Anyway, I was supposed to go for my badminton training at 4pm on Wednesday as I was on leave but I spent more time than expected at the hospital visiting baby Z. Oh yes, baby Z is doing well right now. He seems alert and responding well to the surgery. Let’s continue to pray that his vision is at 100%.
Coming back to the story…
Because I was late, the 5pm training session was a joint-version with another person, a 12-year-old kid. The coach remarked… “Zewt, this boy is crazy about badminton”, and left me to warm up with him.
“Hello, I’m Zewt”
“My name is Mohd Afiq” (name has been modified)
I must say this boy is quite confident about his ability, quite talented too. Guess that’s why he will be competing in a local tournament middle of this month.
Long story cut short, it was a fun training session which included the coach asking me to have a single match between me and Afiq where I have to give him a 10-point handicap plus him having only half-court to be in-play while mine will be full single-playing court. I know… I know… you all want to know won right? If I lost, do you think I will be telling you this part of the story? Hehehe…
And so, the training was over and both of us were sitting down to cool down.
“Want to play another game?” he asked, obviously not satisfied
“No, think I’m too tired”
“Anyway, where do you stay Afiq?”
“I stay in name-of-a-very-rich-community”
It was then his phone rang and he took out a very sophisticated looking phone. Right, that shouldn’t be a surprise right?
“My driver is going to be late” he said after hanging up his phone.
It was then he did something which I never thought will ever happen to me in my lifetime…
“Hey Zewt, you want any drink? Come, I’ll buy you a drink”
Now tell me, how often do you get a 12-year old offering to buy you a drink? I was so stunned that I was left speechless for a while. I politely declined. Perhaps I should have asked for a whiskey coke instead.
Anyway, his ambition is to be a national player. Well, if he does make it, at least we know money will not be his motivating factor.
P/S: No, I am not going to tell you what car came and pick him up. You have to guess.
i love good news!
i can play badminton but never won any set yet..
i watched our double final kat Hongkong Open. memang terbaik walau kalah!
noh! u should've asked for whisky neat! =P lambo?? =P afiq free this afternoon? ;P
Nice to hear good news. Will continue to pray for Baby Z.
Wow, great to know that there are kids out there willing to pursue sports out of the love of it.
Otherwise, the kid is very generous and doesn't sound stuck up. Hope that he sticks that way. You know when the teenage hormones hit, many things might change.
You play badminton at a place that sells alchohol? That's a first. Otherwise, does the vending machine accept 50 ringgit notes? Imagine the change (in coins).
OMG. 12 years old? And seeing his "modified" name...
But his offer of buying you a drink is kind of a LOL. In college even, seldom there's friends offering you drinks unless they owe you something or vice versa.
Oh wow! (a bit speechless, see?)
12 years old?????? 12 YEARS OLD???????? Oh man!!!! I still get rumbled when 20-year olds buy me drinks!
*sigh* If only we were all that lucky
U cudve taken advantage on him but nope, u r just too "gobsmacked" right after that RM50 for drink treatment offer.
Baiknya Zewt.
And yeah aku sikit jealous jugak sama those rich young kids but prolly i was also lucky enuf that despite our humble upbringing, our parents have always made sure we ate healthy, quality food.
I wanna marry him and sit in his sport car :P
haha....i totally understand tat...
so, tell us what's the car!!!
Erm.. Let's be practical. To think that a 12 yr old with a chauffer could not *most probably* anyway...
Say, lexus? harrier? latest benz? latest bmw? mini couper? (ok. i added that because i love that but what the heck.)
so, what car? bicycle?
sounds very ok to me.. i mean with money came courtesy..
I am amazed! If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's spoilt. :P Or maybe he is. Not being judgmental here.
Tell us tell us!!! :P
Ada pemandu nampaknya... So pampered.
Does anyone here ever occur maybe there is other reason why he might need a driver? He just merely 12 yrs old so I suspose he can't drive right. And maybe his parents are busy with works and counldn't fetch him themselves that's why a driver is there for this purpose.
