I have actually drafted a very good piece of Friday Frolic for today but I think I am not in the mood to post it.
The Allah issue is getting out of hand. The hypocrisy has gone off the roof!
A bunch of Christians who held a peaceful gathering was interrupted by police. Fresh from that, our PM said “We cannot stop Friday’s protest”, one organised by those who opposed the Allah judgement. Lest we forget, there were people once got arrested simply because they wore black.
Can bias-ness and double standard be anymore obvious? This is truly an epitome of “Jek Sau Jeh Tin”. Is there a guarantee that our basic right to walk the streets of this country will not taken from us one day?
I wonder how many Christians will give the all time favourite saying of… “We must pray about this”
I have no place in this nation. That’s the message I decipher from all these.
2 years ago… Trustology
The Allah issue is getting out of hand. The hypocrisy has gone off the roof!
A bunch of Christians who held a peaceful gathering was interrupted by police. Fresh from that, our PM said “We cannot stop Friday’s protest”, one organised by those who opposed the Allah judgement. Lest we forget, there were people once got arrested simply because they wore black.

I wonder how many Christians will give the all time favourite saying of… “We must pray about this”
I have no place in this nation. That’s the message I decipher from all these.
2 years ago… Trustology
i wonder if the government ever feel sad about losing some of its best brains to foreign countries.
Sounds more like Malay(sia) boleh?
u are right. we have no place in this cuntree. period.
Again, sam jiu lah~~~ LOL.
It is indeed very frustrating....it seems like things are going from bad to worse. But what else can we do but pray...
i just dont understand why they think we're 'trying to cheat and convert them'? what's with the paranoia if they hold their faith so strongly?
Well Zewt, maybe praying isn't a bad thing afterall... just to prove which religion is actually the violent one. Right?
On a serious note, this is a good time to pray that the issue can be resolved peacefully.
for us who are stuck here (and scaredy-cats to add >.<), there is nth much we can do about it but pray =.=
The double standards are so obvious that even a dumb fella would be able to realise it. I'm so pissed that we elected a bunch of dickheads as politicians.
This is one of the reasons hundred of thousands or even millions of Malaysians are emigrating overseas.
well, is there anything wrong to be praying about it?
maybe im reading it wrongly but that sentences seems a tad sarcastic.
if we sincerely believe in him, all the more now is a time of genuine prayer and reflection
ugh and the bombing of churches?!?! ugh disgusted..
Dear Zewt
I cant help to say that these are all politically motivated by you-know-who and do not even represent what the majority of malaysians feel about the court ruling.
If PAS says they have no issue at all, why should you-know-who thinks otherwise?
Perhaps, they arent practising the good values of Islam, like all other religions.
Perhaps, they have come up with a new religion..
Lets us not fall into their trap because I know there may be certain people of different races would start to label malay people all sort of names.
On behalf of those stupid malay people (well, im not sure we could call them human because they arent behaving like ones), my deepest apology and sympathy to our Christian brothers and sisters.
Sadly, this is the price to pay for not exercising our rights properly - i mean we have sent the crooks to run this Ibu Pertiwi over and over again.
It's saddening yet disgusting but the /narrow-minded / extremists are pain in the neck, to say the least...!
Then again, char koay teow and bak kut teh still taste good...!
1 Malay(sia) spot on! Wonder if those ppl that torched the churches will get ISA
I am a buddhist, not a Christian. I feel christians are barking up the wrong tree. There are some sensitivities in each country that one should consider with whatever truth you may want to hold.
You may argue we are all Malaysians with equal rights to everything, bla bla, but the reality is different and we have to accept it.
If not using "Allah" word will preserve the peacefulness and stop the attacks, then let's drop it.
Islam promotes violence or, more accurately, many who hold to the philosophy called "Islam" behave violently.
1Malaysia is an excuse to bully, intimidate and even murder those with whom they disagree.Most Muslims may be peaceful. But they have not demanded peace and tolerance from their leaders.
Reading various responses here is making me feel very sad. Do not generalise minority thoughts, instead, channel yourself to see how we can collectively help our country when she is counting on us. Please, love Malaysia for She has protected us throughout our lives.
Dear zewt,
double standard or not. God will have HIS last say. And especially in times like this, the church should just stand strong in our faith. They have not proven anything good about themselves from such mindless act. Pray!
-ex-angryyoungchild- :p
What a great resource!
hope you don't mind i post this entry on my facebook.
we can proceed to pray in whatever way our religion advise. but we can do something here... talk to all our friends and family esp those who's eligible to vote, go register as voter if they haven't. and MUST vote when the time comes.
