Thursday 28 January 2010

Short & Sweet: Episode 4 - Them damned themselves?

Who wants the people to react? … them

Why people are not reacting? … either they are fearful or because of “tidak apa” attitude…

Who has been inflicting fear in the people all these years? … them

Who has been nurturing the “tidak apa” attitude in the people all these years? … them

So who spoilt their plan? … themselves

The above is gibberish. Any resemblance of “them” in real life is probably a coincident.

2 years ago…
The 4 here and the 4 there


sophie said...

spot on! no lah, it's not a coincident ;)

Stormsea7 said... this some kind of reverse psychology to make us think who are "them"?

...tricky question...

blackjack said...

hahahahahahahahahhaa! zewt, how the hell you come out with such thing? brilliant!

TG said...

Bro, tak minuman alcohol, is berry bad for you ;)~~~ I didn't say that, it was "them" :P

deus X machina said...

This is called "tidak apa syndrome"

Faisal Admar said...

i hate the "tak apa" attitude. most of them are government servants :(

Hiden Iden said...

it's not over yet.

InjusticeSistem said...

Answer to ur questions are as follow:-
1. My landlord
2. Fearful
3. My landlord
4. My landlord
5. My landlord and also me da tenant.

My landlord raise the rent every yr. He is angry bcos i can stl afford it, although barely. But he is also afraid to lose a tenant like me who pays on time. Such dilemma....
My landlord and his other landlord frens have gang up to raise rents every yr and urge each other to be da first to kick da tenants out,but none of them will do it cos they noe they cant afford to lose a good tenant like me.
But somthing change....somewhere along the days in 2008 da tenants decided to gang up n demand da landlords to lower the rent. After 30 yrs raising rents without objection, suddenly these landlords do not noe how to handle this situation.
In such situation da landlord engage a real estate "agent" (from Abramczyk,Ben-Haim & Feinberg Realtors) who flew in from America*wink2* to advise them how to handle us, da tenants.
After charging the landlord exorbitant fees on his consultantcy, da agent's solution is simple.
The 'public library'. The one and only place where all the tenants go to learn to gain knowledge, build character, learn abt peace and love and respect.
The strategy is simple
1. vandalise the library, blame it on 'one' of the tenant.
2. when the tenants start arguing with each other, the landlord will come in n demand to raise the rents even higher cos now they have to hire more security guards to ensure public order.
3. plan B is if one library doesnt work, vadalise a few more libraries, if it stl doesnt work, vandalise the 'perpustakaan' then,sure works.....
Unfortunately things did not go as plan. The tenants have come together to refurbish the libraries. And worse of all the tenants are stl asking for a lower rent.
My FICTION movie script is only up to this so far. I have not had any new 'inspiration' from the landlords....
Have a good friday, rest well cos i noe you will be busy helping out at da libraries.....
*wink wink*

P/S Zewt,pls copyright my script, i don wan dis to end up in Hollywood without me getting royalties even though i m royally screwed everyday...

Anonymous said...

malaysia bad, australia good...

Monyet King said...

tak apa lah ! there is always tommorow.

day-dreamer said...


Aiya, sam jiu la~~~ happy weekend! :D

Anonymous said...

say hmmmmmmm..... NO!!!!

fufu said...

tak lak apa or tidak apa?? they or they?? lol you know i know we know they know

Crankster said...

You don't even have to say who "they" are. We all know.

zewt said...

sophie - yay! :)

Stormsea7 - u mean u dunno?

blackjack - :)

MKL - oh! me seldom minum already :)

deusXmachina - hope we all can lose that :)

Faisal Admar - hence, you should leave... :)

Hiden Iden - seems it is...

zewt said...

InjusticeSistem - you know what? i was going to write something to that effect until you said it's your story... better not steal your idea :) a damn good one!

anon @ 29/1 - mary had a little lamb.

Planet of the monyets - if tomorrow never comes?

day-dreamer - hey, your blog is gone!

anon @ 1/2 - sure?

fufu - know know know they them their :P

Crankster - gee, we can all do sign language already :P

Crankster said...

Certainly, Zewt. my middle finger speaks volumes. and they still wouldn't get it, of course.

day-dreamer said...

Har? Where got? Don't scare me~ you should be an invited reader ah~ O.O

eiling lim said...

Damn.... they are so damned....

zewt said...

crankster - well, cant expect much from them, can we?

day-dreamer - hmm... i probably need the address again...

eiling lim - so very the damned...