And maybe just maybe he owns a sophisticated handphone because of his parents. As you already mention he is from a rich background so seeing his sibbling or parents owning a sophisticated phone is just a norm for him. He is being brought up in such a surrounding. His value of things if just up to that standard. So can't really blame him as it is his parents 'molding' him became like this.
And maybe just truly maybe, he is thristy and out of courtesy he think you might too and he offered you a drink. Who knows maybe his parents taught him well. Sharing is caring. :)
So for those who commented he is spoilt or pampered don't you think you guys a too judgemental?
Maybe he came from a background where his parents are way too busy for him thus buying all these 'sophisticated things' or giving him a loaded bank acc to make up for their absent when he is growing just to cover up their guilt?
In our eyes we might consider he his lucky. But who knows maybe in his eyes we are the lucky one with a happy family.
Many claimed that they never judge a book by it appearance. But right now in here what I saw I don't think so. Many commenter just jump straight to the conclusion and said he is spoilt or pampered. So is this the mentality of a adult? As I thought adult should sees things more clearly and think things as a whole. It proves me wrong...
7 series BMW?
S-class Merc??
And I agree with June. He is privilege, but I don't see any reasons, from reading the story, to say that he is spoilt. There is a difference between being priviledged and spoilt.
I am sure money will make him a national player. You know, training needs money, a good coach needs money, sports apparels need money too.
You are on the right track for speaking out about your thoughts on these particular annoying 'genes' surrounding our society.
But, you have to understand that these 'genes' donot represent the entire of the normal 'genes'. Some youngsters felt misunderstood over here because they worked hard for what they want. How many of them over here are given the luxuries of being rewarded by their families for their hardwork?? I don't think many. We workhard for our future, Yep! We were taught this way and I'm sure there are many parents out there are still instilling these values on their
kids. But, sadly though, some parents took the short cut by rewarding their kids over small little teeny weeny things. ( like.., you shower and I give you sweets. You finish dinner, and i give you your favourite toy. You poo, I give you present. Wah, hubby ah, tonight Ah Boy first time poop on normal toilet leh. So clever, no need Potty anymore. Yah, yah, must reward him. Buy him a Wii tomolo, hor. Hubby, don't forget hor? Must encourage him to poo often mah.)
There, this minority group of parents don't represent all the parents in Malaysia. Yeah, Malaysia. (Let's not bother about other countries. Just Malaysia, ALONE.)
At the end of the day, we can't use the tactics on them which our parents used on us. It's so different now..
You will be a good father someday, because
you put your point of views and concerns on your blog. It shows that you are awared of the situations going on right now about some kids with abnormal 'genes', but do spare a space in your heart for those with normal 'genes'. These kids worked hard for their needs and wants during their school holidays. Aww, c'mon, they need a break. Let them reward themselves with their hardearned money.( not applicable to abnormal 'genes' kids who spends without earning for it in the first place, hor.) Best regards ;)
Zewt, I'll pull out rm5, so u wanna go teh tarik with me?
But the boy is cool la training early for badminton, I hope he will succeed since Malaysia long time no win anything liao.
So the car dat came to get him is the latest latest Mercedes ka?
If we guess the correct car, will we get a free whiskey coke?
I have a student in my tuition class who bought me a box of mooncakes during the festival. I felt so bad as they're damn expensive so I cut them up and everyone in the class had a slice.
Towards the end of the year, I found out that he had seen most of the best known musicals including Mamma Mia, Australia, New York etc...and that day, he was waiting for his chauffeur to pick him up.