Hahaha. Why do you let the actions of a small group of people determine your future. They're just dumb f**ks, and they certainly don't represent the majority.
I also wish to respectfully disagree with Anon@4:16PM when he says that Christians ought to drop the Allah issue.
It is precisely this very reason that there is no equality - because one party keeps giving in. There has to be give and take.
And even at the expense of 'peace', people have to speak out and champion their rights and that of those who are being trampled upon.
Let Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka define the word "Allah". If I'm not wrong, there isn't an exclusive association with Islam. So this word is free to be use.
So we can use Allah.
If we stop using it, it just show that violence is the key to prove something. It make bombers their day.
Let those who oppose protest because it is their right. Let's just see how many narrowminded people will go along with them.
Let Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka define the word "Allah". If I'm not wrong, there isn't an exclusive association with Islam. So this word is free to be use.
So we can use Allah.
If we stop using it, it just show that violence is the key to prove something. It make bombers their day.
Let those who oppose protest because it is their right. Let's just see how many narrowminded people will go along with them.
You're not alone. I pray that more right thinking Malaysians will know what to do when the next election comes. Meanwhile, check out this blogpost.
There's always been 2Malaysia, one for whoever's privileged to be bestowed with bumiputra status and the other for, well, the others.
The only difference is that, like corruption, some people are no longer ashamed to be seen as bullies.
So, the others must learn to "jap sang" in order to survive in such an oppressive environment.
I sent you email lor... But you never reply. Damn sad, I'm your fansee ok?
so bias...
even I Muslim...I also disagree with the demo and attack the church...
why Najib allows the Friday protest while peaceful gathering be interrupted by Police
is it 1Malaysia????
narrowband - come on, is that even a question?
MKL - hahahaha... that's a darn good one!
rainbow angeles - cuntree!!!
day-dreamer - jek sau jeh tin!!!
sabrina - from bad to worse? we are already at the worstestest.
amanda christine wong - a hidden aganda perhaps?
Pink Panther - having considered properly, i guess that is the only we should do. nothing else.
autumn - i agree... for now.
eiling lim - hopefully you didnt make that tick on the wrong side.
anon @ 8/1 10.45am - i am actually hoping to be part of that soon.
anon @ 8/1 10.47am - like i mentioned earlier, i think praying is the only thing we should do now.
huei - glad you have registered to make the tick.
Fi-sha - indeed, we all know there are hidden hands at work and hidden agenda to be achieved. but it's worrying, and dont underestimate the brainlessness or some ppl who will react without much thinking.
whoalse - hahaha... you have gotten into the azaig flow eh?
pinknpurplelizard - make a wild guess...
anon @ 8/1 4.16pm - i am actually not against nor support it... i am neutral in it. just that, i am against using it for other agendas.
anon @ 8/1 5.28pm - i think your statement can be seditious, in this country. take care mate.
Spinzer - ... how?
J u n e - yeah, i guess that is the only thing we can pray for now.
anon @ 9/1 3.15am - whatever makes you happy man :)
k.h. - be my guess.
CK - now, that is something we can all do. and i hope we all do it.
Crankster - good point... we should not let them affect us. but cant help it... we are all emotional creatures :)
Ah Siang - that's the technical argument. unfortunately though, some quarters are using it to achieve other things.
Leanne - hello there. this is indeed testing time for all of us, ppl from all faith. it's indeed true malaysians vs the rest.
anak merdeka - yeah, so many of us have grown used to it, it eats into our lives, horrible! we need to change ourselves too.
Jerine - it went into my spam folder leh.
deusXmachina - i am very happy and honoured to have someone like you visiting my blog :)
Very good question! I will get back to you, efforts are being done. Well my efforts at least la, only so much a man can do. Sigh.
i already updated my blog...it's about this issue...from my side...
Another favorite liner - God works in His own mysterious way.
the greatest jokes of all time is 1Malaysia!
soon they will force us to wear crosses as badges on our clothes, then send us to ghettos, then to work camps...
Then the Final Solution...
Democracy is two wolves sitting at a table with a lamb, and all three discussing what to have for dinner.
This is why there is one law for Muslims and another law for everyone else. Neither Barisan nor Pakatan can commit to alienating 65% of the population in order to award more rights to the remaining 35%.
If non-Muslims wish to coexist peacefully with the Muslim majority, they have no choice but to abide by Islamic laws. For in a democracy, the majority will always win out.
well Allah is the name of the god of the Moon.. if Muslim's want to have it exclusively.. by all means.. do read more abt language and symbologies if ppl want to know more..
what im angry is that Catholic's Herald's insist the term of Allah to be used caused vandalisme to the rest of the denominations..
