I think I was still in Form 1, which means; ages ago. I had to go to my classmate’s house to discuss on some project work, probably Geography or Science. I can’t remember.
As I got down from the bus, I took the usual path to his house. His house was located rather deep into the residential area. Hence, it was a good 10 – 15 minutes walk.
It was not my first time going to his house, but something extra showed up that day. As I took a turn at one particular junction, that’s when I saw it… a very fierce looking German Sheppard. I can still remember that sound… that growl… and then, it started to bark…
The don’t-run-when-you-see-a-dog just didn’t apply to me then. I ran. And instinct made me ran towards my friend’s house. Yes, the dog gave chase and I was very sure it will take piece off me, literally.
As I reached my friend’s house, the usual locked gate was the difference between safety and much pain. Till today, I didn’t know how I did it but I did. I jumped across the gate. I was 13 and not exactly short. Having jumped over, then only I realised that the gate was at my shoulder level.
My friend came out and astonished to find me inside his compound. He asked me to do it again but I just can’t. But at that crucial moment… being chased by a dog, that adrenaline just powered me across the gate.
Have you had such “powerful” moment before?
1 year ago… The Bau-Thai experience
2 years ago… What’s with the awareness fuss?… When our instincts fail
3 years ago… How was your weekend?… Guess the tail of these tales
As I got down from the bus, I took the usual path to his house. His house was located rather deep into the residential area. Hence, it was a good 10 – 15 minutes walk.

The don’t-run-when-you-see-a-dog just didn’t apply to me then. I ran. And instinct made me ran towards my friend’s house. Yes, the dog gave chase and I was very sure it will take piece off me, literally.
As I reached my friend’s house, the usual locked gate was the difference between safety and much pain. Till today, I didn’t know how I did it but I did. I jumped across the gate. I was 13 and not exactly short. Having jumped over, then only I realised that the gate was at my shoulder level.
My friend came out and astonished to find me inside his compound. He asked me to do it again but I just can’t. But at that crucial moment… being chased by a dog, that adrenaline just powered me across the gate.
Have you had such “powerful” moment before?
1 year ago… The Bau-Thai experience
2 years ago… What’s with the awareness fuss?… When our instincts fail
3 years ago… How was your weekend?… Guess the tail of these tales
Haha. Hilarious enough.
lols... played high jump much during ur primary school days zewt? kekeke...
amazing wat d body/mind can do when in a dire situation no?
haha.. true, i so get what u meant. we'll never know what are we capable of doing during the heat of such moment.. i just had my fair share of 'powerful' moment not long time ago...
as i was (and am still) heavily pregnant, movement was rather restricted.. especially in bed.. with the bulging tummy, to move from lying on the back position to the side position can be very challenging and difficult.. but then came this one time when i thought i felt that there was a creature like a rat of sort moving on my body, in a split second i jumped to the other side of where my husband was sleeping! so its like i was jumping over him to land to the other side of the bed... huhu.. even my husband was amazed.. :P
ask me to do that again, i definitely wont be able to...
Someone told this one story:
Place a long solid plank on the ground. Ask someone to walk across it and many people would do it without fail.
Next, Take two chairs. Place one chair at one end, and the other chair in the other end. Place the plank on top of the chairs and dare people to walk across it. 50% will take the dare and complete it without fail, though some nervously walked across.
Now, find two high rise building. Place the same solid plank across the two building and ask anyone to walk from 'building A' to 'building B'. I assure you participation will drop to 0%.
For the last part. Standing on top of building A, (assuming that building B is in flames and about to crumble in 5mins) place their only child, their flesh and blood on top of building B. And guess who's gonna run across the plank without question? not once but twice.
Powerful moments indeed.
My mum says yes but personally, not yet. Not that I remember of. Haha.
p/s: That's why my mum always said schools should put dogs running behind us when we run 100m to gain a point for our own House. Confirm many points. LOL.
