Monday 2 March 2009

How tasty are your nasi lemaks...

... after seeing this?

Aiyah.... nothing to worried about lah. This country still has the best nasi lemak, the tastiest char kuey teow and the most delicious bak-kut-teh. I mean, where else can you find mamak stores in the world besides this country, right? Open till late at night summore! Let us continue to enjoy the good food this country has to offer and forget about all the other things lah...

Related:- The reason evolution


Anonymous said...

zewt, you should have another category, call it zewtcarsasm. LOL!

leyaw said...
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leyaw said...

Tree huggers who claimed that Malaysia is destroying its rainforest and thus causing the extinction of wild species should make a visit to KL and see for themselves how wrong they are.

Not only is KL one of the greenest city in the world, it also has the biggest population of wild apes in any city. We have apes who is dress in suit, apes who can ride a motorbike superman-style, apes who snatch handbags, etc...

jun said...

What a bunch of fucktard!!! I said doomsday is coming if we are rule by this bunch of asshole.

Huei said...

hahhahahhahha we're a multi racial cunt tree where all 3 races can live in PEACE and HARMONY! mana mau cari wei??

Anonymous said...

ya lar, our things are cheap somemore! our wantan noodle cost oni RM4, Singapore cost S$2.50..tats RM5 eh! n then ah, we sama sama earn $2000, ours cheap kan! eh...y u put this unrelated video here har? y the man cacat edi still so 'oak' want quarrel with ppl

tats wat they gonna say, so...sai hey ler zewt..hehehee

Anonymous said...

haha nasi lemak char khuey teu and roti canai can live together for 50 years can "tau siu" ledi lor.... with these monkeys around to lead our country? scholarships to japan awaits!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is more keterlaluan? Pemuda UMNO or Singh? One word - shame!

taxy said...

Is this a call to boycott nasi lemak and opt for tandoori and naan instead? :P

zewt said...

blackjack - hahaha... good idea mate.

leyaw - that is a very good analogy :P

jun - looks like doomsday is indeed quite near eh?

huei - cuntree indeed sigh.

anon @ 3/3 9.25am - like i said... doh yu! hahahaha...

Binn - eh, japan not bad eh!

jam - panggil polis lah... they claimed...

taxy - like... forever! haha!

Unknown said...

agree. look at the bright side, and malaysia is really nice :)

Anonymous said...

Still food is the best thing about M'sia, huh? :P

zewt said...

QuaChee - not as nice as we all perceived it to be anymore.

kyh - that is perhaps the only good thing in malaysia.