@Kakapo: You see, and that's just wrong, that's a misguided idea of a democracy. In Europe, we tend to give minorities more rights, because they deserve and need them. I'm not saying everything's perfect here and it's also hard to compare with Malaysia, but we believe in the idea that we're all Europeans (those in EU). We're still a young country in this regard (Slovenia joined the EU in 2004), but we're becoming a nation and we may be some kind of USA one day, just with many many cultures and nations in it. The spirit is there and things do change.
What I feel recently by reading Malaysian blogs (+ my own observation when I was in Malaysia) is that there's a lot of talk like 'One Malaysia, we're all Malaysians', but when it comes to reality, there is Malays and then there's everyone else. It's kinda sad and worries me. Seems as the country's going backwards in some parts.
@ MKL: Well you see that works for the western societies. Democracy is not something that many people grasp. In fact the Old Man Down South ( i.e Lee Kuan Yew) once said that Asia isn't prepared for democracy.
As contrite as that sounds, I have to agree with him to a certain extent. Look at the democratic countries in Asia, e.g: Taiwan, Japan (one of the more peaceful ones), South Korea, India and the rest which occupy South Asia etc.
They are all very messy.
You see, the concept of democracy is still relatively young in the Asian culture, whereas in Europe it has long been established centuries ago.
It is only after the fall of the colonialists, then only democracy started to come up in these countries.
It took Europe at least one or two centuries to get it right, so did America.
In Asia, it'll probably take that amount of time, if not more.
So,MKL, I think to compare saying that we should instead give rights to the minority is just stepping ahead.
We should work on the basics like freedom of speech. After all, this is what this issue really central about.
I seriously have no more words for this kind of idiotic act. In one hand, they promote like hell on One Malaysia and on the other hand, this kind of issue arises.. I remembered that 2 years ago I think they burn down some temples or something like that and now burn churches.. So is this what One Malaysia means?
To me very simple.. One Malaysia means they are the only one that can do what they want and others can't.. Isn't that obvious? They can parade as they like, hold cow head as they like and all other things without getting punishment.. If you try to hold a candle and walk down the street, you will make into the headline as well as nasi lemak in ISA..
I have faith in God and I know God will punish those that mess up with Lord's house.
I have been forced to be racist.. Aren't all of you??
life, innit...
wow. lots of comments for this entry. goes on to show how strongly everyone feels about this insane issue.
malaysia sucks...australia good...
MKL: In the words of Jean Monnet, 'There has never been a Europe. It had to be created.'
You Europeans had little choice but to work seriously at eliminating inequality and forming a collective, multicultural democracy. It was either that or endure another total war.
Malaysians, on the other hand, feel no such urgency or foresight. For most, life is still perceived to be pretty good and no one really wants to rock the boat. Provided you have sufficient money and opportunity, you can afford to live in enclaves where the majority of the population is non-Malay/non-Muslim. The goal of most is not to eliminate discrimination, but to avoid it.
To add to that, you'd be surprised at how many Malaysians are truly proud of the fact that Malaysia is a 'peaceful' and 'progressive' multiracial country. They denigrate Europe as being made up of an exclusive and homogeneous bunch of racist white people. Some even go as far as to claim that Malaysia is morally superior to the West.
All this and more has contributed to a very narrow and peculiar form of Asian democracy.
Europe has its Jean Monnet. Malaysia has its... Anwar Ibrahim? It's really no comparison at all.
We love our country which had just abandoned us!
Spinzer - hahaha.... all u need to say is "vote" :)
deusXmachina - got it.
gina - let's hope so.
jun - 2Malaysia actually.
kelvo - hahaha... i can feel the heat in you despite u soaking in snow.
Kakapo - disagree though. i have witness democracy in UK, it is certainly a win for everyone. well, for most case. but you are right we asians tend to avoid discrimination than to face it. easy way out.
hikazew - hahaha... now, i think you fell into it already.
MKL - you hit the nail on the head. we always claim to be malaysians but deep inside, we are still different. and we still want it that way.
pavlova - yeah, we are still too cunning and lack integrity to be given democracy. some of us have matured, but many have not.
McMercedez - hahaha.... couldnt agree more.
H.C.Tan - indeed...
j_yenn - if ISA doesnt exist, this will be a full blown forum already.
anon @ 11/1 6.21pm - of cos.
jam - and we still love it...
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