I think the first time I had it was when I was 13, the year I joined the Boys’ Brigade. We have this place that we call “Rock Garden”, and the tree is located there.

After school, or during our limited Boys’ Brigade break time, we will be on the look out for it. Some are within a jump’s reach while some require a certain amount of climbing before you can lay your hands on it.
Those located high up are not spared. To us, they are just a shoe’s throw away. Oh yes, we were quite accurate in our throwing too. One throw sometimes gave us up to 3 fruits! Though they dropped on the road, we never wash them. Just a wipe on our sleeve and we’ll eat it. Those days, hygiene is not priority.
Its diameter is about the size of a 50 cents coin. Inside the fruit is a brownish seed that’s inedible. Remove the seed, and the whole fruit will down into our mouth. If we managed to get those that have ripened to light yellowish in colour, its sweetness is heavenly.
Till today, my friends and I who have eaten this fruit have never seen it anywhere in the market. It would appear that they only tree bearing this fruit is located in Rock Garden, a stone throw from my school.
They are going to tear down the place though, to make way for a huge multipurpose hall. It’s a project by the church. Ya’ know, churches are very fond with mega structures nowadays.
Hence, I am interested to know. Has anyone seen or eaten this fruit before? Any idea what it is called?

After school, or during our limited Boys’ Brigade break time, we will be on the look out for it. Some are within a jump’s reach while some require a certain amount of climbing before you can lay your hands on it.

Its diameter is about the size of a 50 cents coin. Inside the fruit is a brownish seed that’s inedible. Remove the seed, and the whole fruit will down into our mouth. If we managed to get those that have ripened to light yellowish in colour, its sweetness is heavenly.
Till today, my friends and I who have eaten this fruit have never seen it anywhere in the market. It would appear that they only tree bearing this fruit is located in Rock Garden, a stone throw from my school.
They are going to tear down the place though, to make way for a huge multipurpose hall. It’s a project by the church. Ya’ know, churches are very fond with mega structures nowadays.
Hence, I am interested to know. Has anyone seen or eaten this fruit before? Any idea what it is called?

Don't know what it is, some sort of berry but we used to eat it from the tree also. Quite sweet, yum yum!
it looks a lot like kiwi berries, but dont think those grow in msia tho :p
anyone knows or anyone know?
play football better lah..
Why does the church need to tear down places? It's a shame. This place has a certain value to people who grew up there... like you.
U BB too...me too.
Looks a bit lit belimbing but could be wrong la
Hokkiens call it `pau teh'.I had one when staying in a kampung, took eight years to bear fruit.If interested,i knew of one kampung in sg dua b'worth which has plenty.(but that is also about 10 years agolah!)
oh ho.... never seen or heard of this fruit ><
I have seen & eaten this fruit before...some 35 years ago at my kampung. It taste good especially when it's ripes and also has nice fragrant too. We used to call this fruit "Wild Jambu"
Brazilian cherry
I have not seen this before... sorry
looks like jambu to me.
'Ya' know, churches are very fond with mega structures nowadays.'
I don't see what's wrong with wanting more space. If the hall results in more non-believers getting saved,isn't it better than a lone tree standing in the yard?
Not to condemn nature though, they could always re-plant somewhere else.
OMIGOSH!!!!... I HAVE eaten this fruit before... during my primary school days too but can't remember where... and yes we'll jz pluck n eat straight from d tree no washing... come to think of it... I haven't seen it around since then... was really heavenly wen we manage to spy upon some lovely big ripe ones... I wanna plant one in my garden...
Anonymous @ 12.45am is correct. It is a tree that takes long years to mature before good fruit comes to be.
Hasilox says its called the Brazilian Cherry but the english name that has been told to me by the older generations for it is Rose Apple. The name is because there is a sweet rose-like smell from the fruit.
I have seen them for sale in markets and by certain fruit sellers but they are a rarity as they spoil easily. Usually get some that are slightly pink/green here. Sold by the bag and finished by the bag. LOL
Forbidden fruit.
Nope, never seen this thing before in my life. Gonna go try this out soon. Thanks for the info.
rose apple! there was such a tree outside grandma's hse in teluk intan. smells sweet, taste good but watch out for tiny little worms that burrow in the flesh.
Hmm, never see the fruit before. Now, im curious what it is called too! Hahaha..
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dont know la zewt
zewt...read my new entry about gst
It's called Buah Kamunting. Good to eat when the color changed to purple. Sweet.
is it buah delima? haha..i forgot the english word for it
suanie - it's a bit hard
niQue_naQ - it does... i ate it in malaysia :P
ronaldo - yo, are you retiring ronaldo or the one in real? :P
MKL - yeah, it's really sad, really...
Ah Siang - yo! yeah, i am!
sabrina - dont think so...
anon @ 1/3 12.45am - i wish i can buy it and eat... satisfaction!
fufu - no worries...
Sathya - nice fragrant... cant remember. maybe i should go sniff it this weekend.
hasilox - ahhh... i think this is it...
eiling lim - come to my church and have some haha.
Jerine - ya, but it's really small.
anon @ 1/3 9.40am - more often than not, bigger halls only result in more believers coming from other churches, not non-believers turning into believers. besides, you want ppl to be believers because a church has got a mega building?
aSstHa - hehehe... plant, and give me some when it starts to bear fruit!
pinknpurlelizard - rose apple, certainly easier to call than brazillian cherry. it would be good to give it a name finally...
j_yenn - try? hard to find...
anon @ 2/3 11.13am - ohhh... never tasted the worm :)
missironic - rose apple or brazillian cherry seems to be it.
Goldman - thanks.
deus X machina - read :)
chec. - hmmm... dont think i have seen it turned purple before.
kyliemc - rose apple? :)
Look like small variety of jambu, but I think I am wrong.
Rose apple? That's nice. :)
jam - most ppl here say it's called brazilian cherry. i think that's the right one.
missironic - ;)
I see Monkeys Boys School .... That tree is right outside of BB hall. Sad to see the shade cum natural air scrubber go.
Corsaro - spot on!
Hi there,
I've found the scientific name for "pauteh". Check out the wiki link below. It is also known as jambu mawar.
It is called rose apple in English
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