A story was told about a man who fervently prayed to God, asking God to let him strike the lottery jackpot. He is a man who diligently fulfils all his religious responsibilities and was a man of faith. He too, never gave up, keep praying and believing that his prayer will one day be answered.
Alas… he never did, and died without his prayer answered.
Upon meeting God in heaven, he asked why his prayer was never answered despite being faithful and all. The answer God gave was…
“I cannot let you win the lottery when you never buy a lottery ticket”
Another story was told about the people of this nation, who fervently prayed to God asking for changes to happen in their nation. Drastic changes were required; else the nation will fall into oblivion.
This people are men and women of faith too, never gave in praying and organised mass fasting rallies and forging huge prayer groups.
Alas… changes never happen, and many died with their wish unfulfilled.
Upon meeting God in heaven; naturally, they asked of God why their fervent prayer was never answered. And God replied…
“I cannot let changes happen when you never register to vote and vote”
James 2:20 --- “You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless?”
1 year ago… It felt like shite
2 years ago… Thoughts from govt talk… A matter of unproven record?… A piece of humour in the current light
Alas… he never did, and died without his prayer answered.

“I cannot let you win the lottery when you never buy a lottery ticket”
Another story was told about the people of this nation, who fervently prayed to God asking for changes to happen in their nation. Drastic changes were required; else the nation will fall into oblivion.
This people are men and women of faith too, never gave in praying and organised mass fasting rallies and forging huge prayer groups.
Alas… changes never happen, and many died with their wish unfulfilled.

“I cannot let changes happen when you never register to vote and vote”
James 2:20 --- “You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless?”
1 year ago… It felt like shite
2 years ago… Thoughts from govt talk… A matter of unproven record?… A piece of humour in the current light
The definition of an idiot : A person who keeps doing the same things but expects different results.
there's another version dat doesn't involve God taken from the movie Tooth Fairy, "You can't score if you don't take the shot"... (^^)
My vote goes to Zewt Nazionale! How are we doin, boys? ;)
i hardly pray. i dont vote. i dont buy lotteries...
darn! dont think i hv place in heaven now, do i? LOL
I too pray to God and ask that my prayer to be rich are answered.....but I have a feeling when I die and meet God He'll tell me "I cannot let you become rich when you dont join BN/UMNO/MCA/MIC......"
I thk I better go to the nearest BN branch and register ASAP.....
Nuff said.....
I'd like to be God just to kick the butts of corrupt and useless ppl into hell. Good field goal practising.
I'm waiting and wondering if our PM (with tiger of a wife) is going to call for election soon. There's little money in the gov's and BN's kitty so possibility it will be later on only. As for me, no matter when or what - it's 2 Xs against the hideous blue scales. :P
I'm not so foolish then.. I registered and voted! Hahaha..
Well, at least I wont regret about item #2. I've registered and even voted in 2 elections
Yup. No Action, Talk Only- not good sometimes.
BTW, go read up my latest duper-long-story about APIIT-UCTI :)
LOL! I damn love this post!!!
Good one!!!! God does not help those who do not help themselves!!!
Dear Zewt
I like the way you put the stories together.
Too many people, especially those in our 'bracket', do not see the importance to register as a voter and to carry out this duty.
"Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote" ~ William E. Simon
Anda dah daftar sebagai pengundi?
OK heading out now to get me a lottery ticket :)
Cant agree more!!!! In order to get something , something must be done. Nothing in this world is free.
hahahah nice! i wun give god an opportunity to tell me that!! =P
Planet of the Monyets - there are plenty around, isnt it?
aSstHa - hmmm... score?
MKL - not too good :P
bee - good girls go to heaven... others go everywhere...
InjusticeSistem - hahahahaha.... yeah, faster then buying lottery.
Pinknpurplelizard - i dont think so, the sentiments are so bad, it will be suicide for them. besides, GST is almost going full force, it would be a bad move. but then again, we want a bad move, dont we?
missironic - kudos!
Terra Shield - kudos to you too!
j_yenn - read... all hail anthony :P
Jerine - cause i hentam christians? :P
eiling lim - absolutely.
Fi-sha - saya? pasti sudah. dan saya pernah undi :)
Mabs N Cals - *smack forehead*
Zuraida - yeap... no free lunch, so they say...
huei - i know... u registered... dont forget to vote!
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