.
My Zinger burger lunch costed me RM5.90.
Just like that, RM50 disappeared into thin air...
(okay lah, some down into toilet lah)
I'm not too ambitious, I don't need to be rich, just don't want to be poor. I hope other people out there don't have to be poor also (excludes people whose only job of the day is to park their @$$ somewhere and refusing to lift a finger to earn a living).
I don't think I'm answering your questions... heee, ignore me :P
Anyway, your post just reminded me how "everyone" down there turns into millionaire/billionaire come Qing Ming Festival...
can't do anything with RM50 lar nowadays...and especially for a penganggur like me..haaha.. I nid every cent that I can get...
LOL at the last pic. Sadly, most of the time it's true.
that im still not rich! hahahaa..I want to be rich first! then I'll tink abt your questions..=P
Your post is getting more and more complicated...
Wah Lauehhhhh!!! So deep & complicated arrrr!!! Well to a poor & simple fellow like me it meant:- What u don't have is more 'valuable' to u! Just like other people's gf/wife is more beautiful then ur own gf/wife! And so other people don't have what u have, to them u r 'richer'!!! He! He! To people without gf/wife ur gf/wife r very beautiful!
Have a very nice day!
HAhaah...your pic did turn the whole post from serious to funny.
If I'm rich, I don't mind making others just as rich, and they others. But knowing that human heart beats with lust & desire, how can we overcome poverty? The way I see it, is we should live modestly, no matter how much you have in the bank *ahem* it's ok to splurge once a while :P
Kenny Ng - no money... no honey... so did u get any honey in dubai? :P
pavlova - not many ppl has that mentality. look at those really rich... most of them just wanna be richer.
suituapui - hahaha... u mean that is your gf eh? or you want to have that babe as your gf? hahahaha...
anomaly - hi there, welcome to AZAIG. at the end of the day, it's all about keeping only a group rich...
constant craver joe - oh no... you're gonna be a modern slave driver! :P
myop101 - well... that is sad isnt it, with the way things are going in the world and all. it is not a sin to be rich but the bible did say... one should give them all away and follow Him... not earthly possible...i am going to volunteer to help WV.
Life for Beginners - that is why ppl are still driving benz and bimmer despite petrol hitting 2.70.
Huei - more or less lah... you are definitely in debt... dont look at your bank account ok? :P
jam - can be... but more towards big corporation... how they will wanna keep us as poor.
pinknpurplelizard - i guess when you have A LOT of money, one can spend on both well being and looks. otherwise... tough. as for privileged race, i think they are slowly coming into realisation that this trend cannot last forever.
sugarbaby - hahaha... tough luck lor like that.
nikz - okay, will check it out.
Lil Ms Pinky - well done... we need more ppl like u... then there will be no more blocks asking for such escape route.
sooky - hahahahahahaha.... but if things down there all cost millions... then also no use right?
H.C. Tan - who ask u to travel and study so much lah...
cc - unfortunately so...
missironic - remember me when you're rich ok?
purple mushroom - just need a clear mind.
hor ny ang moh - hahah.. i am sure u can understand wan... oh... have money, everyone also easy.. pokeing also better eh?
akira - hi there, welcome to AZAIG. hahaha... just in case ppl dun understand my message :P
CarolineL - the thing is... when would you consider yourself rich?
how u know i in debt?? =P
sigh..bank account is ok..worst case scenario (which is every mth), i c balance of RMx.xx
i can't see my own spreadsheet..bills..bills..income vs bills..all the negative values! really...can dieeeeee
okok..i'll remember..wont be such a stuck-up snob..don't worry..hahahaa...
... @@" income and expenditures...always negative..pity...**sob***sob**sob***
hahahahaha i love the last picture!! especially the caption!
RM50 stil can do alot geh...
mus reli spend wisely lor...
i hv cut down on my 'setapak kopi',
car n tech magazines, pasar malam..etc :P
as for the saman shorcut, i nvr agree
to it, if im at fault, saman lor... the almighty is watching...
btw jus settled my saman debt last week, rm480 after discount :P
stay blessed ppl!
Hmm.. RM50 in KL is not much, but RM50 in Kuching is a lot. Money is a lot if you don't have any, it is not much if you already have some. :D
huei - u say it in your blog mah...
missironic - hahaha... good!! :)
sugarbaby - time to fight for more income! :)
SuLee - hahaha... you find it to be true eh?
Aleks - yeah man... the Almighty is watching... and you might just get away with it :)
bongkersz - time to take a trip to kuching!
welllll sadly.....yes! and i DO judged!
SuLee - well... time to stop. it's hard i know.
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