GST is known to be a political suicide. In Hong Kong, the resistance from the people was so strong, the HK govt actually abolished their plan to implement GST. But as I have said, there is a compelling reason as to why GST has to be implemented.
Political suicide vs. a compelling reason… what’s the remedy? Timing…
March 2013 is the due date for the next GE. Hence, GST will have to go live latest by September 2011, by hook or by crook. Why?
We Malaysians are just whiners. We will just complain and complain and at the end of the day, we will just pay. Just look at toll charges. And is anyone complaining about the RM50 on credit cards anymore?
Therefore, Malaysians will be given a period to complain. 1.5 year should be sufficient, don’t you think? And so, by March 2013 when the next GE is due, all Malaysians will be happily stuffing our face with nasi-lemak, char-kuey-teow and bak-kut-teh like nothing has happened.
Don’t you agree?
2 years ago… Experiencing Hillsong in London… The weekend gem… A very safe “X”
3 years ago… A very close encounter with the rempit kind
Political suicide vs. a compelling reason… what’s the remedy? Timing…

We Malaysians are just whiners. We will just complain and complain and at the end of the day, we will just pay. Just look at toll charges. And is anyone complaining about the RM50 on credit cards anymore?
Therefore, Malaysians will be given a period to complain. 1.5 year should be sufficient, don’t you think? And so, by March 2013 when the next GE is due, all Malaysians will be happily stuffing our face with nasi-lemak, char-kuey-teow and bak-kut-teh like nothing has happened.
Don’t you agree?
2 years ago… Experiencing Hillsong in London… The weekend gem… A very safe “X”
3 years ago… A very close encounter with the rempit kind
Can't agree more with you, zewt.
People Power should prevail but...
Meanwhile, do enjoy some nasi lemak, char kuey teow, tai lok mein on my behalf yea...
Ok, Zewt, you need to add some more food the next time or change the menu: nasi-lemak, char-kuey-teow and bak-kut-teh is a bit boring now. I'm craving something else :P
Malaysians have a memory span equivalenet to that of a dung-beetle. Oh... I have forgotten what I was going to say next.
Malaysia may not have high ranking in Corruption Free Index,Transparency Index,Freedom of Press & Speech Index,Human Rights Index,High Income Group Index,Most Liberal Market Index, Best University Index etc etc list goes on and on....BUT........
Malaysia are at the top 3 in the "Most Forgiving People Index"...
We are such forgiving citizen we continue to forgive the 'rapist' even after 30 yrs of sodomy.
Yes we are so forgiving we forgive the rapist who rape the Penan girls.
Yes we should be proud to be at the top of this index....
Zewt you should not grumble so much, continue to pay MORE taxes so:-
a) so 'some kids' can go to uni for free, skip classes, bcome mat rempit n hv orgies with bohsia, otherwise they will target your sister/daughter/cousin and your pet dog
b) so you have a house to stay you effing 'immigrant'
c) so you still have a place of worship, or u prefer to order our bartender tonite's special cocktail call "Molotov" ???
d) so you can enjoy GREAT subsidies like 'most expensive petrol for an oil producin country'
The list goes on but u get my drift......
P/S : To the fucking moron Anonymous who always post "malaysia suck...australia good", yes u r fckin rite, malaysian are good at sucking UMNO's dick & australia is good at taking care of their citizen....
Pardon my foul language zewt, its ur fault to post topics abt "TAX" to bitchstart my week
Don't forget our Oakleys too.
Jk, an article to share.,9171,1955602,00.html
For that, we should keep reminding ourselves... I just posted on the RM50 credit card service tax last week. And maybe, it would be a wise idea to republish these painful topics once every year until you-know-who is toppled.
Ah if only I can get the gist of GST (pardon the pun) but in the end the gomen will do as the gomen will do... :(
complain is one thing...
wasting time when they blatantly ignore us is another...
I know we shouldn't just let it go...but then, is it really worth it?
In our society, life is a great struggle (especially with ever-rising prices) and to us, wasting time is wasting opportunity and that's a big no no.
Want the majority to seriously rise up? Just wait till the "enough is enough" event. Till then, "kesabaran" and bertolak-ansur" is the theme
Look at the history and it's like a broken recording tape. Ever-rewinding
We cannot let history repeat itself. There has to be a revolution of the mind for Malaysians to change their mindset. Take care and God bless.
hurmm good zewt
always remind us about GST
govt didnt have much money now..
it is because a bad financial management
so they need to implement GST a.s.a.p
mangkuk ayun tol
hope they lose their power in next G.E
why would the people be angry?
currently we pay 5+10 tax. with gst, we pay 4% tax.
for example, for RM 100 dinner, we actually pay RM 115. But with gst, we only pay RM 104. The people will be grateful and happy !!!
Not totally agree. GST or not, I am rocket all the way, haha!
go australia pay to kwai lou la....not angry that way...
whoalse - come back and we go together for a meal.
MKL - hahaha... those are the top stuff!
Planet of the Monyets - hahahaha... do remember what you just said though?
InjusticeSistem - lol lol lol... i feel your fire brother. it's ok. part of me wanna ignite the fire in ppl. sad though, not many will be ignited.
msleepyhead - i have since switched to ray ban :P
Terra Shield - very good idea. we should have a half yearly round up or something like that.
Life for Beginners - but do we do what a citizen should do?
Stormsea7 - indeed, it keeps rewinding. and we should be afraid. cos each time it rewinds, it gets more severe.
masterwordsmith - hi paula. how have you been? i am afraid many malaysians are not prepare to sacrifice. some dont even blog!
duesXmachina - we need more ppl like u bro.
anon @ 26/1 11.52am - the problem with ppl is that they pretend to know when they dont know. you got the understanding wrong.
jam - hahaha... fly to the moon.
anon @ 26/1 12.57pm - huh?
Gomen no ££££ ma... hence the gst. UMNO needs your money.
Agree! We'll just suck it up and pay.. Sighs...
zewt, i'll take up your offer n will drop u a note when i'm in KL (more like if i'm in KL).
Dangerous Variable - hey! how have you been. nah... they dont need pounds... the just need RM.
missironic - that's reality.
whoalse - i'll wait for it.
Hi Zewt,
Another thing which GST will influence; higher crime rates.
Cos ppl who cant afford during the economy booming period, will suffer more after GST is implemented, some might even get more desperate.
Perhaps you can tell the story of how crimes are being handled in Malaysia, is there a difference before and after GST is implemented..and why is that so.
Cheers, and Happy Chinese New Year.
M.E. - hello there, welcome! i think that will be a very far fetched correlation, though not without a link. just that the link is not very clear. but, crime is rising with or without GST anyway.
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