Decent boy, pretty humble for someone so rich...and I think he lacks a father figure, so that's why he's so nice to me. Usual case with rich kids with parents busy making money.
brother, tell me next week la ok?
zewt bad la. buli budak kecil. hahahha
What an encounter! Interesting, I must say.
my nephews and nieces also buy me drinks at mcdonalds :)
must be a mercedes or bmw? haha
wow..12yrs old buying u a drink..tat certainly dun happen often! hmm..what car ah..something along the line of BMW, Mercedes Benz, Alfa Romeo, volvo...wait dun tell me bentley or rolls royce ah..hahahaa.. did i hit any jackpot? :P
*sigh* Obviously, he skipped his rite of passage and is years ahead of his biological age. I hope he did not miss out on the joys and pains of childhood and sincerely hope he will achieve his ambition of being a national player.
Thanks for this post.
Blessings to you and yours.
what car did the driver drive?
so curious now!!!
funny story - can't believe he's 12!
hahaha... ok.. i feel so.... behind compared to kids nowadays. hahaha
hmmm car? ferrari ah?
j or ji - need more cutting edge ler... must be able to go for the kill hehe...
huei - next time i see him, i let you know ok? haha...
Angie Tan - definitely isnt stuck up, quite good attitude really. hahaha... teenage hormones, definitely coming up for him.
taxy - you never know what they sell at the badminton hall these days.
day-dreamer - yeah, which is why... i was stunned... imagine you getting that.
terra shield - i know how it feels :)
sabrina - he is just a kid ler...
manal - well, i am then jealous of you, dapat kerja kat england :P
JustJasmine - ohh... not sports car though. hehe...
CK - not telling not telling hahahaha...
Acute Critique - not mini couper ler... definitely not japanese car... haha!
constantly craving joe - yeah, in fact, i quite like that kid.
iamthewitch - well, pampered or spoilt, the kid is certainly growing up knowing what he wants in life and it aint any material things.
kyh - he is 12... have to be driver ler. but the driver should be the parents right? haha!
good to hear about baby Z.
well...people mature fast...:P
jun - there are just so many juns around. anyway, i just wanna say... i never say he is spoilt. as for others, it's human nature to pass comment. to me, he is still very much on the right path, based on his passion
Theodwyn - everyone is really interested in his car eh? yes, privileged and yet, still not very materialistic yet, i think.
jam - hahaha... now, i didnt see that coming.
anon @ 6/12 1.25am - wonderful analogy of normal genes and abnormal genes. yes, i guess we may have been a little too harsh on those who worked hard for their money, those with normal genes still. however, again, i was really trying to put a point towards those with abnormal genes. your illustration about baby poo-ing and finishing dinner and given a toy... i can tell you... just too real... just too real... hahahah!!! hey... keep commenting!
littlepolaris - hahaha... no need lah, you keep the money for yourself :) thanks for the hospitality though. no lah... nor merz.
giddy tigress - hmmm... try try... but no one has guessed it yet.
suituapui - i think i have seen ppl like that before. from the bad perspective, the kid is lack of attention, from the good perspective, he seems mature.
Koko - i thought who the hell is koko hahaha... woah, started a blog already eh? get to writing lah.
kellaw - yeah, should have let him win to boost his confidence :P
sunshine - woooaaah... what a terrible aunty lah u hahaha
eddy - welcome to AZAIG. eh... no ler...
missironic - unfortunately... no woh... difficult to guess leh the car haha.
masterwordsmith - yup... i truly hope he can make it, though i think he should boost up his muscle a bit... and also hopefully he can grow a bit taller.
weiwei - hahaha... guess lah. and none has guessed it right yet.
drumsticks - hahaha... he is wayyyy ahead of his time lah... we are all so behing :P
myop101 - yeah, he has also been discharged. but should continue to pray :)
Local car. Proton, Perdana or even better Kancil. kakkakaka
hahahha hmm..anonymous has a point
i was gona comment Alphard, but..seems like no one mentioned proton or perodua!
anon @ 9/12 11.52am - very close..
huei - that's why... it was not a very fantastic car. good enough but not overly fantastic.
I Know!
not Beemer not Benz than
Bentley? Quite common in Bangsar area
anon @ 9/11 4.40am - a lambo perhaps.
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