Fuiyo, Zewt! I knew you must be a kind of superhero, but I didn't have any proof. Now I have, haha.
Same thing happen to me, except I got chased by 5 stray dogs (or maybe 6). I was in my school padang. I ran as fast as I could and smashed open a locked door. But I never tried doing it again to see whether it was adrenaline power.
only in my dreams... & when chased by unknown, I usually froze. but sometimes I just fly...
A metaphor for being chased by MIB carrying batons and trucks with acid laced water cannon? No? Well, somehow that image came flashing to me while reading your post. Can't imagine the terror felt by those people (women and children included)running scared from those who are supposedly there to protect them. Sigh...Malaysian law enforcement are protecting it's citizen or whom actually?
i don't remember me having adrenaline powers...but i do know a story of a mother who was able to lift a car(just a bit only la) to save her child. now that's super powers!
Adrenaline rocks. But no, haven't had such a situation before, though...
Wah! Kesian but power! At tat time, anything is possible. ;) I've no such experience.. none tat I can remember of.. Hahaha...
HAHAHAAAA LOL ROTFL!! Miracles do happen when the situation calls for it!
I have not experienced this sort of thing, but have read about it!
the different between you and me is, i got bitten by the dog, and it hurt so much :(
Excellent visual! Zewt the Gateleaper...
I get adrenaline rush when I cycle like mad going downhill... nothing superhuman
Niel - :) thanks...
~aSstHa~ - never a jumper... mysterious eh?
ms. lili@ - wow... please dont do that again, with or without adreanaline... you're pregnant! :)
darkcherryvelvet - hello there... :)
Ninja Coffee - when there is a will... there is a way. your story reminded me of another powerful moment that i had when i was in form 5... maybe i should also blog about it.
day-dreamer - hahahahaha... you have no gate to jump to!
MKL - here i come to save the day!!
Jerine - smashed open a locked door!!! hahaha.. i have super legs, you have super strength!
LC Teh - fly is good... if only our adrenaline can do that :)
nick - hello there... hahaha... amazing how you manage to bring that picture in :)
Amanda Christine Wong - seriously? i am not surprise...
Terra Shield - go disturb a dog...
missironic - maybe u need to kacau an anjing...
j_yenn - yup... but i sure think we can never fly.
Jerrenn - well, looks like u just read about it here again...
Faisal Admar - you should have looked for a gate to jump or like Jerine... look for a door to crash into :)
Antares - hey!!! :)
Dangerous Variable - maybe you were travelling at light speed then :P
go australia la....bn government can make u jump across the sea...
I think it does happen sometimes. Brain power over matter!
Wah.. dun want la.. takde pasal, don't go and carik pasal.. Hahaha.. But then eh.. now i recalled, I was chased by a dog before while I was cycling looonggg time ago.. it kept on chasing me and bit me a little big at my leg.. but, I didn't do any miracle stunt. I just cycled as fast as I can! Luckily got a good Samaritan came to my help.
it's call jump or die.
that's why scores of people lept off the burning twin towers hoping to survive the fall (slim possibility of landing on something soft) rather than face a certain fiery death.
Hahaha, it may sound funny but can imagine the fear you had at that point of time. I personally, am afraid of dogs.
anon @ 3/2 - i must say, i admire your creativity.
eiling lim - if only we can do that all the time.
missironic - bit a bit?... sounds painful nonetheless.
doc - desperation drives us, dont u think?
petite lass - particularly fierce ones eh?
That kind of GST! There was silly me thinking this was something to do with time zones, like BST.....That's taxed already with travel taxes added to tickets.
ZACL - :) think this is the wrong post that you talked about.
You're absolutely right, I have commented a coupe of times on the right post since this little 'accident'. I'm trying to get used to a new laptop and trackpad. It travelled down too far and I hadn't noticed before I sent the comment. :)
ZACL - new laptop? i am jealous... ahha!
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